René Descartes (1596-1650) was a French scientist, mathematician and philosopher known especially for being one of the first scholars to propose the mind-body duality and for defending a science based on experimentation and observation..
One of the most important points of the philosophy of Descartes is that he wanted to separate his ideas from the preceding philosophers, without being influenced. In the introduction of The passions of the soul he said he would treat the issue "as if no hand has ever written about those problems before".
Descartes proposed that the way to describe the truth is from a rational approach; through math and science. His most important works are Discourse of the method (1637), Principles of philosophy (1644), Metaphysical meditations (1641) and The passions of the soul (1649).
Descartes was therefore the philosopher who began the rationalism of the seventeenth century, later opposed by the empiricists Hume, Locke or Hobbes. His work Metaphysical meditations it is still a must-read text in the philosophy career of universities around the world. He also had a great contribution in mathematics; the Cartesian system is named after him.
With these phrases of Rene Descartes you can learn from his philosophy, thoughts and ideas about different aspects of life. You will see that he was a man ahead of his time, with great intelligence and with a lot of knowledge and wisdom..
It is a quote that sums up rationalist thinking. In this way, Descartes explained that thinking is a way of proving the existence.
Doubt leads to research and study, therefore, to wisdom.
Many times, people's ignorance about some issues makes them happier.
To solve a complicated problem it is better to separate it into several easy to solve problems.
If you want to be happy, control your thoughts, do not try to modify how the world works.
The knowledge acquired by humanity is negligible compared to the things that are still unknown.
People's vision of all things is always influenced by their preconceptions about them..
It is essential to know and accept our strengths and weaknesses.
It is useless to have a good mind if you do not know what to do with it.
Philosophy is in charge of doubting and analyzing everything that exists, looking for answers to everything that happens around us..
One of the themes in Descartes' philosophy is existence; how to know if one really exists.
For Descartes, all phenomena could be explained through mathematics.
To develop the intellect, it is not only necessary to learn, but also to observe the phenomena that occur in the world.
People who lack enthusiasm, are not able to feel the urge to improve, evolve, advance.
The only thing we can really control is what we think.
Doubt is what makes us look for the true meaning of things.
We must never take for granted what we do not believe to be so.
When traveling, the customs of the different cultures that have been known are assimilated and integrated, so that the person is no longer the same as he was before traveling..
The societies that advance are those that are interested in knowing the truth of things.
Nothing really good comes without effort.
For Descartes, prudence was part of wisdom.
For Descartes, feelings are also a form of thought.
Through intuition and deduction a person can obtain knowledge.
For Descartes mathematics is objective, they are independent of the observer.
Most of the things that we believe to be true are nothing more than unproven theories, which were imposed on society by prejudices and traditions..
We are all capable of learning.
Always try to divide complicated problems into simple parts to solve..
To advance you can do the same as the rest of the people, but faster. You can also do things our way and move forward with confidence in what you are doing.
We must always help other people.
Acting in a good way is the best thing a person can do in the world.
You are what you do, not what you say you are.
Bad habits cause people to make mistakes, and by making mistakes they question their habits. This generates that they investigate and try to discover new habits, which will translate them into good books.
Never let other people's comments affect us.
It is always good to study and understand what other people have discovered.
That a person is very intelligent and capable does not mean that he is perfect.
Descartes thought that animals had no reasoning capacity.
When traveling, a person can see how people who are not close to their usual reality live and think.
Philosophy has existed for centuries, so it covers all topics.
There is nothing wrong with being wrong, as long as we don't stop.
Our perception of the world is limited by the capacity of our senses.
In the books the authors try to present all their knowledge accurately and clearly. Instead, in a conversation, the author may deviate from the topic.
For Descartes, mathematics was the most important science that existed.
In dreams things often happen that are not possible in reality.
A pessimistic person will always find a problem for every solution.
The common sense of each person tells them how far to ask, how much they need.
For Descartes, only through reasoning is it possible to arrive at the truth.
The knowledge that the human being possesses is limited, but it is always necessary to look for through reasoning what is close to the truth.
You always have to try to follow the path of truth.
The joy that is obtained when things are done in a good way is more authentic than that produced by doing things without effort or dedication.
