Since we are in full exam dates, here is a compilation of articles with tips and techniques to study better and more productively.
How to study, work and play sports: Here I share several ideas based on my personal experience to structure the time and be able to carry out these 3 activities.
How to study psychopathology: A little help to learn those complicated names of mental illnesses.
Mind Maps: A Technique for Structuring Information Graphically.
How to better remember what you study: This is the most read article on the blog to date. I explain in detail what it consists of the curve of oblivion and how can we avoid falling into it.
A fun study method: the Leitner system: Another enjoyable technique for reviewing the material studied.
Did you know that studying a little has its advantages? Based on my own experience, I explain why sometimes studying a lot has caused me problems. In the same way that studying little has also generated benefits for me.
Multiple choice test: when in doubt, it is better to change the answer: A study that shows why we are more likely to be right if we change the answer at the last minute.
Sleeping after studying improves memory: In this way the information is more firmly implanted in our long-term memory.
Planning increases concentration: Planning the rest of daily tasks helps us not lose concentration during our study time.
Trick to memorize faster: A personal method based on the identification of quatrains.
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