The literacy levels they are the different phases that a child goes through during the process of learning to read and write. They were studied for th...
The expected learning o significant are those achievements that students are expected to achieve when studying a subject as a result of the work carri...
A educational diagnosis It is the set of judgments and qualifications that are made with the objective of evaluating different characteristics of the ...
The diagnostic evaluation It is a tool that is used to analyze the previous knowledge of the students in relation to a subject that is going to begin ...
The formative assessment It is a process involved in education that consists of examining the learning processes of the students, in such a way that i...
The investigation action alludes to a series of methodological strategies used to improve the educational and social system. It was originally used to...
The types of nationalism main are oppression, irredentism, prestigious and cautious. Nationalism is a complex and multidimensional term that implies a...
Are you a stutterer and do you feel frustrated and embarrassed every time you have to speak in public? Do you think your child has symptoms of stutter...
The innovative learning refers to a type of learning that focuses on the teaching of holistic values so that the student is able to face different c...