Henry Ford (1863-1947) was an American businessman famous for founding the Ford Motor Company and for being the inventor and father of production lines that were later used in modern factories and industrial organizations..
Although he did not invent the automobile or the assembly line, Henry Ford developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle-class Americans could afford. In doing so, he turned the automobile into a useful transportation with great importance in 20th century society and economy..
He created the Ford Model T in 1908 and continued to develop the assembly line production mode, which revolutionized the industry. As a result, Ford sold millions of cars and became a world famous leader. The company lost its dominance of the market, but had a lasting impact on the technological development and infrastructure of the United States.
What made Ford more successful than other people? It seems that his way of thinking by which he saw his vehicles as a way to transform society; he was someone ahead of his time.
Before Ford, cars were only for wealthy people, and their competitors continued to view them in the same way; manufacture them at a high price and sell them at a high price. Ford believed that with the correct technique, cars could be sold at a permissive price for the majority of the population..
When Henry Ford decided to produce his famous V-8 engine, the design was put on paper, but engineers agreed that it was impossible to create a one-piece eight-cylinder engine. Ford replied: "Produce it anyway".
In these Henry Ford quotes You can learn their thoughts and ideas about life, money, work, business, leadership, and other topics. You will realize that he was a person with a high talent, with a lot of knowledge and with innovative ideas for the time.
Generally, more is learned when things go wrong and objectives are not met, than when things go well.
You always have to try to learn something from failure.
The most impossible or improbable ideas are often the solutions to the big problems. Also, visionaries are the people who see what most cannot..
You have to keep your focus on the goal you want to achieve and not divert your attention from it to achieve it..
People who have faith in themselves achieve what they set out to do, those who doubt their abilities do not.
Businesses are not just about money, they have to add some value to society.
Things come to the people who work to get them.
The future is unpredictable, no one can know for sure what will happen tomorrow.
To be successful you need to have a purpose and work towards it. It is not possible to be successful at something without having something as a goal.
You can always give more and go further than you think you can.
Best friends are what make us better every day.
You always have to find the solution to problems.
A good leader is the one who realizes when he is wrong and changes.
We always have to give our best in each job, it does not matter if they are controlling us or not.
Sometimes, errors tend to trigger new ideas that had not been previously taken into account, through which a problem is solved.
If the people around us prosper, life in society would be much more pleasant.
When something that has been worked for is achieved, the satisfaction generated by having achieved it is greater than if we achieve it without effort.
There is nothing that cannot be achieved, you always have to keep trying.
When you work with enthusiasm, you have the security and confidence that you will achieve what you set out to do.
Humanity advances and evolves when the knowledge obtained is shared.
Everything that happens to us happens as an effect of something we have done. You should always look for the causes that caused these effects to learn from them and move forward.
Ford explains how it developed its production model.
Instead of worrying about punishing, we should worry about solving the problem.
You always have to aspire to more, you never have to settle for what you have achieved.
You always have to give everything together and give your best at every opportunity.
People who are disciplined when working meet their objectives, those who are not, get lost along the way.
There is no use accumulating money without using it, you always have to reinvest it so that it does not lose its value.
There is no value in talking about something that has not yet been done. You have to do it first, and then talk about this.
There is nothing wrong with being wrong and failing. Failure is a way of learning.
To know our limits it is necessary to fully exploit our capabilities, only then will we know how far we can go.
The solution to both evils is to try to find that they don't happen in the first place..
No one has the power to say that something is possible or impossible to do.
You do not have to waste too much time on how a problem happened, but you have to try to find the solution.
The person with the best training will be the one who performs the best in their tasks,
You can always discover something new, there is no age for learning.
By trying to go beyond what we think are our limits, unexpected things are accomplished.
Successful people often spend their time on productive things.
Never stop trying for fear of failing.
Always try to divide seemingly impossible problems into small, easy-to-solve problems..
Good-hearted people will remain the same with or without money.
There is no use having great ideas if they are not going to be carried out.
Ford paid its workers and suppliers well and tried to sell its cars at an affordable price.
Empathy is essential to know the position of other people and know what they need or want.
If you want to change the results you have to do things differently.
By gaining experience, mistakes made in the past are not repeated..
Giving up trying something is easier than trying and failing, so far fewer are trying to achieve complex goals.
It is always better to materialize ideas.
Money can come or go easily, the only thing that prevails is the experience, knowledge and skills acquired.
Never lose hope.
Ford explains his values; what you consider most important as you get older.
We must know how to use the resources we have around us to move forward in life.
Try to give a lot for a little, instead of a little for a lot.
Reducing costs in the business is a way to compete.
Ford was a tireless worker, all the time he was thinking about his company.
A society that lives off its past is a society that does not advance.
You do not have to waste time seeing what other people are doing, you have to worry about doing your thing well.
Ford advocated making money offering products and services, not speculating.
Ford was not only interested in money, but cared about its employees and its products.
Ford was not interested in physical exercise, he was a person interested in knowledge and business.
To progress it is necessary to control all the factors that allow it.
Our life consists of having experiences and they are the ones that give it value.
Everything that happens to us, both the good and the bad, are part of learning.
Ford criticized banks and their ways of handling.
Having things against you allows you to grow and advance, it does not have to make you faint.
The person who only talks about his achievements does not have much value.
Do not live in the past.
We must always use everything we have at our fingertips.
Generating a work culture is much better than giving away.
Money must be used as a tool that allows us to live better.
You have to trust God.
Selfish people and people with other undesirable traits show their personality with the use of money.
Changes should not be forced, to change something there must be a need.
If you want something, you can get it, even if you think it's not possible.
Ford explains where it got its idea for chain production.
Ford defends that advertising works, the question is to know which audience to reach.
When there is sincere love, you see the best in people.
A criticism of passive and conformist people who prefer to leave things as they are.
Ford argued that poverty is not corrected with legislation.
Ford did not share the reformist ideology of that time.
For Ford, reformism was opposed to everything.
Ford had faith in American society.
A Ford Overview of Capital.
Explain extreme capitalism, in which gold or money is considered the maximum happiness.
When a society advances, it does not avoid problems, but seeks solutions for them.
It gives a vision of the press from the capitalist point of view.
The press has the ability to generate thoughts in people.
People must learn the culture of work, if they live on donations they will never know how the money is obtained.
A true friend is the one who congratulates you when he thinks it appropriate, and also, is not afraid to tell you what he thinks you are doing wrong.
Thinking is difficult, it requires pause, energy, effort and time. Many people do not think because of this fact.
Task subdivision is very effective in achieving big goals.
By identifying the achievements that are being reached, people can notice that they are progressing, and that brings happiness.
People behave in their work in the same way that they behave in society.
Talent means nothing if it is not accompanied with hard work.
Ford supported the use of machines, automation.
For Ford, doing business is simply working, doing economic activities.
People work best when they work in teams.
If a team cares about moving forward, success will follow.
No one is more valuable than anyone in the world, we are all equal in terms of rights and duties.
Ford wanted workers in its companies who believed that it is possible to achieve something that is considered impossible.
For Ford, people who did not have work were because they had not worked hard.
For Ford, customers are those who pay employees, not business owners.
For the Ford company model, it was essential that all parts of the company fulfill their specific function.
Express that to lead the imagination is key.
For Ford, the color of cars should be black.
Business phrases.
Entrepreneur phrases.
Phrases about money.
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Edison Quotes.
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