+100 Phrases of Difficult Decisions and in Life

Philip Kelley

I leave you the best decision phrases difficult in the lives of great authors such as Steven Covey, Victor Hugo, Jim Rohn, Woody Allen, Theodore Roosevelt, Napoleon Bonaparte, William James, among others.

Decision making is one of the most useful skills in life; a good or bad decision at an important moment can be the key to obtaining some results or others. With these quotes you will learn a little more about it, and more importantly, how successful people make decisions in their lives..

Generally deciding something can be divided into simple steps; define the problem, establish criteria and objectives, choose some options, define pros and cons, decide and finally evaluate results.

The best decision phrases

-The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is nothing more than tenacity.-Amelia Earhart.

-If you always make the right decision, the safe one, the one that everyone makes, you will always be the same as everyone else.-Paul Arden.

-May your decisions reflect your hopes, not your fears.-Nelson Mandela.

-It is in the moments of decision when your destiny is formed.-Tony Robbins.

-I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions.-Steven Covey.

-Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right.-Phil McGraw.

-Conciseness in style, precision in thought, decision in life.-Victor Hugo.

-The risk of an incorrect decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.-Maimonides.

-How can you tell if it's the right decision if you never make it?

-Think 100 times before making a decision. But once the decision is made, stand up like a man.-Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

-Really successful decision making resides in a balance between deliberate and intuitive thinking.-Malcolm Gladwell.

-When your values ​​are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.-Roy E. Disney.

-You can't change your destination from one day to the next, but you can change your direction from one day to the next.-Jim Rohn.

-There is no decision we can make that does not come with some kind of balance or sacrifice.-Simon Sinek.

-What we spend time on is probably the most important decision we make.-Ray Kurzweil.

-When you make the right decision, it doesn't really matter what others think.-Caroline Kennedy.

-Stay committed in your decisions, but flexible in your approach.-Tony Robbins.

-A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.-Plato.

-The most important decision you can make is to be in a good mood.-Voltaire.

-Often any decision, even the wrong decision, is better than no decision.-Ben Horowitz.

-When you have to make a decision and you do not make it, that is in itself a decision.-William James.

-The hardest thing about the path not taken is that you never know where it could have come.-Lisa Wingate.

-Options are the hinges of fate.-Edwin Markham.

-Sometimes the smallest decision can change your life forever.-Keri Russell.

-Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than being able to decide.-Napoleon Bonaparte.

-If you have difficulty making a decision, choose the lesser of two evils.-Rajneesh.

-All we can decide is what to do with the time we have been given.-J. R. R. Tolkien.

-Do not let doubt paralyze you, make the decisions you have to make, even if you are not sure that it is the right decision.-Paulo Coelho.

-The devil dwells in the details. Remember that proverb and you can transform incorrect decisions into correct ones.-Paulo Coelho.

-Do not regret the decisions you make in your life, because from each decision you will learn something.-Siva Kaneswaren.

-The worst decisions in life are the ones we make based on fear.-Sherrilyn Kenyon.

-Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situation, successful people make decisions based on where they want to be.

-Not deciding is deciding.-Harvey Cox.

-Make decisions that prioritize your inner peace.-Izey V. Odiase.

-Sometimes the most difficult and the most correct are the same.

-An actual decision is measured by the fact that you have taken a new action. If there is no action, you have not really decided.-Tony Robbins.

-Once you make a decision, the entire universe conspires to make it happen.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Never make your most important decisions when you are in a bad mood. Waiting. Be patient. The storm will pass. Spring will come.-Robert H. Schuller.

-At any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is do nothing.-Theodore Roosevelt.

-Do not base your decisions on the advice of those who have nothing to do with the result.

-Sometimes the worst decisions turn into the best stories.

-Every achievement begins with the decision to try.

-Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy..

-You cannot make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what could have happened.-Michelle Obama.

-A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the opinion of the public.-Grantland Rice.

-Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.-Sophocles.

-If you do not make decisions, someone else will make them for you and will not think as much about your happiness as yourself.

-The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them..

-Happiness is a choice.

-Good decisions come from experience and experience comes from bad decisions.

-Make decisions whose results benefit you in one way or another.

-The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.-Flora Whittemore.

-Indecisions turn into decisions over time.

-Some people are very decisive when it comes to avoiding decisions.-Brendan Francis.

-It doesn't take a lot of strength to do things, but it takes a lot of strength to decide what to do.-Elbert Hubbard.

