Thomas Edison was an American businessman and inventor, best known for the invention of the light bulb. Furthermore, he was one of the first inventors to use the principles of scientific organization and teamwork to research and innovate. Edison was the first to create the first industrial research laboratory.
Although known for his conflicts with Tesla, Thomas Edison played a vital role in introducing electricity to modern society. In fact, the incandescent lamp, the electric light bulb, among other inventions emerged from their laboratories..
His first laboratory was in Menlo Park, New Jersey, a fact for which he is also known as "the wizard of Menlo Park." He married twice, was the father of six children and died in 1931 at the age of 84..
Edison's best phrases
I leave you the best Thomas Edison quotes, in which you can observe the ideas and way of thinking of this great inventor. As you will see, he was a great believer in hard work and perseverance..
I owe my success to the fact that I never had a watch in my workshop
When you work passionately to achieve a goal, it doesn't matter how many hours of the day you dedicate to it.
He who does not decide to cultivate the habit of thinking, loses the greatest pleasure in life
Thinking is fundamental to our lives, as it helps us to develop as people, to create new ideas, concepts and inventions..
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The surest way to be successful is to always try one more time.
You never have to lower your arms. If you can't get what you want, you have to try again.
There is no substitute for hard work
If a job requires hard work, you have to do it, there is no way to replace this effort.
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of garbage
Very few ideas work the first time we try them. For them to work we must try and fail many times until it is right.
We must remember that good fortune often occurs when opportunity meets preparation.
You always have to be prepared for when the opportunity comes. If we are not, no matter how many opportunities come to us, we are not going to take advantage of them.
I have not failed. I've found 10,000 ways that don't work
Errors are what allow us to correct and perfect what we are doing. You always have to keep trying.
Everything comes to the one who rushes while waiting
You never have to get stuck, you always have to look for new alternatives and ways to achieve your goals..
To get a great idea, have a lot of them
Not all of our ideas are useful, however, if we have many, tens or hundreds, it is likely that some will be good.
The best thoughts have been made in solitude. The worst have been made in turmoil
Tranquility and silence are the best allies to get a good idea.
I never had a day at work in my life. It was all fun
Those who are passionate about what they do, do not consider it a job.
When you have exhausted all possibilities, I remember this; You have not done it
Everything is possible to achieve, you always have to keep trying.
There are no rules here; we are trying to achieve something
Great strides are made when you think beyond the possibilities you have today.
What you are will show in what you do
Someone's true personality can be seen in the way they work.
What the mind of man can create, the character of man can control
We can all be very resourceful if we let ourselves.
Many opportunities are missed because they come dressed in overalls and look like work
Sometimes the jobs we are passionate about doing are what most people consider common..
Great ideas originate in the muscles
No idea can flourish if you don't try to execute. To come up with ideas you have to work hard.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration
Some people's success is based on hard work..
I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to make it up
The purpose of any invention must be to serve a purpose to benefit people.
Courage is what you are and not what you have
The most important thing about a person are their principles, not their possessions.
Time is really the only capital that any human being has and the least he can afford to waste or lose.
Lost time is not recovered, so we must take advantage of every second we have of life.
If we did all the things that we are capable of, we would literally surprise ourselves
People have many more capacities than we develop in our lives.
Discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a completely satisfied man and I'll show you a failure
To advance it is necessary not to settle for anything.
When I have completely decided that a result is worth achieving, I go ahead and try after attempt until it arrives..
People who set a goal and do not give up on the road, always achieve it.
The first requirement for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to a problem, endlessly and without tiring.
To get ahead we must focus all our efforts on what we do.
Just because something doesn't happen as you planned doesn't mean it's useless.
You always have to find the positive side of things.
Five percent of people think; ten percent of people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think
Many people live their lives as automatons, without making any decisions or thinking about what they really want to do..
There is a way to do it better; Find it
Things can always be done better than we do.
Negative results are just what I want. They are as valuable to me as the positive results. I can't find what works best until I find what doesn't work
The experience gained through mistakes is very valuable to perfect the final product.
