100 Phrases to Take Care of the Environment

Robert Johnston

Taking care of the environment is one of the most important things that children and adults can learn, since we have no other world to live in. Living with pollution or garbage is also detrimental to health.

Currently there are numerous environmental problems; air pollution, sea pollution, acoustics, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and species, overexploitation of fishing, desertification, among others.

If we take care of the environment we will have a more pleasant life, in harmony with the living beings that surround us, better health, and we will also give a better future to future generations.

Short phrases and slogans to take care of the environment

In these phrases to take care of the environment you can find inspiration or reflect on its importance. They are intended for adults, children, posters or anything you need.

-Take care of the environment. There is no planet B.

-Be part of the solution, not part of the pollution.

-Let's plant a tree and save the planet seed by seed.

-Take care of the environment, take care of our future.

-Let's protect the environment today for our children of the future.

-We were born to take care of the world, not to destroy it.

-If you can't reuse it, please reject it.

-Together we can save the Earth.

-The climate is changing. Why don't we change?

-Take care of the environment. Recycle and reuse. Our future depends on it.

-Nature can survive without us. We can't survive without her.

-Take only photographs. Leave only footprints. Protect our environment.

-Let's love the Earth, we only have one.

-Take care of the Earth and she will take care of you.

Phrases to reflect on the environment

-Do not ruin it. Good planets are hard to find.-Time Magazine.

-The earth provides enough to satisfy the needs of every man, but not the greed of every man.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-We live on earth as if we had another one to go to.-Terry Swearingen.

-The activist is not the one who says the river is dirty. The activist is the one who cleans the river.-Ross Perot.

-We will not have a society if we destroy the environment.-Margaret Mead.

-Conservation is a state of harmony between man and Earth.-Aldo Leopold.

-When the quality of life falls for the environment, it falls for the human being.-George Holland.

-The power to save the planet rests with the individual consumer.-Denis Hayes.

-We share the Earth, not only with human beings, but with all other creatures.-Dalai Lama.

-Taking responsibility for our actions is how we will protect the Earth.-Julia Butterfly Hill.

-If civilization wants to survive, it must live off the interest of nature, not money.-Ronald Wright.

-Convert a tree into firewood and it may burn for you, but it will no longer produce flowers.-Antonio Gaudí.

-The proper use of science is not to conquer nature, but to live in it.-Barry Commoner.

-Unless we keep this planet healthy, all else will be in vain.-Victoria Mid.

-Anything you are interested in will not happen if you cannot breathe or drink. Do something.-Carl Sagan.

-The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet.-John F. Kennedy.

-The frog does not drink the pond in which it lives.-Chinese proverb.

-For 200 years we have been conquering nature. Now we push her to death.-Tom McMillan.

-Because we do not think about future generations, they will never forget us.-Henrik Tikkanen.

-We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.-Native American Proverb.

-When we harm the Earth, we harm ourselves.-David Orr.

-Being green saves you money. Being green saves you nature.-Sophia Bush.

-In nature there is the preservation of the world.-Henry David Thoreau.

-Nature is not a place to visit, it is our home.-Gary Snyder.

-Climate change is a terrible problem and it needs to be solved. It deserves a high priority.-Bill Gates.

-If it cannot be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, restored, resold, recycled or credited; then it must be restricted, redesigned, or removed from production.-Pete Seeger.

-The Earth loves our feet, but fears our hands.-Joaquín Araujo.

-Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the Earth also has the right to live without pollution.-Evo Morales.

-While we insult the Earth, her only response is her flowers.-Rabindranath Tagore.

-The planet belongs to all of us, but the decision to take care of it is yours alone - Lifeder.com.

-Everything that happens to the Earth, will happen to the children of the Earth.-Seattle Indian Chief.

-When the last tree has been cut down, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, you will realize that you cannot eat money.-Indian Proverb.

-The more we pollute the Earth, the less we deserve to live on it.-Mehmet Murat Ildan.

