1-Octene characteristics, synthesis, use, safety sheet

Robert Johnston

The 1-Octene is an alkene, a chemical substance of organic nature that is composed of a chain of 8 linearly arranged carbons (aliphatic hydrocarbon), with a double bond between the first and second carbon (alpha position), being called 1-octene.

The double bond makes it an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Its chemical formula is C8 H16 and its classic nomenclature is CH2 = CH-CHtwo-CHtwo-CHtwo-CHtwo-CHtwo-CH3. It is a flammable compound that must be handled with care and requires to be stored in the dark, at room temperature and away from strong oxidants and water drains..

Graphic representation of the chemical structure of 1-octene. Source: Pixabay.com. Edited image.

The synthesis of this compound is carried out through various methodologies, among the most common is the oligomerization of ethylene and the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It should be noted that these procedures produce pollution to the environment.

That is why Ávila -Zárraga and collaborators describe that alkenes can be synthesized through a methodology known as green chemistry, which does not generate residues that damage the environment..

They also ensure that applying the clean or green chemistry methodology a higher percentage of yield is obtained, as the study revealed a percentage of 7.3% for the traditional method and 65% for the green method..

It is used as a raw material for the synthesis of other organic compounds with important uses at the industry level. It also serves as a food additive (flavoring).

Article index

  • 1 Features
  • 2 Synthesis
    • 2.1 Ethylene oligomerization
    • 2.2 Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
    • 2.3 Synthesis by the traditional method
    • 2.4 Synthesis by the green method
  • 3 Use
  • 4 Safety sheet
  • 5 References


The 1-octene is chemically defined as an alkene of 8 linear carbons, that is, it is an aliphatic hydrocarbon. It is also an unsaturated hydrocarbon due to the fact that it has a double bond in its structure..

It has a molecular mass of 112.24 g / mol, a density of 0.715 g / cm3, melting point at -107 ° C, flash point 8-10 ° C, autoignition point 256 ° C and a boiling point at 121 ° C. It is a colorless liquid, with a characteristic odor, insoluble in water and soluble in non-polar solvents..

The vapor given off by this product is heavier than air and the liquid is denser than water..


There are several methods to synthesize 1-Octene, among the best known methodologies the oligomerization of ethylene and the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis..

Ethylene oligomerization

Ethylene oligomerization is implemented mainly by major companies, such as Shell and Chevron.

 This technique uses homogeneous transition metal catalysts (organometallic catalysts) together with cocatalysts such as aluminum alkyl.

However, due to its high cost and pollution to the environment, nowadays methodologies that use heterogeneous catalysts are sought to minimize costs and reduce environmental pollution..

Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

On the other hand, the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is widely used by major companies, such as Sasol (South African oil and gas petrochemical company).

Fischer-Tropsch technology is based on the transformation of gases (carbon monoxide and hydrogens) into liquid hydrocarbons.

This reaction requires the intervention of metallic catalysts and specific conditions of pressure and high temperature (150-300 ° C). This technique generates tons of sulfur dioxide (SOtwo), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide (COtwo) per day as waste to the environment (all pollutants).

However, one of the most recent and proposed methodologies to avoid polluting the environment is the dehydration of alcohols, using the tonsil SSP as a catalyst..

The SSP tonsil is composed of metal oxides, such as: (SiOtwo, 73%; To thetwoOR3, 9.1%; MgO, 2.9%; Natwo0, 1.1%; FaithtwoOR3, 2.7%; Ktwo0, 1.0%; CaO, 2.0% and TiOtwo, 0.4%). This technique is classified within the processes called green chemistry. This replaces sulfuric acid and / or phosphoric acid.

Synthesis by the traditional method

a) Have a direct reflux equipment which is essential to carry out the procedure.

