A compliment is a short saying that is intended to praise someone. The word piropo comes from the Greek term "pyropos" which means something on, similar to fire, and the truth is that it makes a lot of sense. Those words manage to ignite that moment, and attract the attention of whoever hears it..
At first throughout history they were aimed at women (since it was practically unthinkable that it would be the opposite), with this it was a question of praising, normally, the beauty of a woman.
Between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries some men were true experts in this art of compliment, in fact the peak of the troubadours was at this time. From the seventeenth century it was already used in poetry on a regular basis. Later in the 19th century, gentlemen used to cover their eyes when a lady passed by as symbol that they were dazzled by its beauty. At other times or in turn, they blew kisses to expose their taste for the lady.
Over the years they were not only aimed at women, but today, we women, we also want compliment those men that are attractive to us, not only for their beauty, although it is what we can first appreciate from a quick glance and it is possibly what the compliments are mostly directed at.
We must take into account that everything is said from respect, education and good taste; since on some occasions we have had problems with this issue because there are those who do not know where the limit is and instead of something beautiful and delicate with which to please someone, it becomes ugly and worthy of being ignored or even booed, and this is just the opposite of what we want.
In addition to this and since we are modern women, increasingly free and we can express what we think without fear of what they will say or that they look at us strange, we are going to start with some compliments for the most attractive men.
Slowly we go darling, little by little and without haste. As you go I cling to, we will flow like the breeze
Firm but slow step, something sublime, that is tender
A beautiful love story that we can forge, between the two of us, we can take safe and leisurely steps
Tender and with heart you are my great friend and I want my love story to be with you now
I know you very little, but you are what I need
I like you so much my heaven, that I dream of you and I don't want to throw a thick veil
Do you dare to play? I want to know you without more
My intention to meet you, and wrap you in my arms
I want nothing more than to catch you in my nets. If you want to take a risk, do not hesitate to prepare
Forget shyness, let go of your vibes. You have a lot of honesty, but make your decisions
You are a sweet cake, and I am sour strawberry. I want to taste your honey and that mouth that captivates me
Don't be afraid to throw yourself with me, I'm crazy with you
I like to add fuel to the fire, and start a nice game
My handsome and adored boy, what are you afraid of if I'm by your side?
You are a silky smooth temptation, you are a noble passion that tangles in my heart
You look like a sensible man from head to toe, and I really like you. Do you like what you see?
I value your sanity, which nevertheless makes me lose my head for you
Knight of my loves, how are you so perfect? you have hardly any mistakes. You have no flaws
Full of gallantry, which makes you a complete man
Good air you have brown, at your point of seasoning and always attentive and serene, to what my heart asks
I have found a king, and I want to keep him. Fate has brought me to you, your arms taste like home to me
With that grace and salt shaker of a mature man that you have, at your disposal I will stay, well, what more do you want?
What a marvel of a man, in your esteemed attention. He is strong as an oak tree and with good reason
A man of few words, but firm in his actions. I proceed to the load, with all my ammunition
Responsible, chivalrous and full of beauty, everything is beneficial in this great man of sanity
Handsome and elegant man and of course, good gallant
Affectionate like none, and cultured like Unamuno
There is nothing like a man of maturity, formal and honest
I like mature men and that they are very safe
Your childhood has passed and you are well favored, I like the beard on your complexion and that you are grown-up
Maturity accompanies you. It shows in your words and in every time you hug me
When you take care of me without asking, I appreciate your manhood. I don't know how to describe it very well, but you make me feel harmony.
With you I don't know what it is to cry but I know very well what it is to laugh. With you I feel the peace that I lost a long time ago
You are my particular google, so mature and so intelligent that you are going to make me fall in love
Elegant your words and your way of acting, I praise how you express yourself. I love the way you speak
You are a veteran boy, and I know that my love with you is not in vain
Prudent and very intelligent man
So young and at the same time so sensible that you skipped the boyish thing
Atypical for your age, I can see that I have been lucky. With that mentality, with me I want to bring you
I long for a boy like you. Sitting, discreet and simple. Without missing a screw
You have an angelic smile, like a musical symphony
Every time you smile at me, you awaken my passion and when you look at me, my heart leaps
What a fortune to look at you and find me in your eyes
Feline look, divine smile
Big eyes is not enough for how beautiful they are, big and almond shaped, what a perfect heart!
