Freedom is a value of great importance for many people and societies. Without it we can become frustrated, sad and hopeless, but when we feel true freedom, unmatched mental well-being comes..
But what is freedom really? For some people it means not having to do what others tell them, for others expressing themselves as they want, for others having emotional independence. As you will see in the following quotes, each person has different ideas that they have surely built from the teachings they have received and their life experiences..
-He who has overcome his fears will be truly free.-Aristotle.
-Responsibility is the price of freedom.-Elbert Hubbard.
-The most important type of freedom is being who you really are.-Jim Morrison.
-There is only one freedom: that of thought.-Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
-Man is condemned to be free.-Jean Paul Sartre.
-Freedom and life are won by the only ones who conquer them anew every day.-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
-To preserve freedom, one should not fear death.-Cicero.
-Man is free the moment he wants to be.-Voltaire.
-Only after losing everything are you free to do anything.-Chuck Palahniuk.
-Freedom is the safe possession of those who have the courage to defend it.-Pericles.
-I prefer freedom with danger than peace with slavery.-Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
-Freedom is in being bold.-Robert Frost.
-Freedom is never free. It requires taking risks.-Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
-Freedom is the first condition of growth.-Swami Vivekananda.
-No one outside of us can govern us internally. When we know this, we become free.-Buddha.
-Freedom is only possible by constantly fighting for it.-Albert Einstein.
-To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.-Virginia Woolf.
-Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; must be sued by the oppressed.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Those who deny freedom to others do not deserve it for themselves.-Abraham Lincoln.
-Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.-Moshe Dayan.
-No one is more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
-Freedom sounds where opinions collide.-Adlai E. Stevenson.
-We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.-William Faulkner.
-Freedom is the power to say no.-James Clear.
-Those who do not move do not realize their chains.-Rosa Luxemburg.
-The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage.-Carrie Jones.
-We must be willing to pay a price for freedom.-H. L. Mencken.
-Freedom is obedience to self-formulated rules.-Aristotle.
-If you are not willing to die for it, put the word "freedom" out of your vocabulary.-Malcolm X.
-Disobedience is the true foundation of freedom. The obedient must be a slave.-Henry David Thoreau.
-Freedom means responsibility; That is why most people are so afraid of him.-George Bernard Shaw.
-Freedom scares when the habit of using it has been lost.-Robert Schumann.
-Freedom is one of the most precious gifts that the heavens give to men.-Miguel de Cervantes.
-Caged birds accept each other, but what they want is to fly.-Tennesse Williams.
-True freedom is always spiritual, it cannot be chained, handcuffed or put in prison.-Osho.
-They can take our life, but never our freedom.-William Wallace.
-When I find out who I am, I am free.-Ralph Ellison.
-The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.-Aung San Suu Kyi.
-Only the educated man is free.-Epictetus of Phrygia.
-No person can be completely free until all people are.-Saint Augustine.
-Freedom is never given; you win.-A. Philip randolph.
-Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-No one can give you freedom. No one can give you equality or justice or anything. If you are a man, you take it.-Malcolm X.
-Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.-George Orwell.
-Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a fast growing plant.-George Washington.
-A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.-Bob Dylan.
-It is difficult to free the fools from the chains they worship.-Voltaire.
-The first duty of a man is to think for himself.-José Martí.
-Freedom means that you are not prohibited from living your life as you choose. Something less is a form of slavery.-Wayne Dyer.
-Freedom is worth paying.-Jules Verne.
-Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.-Paulo Coelho.
-Freedom begins between the ears.-Edward Abbey.
-I expect nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.-Nikos Kazantzakis.
-Better to die fighting for freedom than to be a prisoner every day of your life.-Bob Marley.
-Freedom does not consist in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we should.-Pope John Paul II.
-If you want total security, go to jail. They feed you, they dress you, they give you medical care. The only thing missing is freedom.-Dwight D. Eisenhower.
-Free people, remember this maxim: we can acquire freedom, but it is never recovered if it is lost once.-Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
-The only way to deal with a world without freedom is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.-Albert Camus.
-Being free is not just getting rid of the chains of oneself, but living in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.-Nelson Mandela.
-There is no easy path to freedom anywhere and many of us will have to pass through the valley of death again and again before reaching the top of the mountain of our desires.-Nelson Mandela.
-Between the stimulus and the response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.-Viktor E. Frankl.
-Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that the fear of freedom shrinks and disappears. You are free.-Jim Morrison.
-Seek freedom and become a captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your freedom.-Frank Herbert.
-When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege of being free.-Charles Evans Hughes.
-You can only protect your freedoms in this world by protecting another man's freedom.-Clarence Darrow.
