I leave you the best phrases by Paulo Freire about education, the oppressed, freedom, life, children, pedagogy, humanity and much more. Freire was born in 1921 in northeastern Brazil, where he experienced experiences that influenced his work.
In fact, Paulo Freire was not a pedagogue who received his teachings only theoretically, but developed his theories from his own experiences, since he went through hunger and poverty since he was young. Because he lived in a rural society, with poor families and workers, he began to understand the influence of socioeconomic class on education..
One of the most outstanding points of Paulo Freire's pedagogy is that he not only gives importance to reading, to understand words, but also to understanding the world, having a critical conscience. Having a critical conscience, people can question their historical and social situation to contribute to the creation of a democratic society.
Paulo Freire's education consists of a dialogue between students and teachers, in which both question, learn, reflect and participate in the creation of meaning. The teacher has to get involved in the community, know the lives of his students and their families in order to influence the generation of discussions in the classes.
What is more important, for Freire it is not only enough to dialogue, but it is necessary to act in the environment, critically reflect on reality and transform it with actions.
-Saying a true word is transforming the world.
-Education is an act of love.
-Education is freedom.
-Oppression is fueled by the love of death and not by the love of life.
-Change is difficult but it is possible.
-Joy does not come to meet discovery, but is part of the search process.
-I am not in the world simply to adapt to it, but to transform it.
-Nobody educates nobody, nobody educates himself, men educate each other with the mediation of the world.
-If the structure does not allow a dialogue, the structure must be changed.
-Liberation is a praxis: action and reflection on the world in order to transform it.
-I am an educator who thinks globally.
-No one person ignores everything. Nobody knows everything. We all know something. We are all ignorant of something. That's why we always learn.
-Reading the world precedes reading the word.
-The oppressed, instead of fighting for liberation, tend to become oppressors.
-The educator has a duty not to be neutral.
-The greatest, humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves.
-Language is never neutral.
-There is no dialogue if there is no humility, nor if there is no strong and unshakable faith in human beings.
-There is no life without correction, without rectification.
-How can I dialogue if I always project my ignorance on others and never perceive my own?
-Oppression is domestication.
-The oppressed want to resemble the oppressors at any cost.
-Consciousness is the constant presentation of reality.
-I know that things can even get worse, but I also know that it is possible to intervene to improve them.
-People educate each other through the mediation of the world.
-In order to function, authority must be on the side of freedom, not against it.
-Objectivity cannot be conceived without subjectivity.
-If education alone does not transform society, without it society does not change either.
-Humility expresses one of the strange certainties of which I am sure: that no one is superior to anyone.
-I love all people and I love the world. That is why I fight for social injustice to be implanted before charity.
-Without a sense of identity, there can be no real struggle.
-The crowd is always wrong.
-The confidence of the people in the leaders reflects the confidence of the leaders in the people.
-I cannot think for others or without others, nor for others to think for me.
-It is not the unloved one who initiates disaffection, but the one who cannot love because he only loves himself.
-There is no teaching without research, and no research without teaching.
-Love is an act of courage, not fear, it is a commitment to others.
-If I don't live from the world, if I don't love life, if I don't like people, I can't enter into dialogue.
-Glorifying democracy and silencing the people is a sham; giving a speech of humanism and denying people is a lie.
-Only the power that arises from the weakness of the oppressed will be strong enough to liberate everyone.
-True generosity consists precisely in the struggle to destroy the causes that feed false charity.
-There is no such thing as knowing less. There are simply different types of knowledge.
-If I cannot stimulate impossible dreams, then neither should I deny the right to dream to the one who dreams.
-The terrible consequences of negative thinking are perceived too late.
-Manipulation, like the conquest whose objectives it serves, tries to anesthetize people so that they do not think.
-The oppressed, after having internalized the image of the oppressor and approved his guidelines, are afraid of freedom.
-Freedom is acquired through conquest, not as a gift. It must be carried out consistently and responsibly.
