100 Quotes by Kurt Cobain

Abraham McLaughlin
100 Quotes by Kurt Cobain
Artistic illustration by Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist for the band Nirvana. He is considered one of the most influential alternative rock musicians and became a musical myth after his controversial suicide at the age of 27..

Born in 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington, he formed Nirvana in 1987 with Aaron Burckhard and Krist Novoselic, and began to be a worldwide success with his second album. Nevermind (1991) and his single "Smells Like Teen Spirit".

Following his success, Cobain became addicted to heroin, and developed health problems, including depression. In March 1994, he was admitted for an overdose and on April 8, 1994, he was found dead at his home in Seattle..

Kurt Cobain's best quotes

In these Kurt Cobain quotes you will be able to observe their ideas and way of thinking. They are taken from some of his interviews and his most popular songs, among them Smells like teen spirit, Old age, Aero zeppelin, Swap meet, Paper cuts, Come as you are, among others..

You cannot buy happiness. (Kurt Cobain)

Money can only get material things, happiness is not achieved that way.

The duty of the youth is to challenge corruption. (Kurt Cobain)

Kurt Cobain was a rebellious person. Here he explains that young people should not accept the status quo and that they have to act to stop the corrupt.

Music is energy. A state of mind, an atmosphere. Feeling. (Kurt Cobain)

Music has the power to make us go through different emotions when we hear it, that is why it is so special.

I don't care what you think, unless it's about me. (Kurt Cobain)

Each person is free to have their own thought about things.

I'd rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I'm not. (Kurt Cobain)

We must not try to please everyone, we must do things our way.

There are many things I wish I had done, instead of sitting around and complaining about how boring life is. (Kurt Cobain)

We should try to enjoy our life to the fullest and try to do everything we want to do.

I am so happy because today I found my friends - they are on my mind. (Lithium)

This song talks about people with psychological disorders who often hear voices in their minds.

I am not very read, but what I have read, I have read well. (Kurt Cobain)

The important thing is to have assimilated what has been read. It does not matter how much has been read if knowledge that is useful to us is not extracted from it.

They laugh at me because I am different; I laugh at them because they are all the same. (Kurt Cobain)

We should always live our life the way we want, regardless of the opinion of others.

There is nothing I like more in the world than pure underground music. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain enjoyed music that was created outside of the standards set by music companies..

If my eyes could show my soul, everyone would cry when they see me smile. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain was a person who was going through a great depression in his life, all the successes achieved in his career did not really make him any happier.

There is only goodness in me, and I think I love people too much, so much that it makes me feel very sad. (Kurt Cobain)

The last tours with his band Cobain had not been enjoyed, so he thought he was ripping off the people who were going to see him perform.

Wanting to be like someone else is wasting the person you are. (Kurt Cobain)

We must never imitate anyone, we must accept who we are and live in our own way.

Holding my daughter is the best drug in the world. (Kurt Cobain)

There is nothing more satisfying than hugging our children.

I like to be passionate and sincere, but I also like to have fun and act silly. (Kurt Cobain)

We should never repress our behaviors, no matter how silly they may seem.

If you ever need something, please don't hesitate to ask someone else first. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain uses this phrase ironically to say do not ask him for any favors..

I had a very good childhood until I was nine years old; then a classic divorce case hit me hard. (Kurt Cobain)

Children are the ones who suffer the most when their parents separate, and can be left with many traumas in their adult life.

I was tired of pretending to be someone that I am not just to get along with other people, just for the sake of having friends. (Kurt Cobain)

Pretending to be someone else is a very exhausting task. We must always show ourselves as we are.

Thanks for the tragedy, I need it for my art. (Kurt Cobain)

Artists are able to channel the stories that happen around them and turn them into songs, movies or any other type of artistic form..

I'm not like them, but I can pretend. (Dumb)

There are people who pretend to be someone they are not, just to belong to a group of friends.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not chasing you. (Territorial Pissings)

Paranoia is a condition that causes people to believe unsubstantiated theories. And this phrase refers to the fact that no matter how much you have that condition, it does not mean that you can be correct.

I will be forever in debt for your invaluable advice. (Heart-shaped box)

There are people who leave us lessons that help us improve our lives.

I'm not gay, though I wish I was, just to piss off homophobes. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain couldn't stand people who criticized people who were different from them..

Practice makes perfect, but no one is perfect, so why practice. (Kurt Cobain)

Some people are not interested in developing and improving their technique in what they do.

I like to complain and do nothing to improve things. (Kurt Cobain)

Ironically, Cobain expresses that, if we want to change something, we must be the first to do it..

He did not know how to handle success. If there was a rock star course, I would have liked to take it. It could have helped me. (Kurt Cobain)

The life of a famous person is completely different from that of an ordinary person, and not everyone is capable of leading it in the best way.

A friend is nothing more than an enemy that we know. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain had the idea that no one can be trusted.

Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, your self-respect and everything that has to do with your self-esteem. (Kurt Cobain)

People use drugs, mostly, to escape a reality they do not accept. But instead of finding help in these, they end up more damaged than before consuming them.

And I know you would hate her too, if she only gave you half a chance. (She only lies)

We must not waste our time with people who do not let us be loved.

We are so fashionable that we can't even escape from ourselves. (Kurt Cobain)

People label famous people and expect them to act in a certain way, causing them to lose their originality and do things to please their audience..

I would like to get rid of the homophobic, sexist and racist who are in our audience. I know they are there and it really bothers me. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain fought against people who were discriminatory.

I like to make people feel happy and superior when they react to seeing me. (Kurt Cobain)

You must never let fame go to your head, you must treat the people who look up to you with respect..

I'd rather be dead than cool. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain was never interested in being fashionable, he was a person who did what he felt without caring about the opinion of others.

If you're a bad person, you're going to come back in fly form and eat shit. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain believed in reincarnation and thought that people who do harm in this life will be punished in their next..

With the lights off it is less dangerous. (Smells like teen spirit)

When improper things are done, the lack of light makes it seem safer to do them.

Nobody dies a virgin, life fucks us all. (Kurt Cobain)

We all go through problems and bad experiences in our life.

It is better to burn than to go off slowly. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain preferred to live his life on the edge and do whatever he wanted, no matter how dangerous it was. Before not doing things for fear of dying.

We do not have the right to give an opinion until we know all the answers. (Kurt Cobain)

To give an opinion on a topic, we must have a broad knowledge of its content. If not, you better keep quiet.

The sun is gone, but I have a light. (Dumb)

Even in our worst moments, we must always try to be happy.

As far as I care, every day is Sunday morning (Lithium)

Depression makes every day seem the same.

He's the one who likes all of our pretty songs, and he likes to sing them with us and shoot his gun. (In Bloom)

Cobain despised the people who sang his songs because they were a trendy band, and they represented everything he criticized in their lyrics..

I wish I was like you, easily entertained. (All apologies)

There are people who do not find fun in anything they do.

I'll take advantage of it while you leave me, but I can't see you every night, free. (About a girl)

We should never stay with someone who does not respect and value us as we deserve.

Come on people, now, smile at your brother. Everybody get together, try to love each other now. (Territorial Pissings)

In order to live better we need to learn to live with other people and accept them as they are.

You taught me everything without giving me a poison apple. (Drain you)

There are people who teach us very useful things without expecting anything in return.

Don't tell me what I want to hear fearing never to know fear. (Lounge act)

We should always tell the people we love what we really think, regardless of whether they get angry or not..

I am so warm and calm inside that I no longer have to hide. (You know you're right)

By accepting ourselves as we are, we will be able to live without pretending to be someone we are not to please other people.

I always felt that you don't need to force yourself to love your parents simply by carrying their blood. (Kurt Cobain)

Being a relative of someone does not imply that we should love them unconditionally.

Monkeys see, monkeys do. I do not know why. (Stay away)

Cobain's criticism of people who imitate others, just to be fashionable and loved.

I am my own parasite, I do not need a host to live. (Milk it)

Depressed people tend to harm everything they do and have self-destructive behaviors.

Knock me out of me (Aneurysm)

Sometimes we need people who love us to get us out of where we are and make us react.

You can do anything. (Blew)

The only ones who put limits on ourselves are ourselves. If we want, we can do what we propose.

I'm too busy pretending not to be naive. (Very ape)

There are people who try to appear tougher than they are for fear of being hurt.

I love you for what I am not. (Radio friendly unit shifter)

Many times, being with the people we love makes us better people.

Daddy's little girl is no longer a little girl. (Negative creep)

Parents often think that their daughters will never grow up and will remain girls forever.

And if you stay safe, you will make him happy. He will keep you in a jar and you will think that you are happy. (Sappy)

Overprotective people pretend that the people they love do not do anything that puts them in danger, limiting or forbidding them from doing some things.

One more draw to calm my nerves. (Old age)

Many people turn to drugs to try to calm their nerves. But this never ends helping them.

In my eyes I am not lazy; in my face I am not finished; in your room I'm not older; in your eyes I have no value. (Scoff)

This phrase refers to how some parents look down on their children, making them believe that they are useless.

Neither side is sacred. (Verse chorus verse)

In a dispute, both sides believe they are right and the other is wrong.

Where is the meaning of a line? It is a brand, it is a brand. (Aero Zeppelin)

Cobain criticized bands that tried to imitate pioneer rock bands, but lacked content and only did it to be famous..

I have nothing for you. (Sifting)

People who are not good to us, we must remove them from our lives.

Even in his youth, he was nothing. (Even in his youth)

Parents should support their children and make them feel that they are loved and valued by them..

