+100 Self Love Phrases

Alexander Pearson
+100 Self Love Phrases

Self-love is the feeling of love that a person has towards himself. With him you have a sincere appreciation and a positive self-concept that allows you to enjoy life, relate in a healthier way and face more strongly the problems that life poses..

Self-love is an important quality in everyone's life. In the first place, because without it you will always be demanding of yourself, believing that you are not adequate and also you will not enjoy relationships with others in the same way. To love others, it is necessary first to love yourself, since that way you will not be dependent on a relationship and you will be able to get away from people who hurt you..

Short self-love phrases

In these self love phrases You will be able to learn to love yourself, to value yourself as a valuable person and you will begin the path to improve your self-esteem. They will help you regain appreciation for yourself or you can dedicate them to someone to stimulate interest and love for themselves.

Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself and know that you are enough..

You don't need to demand yourself, get something, or like someone to love yourself. Just like you love other people without asking for anything, you can do it with yourself.

If you have the capacity to love, love yourself first. -Charles Bukowski.

To love others in a healthy way it is necessary that you first do it with yourself.

You yourself, as well as any other being in the entire universe, deserve your own love and affection. -Buddha.

Like everyone else around you, you deserve to love yourself and have affection for yourself. Not just for others.

Love is a miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. -Louise L. Hay.

By loving each other, our life improves.

Give yourself the love you never received.

If you never received the love you think you deserve, wait no more, start giving it to yourself.

The person who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone. -Ayn Rand.

If we don't respect ourselves, we won't be able to respect other people.

Too many people overestimate what they are not and underestimate what they are. -Malcolm S. Forbes.

We must be very aware of our strengths and weaknesses to really know who we are.

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. -Marilyn Monroe.

Never try to be someone else, we all have positive qualities.

If you don't see your own worth, you will choose people who don't see it either. -Mandy Hale.

When we do not value ourselves, we accept people who do not value us to our side.

The best thing in the world is knowing how to belong to yourself. - Michel de Montaigne.

We must always focus on what interests us, not on the interests of other people.

Be true to what exists within you. -André Gide.

You do not have to do things out of compromise, you have to do them because we feel that way.

It is never too late to be what you could have been. -George Eliot.

It is always possible to start over.

How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. -Rupi Kaur.

Only we can teach other people to love us.

The scariest thing is to accept yourself, completely. -C.G. Jung.

When we analyze ourselves deeply, we can come to see things that we do not like about ourselves. Anyway, it's worth doing.

Love should not be considered blind, but self-love. -Voltaire.

The only unconditional love must be with ourselves.

Celebrate who you are in the depths of your heart. Love yourself and the world will love you. -Amy Leigh Mercree.

We must love ourselves and let them love us just as we are.

Self-love begins and ends with the dialogue we have with ourselves. -Kathryn Eisman.

What you say to yourself is what determines the love you have for yourself. If you say positive things to yourself, you will love yourself, if you constantly say negative things to yourself, you will not.

Go your own way and don't worry if others like it. -Tina Fey.

You have to do the things you enjoy, regardless of the opinion of others.

Dare to love yourself like you are a rainbow with gold on both ends. -Aberjhani.

A way to visualize the love you feel for yourself.

I am more than my scars. -Andrew Davidson.

Our mistakes don't define who we are.

Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. -Oscar Wilde.

When we realize the importance of self-love, we never abandon it.

Fall in love with yourself.

Just as you fall in love with the appearance and qualities of other people, you can also do it with yourself.

We cannot be so desperate for love that we forget where we always find it; indoors. -Alexandra Elle.

You feel love inside you, you can experience it without needing to ask for it outside.

Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will do nothing with it. -M. Scott peck.

When you value yourself as a person, you value your time and don't waste it.

Self-love is the source of all loves. -Pierre Corneille.

If we do not love ourselves, we are unable to love another person.

The only person who can get me down is myself, and I'm not going to let it get me down any more.- C. JoyBell C.

We have the power to control our emotions.

All love begins with inner love. -Vironika Tugaleva.

If we love each other, we will be able to love other people.

You've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try to accept yourself and see what happens. -Louise L. Hay.

By accepting who we are, we will live a happier life.

You are always with yourself, so you better enjoy the company. -Diane Von Furstenberg.

You are going to spend your whole life with your own mind, with you, you cannot change it like other things. So you better learn to value and love yourself.

Make a promise to yourself right now: declare that you are worthy of your time and energy. -Deborah Day.

Positive thoughts attract positive things our way.

Jealousy has more of self-love than love. -Francois de La Rochefoucauld.

