100+ Truth Phrases

Egbert Haynes
100+ Truth Phrases

The truth is that which is according to a fact or reality. In this definite way it sounds very simple, but in life it is complex; each person has a truth about the events.

Some people attach great importance to always telling the truth, while others think that from time to time "white" lies can be told that do not harm anyone or that may even benefit.

In any case, the truth is a topic that we can all relate to, because we have all been sincere, but we have also all lied at some point. Definitely; being sincere and a liar is something that occurs in the human being at the same time.

The best phrases about the truth

In these phrases about the truth you will learn the thoughts and ideas of excellent historical authors and figures, including Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei, Winston Churchill, Rabindranath Tagore, Thomas Jefferson and many more.

If you always tell the truth, you will not have to remember anything.-Mark Twain.

When telling lies we must remember what we said and to whom we said it. Instead, when telling the truth, you just have to remember what happened.

Anyone who does not take the truth seriously for the little things, cannot be trusted for the important things. -Albert Einstein.

Never trust people who lie, even if the lies are banal.

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.-Thomas Jefferson.

To acquire wisdom it is necessary to always say and seek the truth.

Three things cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon and the truth.-Buddha.

The truth always ends up coming out.

There are only two mistakes that can be made on the way to the truth; do not start to go through it or do not go all the way.-Buddha.

The path to the truth is simple, but you have to have the courage to walk it and complete it to find it..

No one is more hated than the one who tells the truth.-Plato.

Many times the truth tends to make some people uncomfortable.

Never tell the truth to people who do not deserve it.-Mark Twain.

Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth to people you do not trust..

Plato is my friend - Aristotle is my friend - but my best friend is the truth.-Isaac Newton.

It is always good to feed on the knowledge reached by the great sages. However, we must also seek the truth on our own.

A thing is not necessarily true because men die for it.-Oscar Wilde.

Sometimes people fight for the wrong causes.

If you don't tell the truth about yourself, then you can't tell the truth about someone else.-Virginia Woolf.

In order to speak authoritatively about other people, we must first acknowledge and accept our own shortcomings..

We must always let time pass, because time reveals the truth.-Seneca.

Lies don't last forever, eventually the truth comes out.

Seek the truth and you will find a way.-Frank Slaughter.

The truth is a way of life.

I measure the strength of a spirit by the amount of truth it can take.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

Truths are often very painful. The strength of a person lies in the fact of accepting the truth without it affecting him too much.

There is a world of difference between the truth and the facts. Facts can obscure the truth.-Maya Angelou.

The same event can be interpreted in different ways by different people, since each person sees things from their own perspective, which can end up modifying what actually happened.

Love the truth, but forgive the mistake.-Voltaire.

Everyone is wrong, we must know how to forgive our mistakes and those of others.

The truths are easy to understand once discovered, the detail is in discovering them.-Galileo Galilei.

When something is discovered that is true, there is no room for doubt and it is very simple to understand, but getting there takes a lot of work.

No legacy is as rich as honesty.-William Shakespeare.

The best thing to leave to other people is the truth.

A lie told often becomes the truth.-Vladimir Lenin.

By constantly repeating something that is not true, you run the risk of being taken as true.

There are no facts, just like there are no absolute truths.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

It all depends on the perspective with which you look at it.

There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.-León Tólstoy.

True greatness is not found in the intricate, but in the simple and true.

A liar cannot be believed, even when he tells the truth.-Aesop.

People who are not honest lose credibility.

The truth pronounced before its time is dangerous.-Mencius.

Sometimes it is usually better to wait to tell the truth.

What is false disturbs the heart, but the truth brings blissful tranquility.-Rumi.

It is always better to know the truth, as it will give us serenity and peace.

The truth is rarely pure and it is never simple.-Oscar Wilde.

Wilde uses this phrase in one of his works to refer to the fact that the truth is sometimes difficult to accept as it is.

A liar will not be believed, even when he tells the truth.-Aesop.

People who lie regularly lose the trust of others.

A lie can travel the world while the truth ties its shoes.-Mark Twain.

The lie spreads much more easily than the truth.

The truth is found in simplicity, and not in the multiplication and confusion of things.-Isaac Newton.

