The functions of the theoretical framework of an investigation include clarifying concepts, exposing antecedents, delimiting said investigation and supporting the reliability of the information, among others.
The theoretical framework is the conceptual support of an investigation; they are the theoretical referents of the problem to be studied. In this, general or specific terms and theories that are related to the object of study are clarified..
A theoretical framework is made up of concepts and theories that indicate the level of understanding that the researcher has about his object of study. For example, the theoretical framework of an investigation on a virus could be theories of other researchers, other investigations and books specialized in viruses or general biology..
The theoretical framework is said to be one of the most arduous, complex and lengthy phases of a research work. And this is usually the case when it is sought to have sufficient scientific rigor.
To develop a theoretical framework, it is necessary to do an investigation of the bibliography that exists on the topic studied, and adopt a theory or a theoretical perspective to address the subject in question..
A basic function of the theoretical framework is to establish a kind of glossary of the most relevant and significant terms of the current research..
In this section the meaning of the most recurrent terms will appear and on which the phases of scientific knowledge on the subject studied converge. It also clarifies the theory or position from which the researcher is approaching the study problem..
The key is that this relationship of terms and theories is made with a logical and critical sense, so that it is not a simple emptying of concepts but rather information that adds value to the research.
The theoretical framework also provides unity and cohesion to the investigation. This element homogenizes the language used and unifies the work criteria used..
Greater cohesion will be generated to the extent that technical language appropriate to the nature of the study is used, clear enough so that any reader can understand it.
It is necessary that there is a common language and that all these concepts and ideas are logically interrelated.
The bibliographic review that must be done to elaborate the theoretical framework allows to discover the theories and the assumptions that have previously been raised in relation to the study in question..
This review also forces us to think about the why and how of the object of study. This adds depth to the research approach..
The theoretical framework explains the meaning and nature of the phenomenon studied, in such a way that this information allows us to act appropriately against it..
Likewise, it allows sufficient data to be obtained so as not to repeat the mistakes that may have been made in previous investigations..
Having a frame of reference obliges the researcher not to deviate from the topic or mix contradictory perspectives.
The theoretical framework details the variables that influence the phenomenon being studied, and helps the researcher not address topics that are sufficiently investigated or without scientific importance..
It allows locating the research object within a specific current of thought and clarifies from the beginning what is the novel aspect of your proposal.
When explaining or presenting the theory from which the research will be approached, clues are also given about how the study will be carried out.
From this moment on, the methodology that will be used in order to demonstrate the hypothesis underlying the study has already been decided..
From the theoretical framework, the data are collected against which the results of the study will be compared. Each term, concept or theory proposed in said framework must be used and / or verified in the course of the investigation..
The theory that the researcher adheres to will serve as a framework to read and understand the results of the tests..
Doing research based on previous concepts, studies or theories helps to support the research itself and allows readers to trust that the results reflected there are true.
As well as generating reliability of the study, the theoretical framework allows the possibility that said study can be replicated in other circumstances..
The more robust and reliable the theoretical basis, the more likely the study can be replicated.
In addition, since the theoretical framework is normally written, it is also susceptible to criticism, editions, supplements and improvements..
In the course of the investigation, the relationships between the different variables that intervene in this study also come to light..
The theoretical framework allows us to see these relationships clearly, and can even make the researcher detect new and valuable elements of the object of study..
Another function of the theoretical framework is the ordering of the information available on the research topic..
Many times the problem raised has already been dealt with before by other authors but in an isolated way, so putting them all in the body of the same investigation would be, in itself, a contribution to scientific knowledge.
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