Below we propose a series of films that to a greater or lesser extent reflect issues related to psychology in their protagonists. If instead of movies your thing is series, we also have a magnificent compilation of the best psychological series of all time.
Naked eva (All about Eve) - marital conflict
The Orchid Thiefs (Adaptation) - mood disorder
An angel at my table (An angel at my table) - depression
To any other place (Anywhere but here) - personality disorder
Better impossible (As good as it gets) - TOC
Men face to face (At close range) - personality disorder
Setback (Bad timing) - suicide, sexual obsession
Welcome Mr. Chance (Being there) - personality disorder
The love of the innocents (Benny & Joon) - schizophrenia
Boys don't cry - sexual disorder, impulse control disorder
Breaking the waves (Breaking the waves) - personality disorder
The Caine Mutiny (The Caine Mutiny) - personality disorder
Citizen Kane (Citizen Kane) - personality disorder
A clockwork orange (A clockwork orange) - personality disorder
Fog in the soul (Don't bother to knock) - depression, psychosis
Dressed to kill (Dressed to kill) - sexual disorder
Ed wood - sexual disorder
Forget about me (Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind) - personality disorder, therapy
Fatal Attraction (Fatal attraction) - family dysfunction, obsession
Frenzy (Frenzy) - sexual disorder
Gas light (Gaslight) - hallucinations
Interrupted innocence (Girl interrupted) - Borderline Personality Disorder
The unstoppable Will Hunting (Good Will Hunting) - therapy
Celestial creatures (Heavenly creatures) - therapy, family dysfunction
The house of the game (House of games) - therapy
Soulmates (The house of yes) - psychosis
The lover collector (Kiss the girls) - forensic psychology
Madame Bovary - personality disorder
The man with the golden arm (The man with the golden arm) - substance abuse
Hunter (Manhunter) - forensic psychology
Marnie the thief (Marnie) - kleptomania
Dear mom (Mommie Dearest) - OCD, family dysfunctions
Voices in the night (The night listener) - personality disorder
Chasing betty (Nurse Betty) - trauma, dissociative disorder
Crazy (Nuts) - forensic psychology, psychosis
Some one flies over the cuco's nidus (One flew over the cuckoo's nest) - therapy, suicide
Portraits of an obsession (One hour photo) - personality disorder, obsession
Chill at night (Play Misty for me) - personality disorder
The two faces of the truth (Primal fear) - dissociative disorder, forensic psychology
Quills - therapy, sexual disorder
The ruling class (The ruling class) - therapy, psychosis, family dysfunction
Sherrybaby - substance abuse
The silence of the lambs (Silence of the lambs) - forensic psychology
Single White Woman Looking (Single white female) - personality disorder
A history of Brooklyn (The squid and the whale) - family dysfunction, childhood trauma
Twilight of the gods (Sunset Boulevard) - hallucinations, psychosis
Taxi driver - personality disorder
The three faces of Eva (The three faces of Eve) - dissociative disorder, marital conflict
All for a dream (To die for) - personality disorder
Heroes by force (Unstrung heroes) - OCD, family dysfunction
Vertigo - Anxiety Depression
The weatherman (The weather man) - dysthymia, family dysfunction
Red Hot (White heat) - personality disorder
Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf? (Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf) - mood disorder, family dysfunction
An amazing mind - Schizophrenia
Psychosis - Psychopathic Disorder
Melancholia - Depression
Shame - Sex addiction
Black Swan - Schizophrenia
A day of fury - Psychotic attack
Lethal weapon - Depression
Memento - Anterograde amnesia
50 first dates - Anterograde amnesia
American psycho - Antisocial disorder
Spider - Schizophrenia
Catch Me If You Can - Megalomania
The Aviator - TOC
Monster - Psychopathology
Awakenings - Motor disorders
Copycat - Forensic Psychology and Agoraphobia
Shutter Island - Psychosis
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle - Delusions
Days of wine and roses - Alcoholism
Leaving Las Vegas - Alcoholism
Twelve Monkeys - Delusions and obsessions
The number 23 - TOC
Fight club - Double personality
Transit - Trauma and suicide
Trauma - Hallucinations and guilt
I am Sam - Disability
Rain man - Autism
The hours - Emotional disturbances
The Machinist - Amnesia
Sybil - Multiple personality
I give you my eyes - Paranoid Personality Disorder
Margaret - Posttraumatic stress
Speak - Posttraumatic stress
Diary of a nympho - Sexual disorder
The good side of things - Bipolarity
Requiem for a Dream - Addictions
Temple grandin - Autism
Thesis - Psychopathy
A dangerous method - History of Psychology
Mr. Jones - Bipolar disorder
The method - Group Psychology
Stolen faces - Prosopagnosia
Nell - Autism
They call me radio - Autism
From mice to men - Mental retardation
Angels without paradise - Mental retardation
Who does Gilbert Grape love? - Mental retardation
The Majestic -Amnesia
The king's speech - Language disorder
I know who you are - Amnesia
A sea of trouble - Amnesia
We hope this list has helped you find an interesting movie. If, on the other hand, you are a lover of series, you can consult the following list with the best pages to watch series for free online.
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