100+ Osho Phrases

Philip Kelley

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, better known as "Osho", was an Indian spiritual leader who claimed to have found enlightenment. With his "dynamic meditation" he attracted thousands of followers to whom he imparted his teachings..

His teachings and philosophy were controversial, so he was in conflict with the Indian authorities. Then he moved to Oregon (United States), where he built a commune with his followers. However, all was not well; in 1985 he was arrested for problems with the law due to his immigration and deported to India, where he died in 1990.

Then I leave you the best osho phrases about life, death, friendship, fear, spirituality, friendship and love. They will help you to be more spiritual, less materialistic and to receive the ideas that made this mystic so popular.

Osho Quotes short

A certain darkness is necessary to see the stars.

The bad times that we have to go through are good opportunities to value all the good that there is in our lives.

Life begins where fear ends.

You cannot live a life in fear, this paralyzes people and does not allow them to progress.

The real question is not if life exists before death, it is if you are alive before death.

The important thing is to enjoy every moment of this life and make the most of it.

You have to walk and create the path by walking; you will not find a path already made.

Each person is responsible for making the decisions and the paths they want to follow in their life, no one else is responsible for that..

Life is the balance between rest and movement.

Life is a balance, there is virtue; do things and rest.

Be realistic: plan for a miracle.

You always have to dream big.

Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.

When creating something we use our imagination and bring into the world something that did not exist.

It is not a matter of learning a lot. On the contrary, it is a matter of unlearning a lot.

Not all the values ​​that are learned in life and instilled in society are positive. To learn you also have to unlearn.

If you want to see the truth, do not hold any opinion for or against.

Preconceptions and opinions keep us from seeing things as they are.

Courage is a love affair with the unknown.

To have courage you have to risk traveling through the unknown and enjoying it.

Fools laugh at others. Wisdom laughs at itself.

You have to know how to laugh at your own defects.

The idea you have of yourself is borrowed from those who have no idea who they are.

Never be influenced by empty people.

Unless you begin to see the source of the light that you radiate, you will not be able to see the light that is in others..

To learn to value other people, we must first value ourselves.

A little idiocy, the necessary to enjoy life, and a little wisdom to be able to avoid mistakes. That will suffice.

You cannot be on guard all the time and thinking about how to improve, sometimes you need to relax and enjoy.

The truth is not something on the outside to be discovered, it is something on the inside to be achieved.

To find the truth of your life look inside, not outside.

My meditation is simple. It does not require complex practices. It is singing. It is dancing. Is to sit quietly.

You can meditate by doing any type of activity that you enjoy.

The feminine is more powerful than the masculine, the soft is more powerful than the hard, the water is more powerful than the rock.

The true power is not in the force.

If you are absolutely mindless, just pure awareness, time stops completely, disappears, leaving no trace.

To abstract yourself from everything you have to try to stop thinking and be fully aware.

I know. Don't try to become.

You always have to be yourself, you don't have to try to be like others.

The truth is not found on the outside. It is within you and if you want to get it, look for it in your own company.

Our own truth is what matters most to us. Each has its own truth.

No one has the power to take two steps at the same time; you can only take one step at a time.

You do not have to rush to walk the path, to move forward you have to go slowly but precisely.

They say: think twice before jumping. I say: jump first then think all you want.

You always have to dare to take risks, only in that way will we know what what we are thinking of doing is about.

It only takes a little alertness to see and discover: life is one great cosmic laugh.

You don't have to live life with so many worries, you have to enjoy and smile more.

No one is here to fulfill your dream. Everyone is here to fulfill their own destiny, their own reality.

Each person fights for what they want. If someone wants something, they must fight to get it, since nobody is going to fight for it..

I live my life based on two principles. One, I live today as if today is my last day on Earth. Two, I live today like I'm going to live forever.

You should make the most of each day, as if it were your last, but knowing that many more are coming..

There is a big difference between trust and belief. Trust is personal. Belief is social.

In trust there are no doubts, because it is what we are. On the other hand, in belief there may be doubts because it is a social construction.

Whatever you feel, you become it. It is your responsibility.

Everything we feel transforms us into who we are.

There is no conviction. You can correct your mistakes. It is simple.

Don't feel bad about making mistakes, but try to correct them.

A man who is 100% healthy is dead.

There is no living person who is completely healthy, since life wears us down with each activity we do.

Nobody can say anything about you. What people say is about themselves.

