100+ Phrases of Marco Aurelio

Alexander Pearson

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor who was born in 121 into a wealthy Roman family. His uncle was Emperor Antoninus Pius, who adopted Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius as adopted sons. They were co-emperors from 161 to 169, when Lucius died and Marcus Aurelius remained the sole emperor until his death in 180.

Marcus Aurelius is considered the last of the 5 good emperors. Today he is known as a noble, benevolent and wise emperor; in fact, he has been described as the ideal philosopher-king that Plato proposed in his writings.

He was a lover of Rome and the Empire and even gave part of his personal fortune to the hacienda, which was left very impoverished by plagues and fighting to defend and expand the Empire. However, he persecuted the Christians and his son Commodus was one of the greatest tyrants in the history of Rome..

He was a Stoic philosopher and wrote his own reflections. The book Meditations It was written in Greek and represented his own inner life for the last 12 years of his life. He worried about the state of his soul and his writings showed that he believed in God.

Marco Aurelio quotes about life

With these phrases of Marco Aurelio you will be able to observe their ideas and thoughts, wise and useful despite thousands of years having passed. Learning from such an important person and in a position of such responsibility is a great opportunity. These quotes are taken from his writings, including Meditations.

The art of life is more like fighting than dancing

Life is not pleasant, it is necessary to suffer fighting to move on.

If it is not right, then do not do it. If it's not true, do not tell

Being honest is one of the characteristics that most exalt a human being, you always have to act with kindness and truth.

Limit yourself to the present

There is no use living thinking about the past or the future, life is now.

The best revenge is to be different from the one who caused the damage

One should not stoop to act the way people who seek to hurt us do..

Our life is what our thoughts create

You always have to have positive thoughts and believe that we are capable of achieving what we are looking for.

Do everything in life as if it were the last thing you do

We must give our best and enjoy every moment of our lives.

All we hear is an opinion, not a fact. All we see is a perspective, not the truth

Everything in life is relative, each person has their own way of seeing and analyzing things.

Look inside yourself. Inside is the source of good, and it will spring up again if you keep digging

By thoroughly analyzing each situation that we face, we will find the answer.

Calm while resolute, cheerful as well as consistent, he is the man who follows reason in everything

Peace and happiness, along with conviction and perseverance are keys to having a clear vision of where to go in life..

The soul is stained with the color of your thoughts

Our thoughts are what shape our way of being. You always have to have positive ideas and good vibes.

That which is not good for the hive cannot be good for the bees

What is not good for society as a whole will not be good for people either.

We must do good to others as naturally as a horse runs, a bee makes honey, or a vine produces grapes.

Our first instinct should always be to do good to others, no matter to whom..

Don't spend any more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one

The message comes better with actions than with speeches.

To understand the true quality of people, you must look inside their minds, examine their occupations and aversions.

Never trust first impressions of a person. We must try to know more about their thoughts to truly know who they are..

Loss is nothing but change, and change is nature's delight

We must learn from nature, which is always changing and evolving, despite what was lost.

The only wealth that you will keep forever is the wealth that you have given away

Generosity is one of the most precious values ​​of people. Giving is much more pleasant than receiving.

How much time does he save who does not turn around to see what his neighbor says, does or thinks

Instead of criticizing others, we should use the time to enjoy our life.

Life is neither good nor bad, but a place for good and evil

The type of life we ​​have will depend on our actions.

Nowhere can a man find a calmer and more unflappable retreat than in his own soul

Knowing ourselves deeply brings peace to our lives.

Reject your sense of prejudice and prejudice will just disappear

We must never prejudge, we must always create our own judgment of the people or things we see.

Poverty is the mother of crime

For Marco Aurelio, a person who has very few resources and opportunities to improve, is prone to commit illicit acts.

You have power in your mind, not outside. Be aware of this and you will find the strength

Self-confidence is essential to achieve any goal. If we think positively, we can achieve what we set out to do.

When you get up in the morning, think about the privilege of living: breathing, thinking, enjoying, loving

We must always be grateful for the life that we have to live.

Getting started is half the job, start over with the remaining half, and you're done

Never give up halfway, always keep trying.

Your days are numbered. Use them to open the windows of your soul and let the Sun in

Our life time in the world is finite, therefore, we must make the most of it and enjoy it as much as possible.

