10 Benefits of Chemistry for Society

Sherman Hoover
10 Benefits of Chemistry for Society

Between the benefits of chemistry for society They include the creation of metal alloys, the manufacture of plastics, the manufacture of fuels, the creation of medicines and cosmetics, among others..

It also allows the development of methods for preserving the environment as well as for the advancement of science. Chemistry is one of the basic sciences, but unlike mathematics or physics, which develop theories to later be demonstrated or experienced, chemistry arises from the manipulation of substances and the observation of the effects that the new substances obtained have.

Since we wake up in the morning, all the activities we do are related to chemistry. The material with which our clothes are made, the soap we use, the kitchen utensils, the scents we breathe: everything is related to chemistry.

Although there is a custom of relating the chemical with the artificial or harmful, it is not necessarily true, since all natural processes in one way or another are chemical processes. Including those that occur within our body.

Chemistry is the science that is dedicated to the study of the composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter, with special attention at the atomic and molecular level..

It is closely linked to biology, since life is a complex system of chemical reactions. On the other hand, the sensations of smell and taste, and even the emotions that we experience as human beings, occur by chemical processes that take place within us..

Chemistry plays an extremely important role in our current society, since our way of life has made us assiduous consumers of products and services that the industry provides us..

Main contributions of chemistry to society

The first change introduced in society by chemistry occurred between 800,000 and 400,000 years ago with the discovery of fire. Later in the Neolithic age, pottery arose for making vessels and other instruments, and in 4200 BC, with the beginning of metallurgy.

Some benefits that chemistry gives us are the following:

1- Construction industry

The creation of metal alloys to improve the characteristics of other existing metals, and thus allow or facilitate the erection of ever larger, safer and more resistant works. For example, from iron and carbon steel is obtained.

2- Development of various materials

On the other hand, bronze is the product of copper with tin. This metal does not corrode and was widely used since ancient times in the manufacture of utensils, coins and weapons..

3- Creation of metal alloys

Copper with zinc produces brass. This and other combinations of metals have been very useful, not only in the creation of alloys with very diverse physical properties, but in the engineering industry.

For example, thermocouples are a union of two metals that produce electricity when a temperature is applied. This is very useful to be able to measure temperature with electronic methods such as computers..

4- Jewelry industry

In jewelry making, gold is mixed with silver to create white gold. It is also mixed to improve its strength and ductility..

5- Plastic manufacturing

One of the most important materials that has changed our way of life is plastic. It is a lightweight material, easy to mold so you can make practically anything with it.. 

It is inexpensive, waterproof, thermal and electrical insulating, does not corrode and withstands many chemical factors. As a counterpart, it is flammable, polluting and does not degrade in the environment.

6- Manufacture of fuels

Chemistry has made possible the creation of the fuels that we use today to move machinery, our vehicles, airplanes, etc. Additionally, the oils that these machines use to run much longer.

7- Manufacture of medicines

Medicines that prolong our life and help us fight diseases are a product of the pharmaceutical chemical industry.

In the same way, both dental prostheses and those used by those who have lost part of their limbs or replace damaged or lost joints do..

8- Contributions to the cosmetics industry

The beauty industry, with the cosmetics we use to improve our appearance, are part of the development of chemistry.

9- Contributions to the conservation of the environment

Although chemistry is blamed for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, and even for the degradation in the thickness of the ozone layer, it is also true that it has provided the means to mitigate the impact of gas emissions on environment.

Such is the case of catalytic converters in automobiles, which solidify pollutants so as not to dispose of them into the atmosphere..

10- Contributions to the advancement of science

Chemistry as we know it today is the result of a sum of discoveries and research development.

From the hypothetical philosopher's stone, or the elixir of eternal youth, the ancient alchemists developed compounds and directed their work and research in order to convert elements into more valuable ones, alter their properties, and mix them to obtain benefits for the human being..

Over the years, new elements were discovered, experiments and theories were developed that gave new explanations of how things are made, why some elements are mixed and others do not, until finding atomic theories and, more recently, discover properties that seemed ideal, such as superconductivity, which are being developed day by day to improve our lives.


From food, to the creation of fertilizers, to the development of explosives and nuclear weapons, everything has a direct or indirect relationship with chemistry. The affectionate relationship between two people is a chemical reaction that occurs in the human brain.

Humanity has been affected in many stages of its life by diseases that have wiped out a large part of the population. Chemistry has played its role as a saving discipline in the development of medicines, antibiotics and vaccines, as an aid to medicine and biology, to overcome these stages of great mortality..

Although many effects of chemicals are certainly harmful or damaging to the environment, chemistry as such is not responsible or guilty.

The human being is the one who has the power and knowledge to discern between the good and the bad, and the only one responsible for using the knowledge and resources that he possesses for better or for worse..


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  3. Helmenstine, A. (2014). ThoughtCo: What Is the Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life? Recovered from: thoughtco.com
  4. Chemistry and Society. Recovered from: britannica.com
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