10 Properties of Licorice for Physical and Mental Health

Simon Doyle

The benefits and properties of licorice They are numerous: for the stomach, control weight, improve skin, teeth, reduce stress ... We all know licorice and it reminds us of something, but none of us had thought about what this root can serve other than to satiate our cravings.

Licorice is a very old and widely used remedy; It is said that in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankamon (1350 BC) the benefits and healing properties of this plant were found written; and already in the Middle Ages it was used as an expectorant (to improve the respiratory tract) and was cultivated in large areas of land.

As you can see, its use is ancient, and it is well known that licorice has an infinite number of healing properties; However, to get to know fully the qualities of the plant it has taken many years (and there is still much to discover): it has been a long but useful process, since little by little its consumption has become more and more general..

It is important to remember that only true licorice (natural) is the one that has the following properties. They do not serve the trinkets nor the majority of sweets called "licorice" that are sold in the supermarkets.

And since we don't want to keep you waiting any longer, let's get down to business and reveal all the secrets of this very beneficial plant..

Article index

  • 1 The main health properties of licorice
    • 1.1 Fight cancer
    • 1.2 Reduce stress, calm your mind and give you energy
    • 1.3 Helps to lose weight
    • 1.4 It is great for the skin
    • 1.5 Relieves pain
    • 1.6 It is a great remedy for the stomach
    • 1.7 Cure flu and sore throat
    • 1.8 Helps prevent diabetes
    • 1.9 Control menstrual cramps and discomforts of menopause
    • 1.10 For healthy teeth (and good breath)
  • 2 Curious facts about licorice

The main health properties of licorice

Fight cancer

Licorice is an effective remedy for practically the treatment and prevention of some types of cancer. Thus, it is especially useful to fight melanoma and colon or prostate cancer. (But beware! It is not recommended for others such as the breast)

This root has a magnificent active called Isoangustone A that very effectively fights cancer glands, especially those related to the skin (melanomas).

A study at the University of Minnesota confirmed this by applying this substance to cells with melanoma and they observed that their reproduction speed was considerably reduced and prevented the release of proteins that form cancer..

The results were published in the journal "Cancer Prevention Research" and represented a real revolution in the treatment of skin tumors. It should be remembered that melanoma is the 50th most frequent cancer in men and the 60th in women in Spain.

Other research from Vanderbilt University (in Nashville) has associated the consumption of licorice with the prevention of colon and prostate cancer: this plant, with its high glycyrrhizin content, has plenty of power to treat it and slow down the development of the same.

The best of all is that in this field it has no side effects (although excessive consumption is not recommended in pregnant women or in people suffering from hypertension).

Reduce stress, calm your mind and give you energy

They say that drinking licorice infusions every day helps emotional well-being, fight migraines and reduce stress. And it is that numerous studies have shown that the glycyrric acid of this plant acts directly on the adrenal gland of the brain, which is the one that regulates the stress hormone (cortisol), and helps the body to handle tense situations and control anxiety.

In fact, many people when they quit smoking get used to chewing licorice sticks to calm their nerves..

It is also known that the substance that this root gives off is good for regulating blood sugar levels (to relax us), and that it has a component called interferon that strengthens the immune system. It also provides strength, gives energy and fights tiredness and fatigue.

Helps to lose weight

According to research published in the journal "Obesity Research & Clinical Practice", licorice is a great ally for digestion and a powerful diuretic (which fights fluid retention very well).

These scientists wanted to verify the slimming effects of the plant and for this they took a sample of 56 volunteers who were divided into four groups; one of them was given a placebo and the remaining three were given doses of licorice for a time.

You can imagine the result, right ?: a notable difference was perceived between the placebo group and the rest; the former stayed as they were, while those who consumed licorice lost a percentage of body fat and reduced their appetite to normal levels of food consumption.

To ingest the licorice it is best to buy it in powder or in logs and make an infusion with boiling water (you can take up to 2-3 cups a day).

It's great for the skin

Licorice is very effective in treating skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, acne, hair loss, burns, redness, and a long etcetera; practically combats all dermatological problems that exist.

To treat this type of alterations, it is best to buy licorice extract (you can get it in herbalists) and apply it directly to the affected area. Although in the case of hair, (prevent its loss and eliminate fat) you can also add a little plant extract to the shampoo that you use regularly..