-Those who can renounce freedom to obtain a little temporary security, deserve neither freedom nor security.-Benjamin Franklin.
-When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.-Nelson Mandela.
-Freedom is nothing more than the opportunity to be better.-Albert Camus.
-Freedom is the recognition of necessity.-Friedrich Engels.
-True freedom is impossible without a mind set free by discipline.-Mortimer J. Adler.
-Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can run from.-Vernon Howard.
-I wish that every human life was a pure transparent freedom.-Simone de Beauvoir.
-There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are totally free, or you are not free.-Walter Cronkite.
-Freedom is absolutely necessary for progress in science and in the liberal arts.-Baruch Spinoza.
-What light is to the eyes, what air is to the lungs, what love is to the heart, freedom is to the soul of man.-Robert Green Ingersoll.
-People demand freedom of speech as compensation for freedom of thought, which they rarely use.-Soren Kierkegaard.
-Freedom cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.-John Adams.
-Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.-Friedrich Nietzsche.
-The more decisions you are forced to make alone, the more you are aware of your freedom to choose.-Thornton Wilder.
-Man is not free unless the government is limited.-Ronald Reagan.
-The need is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.-Karl Marx.
-Education is the key to opening the golden door of freedom.-George Washington Carver.
-Those who hope to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, suffer the fatigue of supporting it.-Thomas Paine.
-Freedom is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have.-Harry Emerson Fosdick.
-True individual freedom cannot exist without security and economic independence. People who are hungry and unemployed are the stuff dictatorships are made of.-Franklin D. Roosevelt.
-Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.-Hannah Arendt.
-Free men are the strongest.-Wendell Willkie.
-If we don't believe in free speech for the people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.-Noam Chomsky.
-Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be.-Daniel J. Boorstin.
-The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.-John Philpot Curran.
-Freedom does not work as well in practice as it does in speeches.-Will Rogers.
-Freedom and democracy are dreams you never give up.-Aung San Suu Kyi.
-Anxiety is the vertigo of freedom.-Soren Kierkegaard.
-You can have peace or you can have freedom. Do not count on having both at the same time.-Robert A. Heinlein.
-True freedom is having nothing.-Mike Tyson.
-It is more difficult to preserve than to obtain freedom.-John C. Calhoun.
-The freedom of the individual is a necessary postulate of human progress.-Ernest Renan.
-The love of freedom makes the human being indomitable and the nations invincible.-Benjamin Franklin.
-They may silence us, but they cannot prevent us from having our own opinions.-Anne Frank.
-Where freedom dwells, there is my homeland.-Benjamin Franklin.
-Freedom does not consist in having a good master, but in not having one.-Cicero.
-Despite rationalist, and even Marxist illusions, all the history of the world is the history of freedom.-Albert Camus.
-Freedom is the right to choose the people who will have the obligation to limit it.-Harry Truman.
-Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford.-Otto von Bismark.
-No one can be perfectly free until all are.-Herbert Spencer.
-The only way a man can preserve his freedom is to always be willing to die for it.-Edgar Allan Poe.
-It is easier to seize the commander-in-chief of an army than to deprive a wretch of his freedom.-Confucius.
-Freedom is a fact, and among the facts that we observe, there is none that is clearer.-Henri Bergson.
-Only a virtuous people is capable of living in freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, their need for masters increases.-Benjamin Franklin.
-They can force you to say anything, but there is no way they will make you believe it. Inside you they can never enter.-George Orwell.
-Freedom is the greatest of goods.-Ovid.
-Without freedom there can be no morality.-Carl Jung.
-The law is the set of conditions that allow the freedom of each to accommodate the freedom of all.-Immanuel Kant.
-The act of disobedience, as an act of freedom, is the beginning of reason-Erich Fromm.
-Freedom means choosing your cargo.-Hephzibah Menuhin.
-True freedom consists in the absolute control of oneself.-Michel de Montaigne.
-What light is to the eyes, what air is to the lungs, what love is to the heart, freedom is to the soul of man.-Robert Green.
-We will pay any price, any burden, we will help any friend and oppose anyone to ensure the survival and success of freedom.-John F. Kennedy.
-Long ago the fathers of the country brought to this continent a nation conceived in freedom, dedicated to the proposal that all men are equal.-Abraham Lincoln.
-People never give up their freedoms except out of disappointment.-Edmund Burke.
-The truth will set you free, but first it will make you angry.-Joe Klaas.
-I am not a bird and no net contains me; I am a free human being with an independent will.-Charlotte Brontë.
-Those people who hate you, envy your freedom.-Santosh Kalwar.