People always project their flaws and virtues, no one knows you as much as yourself.

Just being alive is a gift, but nobody told you to be grateful to existence.

You always have to take a little moment to be thankful for our existence.

No one is responsible except you. No one can piss you off, and no one can make you happy.

The way we feel is always up to us.

Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being yourself, whatever the cost.

Only when we learn to look at ourselves and accept ourselves with our defects and virtues is when we grow.

Instead of being upset by what others say, you should start looking within.

Don't let what other people say affect you negatively. Think by yourself.

In the space of no-mind, truth descends like light.

By clearing our mind of all the prejudices that we have formed, we can see things more clearly.

Throw away the idea of ​​becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved.

No one can be happy trying to be someone else. You have to accept and love who we are in order to have a happy life.

All that is great cannot be possessed, and that is one of the silliest things man is doing. Wants to own.

Nothing that exists belongs to us.

Enlightenment will be the beginning, not the end. The beginning of an endless process in all dimensions of wealth.

In life you never stop learning, you always have to keep growing and advancing.

If you are a parent, open the child's doors to unfamiliar directions so that they can explore. Don't be afraid of the unknown, give it support.

Our children must go their own ways, make their own decisions, and make their own mistakes..

The thought happens in your head. It is not really deep in the roots of your being; it is not your totality.

People can change their minds, no one is totally subject to what they think.

How can one be enlightened? One can, because one is enlightened, one just has to acknowledge the fact.

We all have the ability to grow and evolve.

You become what you think you are.

What we think of ourselves will be what we reflect on the outside. You always have to have positive thoughts and love ourselves as we are.

The complete effort of a Jesus, Buddha or a Bodhidharma, is nothing more than how to undo what society has done to you.

The words of the great teachers have to serve to end the social paradigms that harm people.

The whole world is a cyclone. But once you've found the center, the cyclone disappears. This insignificance is the last peak of consciousness.

We must not get carried away by the incessant rhythm of the world, we must find our own rhythm and live a balanced life.

The moment you enter the world of words, you begin to fall out of what is. The more you go into the language, the further you are from existence.

The habit of reading is very beneficial for people.

Listen to your being. He continually gives you clues. It's a little voice. And if you are silent, you will begin to hear it.

Meditation helps us find ourselves.

When you are aware, you are in trouble. When you are aware, you show symptoms that you don't know who you are. Your conscience indicates that you have not come home.

Experience life in all its forms; good-bad, sweet-sour, light-dark, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities.

In order to grow and advance, it is necessary to experiment and know everything that can be done..

Each person comes to this world with a specific destination, you are here significantly. There is a purpose behind you.

We all have a mission in life, we all have a purpose.

Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but neither is nobody equal. People are simply unique, incomparable.

We all have the same rights and obligations in society, but also, we all follow different paths, our own paths..

Intelligence is dangerous. Intelligence means that you will start thinking for yourself; you'll start to look around for yourself.

A person who moves where he wants to move, regardless of where others go, is a person who moves forward.

I am simply saying that there is a way to be healthy. I say that you can get rid of everything insane created in your past. Just being a witness to your thoughts.

Each person should think and do what they really feel, without being influenced by what other people believe.

It is simply about sitting quietly, observing the thoughts passing through you. Simply observing, not interfering, not judging.

Meditation is very important to analyze how we are, it helps to see our thoughts and let them flow.

Be less of a judge and you will be surprised that when you become a witness and don't judge yourself, you also stop judging others..

You have to stop judging and try to live longer.

You and your brain are two things. The brain is your machinery just like anything else. This hand is your mechanism; I use it. My brain is my mechanism: I use it.

Our essence, what we are, is beyond our physical parts.

Meaning is man-made. And because you constantly search for meaning, you start to feel meaningless..

Man is a limited being, therefore everything he believes to be true is actually a construction made by him..

Don't look, don't ask, don't answer, don't call, don't demand, relax. If you relax, you are there. If you relax, you start to vibrate with it.

Finding moments to relax and let go of everything helps us to be better.

The disciple does not seek knowledge; wants to see, not know. I want to be. You are no longer interested in having more knowledge; wants to have more to be.

A true disciple seeks to understand what he is seeing, he is not interested in knowing expand his knowledge, but in expanding his understanding.

Meditation is nothing more than an ability to reflect. And now, no words move inside of you, so there is no distraction.