Nonviolence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living things, we are still wild
A society advances when it resolves its differences through dialogue rather than force.
I find my greatest pleasure, and therefore my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success.
If we work on what we are really passionate about, we will do it with great pleasure.
Discontent is the first necessity of progress
We advance when we are not satisfied with what we have achieved.
The value of an idea lies in the use of it
If an idea has no application in the real world, it is useless.
The big three essentials to accomplishing anything worthwhile are: hard work, sticking, and common sense.
For Edison, these were the most precious things about a person.
I start where the last man left off.
You have to know how to take advantage of the work that other people did before us. Not everything has to be started from scratch.
The main function of the body is to carry the brain around
The most important thing a person has is their brain.
Anything that is not sold, I do not want to invent. Its sale is proof of usefulness and profit is success
The primary objective of any invention is that it be useful to people.
I never did anything by chance, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came for work
Nothing is achieved without effort.
I have normal friends whose friendship I would not change for the favor of the kings of the world.
Friends are one of the most important things we have.
The doctor of the future will not give any medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in the human diet and in the cause and prevention of diseases.
The knowledge of our body allows us to know what things do us good and what things do not. In this way, many of the diseases that affect us can be prevented..
The body is a community formed by its innumerable cells or inhabitants
We must take care of our body in the same way that all the inhabitants of a society should be cared for..
Be brave. I've seen a lot of slumps in business. America has always emerged from these, stronger and more prosperous. Be brave like your parents. Have faith. Go forward.
You should never let yourself be beaten by defeats. You always have to keep trying.
Maturity is often more absurd than youth and very often more unfair than youth
The problems we face when we are older are much more complicated than those we face when we are young.
I am proud of the fact that I have never invented weapons to kill
Our creations must never harm the human being, they must help him to live better.
Our schools are not teaching students to think. It is surprising how many young people have a hard time putting their brains definitively and systematically to work.
Education should promote that the student learns to reason by their own means.
We are going to make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles
Edison tried to make his inventions take advantage of all people.
Like a cure for worry, work is better than whiskey
Work keeps us busy and focused on what we are doing, and leaves no room for worries.
Personally, I like to work around 18 hours a day. In addition to the short naps I take each day, I average four to five hours of sleep per night
Edison was a very hardworking person and devoted all his available time to his inventions.
People are not remembered for the number of times they fail, but for the number of times they succeed.
Nobody succeeds overnight, everything is part of a process that requires hard work and many failures.
We don't even know a millionth of one percent of anything
Edison was aware that the human being has much to invent, know and discover.
I failed on my way to success
Failure is inevitable to achieve something.
In my opinion, the old masters are not a work of art; its value lies in its scarcity
For Edison, the great thinkers of history were not extraordinary, but were the few who had the ability to present their ideas.
When churches start to have a rational view of things and stop teaching fables, they will be more effective than they are today
Edison didn't believe in any religion.
Unfortunately it seems that there are many more opportunities than skills
Edison meant here that he saw many opportunities, but that not all people had the ability to take advantage of them.
Tomorrow is my exam, but I will not let any sheet of paper decide my future
If you are clear about your future, go for it, do not let anything affect you.
When a man desires one thing so deeply that he is determined to risk his entire future for one chance, he is sure to win.
People who have clear goals generally achieve it.
Everything said about existence after the grave is wrong. It is simply the product of our desire to continue living, of our fear of reaching an end
For Edison, our existence was limited to this life.
A man cannot control his beliefs.
Faith is something we have no control over.
We know nature. We do not know the gods of each of the religions. And nature is not kind, nor merciful, nor loving
The force of nature is palpable and we experience it every day.
None of the gods of all the various religions has actually been verified
Edison believed only what he could prove.
We are continually learning new things
Every day we learn things that we did not know before.
My mind is not capable of understanding something like a soul. Perhaps he is wrong, and man has a soul; but I just don't think so
For Edison there was only what could be seen.
The fact that man for centuries has believed in what is called God does not really prove that his theory is correct
For Edison, God was a man-made invention.
I don't think there is a miracle at all. My guide must be my reason and when I think of miracles my reason is rebellious
Everything that happens has a logical explanation.