She just lies not to hurt my feelings. (She only lies)

There are people who hide the truth from us so as not to make us feel bad.

Hide the signs of struggle under your nails. (Pen cap chew)

We must never hide the sacrifice made to get where we are.

I am a liar, and I am famous. (Smells like teen spirit)

Many of the famous people in the show simulate their personalities to please their audience.

I don't get sad until I get home. (Curmudgeon)

There are people who are very intolerant and aggressive at home when things they don't like happen.

Without friends, your life is stale, fragile. (Mrs. Butterworth)

Friends are one of the most important people we can have in our lives..

We are all the same, just flies on poop. Clones, clones, clones, clones. (Class of '86)

Cobain criticizes the lack of originality of people, and that everyone tries to be a stereotype of person.

Just like me, always tell your lies. (What more can I say)

There are people who pretend to be fine, but deep down they are miserable.

Come soaked in mud, or completely clean; as I want you to be. (Come as you are)

There are people who try to make other people obey them in everything they say.

The weather changes moods. (In Bloom)

The energies of a place can change the mood of people.

And maybe they should blame me for everything from what I've heard; But I'm not sure. (Lithium)

We must never accept being blamed for something we have not done.

I love myself more than you; I know it's wrong, but what can I do? (On a plain)

We should not be with people who do not love us.

Religion is a good sedative for the masses. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain did not believe in religions and thought that they put people to sleep.

There is nothing I can say that I have not thought of before. (Serve the servants)

We must always think things over before saying them.

Throw me in the fire and I won't react. (Scentless apprentice)

We should never react to the aggressions of people who try to bother us.

I was locked in your heart-shaped jail for weeks. (Heart-shaped Box)

We should never fall in love with a person who does not love us.

I miss the comfort of being sad. (Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle)

There are people with psychological disorders who enjoy sadness.

At times, I wish I could take a pill that would allow me to be entertained on television and just enjoy the simple things. (Kurt Cobain)

Cobain constantly complained about the poor quality in the content of television shows, although sometimes he just wanted to be entertained and not judge everything so much..

I pride myself on being the king of illiteracy; I am very ape, and very nice. (Very ape)

There are people who are not interested in learning more and educating themselves, and they believe that it is a good thing.

Sit down and have pennyroyal tea. Distill the life that is within me. (Pennyroyal tea)

In ancient times it was believed that pennyroyal tea could interrupt a pregnancy.

Bipolar opposites attract; Suddenly I broke my bag. (Radio friendly unit shifter)

Cobain had bipolar disorder and used it to make his musical creations. The phrase says that when he was able to unite the two branches of his bipolarity, this served as inspiration for his music.

And if you don't mind, I wish I could spoil it. (Blew)

There are people who do not mind giving their best in everything they do.

There is nothing to do with what you think, if you ever do. (Radio friendly unit shifter)

There are people who are completely influenced by what they hear on the news and are not able to reason for themselves..

I need a simple friend; I need it, with an ear to lend. (About a girl)

Sometimes we just want to be heard by someone.

Experience everything you need. (Lounge act)

We must always do everything we want.

Won't you believe it? It's just my luck. (School)

There are times when nothing works out for us.

The woman for whom I feel maternal love cannot look me in the eye. (Paper cuts)

Some mothers feel rejected by their children and are not able to love them.

Give me back my liquor! (Scoff)

Addicted people get very aggressive when they are forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages.

He loves her so much more than he will ever show. (Swap meet)

We should never hide our feelings from the people we care about..

All young people will buy it, if it is packaged properly. (Aero Zeppelin)

Criticism of the music industry and bands that instead of thinking about art and giving a message in songs, try to create a product to sell.

Show me the way to my temptations. (Mr. Mustache)

We must stay away from people who lead us down bad paths and advise us badly.

He was trying to be the Mr. Black Flag of punk-rock… I didn't know what he was talking about. (Kurt Cobain)

When we try to impress, we can say nonsensical things in order to look good.

Off the ground, in the sky. Out of the sky, in the dirt. (Very ape)

In life there are going to be moments where everything goes well for us, and others where it seems that nothing works. You have to know how to go through both.

I have always believed that some people should have religion in their lives; that's okay if it helps save someone. (Kurt Cobain)

Having faith in something can make a person feel more secure and help them have a better life..

We can have more, nature is a prostitute. (In Bloom)

Cobain criticizes the way in which humans ruthlessly consume the resources of nature.

You waste your time saving useless gullible ones. (Pen cap chew)

There are people who believe in anything they are told, without even trying to reason about it..

She seems to know how to read minds. (Old age)

There are people who know what we are going to say before we do it.

Reinventing what we know, after a while it is anything but true. (Verse chorus verse)

Many of the changes in societies, which are supposed to be to improve living conditions, end up not being so.

Here we are, entertain us. (Smells like teen spirit)

The general public cares little about the person behind the famous person, and they just want to be entertained..

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