-The environment is not our property and we cannot destroy it. It is everyone's responsibility and we must protect it.-Mohith Agadi.

-As long as fossil fuels are cheap, people will use them and postpone the use of new technologies.-Paul Krugman.

-Economic growth and environmental protection are opposite sides of the same coin if you are looking for long-term prosperity.-Henry Paulson.

-The world will not survive much longer as a captive of humanity.-Daniel Quinn.

-The economy and the environment are the same. It is the rule of nature.-Mollie Beattie.

-You may be able to fool the voters, but not the atmosphere.-Donella Meadows.

-No one is an environmentalist by birth. It is only your path, your life, your travels, that awakens you.-Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

-Land and water, the two essential fluids on which nature depends, have become garbage cans.-Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

-Faith in the living planet is the most important issue facing humanity.-Gaylord Nelson.

-Virtually all of our environmental problems can be reduced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil.-Dennies Weaver.

-Mother nature faces reality and the reality is that the system does not work.-John Garamendi.

-What we are doing to the world's forests is a mirror of what we do to ourselves and to others.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-The poetry of the earth never dies.-John Keats.

-Progress is measured by the speed with which we destroy the conditions that sustain life.-George Monbiot.

-We abuse the Earth because we treat it as if it were ours. When we see it as an opportunity to which we belong, we may treat it with love and respect.-Aldo Leopold.

-Green technology could be the greatest economic opportunity of the 20th century.-John Doerr.

-There is a fundamental error in treating the Earth as if it were a business in liquidation.-Herman E. Daly.

-An act against nature should be judged as harshly as one against society or another person.-Dr Michael W. Fox.

-If the bee disappeared from the face of the Earth, man would only have four years to live.-Maurice Maeterlinck.

-What's the use of a good home if you don't have a tolerable planet to put it on? -Henry David Thoreau.

-It's horrible that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.-Ansel Adams.

-I am glad that I will not be young in a future without nature.-Aldo Leopold.

-A person who cares about the Earth will resonate with his spirit.-Sally Fox.

-People prefer to believe than to know.-Edward O. Wilson.

-We will never know the value of water until the well is dry.-Thomas Fuller.

-Nature provides free food, but only if we control our appetite.-William Ruckelshaus.

-You will not think that you can kill an ocean. But we will do it one day. This is how we are negligent.-Ian Rankin.

-People overproduce pollution because they are not paying the costs of dealing with it.-Ha-Joon Chang.

-Nature shrinks while capital grows. Market growth cannot solve the crisis it creates.-Vandana Shiva.

-They kill good trees to get bad newspapers.-James G. Watt.

-Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political and social boundaries.-Jimmy Carter.

-The wind is renewable. Turbines no.-Ozzie Zehner.

-Man is a complex being: he makes the desert bloom and the lakes die.-Gil Scott-Herson.

-It produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human race does not listen to it.-Victor Hugo

-A planet, an experiment.-Edward O. Wilson.

-Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife, are in fact plans to protect man.-Stewart Udall

-The sun is the only safe nuclear reactor, located 93 million miles away.-Stephanie Mills.

-If we continue to use the Earth without caring for it and without replenishing it, we will simply be greedy consumers.-Satish Kumar.

-Sustainability is about ecology, economy and equality.-Ralph Bicknese.

-The battle that we have fought, and continue to fight for the forests, is part of the eternal conflict between good and evil.-John Muir.

-Sustainability requires maintaining natural capital to meet our socioeconomic goals.-Warren Flint.

-Only for the white man was nature the wild.-Luther Standing Bear.

-The rose has thorns only for those who gather it.-Chinese proverb.

-Waste is a tax for the whole town.-Albert W. Atwood.

-Nature is not a luxury, but a necessity of the human spirit, as vital as water or good bread.-Edward Abbey.

-Nature sustains the universal life of all beings.-Dalai Lama.