A man should not be afraid of death, he should be afraid of never beginning to live

Life must be lived with intensity.

He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the Universe

The most important thing for a person is to accept himself with his defects and virtues.

Think of the beauty of life. Look at the stars and see yourself running behind them

Being able to pursue our dreams and desires is the most beautiful thing in life.

That something seems difficult to you does not mean that no one else is able to achieve it

Nothing is impossible to do, we must always try to achieve what we set out to do.

The goal of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape from being part of the foolish

We should always act in the way that seems right to us, regardless of whether most people do otherwise..

Don't act like you're going to live for ten thousand years. Death stalks you. As long as you live, as long as possible, be good

We must show kindness in every act and in every decision we make in our life.

The universal order and the personal order are nothing other than different expressions and manifestations of a fundamental common principle.

We are all governed under the same universal laws, in this sense we are all equal.

We are too used to attributing to a single cause what is the product of several, and most of our controversies proceed from that.

You always have to look beyond the current problem, and try to identify what are the causes that cause it.

Nothing has so much power to broaden the mind than the ability to systematically and realistically investigate all that is observable in life.

Study and experimentation expand our knowledge of the world around us.

Everything that happens, happens as it should, and if you watch carefully, you will find that this is so

Everything that happens, always does it as a consequence of something.

You must become an old man well in advance if you want to be an old man for a long time.

Maturing allows us to make better decisions in life.

Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability.

For Marco Aurelio, some people are born with skills and others are not.

Do not allow your mind to stray from the things you have, but from the things you lack

We must always value our virtues.

A man's worth is not greater than his ambitions

People are judged by what they try to achieve in life.

If you are upset by an external cause, the pain is not due to the cause itself, but to the value you place on it. And you have the power to revoke that value

We are the ones who control the pain we feel, and the ones who have the ability to eliminate it.

Don't let the future bother you. You will meet him, if you must, with the same rational weapons with which you are armed to fight the present.

We must always worry about solving the problems we have in the present, since it is impossible to know what types of problems we may have in the future..

Every time you are about to point out a flaw in another person, ask yourself the following question: Which flaw in me looks like the one I'm about to criticize??

No one is perfect, we all have some flaws.

The first rule is to keep your spirit calm. The second is to see things face to face and know what they are

Inner peace allows us to better visualize things.

You are just a soul carrying a corpse on its back

For Marco Aurelio, what we truly are transcends our physical form.

Look into the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you will be able to foresee the future.

Knowing the history is essential to avoid making the same mistakes.

The echo of what we do now echoes in eternity

Everything we do has an impact on the future.

Think you are dead. You have already lived your life. Now take advantage of what you have left of it and live it as it should. What does not transmit light creates its own darkness

It is never too late to start enjoying life. You always have to live to the fullest.

Perfection of character is this: living each day as if it were your last, without rushing, without apathy, without pretense.

Life must be fully enjoyed, with enthusiasm and tranquility.

People are naturally trained to withstand everything that happens to us

No problem is bigger than us, there is always a solution.

How ridiculous and how strange it is to be surprised by the things that happen in life

Life is full of new things that surprise us every day.

Humans exist for the good of others. So either you teach them or you learn to endure them

You always have to try to understand other people and collaborate with them, since we are all in this together.

Come back to your senses, come back, wake up again. Now that you have realized that what bothered you was only a dream, look at "reality" as you see your dreams

There is no problem, no matter how big it may seem, that cannot be solved if faced.

Do what you have to do. Even if you disarm, most people will still do the same things.

We must be consistent with our ideals.

It is in your power to withdraw whenever you want. Perfect tranquility consists of the order of mind, the realm that belongs to you

When necessary, it is okay to dive into our thoughts to re-accommodate our ideas.

Accept whatever comes woven into the pattern of your destiny, for what could be more suitable to meet your needs??

We must learn to accept everything that is given to us, that serves to advance on our path.

If any man hates me, that's his problem. My only concern is not to do or say anything that deserves that hatred

Not all people are going to love us, no matter how good we are to them. In any case, we must always act in a good way.

Nowhere can you find a more peaceful and trouble-free place than within your own soul.

Meditation brings us tranquility and allows us to know ourselves more and more.

