10 tricks to stay calm and relieve stress

Anthony Golden
10 tricks to stay calm and relieve stress

You have always heard that "rush is not good counselor." Neither is stress, nerves, anxiety, and yet sometimes it seems almost impossible to avoid it, as if we have become accustomed to having something that prevents us from living serenely..

Knowing tricks to relieve stress is essential to be able to free ourselves from that which weighs us down in our imaginary backpack and shrink the glass of water in which we often drown.

That is exactly what it is all about. To reflect on the importance of what it is that is stealing our sleep, is preventing us from enjoying daily tasks, our family, our partner or a walk in the sun or the rain of any city.

The psychologist Rafael Santandreu, in his book "The art of not making life bitter" describes the importance of not terrifying. And not terrifying is simply putting on a scale from 1 to 10 what worries us, how much worries us and how much real importance it has, when a deadly disease could be placed at 10.

This exercise should be accompanied by a question: What happens if I don't get this / if I don't get there / if they laugh at me /…? The answer is usually always the same: nothing. Absolutely nothing happens.

Thinking like this is a matter of practice and of internalizing this reflection well. For day-to-day and more specifically, you can follow a series of mandatory tips to be able to have a fuller life and not let ourselves be overcome by anxiety, stress and the terrifying projections that we invent and become our executioners..

Perspirex, a brand closely related to these issues since stress often causes sweating, focuses on learning to detect symptoms and combat them. To do this, he has prepared a list of ten practical tips to follow to the letter and achieve a more balanced life:

  1. Take ten deep breaths, leaving your mind blank and concentrating only on listening to your breath.
  2. Get an hour of exercise a day. Sport is very good, both for the body and the mind, releasing endorphins and stress.
  3. Sign up for yoga classes or meditation twice a week. It is not an urban legend, you can really tell the difference.
  4. Drink less alcohol, just some beer or a glass of wine, but don't drink too much as alcohol consumption is related to stress.
  5. Sleep at least seven hours a day and try to be of quality, since sleeping well is very important for mental well-being.
  6. Take short breaks from the screen from computer, mobile, etc. Uninterrupted use increases stress.
  7. Don't overeat and make sure they are healthy food.
  8. Take ten minutes to get ready or simply choosing what to wear. There is time for everything.
  9. Search and enjoy the silence. And do not be afraid of it, sometimes it is vital to hear what is important.
  10. Laugh. Laugh a lot. Laughter relieves stress and lengthens life.

And the good thing about it all is that it's never too late to start.

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