-You forget that fruits belong to everyone and that the earth does not belong to anyone.-Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

-Appreciating what remains of the Earth and fostering its renewal is our hope of survival.-Wendell Berry.

-Modern technology owes an apology to ecology.-Alan M. Eddison.

-I am not an environmentalist, I am a warrior of the Earth.-Unknown.

-The use of solar energy has not been opened because the oil industry does not own the sun.-Ralph Nader.

-Until now man has been against nature; from now on he will be against his own nature.-Dennis Gabor.

-Understanding the laws of nature does not mean that we are immune to their operations.-David Gerrold.

-The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.-Carl Sagan.

-The human race will be the cancer of the planet.-Julian Huxley.

-A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.-Franklin D. Roosevelt.

-We have forgotten how to be good guests, as other creatures do.-Barbara Ward.

-The environment should be put in the category of national security. The defense of our resources is as important as the defense of the outside.-Robert Redford.

-The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases; One of those diseases is called man.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-We must develop a greater sense of responsibility towards our environment.-Jon Wynne-Tyson.

-Mother Earth is hurt. And she needs thoughtful, caring and active children to protect her from the future.-Leonardo DiCaprio.

-I don't know of an environmental group in the country that doesn't see the government as its adversary.-Gro Harlem Brundtland.

-Clean water is an investment in the future of our country.-Bob Shuster.

-By protecting our oceans we protect our future.-Bill Clinton.

-You will always be rich as long as you can feel and see the beauty of this world.-Aine Belton.

-Water is the driving force of all nature.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-Destroying a rainforest for financial gain is like burning a Renaissance painting for cooking.-Edward O. Wilson.

-Our health depends entirely on the vitality of our companion species on earth.-Harrison Ford.

-The skilled observer, not the machine, is the essence of conservation.-Robert M. Edsel.

-The best way to be kind to bears is to not be too close to them.-Margaret Atwood.

-Nature is inexhaustibly sustainable if we take care of it. It is our universal responsibility to pass a healthy Earth to future generations.-Sylvia Dolson

-We must have clean air, water, and natural food for everyone, anywhere.-Bryant McGill.

-Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.-Barry Commoner.

-Try to leave Earth as a better place than you came to.-Sidney Sheldon.

-Climate change is happening, humans are causing it and I think it is the most serious environmental problem we face.-Bill Nye.

-Raising awareness of the most important environmental problems of our time is more important than ever.-Leonardo DiCaprio.

-Economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand.-Christopher Dodd.

-We don't have to sacrifice a strong economy for a healthy environment.-Dennis Weaver.

-I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds, and in the environment.-Pat Buckley.

-Local innovation and initiative can help us better understand how to protect the environment.-Gale Norton.

-People must be cautious because anything built by man can be destroyed by mother nature.-Russell Honore.

-I think the cost of energy will go down when we transition to renewable energy.-Al Gore.

-Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in danger, we will know that we will be in danger soon.-Roger Tory Peterson.

-The only way, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to involve everyone.-Richard Rogers.

-I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens.-Isaac Bashevis Singer.

-I think the future for solar energy is bright.-Ken Salazar.

-The government has to put the environment back on top of its national and international priorities.-Brian Mulroney.

-In 10 years it will be impossible to travel to the North Pole with a team of dogs. There will be too much water.-Will Steger.

-If people are prepared to eat locally and seasonally, then they will do quite well in terms of environmental impact.-Peter Singer.

-The most important issue about the environment is one that is rarely mentioned, and that is the unethical nature of our culture.-Gaylord Nelson.

-The environmental crisis is the result of rushing.-Ed Begley.

-The environmental crisis is a global problem and only global action will solve it.-Barry Commoner.

-The general idea that we deal with environmental problems without doing things just doesn't work.-Natalie Jeremijenko.

-A change is necessary towards lifestyles less oriented to consumption patterns harmful to the environment.-Maurice Strong.

