+100 Plato phrases

Philip Kelley
+100 Plato phrases

Plato was a philosopher of Ancient Greece, known especially for being a student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle, and for the myth of the cave. In addition, he was the founder of the Academy and the author of numerous philosophical ideas that have survived to the present day..

Plato is considered one of the founders of Western spirituality, religion, and politics. There is also the expression "platonic love" for him.

Something that any philosopher and lover of the readings of the ancient Greeks will be happy is that Plato's work has survived for about 4000 years, so his ideas are well known..

Plato's best phrases

In these Plato phrases you will get to know their ideas and thoughts on education, life, time, knowledge, politics, the myth of the cave and other topics. 

-The first and best victory is to conquer yourself.

-There are three kinds of men: lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of profit..

-When men speak ill of you, live in such a way that no one can believe them.

-Writing is the geometry of the soul.

-Education is teaching our children to wish for the right things.

-You can discover more about a person in an hour of play, than in a year of conversation.

-Any man can do harm, but not all can do good to others.

-No one is more hated than the one who tells the truth.

-Lack of activity destroys the condition of any human being.

-He who loves does not take paths in the dark.

-Knowledge turns bad if the goal is not virtuous.

-Beauty resides in the eyes of the beholder.

-Better a good adversary than a bad friend.

-The right question is often more important than the right answer.

-Justice is nothing but the convenience of the strongest.

-If you want to silence me, silence the philosophy, which is my love.

-The madness of love is the greatest of heaven's blessings.

-All learning is found in the disciple, not in the teacher.

-Integrity is the light that guides your way.

-We become what we contemplate.

-Time brings everything and the years alter names and forms, nature and even destiny.

-Philosophy is the highest music.

-Ideas are the origin of all things.

-Education certainly gives victory, although victory sometimes produces forgetfulness of education.

-Only those who do not seek power are qualified to possess it.

-The greatest wealth is living content with little.

-The wisest have the greatest authority.

-Never discourage someone who's making progress, no matter how slow they go.

-Ignorance is the root and trunk of all evil.

-The measure of a man is what he does with his power.

-It is impossible to improve the world if man does not improve first.

-The good soul, by its own excellence, improves the body as much as possible.

-The wise speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.

-What I really know is the extent of my ignorance.

-Courage is knowing what not to be afraid of.

-The very good and the very evil are quite rare, and most men fall between those extremes..

-A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is among a thousand, but a realized one could not be found even among a hundred thousand men..

-Knowledge is the food of the soul.

-The beginning is the most important part of the job.

-At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.

-True friendship can only exist between equals.

-A house that has a library has a soul.

-Only the dead have seen the end of the war.

-A dog has the soul of a philosopher.

-Necessity is the mother of invention.

-The price that good men pay for indifference to public affairs is that of being ruled by bad men.

-The word friend is common, the fact is rare.

-No wealth can make a bad man at peace with himself.

-We do not act with reason because we are excellent; we achieve excellence by acting with reason.

-The goal of education is to teach us to love the beautiful.

-Be good, because everyone you know is fighting a tough battle.

-False words are not only bad in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.

-Love is a serious desire of the mind.

-I am the wisest man alive, because I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing. (Phrase learned from his teacher and tutor, Socrates).

-Good people don't need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws..

-I have hardly met a mathematician who is capable of reasoning.

-Everything misleading, arguably enchants.

-We find what we are looking for, or at least we free ourselves from the persuasion that we know what we do not know.

-There is truth in wine and children.

-It was a wise man who invented God.

-The highest form of pure thinking is in mathematics.

-I'm trying to think, don't mistake me for facts.

-If women are expected to do some work like men, we must teach them the same things.

-No human being is of serious importance.

-Justice is useful when money is useless.

-Body exercise, when it is compulsory, does no harm to the body; but the knowledge that is acquired by obligation, does not find any sustenance in the mind.

-Character is simply a habit continued over time.

-Good actions empower ourselves and inspire the good actions of others.

-The light is the shadow of God.

-How could they see anything other than shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads? (Excerpt from "The Myth of the Caverns").

-Those who tell the story, rule society.

-Human behavior is derived from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge..

-There is in each of us, even those who seem to be the most moderate, a type of desire that is terrible, wild and lawless..

-He whose desires are strong in one direction will have them weaker in others..

-Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, much less believed by the masses..

-There are two things a person should never be angry with: what can help you, and what can't..

-Books are immortal children who defy their parents.

-People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person, or they can stunt your growth and cause you to wither and die..

-Of all the animals, the child is the most difficult to handle.

-You should not honor man more than the truth.

-An empty bowl makes a louder sound, so those with the least ingenuity are the greatest charlatans..

-Time is the living image of reality.

-Love is simply the name for desire and the search for wholeness.

-Poetry is closer to fundamental truth than history.

-Wondering shows that you are a philosopher, since the question is the only principle of philosophy.

-Poets pronounce great and wise things, which they themselves do not understand.

-Man is a being in search of meaning.

-Everything is flow, nothing stays still.

-Beauty is the splendor of truth.

-The direction in which a man's education begins will determine his future life.

-The beauty of style, harmony, grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity.

-Too much debauchery seems to morph into nothing but too much bondage.

-They get richer the more they think about making wealth and the less they think about doing virtue.

-Those who claim to be great must not love themselves or their own things. They must love what is fair, whether they do it themselves, or others.

-Justice means taking over your own affairs and not meddling with other men's concerns.

-Humiliation is the first step to knowledge, even when it comes to the most common things.

-Men absorbed in the pursuit of money are not fit to govern a state.

-Those who rule the state should be the only people to have the privilege of lying..

-Love is the source of all our happiness and harmony.

-Even the gods love jokes.

-Educators should reflect on the simplest and most effective methods to change the way of thinking.

-The soul exists before our appearance in this world and so do the essences.

-It is necessary to expel the demons of the lie.

-If everything belongs to everyone, no one will take care of anything.

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