When meditating, we connect clearly with ourselves and we only feel, without thinking.

You become a teacher only with deep humility, because learning is only possible with humility. You have to give up, don't act, don't manipulate, don't impress.

The humble people, the ones who don't try to prove anything, are the ones who really show their true self. These types of people will teach in a sincere way, and from that you can learn

The modern mind has lost all ability to wonder. He has lost all ability to look into the mysterious, the miraculous, for knowledge, because he thinks he knows.

The amount of information that a person continuously receives causes them to lose the capacity for astonishment because they think they have already seen everything, that they already know everything.

Many people have come and gone, and it has always been good because they leave room for better people..

There is no need to mourn for people who are no longer with us.

Discoveries are made based on something that is true, while an invention is created by you.

Inventions start from the imagination of a person who then materializes it.

Ignorance is always bold. Knowledge doubts. And the more you know, the more you feel like the ground that supports you is collapsing.

People who feel smart know the least.

About life

Never interfere in anyone's life and don't let anyone interfere in your life.

Each person should set out on their own path.

The day you think you know, your death has occurred, because now there will be no wonder, joy or surprise. Now you will live a dead life.

You never stop learning in life.

Once you have begun to see the beauty in life, the ugliness begins to disappear..

There is no beautiful or ugly, these are preconceptions formed by people. You have to know how to appreciate everything that exists in the world.

Don't choose, accept life as it is in its entirety.

We must accept everything that has touched us in life and learn to value it.

If you can bring your consciousness to act, if you can be spontaneous, then there is no need for any religion, life becomes religion..

For Osho, self-knowledge and spontaneity were essential.

You will find meaning in life if you believe it. It is a poetry to be composed. It is a song to be sung. It is a dance to be danced.

The meaning of life is different for each person. Each one must discover hers by living it in their own way.

The moment you become miserable, you close yourself to the basic phenomenon of life: expansion, sharing.

Life is about learning and sharing.

A man becomes Buddha the moment he accepts everything that life brings him with gratitude.

You have to know how to accept and be grateful for the life that has touched us.

About love

Don't try to understand life. Live the. Don't try to understand love. Move towards him.

You don't have to think so much, you have to do more.

Love is the goal, life is the journey.

Through the experiences acquired in life we ​​are learning to love fully and healthily.

Little by little love becomes a state of your being. You are not in love, you are love.

Love is the most important thing in life. We all must learn to love.

Immature people who fall in love destroy the freedom of the other. Mature people in love help the other to be free.

Love is not about owning or dominating, it is about accompanying and enjoying the happiness of the other person.

My love has never depended on the other person. My love is a state of my being. I just love.

You love when you are ready to love.

Love is not a relationship. It is a state of being. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

Loving is independent of whether or not we have someone next to us.

If you love a flower, don't pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and ceases to be. Therefore, if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not possession. Love is appreciation.

You have to learn to love people as they are, without trying to change them.

Friendship is the purest love. It is the greatest form of love where nothing asks, there are no conditions, where one enjoys simply giving.

True friends are the ones who are always there when needed.

I love, because my love is not dependent on the object of love. My love is dependent on my state. I just love.

Love is born of you because you feel it that way, it does not depend on anything else.

Love cannot exist as a monologue; it is a dialogue; a very harmonious dialogue.

When you love someone, it is important to feel loved too.

It is beautiful to be alone, it is also beautiful to be in love, to be with people. And they are complementary, not contradictory.

When a person is at peace with himself, he is able to be alone or with a partner and be happy.

Only those who are prepared to be nobody are capable of loving.

The ego must be put aside when it comes to loving.

Only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of loving, sharing, going to the deepest center of another person..

People who have the need to be with a partner because it is difficult for them to be alone, they only try to satisfy their own needs.

When you love, love the person as if they were a God, no less than that. Never love a woman as if she were a woman and never love a man as if she were a man.

In love you have to give yourself everything for everything.

Growth is only possible if there is imperfection. I am imperfect, the entire universe is imperfect, and loving this imperfection, rejoicing in it, is my whole message..

In imperfections, in mistakes is where we realize what we need to change and learn. We are all imperfect, we all need to learn and grow.

Mature people have the integrity that allows them to be alone. When a mature person loves, he or she does it without strings attached..

The person who feels good about himself, who accepts himself as he is, has the ability to love deeply.