Destroying false theories will not reduce the sum of human happiness in the future, any more than it did in the past.
The truth, as harsh as it is, will always bring happiness.
I have not reached my conclusions from studying traditions. I have reached my conclusions by studying the facts
You always have to try to think beyond what we know.
What I deny and what my mind forces me to deny, is the existence of a god who directs our affairs..
Edison did not believe in destiny, but each person chooses their own path.
During all these years of experimentation and research, I never had a discovery. My work was simply educational, and its results were those of invention
To create something it is not always necessary to discover new things. If we know how to take advantage of and combine the discoveries made by other people, we can create new things that are useful to others.
Don't lie, but don't be fooled
We must always be attentive to people who want to deceive us.
What amazes me most about theology is that it doesn't seem like it's investigating. It just seems like they are claiming without a true study
Unlike science, faith does not need any proof.
The entities that give life to the human soul and body are smaller than cells and are infinitely beyond the reach of our greatest scientific instruments.
Edison was referring here to the existence of atoms, the particles that matter is made of..
All the problems that perplex us now, sooner or later will be solved through scientific research.
The advancement of science has allowed us to better understand the operation of many things that affect human beings.
I don't believe in the immortality of the soul.
For Edison, there was no reincarnation.
The most important task of civilization is to teach people to think
For a society to advance, it is necessary that all its members have the ability to reason.
I don't believe in the God of theologians; but I know that there is a supreme intelligence, I do not doubt it
Edison did not believe in religions, but he did believe that there was a higher being who controlled the universe..
Our intelligence is the intelligence of the cells that make us up
For Edison, there was nothing but our physical bodies.
When one cuts a finger, I think that the intelligence of the entities that make up the body is what heals wounds
Edison's Reflection on How the Human Body Works.
The teaching of morality is what is most needed in this world
For a society to coexist in peace, it is necessary that all its members know how to coexist with each other.
Many people who could not understand Rousseau and who distrusted Montesquieu, could understand Tom Paine
Edison was very inspired by Paine's ideas.
I believe in the existence of a greater intelligence that fills the entire Universe
Edison did not believe in the god that religions present, but he did believe that there was a superior being
In order for a person to think more clearly, he should organize his time to have periods of solitude in which he can concentrate and indulge the imagination without distraction
Peace and quiet encourage the use of imagination and bring clarity to people's thoughts.
There is no recourse that a man does not go to to avoid the real work of thinking.
Most people try to do things the easy way, without thinking about them..
A good intention with a bad approach almost always leads us towards a bad result.
We must always be clear about what we want to achieve in order to carry it out in the best way.
One day a machine will emerge from the brain of science that possesses such fearsome and terrible strength that even man, the warrior, the one who is willing to endure death, will leave war forever.
Edison trusted that machines could bring peace to the world.
The purpose of all work is to produce or achieve something, and for any of those purposes there must be foresight, a system, planning, intelligence and honest purpose.
Being orderly and methodical is essential to achieve what we propose.
Everyone steals in commerce and industry. I stole a lot myself. But I know how to do it. They do not
For Edison it is inevitable to steal ideas to be successful.
I would invest my money in the sun and solar energy. I hope we don't wait until the oil and coal runs out before we do
The energy of the sun is renewable and infinite. On the other hand, the natural resources that we use to create energy are not.
Nature is seriously wonderful. Only man is really dirty
Humans have been in charge of destroying nature over time.
A child's mind is naturally active, it develops through exercise
The education of children is essential, since it is at that age where knowledge is most easily acquired.
An experience is never a failure, since it always comes to prove something
Conclusions can be drawn from all failures that help us improve.
I cannot accept any theory that is not testable
Edison relied solely on science
I have never seen even a small scientific proof of the religious ideas of heaven and hell, of what the life of people or of a personal God will be like
For Edison the only real thing was what could be verified through science.
Charity is a faculty of the heart, not of the hands
Giving is an act of love.
Personally, I do not believe that Christ claimed that he performed miracles or that he had any miraculous power.
Edison believed that everything had a rational explanation.
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