Jealousy is possessive, true love is not.

Love your neighbor, yeah. But love yourself first. -Solange Nicole.

If we learn to love ourselves first, we will be able to love other people.

I know your own reason to smile.

Have a life that gives you joy, do not depend on other people for it.

Love yourself and be satisfied with the incredible life you are creating. -Amy Leigh Mercree.

We must know how to value the achievements that we are having.

There is no limit or barrier in the heart of a person who loves himself and others. -Shannon L. Alder.

We are always capable of loving more.

Don't doubt yourself, that's what haters are for. -Turcois Ominek.

You always have to trust in our capabilities.

The worst loneliness is not feeling comfortable with yourself. -Mark Twain.

If you do not feel comfortable with yourself you will feel alone and you will need the presence of others to feel good.

We often assume that we suffer from ingratitude, while in reality we suffer from self-love. -Walter Savage Landor.

If we don't value ourselves, we won't be able to be grateful.

The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. -Steve Maraboli.

You are going to have many personal relationships in your life, but don't forget how you relate to yourself.

When you love yourself, you make better decisions. -Minaa B.

By having self-love, we are more clear about what we want to achieve and how to achieve it.

Your healthy self-love is sexy. -Amy Leigh Mercree.

People who love each other are more self-confident and attractive.

It is important that you know how spectacular you are. -Steve Maraboli.

Surely other people perceive your positive qualities, do it too.

A well-ordered self-esteem is just and natural. -Tomás de Aquino.

If we love each other in the right measure, we will live our lives more naturally.

Self-love is the elixir of an immortal heart. -Amy Leigh Mercree.

People who manage to love each other have a lot of love to give.

Loving yourself is the most primary of all survival mechanisms. -Karen Hackel.

When they hurt us, we must have a lot of self-love to be able to cope with the situation in the best way.

If you don't love yourself, you won't be happy with yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. -Kemi Sogunle

It is not possible to love someone else if we do not love ourselves first.

Your task is not to search for love, but to search and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. -Rumi.

We must analyze ourselves and detect our emotional blocks.

When you stop living your life based on what others think of you, real life begins. - Shannon L. Alder.

You have to live life trying to do what makes us happy.

One of the biggest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, instead of being yourself.- Shannon L. Alder.

When you are what others want you to be, you will not be happy and you may regret it..

Your time is too precious to be wasted on people who cannot accept who you are.- Turcois Ominek.

We must stay away from people who do not value us as we are.

Allow yourself to enjoy every happy moment in your life. -Steve Maraboli.

We should be grateful and enjoy the happy moments.

The only real conflict you will have in your life will not be with others, but with yourself. -Shannon L. Alder.

The toughest conflicts are often with yourself.

If you don't respect your own wishes, no one else will. You will simply attract people who disrespect you. -Vironika Tugaleva.

We should always do what we want to do, not what others want us to do.

The goal is to learn to be loving with yourself so that you can feel free. -Deborah Day.

By loving each other, we are able to do what we want.

When you accept your worth, talents, and strengths, you neutralize when others think badly of you. -Rob Liano.

If we have self-esteem, comments about us do not affect us.

Speaking well also applies to when you speak to yourself. -Victoria Moran.

We must use loving language when referring to ourselves.

Sometimes being happy takes effort. Invest time and energy in yourself and your happiness. -Amy Leigh Mercree.

Time invested in us is time well spent.

I like myself when I am myself.- Nayyirah Waheed.

We must never appear to be something we are not.

A dearth of self-worth cannot be remedied with money, recognition, affection, attention, or influence. -Gary Zukav.

Nothing replaces self love.

Always remember that you not only have the right to be an individual, you also have the obligation to be. -Eleanor Roosevelt.

Being a person who acts and thinks for himself is important in life.

We are all gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege to discover our special light. -Mary Dunbar.

Each person has unique qualities and we have to discover them.

Accepting ourselves as we are means valuing our imperfections as much as our perfections. -Sandra Bierig.

You have to know how to accept our defects and virtues.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, wakes up. -Carl Gustav Jung.

Knowing ourselves is a step forward, being more aware in our life, of our choices.

The better you feel about yourself, the less you will feel the need to show off. -Robert Hand.

People who are conceited are unsure of themselves.

You are very powerful, as long as you know how powerful you are. -Yogi Bhajan.

If we trust ourselves, we will be able to do what we set out to do.

The hardest challenge is being yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you someone else. -AND. E. Cummings.

What we do should satisfy us, not other people.

You cannot be cheerful with a sense of self-loathing. -Ram Dass.

