10 Contributions of Physics to Science and Society

Sherman Hoover

The contributions of physics to science and society They are practically infinite, and if there is a science that has to do with each and every aspect of our life, that is physics..

If we think about it for a moment, everything around us is made of matter and energy, and the interactions between them allow everything we can and cannot see to be in perfect working order..

Physics, by studying these interactions and everything that has to do with matter and energy, has contributed greatly to the fact that today we have a modern world full of technology and scientific advances..

However, physics has not only contributed to scientific advances; It has also made the society in which we live develop in a positive way in such a way that we all benefit. And not only that, it has also increased our understanding of everything that surrounds us and now we are better able to understand and take advantage of natural phenomena..

From the means of transportation to the way we relate to each other, we can undoubtedly thank physics for changing our lives for the better..

Contributions of physics to science and society

1- Our understanding of the world around us

Today it would be impossible for us to make chemical compounds or develop existing technology if we had never discovered the way in which all things are composed. 

Since the 19th century, physicists began to discover the most fundamental parts of matter, until they finally understood the concept of atoms and their components, and how their manipulation and knowledge could result in great benefits..

2- The means of transport

If it were not for the current means of transport, the existence of large cities would be impossible. However, physics has contributed to the design and availability of increasingly faster and safer means of transport, which allows us to move from one point to another in the city without much difficulty or even go around the world.

3- The media

In the same way, the mass media have advanced so much thanks to the study of physics that it is now possible for us to communicate with a person on the other side of the world in a matter of seconds. And with the increase in the speed of internet connections and the use of smartphones, it is now even possible to make video calls from the palm of your hand.

4- Space exploration

In ancient times, people who looked up at the stars could only imagine what was up there. Because of this, many superstitions and legends continue to exist to this day. But thanks to physics, it is now possible for us to understand and even closely observe many phenomena and celestial bodies in the universe..

The Hubble telescope, launched into space in 1990, was responsible for great advances in the study of the universe. For example, thanks to his discoveries it was possible to calculate the expansion rate of the universe.

5- energy sources

Thanks to the understanding we now have about the creation, manipulation and storage of energy, it has been possible to take advantage of energy sources that were previously unknown..

For example, the use of solar energy has gained momentum since it is a source of both renewable and clean energy. And, according to calculations, the sunlight that falls to the earth for only an hour and a half, if it were used, would be enough to cover the electrical needs of the whole world for a year.

6- Food production

Food production has also benefited from scientific advances in physics. From irrigation methods to modifying food to increase its production and nutritional value, we can thank physics for the great progress that has been made in this field..

7- Architecture

One of the great benefits of physics to the field of architecture is the designs that protect buildings and homes against natural disasters. An example is that great advances have been made in the quality of engineering and architecture related to structures that are capable of withstanding the force of an earthquake..

8- Social networks

The rise of social media in the 21st century has given a twist to the way we interact and communicate. Although at the beginning it was mainly the youngest who most commonly used these types of tools, now it is the older adults over 50 who represent the demographic group with the highest growth in use of social networks.

9- Study of animals and plants

The study of animals and plants has resulted in a better understanding of the different physical characteristics that allow them to live and develop. Now, many scientists are busy studying these features with the purpose of applying them to new technologies..

For example, in recent years it was discovered that certain characteristics of shark skin can stop up to 99.99% of bacteria, and this is being used to create new medical instruments..

10- human comfort

It is not difficult to find examples of how advances in physics have increased human comfort. Now it is possible to turn on the TV or open the garage from afar with the use of a simple button. However, the achievements go much further.

Modern medical procedures can now be performed with almost no pain thanks to contributions in the field of anesthesia and the development of new methods, such as minimally invasive surgeries..

The examples of contributions of physics to science and society are innumerable. You only have to look around to see how life has changed in a matter of a few years and discover amazing achievements. Now, we can continue to wait for what new surprise physics holds for the future.


  1. Dr. David P. Stern. (2004). The Discovery of Atoms and Nuclei. March 28, 2017, from NASA, Website: spof.gsfc.nasa.gov.
  2. HubbleSite. The Telescope. March 28, 2017, from NASA, Website: hubblesite.org.
  3. ENERGY.GOV (2013). Solar Energy Technology Basics. March 28, 2017, from Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Website: energy.gov.
  4. University of Portland. Buildings and earthquakes-Which stands? Which falls ?. March 28, 2017, from Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Website: iris.edu.
  5. NDSU. (2016). Social Media and Older Adults. March 28, 2017, from North Dakota State University, Website: ag.ndsu.edu.
  6. Jennifer Alsever. (2013). Sharklet: A biotech startup fights germs with sharks. March 28, 2017, from CNNMoney, Website: money.cnn.com.
  7. Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016). Minimally invasive surgery. March 28, 2017, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Website: mayoclinic.org.

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