The human being does not possess divine power, therefore, his capacity is finite. In this sense, it is not for you to make the decisions that only God can make..
To acquire new knowledge, it is important to question previous ideas about the world..
Expecting the best of people brings better things than expecting the worst of them.
In every part of the world there is a particular and sometimes picturesque way of doing things.
People who have little tend to share it more easily.
In science, establishing a single way of doing things is not presented as a guarantee of success, but it can facilitate access to knowledge in many areas.
When there are many laws, their enforcement can be confusing and contradictory.
There will hardly be a human being who does not comment on mistakes.
When radical claims are made about something that most people believe to be true, it is possible to fall victim to strong opinions..
To access true knowledge, you must first doubt everything known and then verify its veracity.
Even with the application of the scientific method, there are things that escape the human mind.
Access to knowledge occurs gradually, solving one problem after another.
Nothing can be taken for granted, the meaning of everything must be doubted to arrive at true knowledge.
Everything that we perceive and filter through thought is only a reflection of reality, therefore, it is not true.
Anonymity allows people to be more free.
Fame and fortune can bring chaos to life, so it is better to be successful and go unnoticed..
Great things are done by people whose name remains anonymous.
Everything we know can be understood through mathematical logic.
Constancy and perseverance make the difference when it comes to pursuing a goal.
A good vocabulary and expressive capacity endow people with incomparable attributes.
The study of religion exposes what we must do to access salvation after life.
In areas of knowledge that pursue the truth there are greater chances of being successful.
Everything in the world is real and palpable, therefore it is true.
Only by knowing the truth can we be free.
All great potential can be used for great things or for heinous issues.
This principle starts from the limitations that matter has to be fully in the absence of air.
The freedom to make decisions belongs only to the human being. Depending on the decisions you make, your freedom may be imitated or limited.
Access to knowledge must be done gradually, step by step, going from the simplest to the most complex.
Some people pretend to be unable to perform a task, so that it is not entrusted to them.
Only in this way will the state access the truth from analytical thinking and the scientific method.
We must be free of our primitive passions to really access knowledge.
We have many thoughts, thousands a day, some true and others false.
Those who have been defending people for a long time may not be the right people to carry out sentences, as their position can be biased.
A worker is better at what they do when they have the prospect of receiving a good salary on the horizon.
Once the truth is revealed, it can be scarier than ignorance.
It is possible to detach from something that is important to us, when something more important appears before us.
Syllogisms are only based on deduction, which starts from certain and proven premises, therefore, knowledge is not generated from its application.
Individuals must be governed by compliance with constitutional laws and social conventions.
What some do not study can still be studied by others. Additionally, the theoretical interests of a person are explicitly seen in their work and research..
Traveling helps to eliminate preconceptions about other cultures and to understand that in other parts of the world there are also ideal conditions to have a good life.
Everyone has different interests, therefore, they develop more skills in some fields than in others. This does not make them incapable, it simply trains them in different fields of knowledge..
The only way to access true knowledge is through the scientific method. Without method it is impossible to know the world.
The reality we know is true and was created by God, including mathematics. Therefore, its existence, like that of all other subjects, depends on its creator..
The reality is rationally true, therefore true. In this way, it is understood that if reality is all true and true, it is also the oldest..
Sometimes it is better to remain in the shadow of ignorance, without fully understanding the seriousness of the problems..
Ignorance of the truth makes people happy, since they do not know the seriousness of a situation, and therefore it does not affect them. Many people choose ignorance to be happier than they would be knowing the truth.
The language used to philosophize tends to be academic and unconventional, making explanations of simple phenomena more elaborate and difficult for less studied people to understand..
The quality of reasoning and knowledge will depend on the harmony of the six least evolved passions of man, known as joy, love, desire, hatred, sadness and wonder..
We are really wise when we recognize in the other their potential and capacities, instead of focusing only on our own.
Everything given by God is true, therefore, if nature was created by him, it must also be true.
There is no place to doubt the existence of God, his divinity is as real as the facts and figures given by mathematics.
The human being cannot aspire to the perfection of God, since he will always be linked to his own imperfections and errors.
Phrases of famous philosophers
Aristotle phrases
Plato phrases
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Phrases to think and reflect
Sentences about life
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