-The worst environmental decision you can make as a human being is to have fourteen children.-Jane Velez-Mitchell.

-I think people see climate change as a fictitious problem, something that if they ignore it, it will go away on its own.-Leonardo DiCaprio.

-What humanity must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.-Evo Morales.

-Man's love for all living things is his noblest attribute.-Charles Darwin.

-If you don't want to contribute to the care and rehabilitation of the planet, at least don't keep destroying it..

-If people knew what good business it is to take care of the planet, they would take care of it only for sheer business --Lifeder.com.

-Recycling is helping. Locate, deposit and help the environment.- Lifeder.com.

-You must make recycling become a way of life.-Mario Vargas Llosa.

-The scarcity of resources forces us to an abundance of common sense.-Alejandro Aravena.

-Recycling is not an obligation, it is your responsibility.- Lifeder.com.

-Reuse, reduce, recycle. The three R's to take care of the environment.- Lifeder.com.

-Man can measure the value of his own soul in the grateful look directed by an animal he has helped.-Plato.

-A tree that you turn into firewood will burn to warm you at night, but for the rest of your life it will no longer feed you or give you oxygen.-Lifeder.com.

-Once we accept that a living creature is in pain, if we deliberately make it suffer, we are just as guilty. Be it human or animal, we brutalize ourselves.-Jane Goodall.

-I do not understand how there are people who look at the Earth and see nothing else.-Yupanqui.

-The water you will have tomorrow depends on how much you save today.- Lifeder.com.

-The day will come when people see the murder of an animal in the same way that they see that of a person.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-Learning to master nature before learning to master our own nature, has been the greatest of our mistakes as a species.-Albert Schweitzer.

-We can survive two months without food or two weeks without water. But you can't live a day without air.- Lifeder.com.

-The day will come when they will sell pure air in bottles.-Dr. Seuss.

-If today's civilized man had to kill animals himself in order to eat, the number of vegetarians would increase astronomically.-Christian Morgenstern.

-The Earth is a single country, humans its citizens.- Lifeder.com.

-Clean air and pure water are inalienable rights of humanity.-Leonardo DiCaprio.

-Each new tree that is planted guarantees oxygen for three people for life - Lifeder.com.

-When we learn to value nature, it will allow us to be in it for longer..

-Do you want to be part of the generation that must explain to the new generations why they ran out of clean air? -Lifeder.com.

-The day the death of the last animal of a species is covered in the news and not an anecdote, that day we will become aware of the damage we have done.-Álvaro Escribano.

-The reason we are so comfortable in nature is that, despite everything we have done to her, she does not have a bad opinion of us.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-As long as we can hear the murmur of the rivers, we will never feel despair.-Henry David Thoreau.

-If we talk about pollution, nobody is holy. Whoever pollutes has sinned against nature.-Toba Beta.

-Regular human activities are worse for nature than the largest nuclear accident in history.-Martin Cruz Smith.

-Going vegan is the most important and direct change we can make to save the planet and the species.-Chris Hedges.

-The garden of God has become the garbage dump of man.-Anthony T. Hincks.

-Environmental pollution is not only a betrayal of humanity. It is also a betrayal of the other living beings on Earth.-Mehmet Murat Ildan.

-Pollution is nothing more than resources that are not being used. We let them lose because we ignore their value.-R. Buckminster Fuller.

-Protecting the environment is not a luxury that we can choose to enjoy, but a matter of survival.-Auliq-Ice.

-If there is no Earth, where could humans live? -Lailah Gifty Akita.

-Take care of Mother Earth, it is the only planet we can live on.-Ema Dan.

-If you love a tree, you will be more beautiful than you were before.-Amit Ray.

-Taking care of a tree is taking care of your soul.-Amit Ray.

-Our existence and our environment are entities close to divinity.-Lailah Gifty Akita.

-Any species that devours its environment will be a victim of the resulting silence.-Steven Magee.

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