When two mature people love each other, one of the greatest paradoxes of life occurs, one of the most beautiful phenomena: they are together and at the same time they are terribly alone..

People who are able to love freely enjoy both time shared with their partner and the time they spend alone.

Dominating is a way of hating. How can you think of dominating someone you love? If you love someone, then you want him to be free, independent, you will give him space for himself.

Love is not about dominance, but about sharing and being happy through the happiness of the other.

About happiness

Happiness is a shadow of harmony; pursue harmony. There is no other way to be happy.

People who lead a balanced life are the happiest.

That is the simple secret of happiness. Whatever you do, don't let the past get in the way, don't let the future bother you.

You always have to live in the present.

Happiness is like a tree that goes to the sky, sadness is like roots that go to the belly of the earth.

Happiness elevates the soul, sadness depresses it.

Look at the trees, the birds, the clouds, the stars and if you have eyes you will be able to see that all existence is joy..

You have to know how to appreciate all the things around us.

Instead of jumping from one superficial happiness to another and wasting your life, it is better to use sadness as a method of meditation..

The superficiality of things will only bring us momentary satisfaction.

Find ecstasy in yourself. It is nowhere else. Blooms inside of you.

To be happy, we must first learn to love ourselves as we are.

About zen and freedom

Zen includes everything. He never denies, he never says no to anything; accept everything and transform it into a higher reality.

There is no bad thing, you learn everything.

Zen is the only religion in the world that teaches sudden enlightenment. He says that enlightenment doesn't take time; it can happen in a moment.

Osho's description of Zen.

Zen is a way of unlearning. It teaches you how to throw away what you have learned, how to become unskilled again, how to be a child again, how to start existing without mind again, how to be here without any mind..

Zen tries to eliminate all the preconceptions created by society, to see the world from a different place.

This is the approach of Zen: nothing has to be done. There's nothing to do. One just has to be. Take a break, be normal and be natural.

You always have to try to do what you really want to do.

About God and religion

When I say that you are gods and goddesses, I mean that your possibilities are infinite, your potentiality is infinite.

People are capable of doing anything if we set our mind to it.

God is a synergistic experience. Science can never reveal it, philosophy can never come to it. Only a poetic approach, very passive, a very loving approach, can.

God should not be sought, you have to feel him.

Be normal, but bring awareness to your normal life. Bring God into your normal life, introduce Him.

A very religious person has no theology. Yes, he has the experience, he has the truth, he has the luminosity, but he has no theology.

Osho was not part of any of the classical religions.

About freedom

When the mind is not tied to any ideology, it is free to move to new understandings. And in that freedom all the good and all the beautiful flourish.

People are capable of change, and that is what makes them evolve.

About death

To avoid pain, avoid pleasure. To avoid death, avoid life.

It is impossible to avoid bad things that happen to us because they are also part of life.

Whenever you are afraid, try to explore, and you will find that death was hiding somewhere. Death is the only source of fear.

The greatest fear of people, the only one capable of paralyzing them, is the fear of dying.

You are an immortal living in a body of death. Your consciousness knows neither death nor birth. Only your body can be born and die.

What we are transcends our mortal form.

About the woman

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother never. A mother is something absolutely new.

No one can prepare to be a mother or father, this is only learned with the arrival of a child.

Other thoughts

Love and respect yourself and never commit to anything. And then you will be surprised how much you start to grow, as if the rocks had been pushed aside and the river started to flow.

Certain commitments made hold us back in our evolution. To evolve it is necessary to let go.

No ideology can help create a new world or a new mind or a new human being, because the ideological orientation is itself the root cause of all conflicts and miseries..

The evolution of people cannot be guided by institutions.

Doubting is not a sin, it is a sign of intelligence. You are not responsible for a nation, for any church, for any God. You are only responsible for one thing; self-knowledge.

We must never accept everything they tell us, no matter who says it.

Being creative means being in love with life. You can only be creative if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring to it a little more music, a little more poetry, a little more dancing..

Creativity is born from love.

Look at your life. See that existence is celebrating. These trees are not serious. These birds are not serious. Rivers and oceans are wild, and there is fun in every place. Look at existence, listen to existence and be part of it.

We must try to live in harmony with what surrounds us.

The truth will not be found on the outside. No teacher, no scripture can give you the truth. It is within you and, if you want to achieve it, find yourself. Is with yourself.

Self-knowledge is the most important search that a person must do.

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