-One of the basic elements of the relationship between oppressors and oppressed is prescription.
-To alienate human beings from their own decision-making is to turn them into objects.
-Liberation is a praxis: the action and reflection of men and women about their world in order to transform it.
-Man is not an island, he is communication. So there is a close relationship between fellowship and seeking.
-The sectarian rightist wants to slow down the historical process, tame time and therefore tame men and women.
-The search for full humanity cannot be carried out in an isolated or individualistic way, but in communion and solidarity.
-The pedagogy of the oppressed ceases to be of the oppressed and becomes the pedagogy of men in the process of permanent liberation.
-The word is not a privilege of a few people, but the right of all people.
-Looking at the past should only be a means to understand more clearly what and who we are, to be able to build the future more intelligently.
-I do not understand human existence and the necessary struggle to improve it without hope and without a dream.
-Oppressors do not favor the promotion of the community as a whole, but rather select leaders.
-One should try to live with others in solidarity ... only through human communication can life find meaning.
-Releasing education is an act of cognition, not the transfer of information.
-No one is born fully formed: it is through our own experience in the world that we become what we are.
-The tranquility of the oppressors is based on how well people adapt to the world they have created, and how little they question it.
-This violence, as a process, is perpetuated from generation to generation of oppressors, who become its heirs and are part of it.
-As long as the oppressed remain unaware of the causes of their fatalistic condition, they accept their exploitation.
-No oppressive order could allow the oppressed to ask the question: Why?
-The oppressed, as objects, as "things", have no ends, except those that the oppressors prescribe for them.
-Critical consciousness, they say, is anarchic.
-Reading is not walking in words; is to take their soul.
-Washing your hands in the face of conflicts between the powerful and the not powerful is to stand on the side of the powerful, it is not to be neutral.
-The revolution is born as a social entity within the oppressive society.
-No pedagogy that is truly liberating can remain aloof from the oppressed by treating them as unfortunate.
-True generosity consists precisely in the struggle to destroy the causes that feed false charity.
-Any relationship of domination, exploitation, oppression, is itself violence. It doesn't matter if it is done through drastic means or not.
-If the nature of the human being is respected, then the teaching of the contents cannot be given away from the moral formation of the student..
-Instead of communicating, the teacher makes deposits that students receive, memorize, and repeat over and over again..
-Men are not formed in silence, they are formed in words, in work, in action, in reflection..
-Teaching is not a simple transfer of knowledge, it is creating possibilities for the production or construction of knowledge..
-Accepting and respecting the differences of each one of us is one of the virtues without which "listening" does not exist..
-The word is a place of reunion and self-recognition.
-Any book requires one simple thing: that the reader engage with the book in a critical way.
-Stopping life, by reducing human beings to simple things, alienating them, mystifying them, violating them, is an attitude typical of the oppressors.
-Sectarianization turns reality into something false.
-In the conception of banking education, the educator is the one who has the knowledge, while the students are the ones who do not have it..
-Rejecting the macho ideology implies redirecting language. Changing language is part of the process to change the world.
-To educate is to impregnate with meaning everything we do at all times.
-The need to foster division to facilitate the maintenance of the oppressive state is manifested in all the actions of the ruling class..
-Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize people, they manipulate them. They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress.
-Men and women rarely admit their fear of freedom openly, however they tend rather to camouflage it, by presenting themselves as defenders of freedom..
-The true education is not that carried out by A for B or by A on B; true education is that which is carried out by A with B, together with the mediation of the world.
-Language is a human invention that is made socially and nobody teaches it; everyone acquires the language, creates the language. What one teaches the other is grammar.
-It is absolutely essential for the oppressed to participate in the revolutionary process with an increasingly critical awareness of their role as subjects of transformation..
-The more we are able to become children again, to remain childish, the more we can understand why we love the world and are open to understanding, to understanding; when we kill our inner child, we are no more.
Phrases about education
Reflection phrases
Pedagogy phrases
Phrases about freedom
Solidarity phrases
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