-Life without freedom is like a body without a spirit.-Kahlil Gibran.
-One of the unknown freedoms that accompany a free press is the freedom not to read it.-Ferdinand Mount.
-Freedom is not something that can be given to anyone. Freedom is something that people take, and people are only as free as they want to be.-James Baldwin.
-Happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being brave.-Marie Rutkoski.
-We wanted the freedom to love. We wanted the freedom to choose. Now we have to fight for it.-Lauren Oliver.
-Freedom is true for those who dare to think differently.-Rosa Luxemburg.
-Freedom is something that dies unless it is used.-Hunter S. Thompson.
-Belonging nowhere is a blessing and a curse at the same time, like all freedom.-Leah Stewart.
-As long as men are free to think what they want, freedom can never be lost and science can never go back.-Marcel Proust.
-I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.-Mahatma Gandhi.
-Perfect freedom is as necessary for the health and vigor of commerce as it is for the health and vigor of citizenship.-Patrick Henry.
-Freedom of speech comes with a certain freedom to listen.-Warren E. Burger.
-Freedom has never come from the government. The history of freedom is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it.-Woodrow Wilson.
-A true friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.-Jim Morrison.
-A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free not to worry about what happens in life.-Suze Orman.
-Art is the daughter of freedom.-Friedrich Schiller.
-The path to freedom must be uphill, even if it is arduous and frustrating.-Andrew Goodman.
-When you are not worried about being successful, you can work with complete freedom.-Larry David.
-There is no such thing as a half freedom.-Nelson Mandela.
-Responsibility and respect for others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom.-Horst Koehler.
-Democracy should be more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.-James Bovard.
-Individual freedom demands individual responsibility.-Lyn Nofziger.
-Freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion have two aspects: freedom of thought and freedom of action.-Frank Murphy.
-Not worrying about what others think more than you worry about what you think of yourself. That's freedom.-Demi Moore.
-The truth will set you free.-John 8:31
-Walk where your heart guides you, there are no burdens or restrictions.-Tennessee Williams.
-Freedom and not slavery, is the cure for anarchy, just as religion, and not atheism, is the true antidote to superstition.-Edmund Burke.
-Freedom has no meaning without security at home and in the streets.-Nelson Mandela.
-Men rattle their chains to demonstrate their freedom.-Arthur Helps.
-I was free when I didn't have a penny.-Mike Tyson.
-Because we are free, we can never be indifferent to the fate of freedom elsewhere.-Jimmy Carter.
-The cause of freedom is the cause of God! -Edmund Burke.
-Ignorance is not freedom, except in the minds of those who prefer darkness to light, and chains to freedom.-Robert Hugh Benson
-The freedom to reject is the only freedom.-Salman Rushdie.
-Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things.-Ronald Reagan.
-The worst way to defend freedom, our freedom, is by letting our leaders start taking away our freedoms.-Michael Moore.
-True freedom is sharing all the chains our brothers wear.-James Rissell Lowell.
-Freedom is the basic condition for you to be able to touch life, the blue sky, the trees, the birds, the tea and another person.-Thich Nhat Hanh.
-True freedom is tolerant. It gives people the right to live and think in new ways.-John Twelve Hawks.
-Freedom is simply chaos, with better lighting.-Alan Dean Foster.
-Staying true to freedom is in essence honoring and respecting the freedom of others.-Dwight D. Eisenhower.
-For you who no longer have it, freedom is everything; For us who possess it, it is simply an illusion.-Emil Cioran.
-Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.-Peter Carey.
-Knowing how to free oneself is nothing, the difficult thing is knowing what to do with the freedom that one has.-André Gide.
-Your heart is free, have the strength to follow it.-Malcon Wallace.
-Freedom is not the power to do what we want, but the right to do what we must.-Lord Acton.
-Freedom is not a means to a greater political end, it is itself the greatest of political ends.-Lord Acton.
-There is no greater freedom than the freedom to be yourself.-Doe Zantamata.
-Conformity is the guardian of freedom and the enemy of growth.-John F. Kennedy.
-I am not a bird, and no net will catch me, I am a free human being with an independent will.-Charlotte Bronte.
-War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.-George Orwell.
-Freedom is not just a privilege that is granted, it is a custom that must be acquired.-George Bernard Shaw.
-Freedom exists only in dreams.-Friedrich Schiller.
-Freedom is a magic mirror where all creation is reflected.-Friedrich Von Hardenberg.
-If you do not have inner freedom, what other freedom could you wish to have? -Arturo Graf.
-To be free we must be slaves of the laws.-Cicero.
-He who laughs at his chains is not free.-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.
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