10 philosophical questions you should know

Alexander Pearson
10 philosophical questions you should know

The philosophical questions They are those that human beings have made themselves throughout the history of humanity. Questions that seem to have no answer due to what they represent in each person's life.

Make you these philosophical questions It may be a never-ending story, but a great opportunity to discover what your views on life are, and how they change over time. The latter is very important because the answers to these questions have varied throughout the ages, according to the place where the reason is located..

Although the questions and answers may vary, today we want to share with you some of the most difficult philosophical questions to answer, of all time..

Philosophical questions about life

These philosophical questions They will not solve your life but they will help you to see existence from other angles. Do not try to find exact answers or to impose your ideas on others, because one of the peculiarities of these questions is that they are subjective in the sense that each head is a universe.

1. How to be happy all the time?

This question arises from one, no less relevant: What is happiness? Many people have reflected on that, and it almost always comes to the conclusion that there are no perfect recipes for happiness..

Now, maintaining a state of euphoria and happiness all the time is almost utopian, life is balanced and our psyche needs all emotions to face the world.

Of all the approaches, I think it is possible to say that you cannot be "happy" all the time, at most you can aspire to a state of tranquility and emotional intelligence.

2. What is the meaning of life?

This is one of the questions that everyone, not just philosophers, asks at some point in life. However, regardless of its meaning, knowing it would not change things at all, in fact there are few conclusions about this debate.

My partial conclusion is that the meaning of life is to feel it, live, learn and take the greatest number of experiences in this life. This also puts us in front of the situation that, the meaning of life is the one that each one gives.

3. Does God exist?

I think this is one of the philosophical questions that are at the top of any discussion that revolves around life. The existence or non-existence of God in an individual depends on the cultural experience to which he has been immersed.

However, the important role it occupies cannot be denied, since in all civilizations there are gods of all kinds. This question was very common among the philosophers of the Middle Ages.

4. Do we really have free will? 

The subject of free will linked to the much discussed freedom concept is one of those reflections that seems to have no end.

On the one hand, it is possible to say that human beings are responsible for their decisions, however, their own decisions are a minimum percentage compared to all the things that get out of our hands when we come into contact with the world..

Let's say that from this postulate, free will exists from the sense in which several options can be chosen from the many that life presents, but not from the sense in which a being can do strictly what he wants.

5. What is love?

This is one of those questions that continue to disturb us no matter how much society evolves. Some say that it is an evolutionary chemical answer, others that it is the most sacred thing in existence, those from beyond say that it is the force that moves the world, however there is no exact answer to this question, in scientific terms and that is why that which will be part of the summary of philosophical questions forever.

6. Is there predestination?

This question is linked to the topic of Does God Exist? and to the one of Does free will exist ?, that is why his answer will never be exact, nor can it be measured with scientific rigor.

Many of the things we live seem to be the product of chance, and others are so surprising that they seem like perfect synchronicities from the world of coincidences. However, it is something that we will not be able to answer, at least not at the point where we are now, but it can be an excellent topic to discuss..

7. What is truth?

The question of truth is one of the philosophical themes par excellence. However, absolute truths do not seem to exist, since the human being is mutable.

This not only with reference to a global existence, but at the same time the individual's life passes, which puts us in front of the situation that the truth is a mutable matter and depends on the angle, time and level of experience from which it is approached..

8. What is reality?

At present, many studies assure that we all live in different realities. This argument is very controversial and partly true from the sense that we cannot answer what the truth is, and therefore it will be very complex to know if what we perceive of the world is real.

Reality is configured in the individual according to their life experiences, beliefs and cultural influence, which is why it is impossible to reach a general consensus, since what may be real for some is totally fantasy for others..

9. What is time?

Time is another of those playful concepts that has been approached not only from philosophy, but also from science, literature and other disciplines that seek to show the human being.

The truth of the case is that talking about time is quite complex and can occur for multiple interpretations, which in fact have been given, but which do not fully cover our understanding of time..

10. Is there justice?

Talking about justice is quite complex, because it is a concept linked to morality and it varies not only from culture to culture, but from the very concept of what is fair..

We have a division between divine justice and human justice, that is why this question is linked to others mentioned above and that are quite difficult to answer..

As you can see, the philosophical questions seem to be filled with multiple doors that lead to other questions that are equally or more difficult to answer.

I do not expect you to be the one to answer what the philosophers of history have not been able to, but if you have the answer to any of these questions, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments. Who knows if you are the one chosen to light up the world.

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