What is really beautiful does not need anything else

We should not try to modify what seems beautiful to us.

Life is an opinion

Everything in life is relative, it depends on the opinion of each person.

Marco Aurelio quotes about happiness

It takes very little to have a happy life; it's all inside of you, in your way of thinking

Our attitude and our way of thinking are what determine our way of living. If we think of good things and have a positive attitude, we will live happier.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts; therefore act accordingly, and be careful not to entertain yourself in inappropriate notions for virtue and reasonable nature

If we have happy thoughts, our life will be happy. If we have negative thoughts, we will attract undesirable things to our life.

The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others. The happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuates with the mood that is beyond their control. However, the happiness of the wise comes from their actions

True happiness is achieved when we live selflessly and act with kindness.

Marco Aurelio quotes about love

Accept the things that destiny binds you to and love the people that destiny brings you, but do it with all your heart

We must be happy with everything we already have in our life and with what comes to us.

Long phrases of Marco Aurelio

Everything is in a certain way beautiful, it is beautiful in itself and does not ask for anything beyond itself. The praise is not part of itself, consequently, what is praised is neither worsened nor improved.

Beauty does not depend on people's opinion, all things are beautiful by themselves.

Many times I have wondered how it is that each man loves himself more than the rest of the men, but in spite of everything he gives less value to his own opinions of himself than to the opinions of others.

We must not allow other people's opinions to affect us.

A noble man compares and esteems himself for an idea that is superior to him; a mean man, for one inferior to himself. The first produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is what a common man aspires to

Our ideals are what determine the type of person we are.

Constantly observe all those things that take place through change, and get used to thinking that nothing loves the nature of the universe so much as changing existing things and creating new similar things.

The changes are good, they mean progress and movement. Everything in life changes and we must learn to adapt to these changes.

Time is a kind of river of events and its flow is strong; as soon as something is brought into view, it is swept away and something else takes its place, and this in turn will also be swept away

Nothing in life lasts forever, we must learn to let go and let go, and accept the new.

If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not correct, I will gladly change, since I seek the truth and no one has ever been hurt by the truth. The person who is stuck in ignorance is the one who gets hurt

We must always acknowledge our mistakes and try to correct them.

When someone else blames you or hates you, or people criticize you, go into their souls, penetrate the depths and see what kind of people they are. You will realize that you should not torment yourself thinking about what others think of you

We should not worry too much about other people's criticism.

Start each day by telling yourself: Today I will find interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill will and selfishness, all due to the ignorance of the offenders, who do not distinguish good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good and the ugliness of evil, and I recognize that the wrongdoer has a nature similar to mine, not the same blood but the same mind. So it can't hurt me.

Every day we meet people who try to do us wrong, but we must always be above them.

Don't dream of the things you don't have, rather acknowledge the blessings of the things you do have. Then, gratefully remind yourself how anxious you would be if your possessions weren't yours.

You always have to be grateful for what you have.

You always have the option of not commenting on it. There is no need to bother your soul for things you cannot control. Those things are not asking you to judge them. Leave them alone

It is useless to comment on issues that are not within our reach or in our way.

Just do the right thing. The rest does not matter. Hot or cold. Tired or rested. Despised and honored. Dead or busy with other tasks. Because dying is also one of the tasks that we must fulfill in life

We must always do what seems right to us, regardless of the consequences.

Lead a good life. If there are gods and they are righteous, they will not care how devoted you were. Instead, they will welcome you based on the virtues you have had in life. If there are gods but they are unfair, then you would not like to praise them. If there are no gods, then simply your life will have ended but it will have been noble and your memory will live in the memories of those you love.

We must act in a good way only for the fact of doing good, not thinking about what consequences it may have in the future.

Don't waste time speculating on what your neighbors are up to, unless it's for mutual benefit. Wondering what they are doing and why they are doing it, what they say, think or plan distracts you and symbolizes losing the opportunity to do other tasks

Unless it is to work together, what the rest of the people do should not worry us.

Is it your reputation that bothers you? But look how quickly we are forgotten. The abyss of eternal time swallows everything. The emptiness of those clapping hands. The people who applaud us, how capricious they are, how arbitrary

The way we act should be guided by our principles and ideals, not by seeking approval from other people.

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