If we are not able to love each other, we will not be able to be happy.

Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness. -Jean Vanier.

By recognizing our defects we grow as people.

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. -Veronica A. Shoffstall.

Don't expect someone to love you to love yourself, work on it on your own.

We do not conquer the mountain, but ourselves. -Edmund Hillary.

To achieve anything it is necessary to have self-love. By making difficult achievements, we have actually surpassed ourselves personally.

Believe in yourself. You know more than you think you know. -Benjamin Spock.

We must always believe in our abilities.

You must love yourself to do something in this world. - Lucille Ball.

We will not be able to create anything if we do not have self-love.

Accept your weirdness. Some will adore you. Others will not. But who cares? -Karen Salmansohn.

You always have to stay true to yourself. Accept the personal traits that make you unique.

As long as you keep looking for someone to validate who you are, you are setting yourself up for disaster. -Nic Sheff.

Seeking approval from others leads to unhappiness or worse.

Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hands tied. -Maxwell Maltz.

With a low self-esteem you will not dare to do anything, nor will you have the necessary confidence to do it.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you live. -Howard Washington Thurman.

Before trying to help other people, we must help ourselves.

If you can't love and respect yourself, no one else will be able to do it. -Stacey Charter.

People who do not have self-love are incapable of receiving and feeling love.

Never hang your head. Hold it up always. Look the world straight in the face. - Helen Keller.

We must never be ashamed of who we are, nor be afraid of difficulties.

Everybody is strange. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be ashamed of it. -Johnny Depp.

Each person is unique in the world.

Never let them make you a victim. Do not accept that anyone, besides you, defines your life. -Harvey Fierstein.

Each person is the owner of doing what they want in their life.

How different would your life be if you stopped allowing other people to poison it with their opinion? -Steve Maraboli.

Do not listen to the opinions of people who do not respect who we are.

Whatever you do, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you feel, love yourself for feeling it -Thaddeus Golas.

You always have to do the things that make you proud.

Tell the world that you are a unique creation, that you came to experience wonders and spread happiness. -Victoria Moran.

Don't be afraid to express what you are and what you feel.

Don't waste energy trying to make others change their minds. -Tina Fey.

We must do what seems right to us, without listening to other people.

To underestimate yourself is to stray from the truth as much as to exaggerate your capabilities. -Arthur Conan Doyle.

When you believe little in your own abilities, you are often exaggerating, and in reality you are more capable than you think.

Long phrases of self-love

Freeing yourself from your own self-criticism is also freeing others from it. Loving yourself is an act of love towards the world. -Vironika Tugaleva.

When you love yourself, you will be giving love to others.

Owning our stories and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do. -Brené Brown.

We must have the courage to do what we really want to do in life.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

What matters most are our feelings.

If we didn't love ourselves, we could never love anything. Self-love is the basis of all love. -Thomas Traherne.

A person who does not love himself is unable to give or receive love.

Take care of yourself in the same way that you take care of your flowers. Be gentle, caring, stay vibrant, and flourish without shame. -Minaa B.

We must always treat each other with love.

A person learns to love himself through the simple acts of loving and being loved by another person. -Haruki Murakami.

By loving another person, we learn to love ourselves.

Not only do self-love and love of others go hand in hand, but they are ultimately indistinguishable. -M. Scott peck.

If we are able to love ourselves, we will be able to love other people.

True love begins when you accept yourself in your totality. Then you can completely love another person. -Amy Leigh Mercree.

To love another person with all your being, you first have to accept yourself as you are.

What would your life be like if you stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words and opinions?

We must keep people who do not respect us out of our lives.

We are at our most powerful moment when we no longer need to be powerful. -Eric Micha'el Leventhal.

By loving ourselves as we are, we don't need to prove anything to anyone.

Why should we care about what others think of us? Do we have more confidence in their opinions than in ours? -Brigham Young.

There is no point in giving more value to the opinions of others than to your own.

People who love themselves don't hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer. -Dan Pearce.

If we have self-love we are incapable of acting in a bad way.

To love you right now, as you are, is to be in heaven. Don't wait until you die. If you wait, you die. If you love yourself, you live. -Alan Cohen.

Feeling love for yourself is a source of well-being.

You can search the entire universe for someone who deserves your love and affection more than you deserve it yourself, but you will not find anyone. -Sharon Salzberg

The most important person in your life is yourself.

Sometimes when you are different, you don't see the millions of people who accept you as you are. You only notice the person who does not accept you. -Jodi Picoult.

There may be someone who does not like you, but there will be thousands who do like you, accept you and value you.

