Joaquín Sabina is a Spanish artist who is dedicated to poetry, composition, singing and painting. Since his first official song in 1978 (Inventory), he has published seventeen studio albums, highlighting famous songs such as 19 days and 500 nights, And nevertheless I love you, With you, It rains on wet, I deny everything, among many others..
Sabina has had a hectic life; Due to his ideology, he had to go into exile during the Franco era, he has suffered health problems and has been successful in Spain, Latin America and the United States. His songs are influenced by singers and groups such as Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Leonard Cohen, Atahualpa Yupanqui or Chavela Vargas. Also by poets like Pablo Neruda, Rafael Alberti or César Vallejo.
In these Joaquin phrases Sabina You will be able to remember the lyrics of his best songs, as well as reflect on their meaning and learn more about the personality and ideas of this artist.
What is really important is that a love really loves, not everyday unimportant actions.
We must try to be happy until the end of our days.
There are times when we have no other ways to face our problems.
Truths must be told as they are, you must never try to cover them up so that they do not hurt.
A nice expression to say that a couple lasted a very short time together.
Only time can make us forget about a person we love so much.
When the person we love is not with us, no place seems good to us.
The pain caused by a lack of love usually leaves us without strength and without wanting to love again.
Many times the love we feel for a person does not allow us to see that they do not respect us.
We must not let our life become monotonous and boring, we must always try new things.
Many times the memories of the past tend to make us melancholic and sad.
Some people did not have good experiences in their life, and they carry this weight that can cause problems in future relationships.
Sabina expresses in this sentence that she still has a long time to live, that the tree with which her coffin will be made has not yet been planted.
There are people who find it difficult to show their emotions more than others.
Many times it is difficult for us to express our feelings and that makes the people we are with move away because they think we do not love them.
Some fans tend to put reasoning aside when talking about their favorite team and take any bad comments about it personally..
Many times we believe that we cannot achieve something, and we need our loved ones to make us understand that we can.
When we are in love, we see problems more clearly and with more optimism.
We must always tell the truth, no matter how much it hurts.
There are people who are happy only to have the basic goods, and they are not interested in luxuries or owning many things.
Many times people take refuge in alcohol when they cannot find a way in life.
The news talks about topics that have nothing to do with our daily problems.
There are times when it is convenient to remain silent, because if we talk we can make a situation worse.
Really, no one is completely free in today's world, we all must follow certain unspoken rules.
There are people who envy people who are kind and do good deeds.
If we don't face our own problems, no one will do it for us.
Time does not seem to advance when we wait for the person we wish to see.
Many times we move on with a relationship for fear of being alone.
There are people who manage to avoid, for a time, the problems that arise in life.
We must not stay thinking about the past, we must live in the present.
When we idealize a love, we miss the opportunity to meet different people who can make us very happy.
There are people who prefer to be told things as they are, no matter how harsh they are..
Many people hide their true selves for fear of being hurt.
We must never stop believing in love.
There are people who are never satisfied with what they have and when they get to be with the person they want, they already want something else.
When we are with the person we love, time does not seem to advance.
There are people who do not find satisfaction in anything they do.
Migrants who arrive in Europe with the dream of a better life are often discriminated against and end up living worse than in their countries of origin.
There are people who feel overwhelmed and distance themselves when a lot of love is shown to them..
When the passion in a couple ends, it is better to end the relationship and try with another person.
Advances in technology have caused people to distance themselves from each other and live lonelier lives..
Many people try to sow fear in their partners so that they do not abandon them.
Couples, over time, lose the intensity with which they love each other and the relationship can become a habit. On the other hand, when a relationship ends drastically, it is difficult to forget that love..
It is very painful to see our friends leave before us.
Excess and vices can ruin people's lives.
Many of the best moments of our lives only last a moment.
A dark room is usually a good place for love, but when daylight enters, the passion can end..
To the people we know who lead a life of vices, instead of judging them, we should try to help them.
No money can buy a true love.
When we love a person and kiss someone else, instead of causing us pleasure, they cause us pain and regret.
Some people struggle for a long time with their depressive states that do not allow them to be happy.
Children lose the naivete that characterizes them faster and faster, and they become smaller and smaller adults.
We should never give up on our life, no matter how many problems we face.
There are always reasons why we can see hope in our lives.
There are people who are only interested in the economic well-being that their partner can bring them.
There are people who do not want to fall in love, and when they start to feel attracted to someone, they leave without any explanation.
We must stay away from envious people, who tolerate other people doing well.
We must always look for what we want to achieve for our life.
Many people tend to react badly when they hear something they do not want to hear.
The blues was created by African-American slaves, and its lyrics reflect the hard life they have had to live.
Death usually happens unexpectedly and that causes a lot of pain in the people who are close to the deceased.
Never have preconceptions about things that we do not know, since we may like them.
We must make the most of each day, and not let fear deprive us of doing what we want.
In the beginning, love is usually very intense and everything seems beautiful to us.
We should never let the passion that exists at the beginning of a relationship fade.
Nights can be a lot of fun if we know what to do.
Romances, when they are hidden, are usually very intense.
Some fleeting loves are very strong and mark us for life.
Some people try to calm their sorrows with alcohol.
We must never stop fighting for what we want in our life.
We should try to live our life to the fullest because we do not know how long we can enjoy it..
When we go back to being with the person we love, we feel a very great happiness, and we think that everything is fine.
When we are with the person we want, we want to forget everything we have to do and just spend time with her.
We must always try to do what we really want in our life, and that all the paths we take allow us to achieve it.
Without friends or people to enjoy it with, money is useless.
Gambling people can lose everything they have in the game.
Some people try to forget their pain by consuming alcohol.
The phrase makes mention of the arrival of spring, and that there are people who always see everything gray and cannot be happy.
To reaffirm love, you do not need any type of social contract, only to demonstrate it with actions.
To really enjoy something, you have to do it with intensity and without restrictions.
There are children who fall into crime from an early age because they have no other way to survive.
We must never let fear paralyze us to do something we want.
Changes in our mood can make us see everything wonderfully, or feel that nothing is going well..
Many people do not have the courage to face their problems, and so that they do not affect them they try to cover the pain with vices.
We must stay away from people who do not settle for anything we can give them.
When we fall into the routine, the passion of love tends to disappear.
In some European countries there is strong discrimination against Latin American immigrants.
When the person we love leaves us, the places where their belongings used to be cause us pain. Also, many people try to calm their sorrows in alcohol.
The great loves that have marked us in the past are very difficult to forget.
Some love affairs without commitment serve to recover from the pain caused by unrequited love..
We should stay away from people who praise us when we are doing well, but who previously did not pay attention to us.
If we are not careful with the people we love, we can hurt them a lot.
We must take life more calmly and learn to enjoy it much more.
People who live their lives on the edge and doing things that are not right, at some point face the consequences of their actions.
To live as a couple you have to try to put your egos aside and make the other person feel comfortable.
Some people have no interest in knowing how others think.
There are people who really enjoy their days and the people around them to the fullest, because they have understood that nothing lasts forever.
In secret romances only pleasure is sought.
Many people prefer to maintain relationships without commitment, for fear of monotony and loss of passion.
Maturity and the passing of the years mean that the vices that we enjoyed when we were younger, are no longer enjoyed so much.
Rock phrases
Music phrases
Short poems
Reflection poems
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