100 facts and curiosities of the human body

David Holt

I bring you the 100 most interesting facts about the human body; we will talk about muscles, bones, cells, mechanisms of action or limits to which our structure can go.

Do you know how many lefties there are in the world? How long are the smallest and largest cells? How many liters of saliva do we produce per day? The speed at which our nerve impulses travel? I give you an answer and I'm sure you will be surprised.

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 1- The cornea is the only organ in the body that receives oxygen directly from the air. 

2- Up to six or seven months of age, babies can swallow and breathe at the same time. 

3- Astronauts can grow up to 5 centimeters in space.

4- Some functions of the body are altered when we sneeze. For example, blood flow to the heart.

5- The human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day, than all the telephones in the world combined.

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6- Humans are the only animals with a chin.

7- Sweat has no odor. This scent arises when it combines with bacteria on the skin.

8- The navel is a scar and doctors cannot influence the shape they have.

9- Our mouth is capable of producing between one and two liters of saliva a day. 

10- The aorta artery is the thickest in the human body. Measures 3 cm in diameter and 50 in length. 

11- The human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap.

12- The total weight of bacteria in our body is 2 kilograms. 

13- Some people have lucid dreams; they realize that they dream and can manipulate their dreams, doing what they want.

14- The human brain has around 100 billion neurons.

15- When we smile we move 17 muscles. When we frown, we move 43.  

16- The jaw is the strongest bone in the body. 

17- Only 7% of people are left-handed.

18- You have two kidneys, but only one is necessary to live.

19- The newborn has almost twice as many neurons as an adult.

20- The total length of all the blood vessels in the human body forms a network of almost 100,000 km; that is, more than twice the earth's circumference. 

21- During childhood the head grows slower than the rest of the body.

22- Although it is unpleasant, the wax protects the eardrum and other important parts of the ear. 

23- The skeleton is renewed every ten years. That means every decade we have a new bone system.. 

24- According to recent studies, memory is affected by the position of our body. Depending on the way we are sitting, our memory can be better or worse. 

25- A kiss increases a person's pulse to 100 beats per minute or more.

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26- The eye of a newborn baby is approximately 65% ​​the size of the adult eye.

27- The human eye blinks an average of 22 times per minute during a conversation. 

28- When the human body is exposed to a lot of physical activity, it is capable of losing between 3 and 4 liters of water through sweat. 

29- The human being can remember up to 50,000 different smells. 

30- The brain works with the same energy as a 100 watt light bulb; even when we are sleeping. 

31- Most people breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute. 

32- An average adult harbors almost five liters of blood in his body. 

33- The muscles of the eyes move about 100,000 times a day. 

34- Yawns can be contagious even if we are not tired. 

35- The heart is in the middle of the rib cage, not to the left. 

36- Human beings lose almost 600,000 skin particles every hour. 

37- Many babies are born with blue eyes. But when exposed to ultraviolet rays, its true color is revealed. 

38- Bones are made up of 22% water; while the muscles of 76%. 

39- The skin is the largest organ of the body. 

40- The human eye is capable of distinguishing around a million colors. But the brain can't remember them all.

41- When we want to go to the bathroom, our bladder gets bigger.

42- The male reproductive system produces about 525 billion sperm during its life. 

43- A normal human hair can hold up to 100 grams of weight. Unlike a brittle and troubled one, which only supports 30 grams.

44- The skeleton of an adult weighs about 17 kilograms. 

45- Like the fingers, the tongue also has a unique imprint.

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46- The kidneys process around 200 liters of blood every day in order to expel 1.5 liters of urine. 

47- The skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are the thickest on the body. 

48- The stomach produces a new lining every 3 or 4 days to avoid self-digestion. 

49- The human brain shrinks with age. Lose almost a gram of weight every year. 

50- A piece of bone can support a weight of 9 tons without breaking. 

51- The most sensitive parts of our body are the fingers of the hand and our lips. 

52- The heart begins to beat from the sixth week of gestation during pregnancy. 

53- 75% of the brain is water.

54- The life cycle of a taste bud is 10 days. 

55- The male sperm or gamete is the smallest cell in the human body. While the ovum is the largest. 

56- Babies have 300 bones, while adults 206. 

57- The human tongue is made up of 17 individual muscles. 

58- The smallest muscle in the human body is found in the ears. 

59- The human being loses an average of 80 and 100 hairs a day. 

60- A 70-year-old person has breathed at least 600 million times. 

61- Hair grows approximately 2 or 3 mm per week. 

62- Fingerprints are never the same in two people, except that they are twins.

63- The larynx is larger in men than in women. For this reason, they can produce lower sounds.. 

64- When babies are born, they have taste buds all over their mouth. 

65- Tears help keep eyes moist and clean.

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66- The nails grow 0.55 mm per week, being able to reach a length of up to 30 centimeters. 

67- Each eye has 6 muscles that move the eyeball.

68- The heart beats more than 30 million times a year and more than 3 billion times during a lifetime.

69- Bones stop growing at 25 years old. 

70- The heart of an adult person generates between 60 and 80 beats per minute. While a child can have twice as much. 

71- The heart drives 70 milliliters of blood per beat. 

72- When we walk, we use more than 200 different muscles. 

73- Nerve impulses travel at a speed of 120 meters per second. 

74- The human body emits a small amount of light, but it is so weak that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. 

75- The cells that line the skin are renewed every 20 or 30 days. That means we shed about 1,000 times in our entire lives..

76- Hearts can beat outside their bodies. 

77- The largest and most superficial muscle of the human body is the gluteus maximus. 

78- The right lung is 10% smaller than the left. 

79- Stomach acids are capable of disintegrating materials as hard as metal. 

80- Only about 5 minutes without oxygen are enough for brain lesions to occur.

81- Fingernails grow faster than toenails. 

82- The veins are not blue or green. We see them of that color due to an optical effect produced on the skin. 

83- If the skin of the brain could be spread, it would be the size of a pillowcase. 

84- 99% of the body is composed of 6 elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. 

85- The body loses heat through sweat. 

86- A person forgets 90% of what happens in their dreams.

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87- When we blush, our stomach does too. 

88- 99% of the body's calcium is found in the teeth. 

89- The strongest tissue in the human body is tooth enamel. 

90- Almost half of the water we drink is expelled through our breath. 

91- Babies are born without a kneecap. These appear between 6 months and 1 year of age. 

92- White blood cells live between 2 and 4 days. Reds, between 3 and 4 months. 

93- The small intestine of a person is between 5 and 7 meters long. 

94- When they turn 60, most people lose their taste receptors. 

95- The weight of an average adult heart is around 220 and 260 grams. 

96- The retina covers about 650 square millimeters and contains 137 billion light-sensitive cells.

97- It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

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98- More air can enter the right lung than the left. 

99- The cranial region of the human being is made up of 8 bones.

100- Coughing produces a stream of air that passes through the respiratory tract at up to 95 km / h.

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