What is really true can be seen with the naked eye.

Any truth is better than doubt.-Arthur Conan Doyle.

Many times anything is accepted as true before being left with the doubt.

The truth is so rare that it is a delight to tell it.-Emily Dickinson.

Speaking the truth always does us good.

Many are the facts, but there is only one truth.-Rabindranath Tagore.

Each fact can have many interpretations, since each person analyzes it from their point of view, but in the end the truth is only one.

The facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.-Aldous Huxley.

Looking the other way doesn't stop things from happening.

The truth is by nature obvious. As soon as you remove the cover of ignorance, the truth will shine forth.-Mahatma Gandhi.

What is true is easily distinguished if we are able to see things wisely.

Even if you are a minority, the truth is always the truth.-Mahatma Gandhi.

That something is true does not depend on the number of people who believe it that way, it just is..

More than love, money or fame, I want the truth.-Henry David Thoreau.

The truth is the most valuable thing we can have.

Only with the heart can the truth be observed with certainty. The essential is invisible to the eye.-Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Everything that is important to our lives is intangible.

Proclaim the truth and do not remain silent out of fear.-Catherine of Siena.

Never be afraid to tell the truth.

Art is the lie that allows us to realize the truth.-Pablo Picasso.

Many artists use their art to denounce or expose certain acts of injustice.

Thinking about something doesn't make it true. Wanting something does not make it real.-Michelle Hodkin.

For things to happen, we must get moving and try to do them.

Often people say they are really hungry, but they rarely like the taste of it once it has been served.-George R. R. Martin.

Not everyone knows how to accept the truth.

Whatever satisfies the soul is true.-Walt Whitman.

The truth is everything that gives peace of mind or satisfies each person according to their convictions.

Tell the truth or someone else will tell it for you.-Stephanie Klein.

Everyone has their own version of what is true.

There is much beauty in the truth, even if it is a hideous truth.-John Steinbeck.

Truths, even if we don't like them, are better than lies.

Believe in those who seek the truth. Doubt those who find it.-André Gide.

Due to our limitations, nobody is able to know the absolute truth of something, we will always be trying to know more about things.

The best lies are always mixed with the truth.-Sarah J. Maas.

When a lie is mixed with a truth, it is very difficult to detect it.

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice can attack her, ignorance can mock her, but in the end the truth is there.-Winston Churchill.

Things that are truly true will always be true, no matter how hard you try to hide them..

All we hear is an opinion, not a fact. All we see is a perspective, not the truth.-Marco Aurelio.

The same fact can be interpreted in different ways by different people, since we all have different points of view about things.

The truth will set you free, although first it will make you miserable.-James A. Garfield.

Discovering a truth can be hard at first, but then it sets us free.

When the truth contemplates your own face in a perfect mirror, your smile is beautiful.-Rabindranath Tagore.

People who are honest and always tell the truth are able to hit it off easily.

The truth does not guarantee you tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and there is nothing guaranteed.-Eminem.

Always telling the truth doesn't make life simpler.

Peace is the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth.-Menachem Begin.

When the truth-bearing faction prevails in a conflict, peace is usually achieved.

Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.-Miguel Ruiz.

Everything we say has an effect on other people, so we must speak honestly and kindly.

I fight for the truth no matter who says it, I fight for justice no matter who opposes it.-Malcom X.

When a cause is just, it must be supported, no matter who it is confronted.

The truth is like the sun, it may set for a while, but it will still be there.- Elvis Presley.

Whatever happens, the truth will always come out.

Find who you really are and be that person, for that your soul was put in this world. Find and live for the truth and the rest will come alone.-Ellen DeGeneres.

We must know and accept ourselves as we are and be honest, other things will come in due time.

As time passes, the truth is revealed and the lie fades.-Ismail Haniyeh.

No lie lasts forever, the truth finally ends up being known.

For every good reason there is a lie, and that is a better reason to tell the truth.-Bo Bennett.

Lying may seem like the easiest way out in some situations, but telling the truth is always better..

The truth will prevail to bring light where there are sorrows.-George Washngton.