Source: No machine-readable author provided. Ikertza assumed (based on copyright claims). [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)]. Edited image.

b) In a flask, dispense 25 ml of 98% sulfuric acid or 85% phosphoric acid with 4 ml of octanol.

c) The solutions are mixed with the help of a grill with stirring and heating.

d) Over a period of 90 minutes heat under reflux.

e) Enable a fractional distillation equipment.

f) Raise the temperature moderately and collect the distillate in a suitable container (Erlenmeyer flask), it is cooled in an ice bath.

g) Remove from the heat source when a little liquid residue remains inside the flask, or when the emission of white vapors generated by the decomposition of the reaction mixture is observed..

h) Sodium chloride is used to saturate the distillate, then decant with the help of a separatory funnel.

i) Carry out 3 washes with 5 ml of 5% sodium bicarbonate at each opportunity.

j) Collect the organic phase in a flask and then place in an ice bath to cool.

k) Anhydrous sodium sulfate is then used for drying. Subsequently, the organic phase obtained corresponds to the alkene (octene) is decanted..

l) The black liquid residue obtained is the product of the decomposition of organic matter, it must be treated with basic solutions to neutralize the pH.

Synthesis by the green method

a) Enable a direct ebb equipment.

b) In a flask dispense 4.8 ml of octanol and 0.24 of the catalyst (tonsil SSP).

c) The solutions are mixed with the help of a grill with stirring and heating.

d) Over a period of 90 minutes heat under reflux.

e) Set up a fractional distillation equipment.

f) Raise the temperature moderately and collect the distillate in a suitable container (Erlenmeyer flask), it is cooled in an ice bath.

g) Remove from the heat source when a little liquid residue remains inside the flask and the catalyst.

h) Sodium sulfate is used to dry the distillate. Subsequently decant with the help of a separating funnel. The organic phase obtained corresponds to alkene (octene).

Source: Ávila-Zárraga G, Cano S, Gavilán-García I. Green chemistry, Obtaining alkenes applying the principles of green chemistry Educ. Chem, 2010; 21 (2), 183-189. Available at: scielo.org.


1-octene behaves as a comonomer, that is, it is a monomer that polymerizes with other monomers different from it, even though it has the ability to polymerize with itself.

This is how this product is useful in the elaboration of other substances of an organic nature, such as high and low density polyethylene and surfactants..

On the other hand, it is an important compound in the chain of reactions necessary to obtain linear C9 aldehydes. These are subsequently transformed by oxidation and hydrogenation reactions into a fatty alcohol (1-nonanol), used as a plasticizer..

1-Octene is used as a flavoring agent and is therefore added to certain foods in the United States..

Safety sheet

1-Octene is a highly flammable substance, the mixture of its vapors with other substances can generate an explosion. As a preventive measure, the use of compressed air to handle this substance should be avoided. It should also be kept in an environment free of flames and sparks. In case of fire use dry powder, carbon dioxide or foam to extinguish the flames.

The substance should be handled with a gown, gloves and safety glasses and under a fume hood.

Inhalation of the product produces drowsiness and vertigo. Direct contact produces dryness on the skin. In case of contact with skin or mucosa it is recommended to wash the affected area with plenty of water, in case of inhalation the patient should leave the area and breathe clean air. In case of ingestion in large quantities, seek medical advice and do not induce vomiting.

This product should be stored at room temperature, away from strong oxidants, protected from light and away from water drains..

In case of spillage, it should be collected with an absorbent material, for example sand. This product should not be disposed of in sewers, drains, or in any other way that affects the environment, as it is toxic to aquatic life..


  1. Ávila-Zárraga G, Cano S, Gavilán-García I. Green chemistry, Obtaining alkenes applying the principles of green chemistry Chem education, 2010; 21 (2), 183-189. Available at: scielo.org.
  2. Wikipedia Contributors, '1-Octene', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,June 11, 2019, 22:43 UTC, Available at: org
  3. Moussa S. Oligomerization of ethylene on heterogeneous ni-beta catalysts. Preliminary kinetic study. Institute of Chemical Technology. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Available at: /riunet.upv.es/
  4. National Institute of Safety and Health at Work. Government of Spain. 1-Octene. Available at: ilo.org/
  5. Joint FAO / WHO Food Standards Program Codex Committee on Food Additives. Proposals for additions and changes to the priority list of food additives proposed for evaluation by JECFA. 45th meeting Beijing, China, March 18-22, 2013.Available at: fao.org/

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