-The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.-David Russell.

-Waiting hurts, forgetting hurts, but not knowing what decision to make can sometimes be the most painful.-José N. Harris.

-Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level.-Peter Drucker.

-A peace follows any decision, even the wrong ones.-Rita Mae Brown.

-Don't make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.

-Quickness of decision is a characteristic of high performance men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all.-Brian Tracy.

-The decision is a risk rooted in the courage to be free.-Paul Tillich.

-Every decision I make is the right one for me.-Louise Hay.

-Money is a short-term result that encourages short-term decision-making.-Simon Sinek.

-When you base your life on principles, 99% of your decisions have already been made.

-Make decisions from the heart and use your head to make it work.-Sir Girad.

-Life tends to be an accumulation of a myriad of worldly decisions, which are often overlooked.-David Byrne.

-In my house I am the boss, my wife is simply the one who makes the decisions.-Woody Allen.

-Attitude is a decision.

-It is very important that you make your own decisions, that way you are responsible for your actions, and that way you do not blame other people.-Prince Williams.

-Once I make a decision I do not see it as a missed opportunity, just as a different path.-Andrew Lincoln.

-He who has options, has problems.-German proverb.

-Whenever you see a thriving business, someone has made a brave decision.-Peter Drucker.

-You are the CEO of your life, start making decisions like an executive right now.-Stephen Luke.

-Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life.-Keri Russel.

-Even a correct decision is wrong when it is made too late.-Lee Lacocca.

-Crying is okay while it lasts. But sooner or later you will have to stop, and you will have to decide what to do.-C. S. Lewis.

-All we can decide is what to do with the time we have been given.-J. R. R. Tolkien.

-You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your destiny. It is your choices and your decisions that determine your destiny.-Roy T. Bennett.

-It is not that difficult to decide what you want to do with your life. What is difficult is deciphering what you are willing to give up to achieve the things that really matter to you.-Shauna Niequist.

-You cannot discover the beautiful roads without getting lost.-Erol Ozan.

-I'm sorry you don't approve of my decisions. However, they are mine and their consequences are too.-Rachel Caine.

-Courage doesn't come when you have all the answers. It comes when you're ready to face the questions you've been avoiding your entire life.-Shannon L. Alder.

-We all make decisions, and in the end these decisions define us.-Ken Levine.

-No matter what decision you make, don't make them just because you think you don't have a choice.-Hannah Harrington.

-Do nothing and nothing will happen. Life is about decisions. Either you take them or someone will take them for you, but you can't help it.-Mhairi McFarlane.

-Often times, what is right is displaced by what is convenient.-Rachel Hawkins.

-What distinguishes us as a species is our ability, unique among animals, to make decisions that go against evolution.-Jared Diamond.

-The kind of person the prisoners were transformed into was the result of an internal decision and not of the influence that the concentration camps had on them.-Viktor E. Frankl.

-There are moments that define a person's life. Moments in which all that you are and all that could be hangs from a single decision.-Jonathan Maberry.

-Jump or stay in the boat.-Margaret Stohl.

-All you can do is make decisions based on what you know.-Malinda Lo.

-The true test of character is measured by how good the decisions a person makes in difficult times are.-Jack Gantos.

-The decision is mine and I decide to be happy.-Malori Howell.

-Every moment is a moment of decision, and every moment moves us inexorably towards the direction of our lives.-Mary Balogh.

-Until you change your identity to match the sketch of your life, you will not understand why things have not worked for you before.-Shannon L. Alder.

-Pretend you have free will. It is essential that you act as if your decisions matter, even if they do not matter.-Ted Chiang.

-Once a decision was made, I didn't worry about it afterward.-Harry Truman.

-You rarely have all the information you need to make a good decision, no matter how long you wait.-Robert K. Greenleaf.

-If you care about what people think of you, you will end up being their slave.-Auliq Ice.

-If you wait too long, the problem changes and you have to start over. It is a dilemma for people who hesitate when making decisions.-Robert K. Greenleaf.

-Making a decision is taking an opportunity, not doing it means losing it.-Ice Auliq.

-Trust yourself, your instincts and your heart. The latter will never betray you.-David Gemmell.

-Urgency and despair do not get along with decision making.-NK Jemisin.

-Making a good decision occurs when intuition and logic meet.-Paul O'Brien.

-It shows children and adolescents the consequences of their decisions and the importance of knowing how to choose.-Sunday Adelaja.

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