Only with the truth is it possible to calm the injustices that people suffer.

It is not surprising that truth is rarer than fiction, because fiction must make sense.-Mark Twain.

Sometimes the truth may be difficult to understand.

In times of deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.-George Orwell.

Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to tell the truths that people don't want to hear.

The most important freedom is to be who you really are.-Jim Morrison.

You should never try to be like other people, you always have to be yourself.

If you want to tell someone the truth, make them laugh. Otherwise, I would kill you.-George Bernard Shaw.

Humor is one of the best tools to use when you have to say something that another person will not like to hear..

Most men would rather deny a bitter truth than accept it.-George R. R. Martin.

Not everyone has the courage to accept the truth as it is.

The truth is that everyone is going to hurt you: you just have to find those who are worth suffering.-Bob Marley.

It is inevitable that even the people closest to us will hurt us at some point, since we all think and act differently. However, we must stand by those who do not do it on purpose.

Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It consists of expanding knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.-Shakuntala Devi.

We must take advantage of education to grow more as people.

I love you, and because I love you, I would rather you hate me for telling you the truth than worshiping me for telling you lies.-Pietro Aretino.

When you really love someone you want the best for that person, and the best is always the truth.

The poet is a liar who always tells the truth.-Jean Cocteau.

Poets in their works always express their true feelings.

Morality is the basis of things, and truth is the substance of morality.-Mahatma Gandhi.

All that is right is based on the truth.

The truth will help you to be free and unmask the false.

We must always be honest and vigilant and stay away from people who are not..

A search ends when the truth is found.

The truth does not give rise to suspicions or doubts, once we find it we must accept it as it is.

The truth may begin in many ways, but each one can be real.-Swami Vivekananda.

Truth can be represented in many ways, but each of these must be true..

It is only the truth that gives strength.-Swami Vivekananda.

When we move with the truth we are stronger.

People may hate, but they will always love when they hear the truth.-Mary J Blige

Sincerity and honesty will always be valued and respected.

The sad thing is that opportunities do not knock twice on the same door, the same happens with the truth.-Gloria Estefan.

People who lie are not usually taken into account for any type of work.

The thing about the truth is that not everyone can bear it. -Conor McGregor.

Not all people have the necessary strength to know reality.

Half of all truth is always a big lie.-Benjamin Franklin.

The truth is complete, or it is not.

All truth is so true that any truth must be false.-F. H. Bradley.

Without freedom of expression, any search for the truth is impossible, and not discovering it becomes useful.-Charles Bradlaugh.

Powerful people use censorship to maintain the status quo and continue to benefit from inequalities that exist in society.

Mystical explanations are believed to be profound, but the truth is that they are not even hollow.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

For Nietzsche, everything that did not have a logical explanation was worthless.

The truth is that which holds a government together.-Gerald R. Ford.

If there is no honesty between the people who work together, it is impossible for them to stay together.

The truth is so difficult to tell, that sometimes something fictitious is needed to make it credible.-Francis Bacon.

It is often difficult to understand the truth so a way must be found to make it understandable to all people.

The truth is what every man of power distrusts.-James Madison.

Powerful people often use lies to dominate the population.

The absurd is an essential concept and the first truth.-Albert Camus.

Camus did not find the logical meaning of the existence of human beings and for him that was a truth.

The truth never harms just causes.-Mahatma Gandhi.

When a cause is just it is never opposed to the truth.

Don't look for greatness. Seek the truth and you will find both.-Horace Mann.

The truth exalts people.

People can choose between a sweet lie or a bitter truth.-Avigdor Lieberman.

Many people prefer to listen to lies so as not to face reality.

Tell the truth, sing with passion, work with laughter and love with your heart, because that's the only thing that matters in the end.-Kris Kristofferson.

You always have to be honest and transmit positive energy to other people.

Nothing is as kind as kindness, nor as real as the truth.-Alice Cary.

Goodness and truth are values ​​that cannot be replaced by any other.

The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing that must be treated with caution.-J. K. Rowling.

Many times people are not prepared to hear the truth.

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you angry.-Joe Klaas.

At first, we may not like to know the truth, but eventually it will make us much better than a lie..

