Keep a healthy relationship sometimes it seems that it becomes very complicated. Nobody teaches us how we should behave in a relationship (we learn by trial and error) and they are the perfect opportunity to expose all our insecurities, irrationalities, emotional deficiencies and biased ways of seeing the world.
The society we live in shows us a romantic couple model that is not real and that it does not favor at all that we are able to establish healthy relationships. The relationships represented by Disney movies, songs, novels, series promote different myths about love that are quite far from reality.
They make us see that each one has half orange lost by the world and that in the end love can do everything. Honestly, I think we would save ourselves a lot of trouble if from a young age someone taught us that we are the whole orange, that having a partner is an option, not a necessity and that there is not only one, but thousands of people who will meet our expectations with whom we can fall in love.
I also consider it advisable that someone make us see that it is not enough to love a person to be happy by their side, and that sometimes the best favor we can do both to ourselves and to the other is to get away.
Despite all this keep a healthy relationship It is not that difficult if we are able to put our insecurities and our bad experiences aside and focus on caring for and growing the relationship every day.
Although sometimes due to the accelerated pace that we lead in life it is difficult to have free time, we have to know that a relationship (like any type of relationship) requires time to take care of it, so getting this time should be one of our priorities.
To avoid falling into monotony and routine, it is very important that you share quality time with your partner: a romantic dinner, a walk in the park at sunset, a weekend getaway to the mountains, or just a movie with popcorn. It is important to share time and activities together in which the good vibes and positive emotions.
Talk to your partner, tell him how your day has gone, explain your problems, how you feel ... Maintaining a relationship is about creating a common life project and for this it is essential that there is good communication.
Your partner does not belong to you, your partner is a person who freely decides to maintain a relationship with you and who at any time can freely decide to stop doing so.
Love from freedom and not from possession. A couple is made up of two members with different lives, ideas, experiences and tastes and it is not necessary or convenient for the couple to become a two-in-one pack..
It is important that each of the members of the couple have space for himself or to share with other people without your partner present. In this way both members will be able to enrich themselves from the experiences of the other and will not drown in the relationship.
When we argue with someone, we try more to be right than to resolve the conflict. Okay, we all like to be right and it punishes us when we are not, it is true ... But sometimes we forget what the objective is and what it is that we really care about and what we want to achieve.
Do you want to get along with your partner or do you want everything you say to go to mass? Many times we spend a lot of time arguing about whether a table is blue or yellow instead of going to compare a green table.?
Take care of your partner. Give him an unexpected gift, take him to dinner at that restaurant he likes so much, tell him how handsome he is today, how much you like to be with him, etc. ... At first we take great care of our partner but there comes a point where we settle in, we assume that the other will always be there and we stop being detail-oriented.
If you want to maintain a relationship in which the spark and passion does not fade, it is essential that you take care of it, so never forget the small details and do not reserve it only for special occasions such as congratulating a birthday, anniversaries, etc ... Any day It is good to surprise your partner and show him how much you love him.
Your partner has lived in a different environment than yours, they have had different parents, they have surrounded themselves with different people and they have had experiences that are different from yours; So it's no wonder I see the world in a different way than you. You don't have to share your partner's vision of many things if you do not consider it adequate; But if you understand that your partner does not think, feel and act like you, you will save yourself a lot of problems.
It is also useless to try to convince your partner that your vision of the world and not theirs is correct, each one sees things in a different way depending on their previous life history, therefore, as I have said before instead to insist on being right you, strive to find a solution that includes part of each one's world view.
When we get angry, sometimes it is really difficult to express criticism in a constructive way. But we must not forget that what we want is to inform our partner that something has bothered us so that it does not happen again and not punish you or make you feel bad for what you have done.
Our partner is not our child and we are no longer little children who fix things through tantrums, so if you want to maintain a healthy relationship, you don't have much choice but to learn to communicate assertively and express criticism of the relationship. right way.
Discuss only one topic at a time, do not speak a topic when you are very angry, focus on only one topic per discussion, specify what exactly you want, talk about how you have felt without attacking the other person and getting into reproach.
From this point I have little to say. A partner who does not respect each other is destined for failure. And disrespect is the beginning of quite dangerous dynamics, so if your partner disrespects you on a recurring basis, run away the further the better! Although at first it is very hard, I assure you that in the long run you will not regret it.
Jealousy can end up burning even the best of relationships. You will never know 100% for sure that your partner is not or will be unfaithful to you. So if you start a relationship it is because you are willing to live with doubt without disturbing your peace of mind..
Your partner has chosen to be with you, so worry about giving him what he needs so that he does not have to look for it in other people. And still you will always take the risk.
Loving someone means trusting the other person and trusting that even if it hurts us, the experience will have been worth it. So enjoy your relationship without looking for evidence of something that you will surely never find..
Sexuality is an important part of the couple, which should not be neglected. It is normal that sexual relations diminish over time and the relationship brings us other things much more valuable than sex..
However, it is important not to get carried away by laziness and comfort and continue to maintain the passion in the relationship. Sexual relationships promote intimacy, communication and trust within the couple, which is why it is important not to leave them aside.
Although we could talk about many more points, I think that if we manage to carry out these 10, they are more than enough to be able to maintain a satisfactory relationship. Love from freedom, from respect and trust, do not worry so much about the future and if tomorrow you are going to be together, live each day of your relationship as if it were the last day and you will probably be together your whole life.
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