And it not only serves to cure problems, but as a beauty treatment to improve our complexion and illuminate the skin! Today you can also find this plant to take in tablets, but you have to make sure that it is 100% natural licorice, if not, the benefits will not be the same.

Relieves pain

Another option is to soak in a relaxing liquorice bath; The same infusion that you prepare to drink can be added to the bath water: it is great for dealing with diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism or osteoporosis.

It is a great remedy for the stomach

Besides improving digestion and being a diuretic (as mentioned above), licorice calms the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is very effective in curing gastritis problems or healing stomach ulcers. It is also useful for burning.

Cure the flu and sore throat

We keep adding benefits to the list. You may remember at this point your grandparents taking liquorice lozenges for their throats or coughs; How wise they are! Because this plant is one of the best remedies that exist to treat illnesses such as colds, bronchitis, asthma, pharyngitis ...

In fact, most cough syrups contain licorice, check out the ingredients. It is antitussive, anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Helps prevent diabetes

If you have high blood glucose problems or are in a pre-diabetes stage, licorice can become a great ally for you.

This root contains a molecule called amorfrutin capable of regulating glucose levels and with anti-inflammatory power on the pancreas. To obtain the appropriate properties, in this case, the best option would be to drink licorice root infusions.

Control menstrual cramps and discomforts of menopause

Taking licorice can be very effective in calming and reducing menstrual cramps. If in this period you also suffer from cramps, this root can be much more effective than the pills that are sold in pharmacies.

For women who have menopause it is also highly recommended. Its main asset, glycyrrhizin, regulates estrogen levels (it raises them when they are low and lowers them when they are high), making it a great relief in cases of mood swings, sudden hot flashes and fatigue. In short, licorice is a powerful antioxidant that helps regulate all these hormonal changes.

For healthy teeth (and good breath)

According to a study published in the "Journal of Natural Products", some components of licorice such as licoricidin and licorisoflavan A, help prevent cavities, gum diseases and fight the appearance of bacteria that affect the teeth and cause mouth infections.

These properties of the plant that fight oral bacteria, act as a natural antibiotic that is very effective against bad breath problems.

As you can see, the benefits of licorice are almost infinite (it works for almost everything, right?), It encourages us, calms pain, cures colds, improves our skin ... But like everything in life, there is also a (small) negative side. So I have to warn you of some side effects that licorice would bring, especially if it is consumed in excess.

Therefore, in the following specific cases you must be careful:

  • It is not recommended for people who suffer from hypertension, so if you have low blood pressure it will be great.
  • It also doesn't work for pregnant women. Some studies assure that the regular consumption of licorice in pregnant women can advance labor.
  • As mentioned before, licorice should not be taken in cases of breast cancer because it can affect women's estrogen levels..
  • In some cases, headaches or headaches have been recorded due to the increase in blood pressure associated with the consumption of licorice..

Licorice Fun Facts

Finally, I could not finish without telling you some curious facts about licorice that, to me personally, have seemed very interesting and that you may also find surprising:

  • What is sold in candy stores as "licorice" (those sweets that come in the form of rolled strips), actually has little licorice. Anise, which has a similar flavor, is usually used to create these sweets..
  • One of the most consumed liquorices in Finland is salmiakki. It has a somewhat stronger flavor (and much less sweet) than usual, and that is why it is commonly known as "salty liquorice".
  • It is also often used in shoemaking (amazing, but true).
  • In Ancient Greece it was used for asthma and chest problems.
  • Irish beer uses licorice in its brewing. Yes, the well-known Irish Guiness; That's why it has such a special flavor that so many people like!
  • During the reign of Edward I of England a licorice tax was imposed to repair London Bridge.

So now you know, the next time you see someone who sells licorice sticks on the street or you pass in front of a herbalist, surely all the secrets and benefits that this multifaceted plant hides will come to mind..

Do not forget then to buy a few sprigs or a bag of powdered liquorice and make yourself an infusion (it is as good as it smells) or light some candles and immerse yourself in a foam and liquorice bath to forget about the stresses of everyday life. And above all, whenever anything happens to you, remember that you can go (almost certainly) to licorice to heal.

Now, you will remember "grandmother's" remedies more than ever, and you will understand why she took licorice candies. If something has been used forever, it is because it must be really good.

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