Bill Gates is an American businessman, philanthropist, writer and investor, known for being the founder of the software company Microsoft, and for being one of the richest men in the world. He has currently been the subject of certain conspiracy theories related to the coronavirus and vaccines.
Gates was CEO of Microsoft from its founding in 1975 until January 2000. In 2006 he decided to go to work part-time at the multinational and began dedicating himself to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
In March 2020, he left his position as a counselor at Microsoft and since then has dedicated himself to philanthropic activities in the fields of health, education, climate change, among others..
In these Bill Gates quotes You can learn about their ideas of business, companies, success, technology, life, among other topics. They are taken from his published books and interviews conducted by various media.
-It's okay to celebrate success, but it's more important to heed the lessons of failure.
-Your most dissatisfied customers are your greatest source of learning.
-Money is of no use beyond a certain point.
-Life is not completely fair, we have to get used to that. The faster we do it the better.
-Power does not come from knowledge, but from shared knowledge.
-We all need people to give us feedback. This is how we improve.
-If you can't get it right, at least make it look good.
-If we look to the next century, leaders will be the ones who empower others.
-To win big, sometimes you need to take big risks.
-I choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it.
-If you fail, don't look responsible. It is not the fault of your friend, your parents or your bosses, you must stop regretting and learn.
-Try not to make the same decision twice. Take your time to think and make a solid decision the first time.
-Be nice to nerds. You will most likely end up working for one.
-My success is due to the fact that I have focused on few things.
-We must reinvent ourselves. We have to make sure that we are the ones to replace our products, and not others.
-If your company culture doesn't like nerds, you're in real trouble.
-Don't compare yourself to anyone in this world. If you do, you are insulting yourself.
-Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting children to work together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.
-Microsoft was founded with the vision of a computer on every table, in every home. We have never doubted that vision.
-I never took a day off in my 20. Not one. And I'm still a fan of work, but now I'm a little less a fan.
-Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.
-I had a lot of dreams as a kid, and I think a lot grew from the fact that I had the opportunity to read a lot.
-The general idea of the rich helping the poor, I think, is important.
-Children are a big part of my schedule.
-Success is a bad teacher. Seduce smart people to think they can't lose.
-Capitalism has worked very well. Anyone who wants to move to North Korea is welcome..
-We have to put a lot of money into changing behavior.
-I spend a lot of time reading.
-Exposure from an early age to the realities of the world is very important.
-I was very fortunate to be involved and to have the possibility to contribute in something so important: the empowerment of people with the software.
-Regardless of whether I am in the office, at home or on the go, I always have a packet of books that I hope to read soon..
-The billionaire song is the one my kids tease me with. They sing it to me, it's funny.
-If I had some kind of goal, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago??
-I get more junk mail than everyone I know.
-This is a fantastic time to enter the business world, because they are going to change more in the next 10 years than they have in the last 50.
-Everybody needs a coach. It doesn't matter if you are a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.
-Legacy is a stupid thing. I don't want a legacy.
-Just in terms of the allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There are many things I could do on a Sunday morning.
-Teaching is very difficult. You need various skills: positive reinforcement, preventing students from getting bored, directing their attention in a certain direction.
-Being inundated with information does not mean that we have the correct information or that we are in contact with the right people..
-I would advise people to go to college, because it is one of the best stages of life in the sense that you know and develop a broad set of intellectual skills.
-Understanding science and taking it beyond its limits gives me immense satisfaction.
-I believe in innovation and that the way to innovate is for one to invest in research and know the basic principles.
-DNA is like a computer program, but far more advanced than any software ever created.
-No person, absolutely no one, cares about your self-esteem. Everyone expects something from you, no matter how you feel, right or wrong.
-If you give people tools and use their natural abilities and curiosity, they will develop things in a way that will surprise you much more than you would have expected..
-I don't know if there is a God or not ...
-In China when you are one in a million, there are 1,300 people like you.
-Some people might call me a nerd. I claim the label with pride.
-Think, act, evaluate, adapt.
-Warren Buffett had a greater effect on the way I think about my business than any other entrepreneur..
-Google has done a good job of searching; Apple has done a great job on the Ipod.
-People all over the world love Windows.
-At Microsoft there are a lot of brilliant ideas, but the impression that they all come from above, I am afraid is not correct.
-Software is a great combination of art and engineering.
-We are not even finishing the basic idea of what a PC can be.
-The internet is becoming the town square of the global village of tomorrow.
-Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.
-Be it Google, Apple or free software, we have fantastic competitors and that keeps us on the ground.
-These social media things take you to crazy places.
-The future of advertising is the internet.
-I don't think there is a border between digital media and print media. All magazines have an online version.
-Now, in almost any job, people use software and work with information to allow their organization to function more effectively..
-Computers are great because when you are working with them you get immediate results that let you know if your program works.
-I failed some subjects on the exam, but my friend passed all of them. Now he is an engineer at Microsoft and I am the owner.
-Our success has been built on partnerships from the beginning.
-We tell people that if not a single person laughs at their ideas, then most likely they are not being creative enough.
-In three years all the products my company makes will be obsolete. The thing is, will we be the ones to make them obsolete or will others.
-Effective philanthropy takes a lot of time and creativity, the same kind of focus and skills that starting a business requires..
-The most impressive philanthropists are the people who really make a major sacrifice.
-Philanthropy should be voluntary.
-Until we educate every child in a fantastic way, until every city is clean, there will be no shortage of things to do..
-I have been very fortunate, that is why I have an obligation to intern reduce inequalities in the world. It is a form of religious belief.
-The misconception that donations fall directly into the hands of dictators comes from the Cold War era.
-More people die from malaria than from any type of cancer.
-Climate change is a terrible problem and it needs to be fixed. Deserves to be a high priority.
-I don't think there is any philosophy that suggests that having polio is a good thing..
-For Africa to move forward, you really must get rid of malaria.
-We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we insist on their suffering.
-We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we insist on their suffering.
-I think the returns from investing in the poor are just as exciting as being successful in business, and they are much more significant..
-Climate change is a terrible problem, and it needs to be solved. It deserves a huge priority.
-We should all own our own food and do our own waste treatment.
-The belief that the world is getting worse, that we cannot solve extreme poverty and disease, is not only wrong, it is harmful.
-Ninety percent of polio cases occur in vulnerable areas.
-Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable.
-By improving health, empowering women, population growth is reduced.
-The US immigration laws are really very bad. The way immigrants are treated is one of the greatest injustices committed on behalf of our government.
-Because the mothers heard a lie, many of them did not have their children vaccinated against whooping cough or measles, and their children are dead today..
-Private capital can take risks that public capital is unwilling to take.
-Selling in a store, working in a restaurant, making hamburgers ... none of that detracts from your dignity. The name for that is "opportunity.".
-When you have money in hand, only you forget who you are. But when you don't have money in hand, everyone forgets who you are. This is life.
-Business is a money game with few rules and a lot of risk.
-The vision is to train workers, provide them with all the information about what is happening so that they can do much more than they did in the past.
-Economics is not a game where the sum equals zero.
-The level of unemployment among Americans who never went to college is roughly double that of those with a higher education.
-If you think that the University professors are very hard on you, wait until you meet your bosses.
-You will not finish college and start earning three thousand dollars, much less start running a company. You will only do those things when you deserve it with your effort.
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Phrases about money
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