Men often stumble upon the truth, but most get up and leave very quickly, as if nothing had happened.-Winston S. Churchill.

There are people who prefer to continue living in lies than to face reality.

Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty, truth and compassion, against injustice, lies and greed.-William Faulkner.

You always have to fight for what is right.

Books are mirrors. You only see in them what you already have in yourself.-Carlos Ruíz Zafón.

Each person interprets books differently, and identifies with the things that most closely match their personality.

The truth does not change according to our ability to bear it.-Flannery O'Connor.

The truth is only one and it can be very hard for some people.

The best way to know if you can trust someone is by trusting.-Jim Morrison.

You always have to give people at least one chance.

The more I see, the more confident I am.-John Lennon.

By knowing more and having more experience, we can have a better notion of things.

There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.-Benjamin Disraeli.

Statistics are often used to try to validate something that is not completely true..

All you have to do is write a true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know.-Ernest Hemingway.

To do anything, you always have to start with the truth.

There is no person who makes mistakes more frequently than the one who does not admit that he is wrong.-Francois de La Rochefoucauld.

We must identify and recognize our mistakes, in this way we will learn not to commit them in the future.

Better a cruel truth than a cozy disappointment.-Edward Abbey.

It is always better to know the truth, no matter how hard it is.

That's what fiction is all about, seeking the truth when the truth is not enough for the truth.-Tim O'Brien.

A truth can be difficult to understand if it is presented literally, therefore, fiction can be used to make it better understood.

The truth is not always beauty, the beautiful thing is the desire to find it.-Nadine Gordimer.

Many times we discover truths that we do not like, however, we must always keep looking for the truth.

It is better not to make excuses than to give a bad one.-George Washington.

It is better to be silent than to lie.

It is difficult, when faced with a situation that you cannot control, admit that there is nothing you can do.-Lemony Snicket.

We must always recognize when we are unable to do something.

Be sensible, be grateful, be positive, be true, be kind.-Roy T. Bennett.

You always have to act with kindness and honesty.

If you seek the truth, you can find comfort in the end. If you are looking for comfort, you will find neither comfort nor truth.-C. S. Lewis.

Our search must always be oriented to obtain the truth, not to obtain well-being.

Just because you do not understand it does not mean that it is not so.-Lemony Snicket.

The fact of not understanding something does not make what happens is not true.

There are two ways to be deceived. One is to believe what is not true, the other is to refuse to believe what is true.-Soren Kierkegaard.

There are people who choose not to believe a truth because they do not like it and prefer to continue living deceived.

Fiction reveals the truth that reality obscures.-Jessamyn West.

Fiction often helps to re-present truths that have been hidden and forgotten by the maelstrom of everyday life.

What is wrong is still wrong because most share it.-León Tólstoy.

If something is wrong, no matter how many people endorse it, it will always be wrong.

You never know how much you believe in something until the fact that it is true or a lie is a matter of life and death.-C. S. Lewis.

It is at times of greatest stress that we truly discover how much we believe in something..

When the truth is replaced by silence, the silence turns into a lie.-Yevgeny Yevtushenko.

You never have to shut up the truth.

I don't have an obligation to win, but I have an obligation to be honest. I have no obligation to be successful, but I have an obligation to live with what has been given to me.-Abraham Lincoln.

Truth and humility are the most important values ​​that a person should have.

You don't believe in things because they make your life better. You believe in them because they are true.-Verónica Roth.

You should not believe in something because it benefits us, you should believe because they are true.

True friendship faces any challenge and any truth.

True friends don't get mad when they hear a truth they don't like..

Looking for the truth you can find happiness.

In order to live happily, you always have to go the path of truth.

Not all people want to face the dilemma of the truth.

There are people who do not have the courage to know the truth.

Always telling the truth causes many people to distance themselves from you, but the right people always stay.

True friends don't shy away from being spoken to honestly, even if they don't like it..

There are different types of pain, but the one that hurts the most is the one that produces the truth.

Many times the truth is very difficult to face.

The truth marks the beginning of maturity, while the lie keeps the child disguised as an adult.

To become adults we must face the truth as it is and learn to live with it.

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