No one can see their true beauty or perceive a sense of their own worth until it is reflected in the mirror of another human being who loves and loves them. -John Joseph Powell.

Many times people who love us teach us to value ourselves.

Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing a bit because the version of the reality of others is not your reality. -Shannon L. Alder.

Self-confidence is achieved by knowing yourself and thinking for yourself.

People who attack your confidence and self-esteem are aware of your potential, even if you are not aware of it yourself. -Wayne Gerad Trotman.

People who criticize us actually envy us.

If you don't know what you want, you will never find it. If you don't know what you deserve, you will always settle for less. -Rob Liano.

To have positive things in your life you have to believe that you deserve them.

If you celebrate what makes you different, the world will too. The world believes exactly what you tell it. -Victoria Moran.

People see us the way we show ourselves.

Phrases of self love for women

When a woman becomes your best friend, life is easier. -Diane Von Furstenberg.

Life is easier to live, more pleasant, if you see yourself and value yourself as your best friend.

You must tell yourself: I am not willing to accept less than I deserve! I'm smart! I'm beautiful! I am a good woman and I deserve to be happy! -Amari Soul.

You have to say positive things to yourself.

I never loved anyone the same way that I love myself. -Mae West.

We must always love and respect ourselves first.

Success is loving yourself, that you like what you do and that you like how you do it. -Maya Angelou.

Success is subjective, but you won't feel it if you don't like what you do in life.

You have to learn to leave the table when love is no longer served. -Nina Simone.

We should not stay with people with whom we no longer feel the same.

Even if it makes others uncomfortable, I will love who I am. -Janelle Monáe.

You never have to do something to please others, you always have to do the things you feel.

Losing confidence in your own body is losing confidence in yourself. -Simone de Beauvoir.

We must never mistrust our abilities.

Phrases of self love for men

A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. -Mark Twain.

If we do not accept who we are, we will not be able to live happily.

There is nothing noble about being superior to another man. True nobility is being superior to your former self. -Hindu proverb.

We must not compete with anyone, except ourselves.

Never stop loving and never forget how capable you are.

If we love ourselves as we are, we will be able to do what we set out to do.

A man can achieve a lot if he accepts himself.

By recognizing our flaws and strengths, we can achieve our goals.

A man is nothing more than what he makes of himself.

You can build your own life. You are what you do with yourself.

Confidence is the best suit you can wear.

Your attractiveness does not depend so much on the clothes you wear, as on your confidence.

Love yourself; you are worth more than you think.

Often we are worth more, we have more capabilities, than we think.

The man who does not value himself cannot value others.

If we don't know how to love ourselves, we won't be able to love other people.

Phrases of self love to dedicate

Life begins now. Live, love, laugh and let your inner light shine. -Rob Liano.

It is always a good time to start being happy..

Believe in yourself and it will make you stronger than you would have thought. -Sarah Dessen.

People who are confident in their own abilities are capable of achieving things that seem impossible to others.

You are not cut out to live a mediocre, mundane life. -Steve Maraboli.

Your nature seeks improvement, not settle for little.

Write in your heart that you are the most beautiful soul in the universe. Realize it, honor it and celebrate life. -Amit Ray.

Positive thoughts make us live happier.

Diamonds are not polished and shiny from the start. Only with pressure and time do they transform into something spectacular. You are that diamond.-Solange Nicole.

Difficulties and time will make you grow and improve personally.

Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Without humble and reasonable confidence in your abilities, you cannot be successful or happy. -Norman Vincent Peale.

By trusting us we will achieve what we want.

Phrases of self love for tattoos

Don't forget to love yourself.

You never have to stop loving each other.


Loving ourselves is essential to be able to live a happy life.

Take care of yourself.

If we don't care about ourselves, no one else will.

I love myself for who I am.

We have to accept ourselves as we are.

No rain no flowers.

We will always have sad moments in our life, from which we must learn.

Never underestimate yourself.

We must believe and trust in our abilities.

You are the best you have.

We must learn to take care of ourselves and pamper ourselves more.

Trust yourself.

We must always trust what we are capable of achieving.

Funny self love phrases

Accept who you are, unless you are a serial killer.

We should never hurt other people.

Be like a pineapple - tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.

We must always visualize ourselves in a good way.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and say how am I so cool?

We have to like ourselves as we are.

I don't care what you think of me, unless you think I'm cool, which is true.

Do not listen to people who say negative things about us.

Be yourself, because an original is better than a copy.

Never try to be someone else.

There is no competition, because no one can be like me.

We are all unique in the world.

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