I admire your big smile, I'm a fan of your sweet breeze
Ole what beautiful eyes, and what a magnificent look. I would like to be your muse and be reflected in them.
How can you have that angel smile and those mischievous demon eyes
I love your smile and mine gives me away
It is your symphony laugh inviting to laugh to mine
There is nothing more charming than a handsome man smiling
The more you smile the more you make me fall in love
Smiling is life and you give it
Your smile is a volcano and those sparks ignite me
Dark eyes and full smile lips
Your eyes enchant me and those lips capture me
Eyes black as hell, and if you were the devil, I would go to your eternal fire
Your look flatters me more than any word
You have eyes of heaven and I would kiss your lips, to know if they are caramel
Sweet smile, my beautiful words, for that look that I love so much
Small muscles and tablet on the waist
With those strong arms, I'm not afraid to fall
I want to fall before you and that you save me from the ground
You look like a model boy, you have Thor's arms, now I would fall to the ground, for you to be my savior
You are so strong, dark, that I see you and I go wild
I like your slender body and that mane that you have, beautiful your loose hair, which never stops
Footballer legs and boxer arms, the first wish on my list, you are my sweet love
Big and muscular is your presence, and even more beautiful is the trace of your essence
I don't know what you eat sweetheart, but I want your beauty diet
Sportsman, educated and with a great body of care
You don't need a gym because something so cute doesn't need anything else
I like guys that the best muscle they have is their tongue
The old gym boys are out of fashion, you are a little fit and with that touch I am cool
You have the body of David, naturally slim as I like it
You are a god of natural beauty, you don't need a gym, kid!
Bombón you were born and I would like to taste you, rich, healthy and blessed. What mother sculpted that art?
The day I saw you, I said what a mountain body, and now I want to tell you that you don't need a gym
For me you are ten, you do not need anything, you give off warmth and an innate beauty
Beautiful is your brown face, and your body is like a magazine, I do not know how you are so hot, there is no god who can resist!
Solid-bodied blond, blessed the day that God made you.
Clever and studious boy, you're a great man
I like orderly men, and gifted intelligence
A great man is the loyal one, I want a sincere one, for me you have no equal, you are what I want
Funny you are love, I laugh a lot with you. You are a conqueror, the day I met you I bless.
You can be adventurous and also very brave, that's why I die by your side, I have my soul mate in front of!
Reserved and somewhat clueless, but you are smart and studied
You cook with a lot of love, and it shows in your dishes. It is a point in your favor, I love your innate gift.
Poet of my loves, now I praise you. I want you to fall in love with me, how can I reach that end?
Affectionate as in my dreams, you give chocolate kisses, you are the owner of me, my heart beats for you.
Sweet and attentive is your being, it is what I long for. You are all a candy, you are what I want to have.
You are thorough and detailed, fun and optimistic
You are a cool guy. With you, far from feeling overwhelmed, you make me feel comfortable and confident.
Your mood is bright you are crazy and hilarious
With your traveling spirit, you have me very spellbound. Let's see if you're a sorcerer and I can't do anything anymore
The stories you tell me are very attractive. That you have lived it shows, you are open-minded
You are a hottie of a boy, but still attracts more, your mind than the physical
You are charming, handsome nobleman and gentleman. You drive me crazy with love. My heart is your prisoner
What art your sculpture and your way of thinking. You squander temperance and sweetness, which I can't stop admiring
You are like a mountain, it is difficult to climb it, but reaching the top, its satisfaction involves
Sportsman of my loves, who was a towel to wipe your sweats.
These compliments for men have been created from the respect and grace that these words full of praise should carry. With any of them, as the saying goes. Surely nobody is bitter with a sweet.
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