101 Recommended Psychology Blogs

Charles McCarthy
101 Recommended Psychology Blogs

In my opinion it is positive that there are trained people who write about interesting topics, give their ideas or solve problems to help people. That is why I have thought of making a compilation with the best Psychology blogs in Spanish, both from Spain and Latin America.

What better way to stay informed about mental health topics than to have a list of the top blogs in this sector? You may not know any of these blogs and I am sure they can help you a lot.

What blogs do I include?

The criteria that I have chosen to include the blogs in the list are:

  • Content quality.
  • Have a certain number of items; from 30.
  • That it deals with Psychology or one of its specialties. Therefore, I have not included those that deal exclusively with coaching or personal development..
  • They are run by Graduates in Psychology or mental health professionals (there are some exceptions).

Note: this is not an official list. Therefore, if your blog is not on the list, it doesn't mean anything, just my opinion. However, if they meet the conditions that I mention I will add your blog.

What do I base on for the order?

Don't pay too much attention to the order; it is interchangeable. Yes, they are ordered from 1-100, but it is because they have to have some order.

For me all these blogs have high quality content. Therefore; they are all good and have very good content. What I recommend is to take a look and stay with the ones you like.

Isn't yours on the list? Please leave a comment and if it meets the criteria I have chosen I will add it.

As for the types of blogs, you have a bit of everything:

  • General: write about many topics related to psychology.
  • Specialized: they write about very specific topics. At the end of the list are the most specialized (anxiety, stress, schizophrenia, educational psychology, child psychology, bipolar disorder ...).

You may also be interested in this list of 100 personal development blogs or this one of educational blogs.

Without further ado, I'll leave you with the list!

The best Psychology blogs

1- www.psicocode.com

In 2014 he won the blog award for the best health blog.

It is directed by Isidro Migallón and is a collaborative blog, in which Psychology professionals participate.

Featured article: 5 ways to get smarter.

2- www.egolandseduccion.com

Blog of the organization founded by Luis Tejedor, known as Egoland.

I know Egoland and he is one of the most charismatic people I have ever seen..

If you want to train in topics of social skills or seduction, it is one of the best.

Descado item: Practical exercises, how to be more empathetic.

3- www.antonimartinezpsicologo.com

It is the blog of Antoni Martinez, a psychologist from Valencia and a specialist in positive psychology.

I have seen Antoni in videos and I have read him and he seems to me to be a great professional.

Featured article: Mindfulness and Positive Psychology.

4- www.psicologiaymente.net

Blog founded by Bertrand Regader, Jonathan García-Allen and Adrián Triglia, graduates in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.

It deals with all kinds of topics related to Psychology and Neurosciences.

Featured article: Psychologists are also flesh and blood people.

5- www.maspsicologiaporfavor.blogspot.com.es

Blog managed by the experienced psychologist Pepe Pérez Pérez.

In my opinion it is one of the blogs with the most varied themes, without a doubt its author must be very curious and interesting.

Featured article: Temperament, character and personality.

7- www.psicok.es

It is a Psychology website with guides, audios, videos, articles ...

It is founded by Karemi Rodríguez Batista, one of the most trained psychologists I have ever seen. If you don't believe me, read more about her on her blog..

Featured article: Facing illness with emotional intelligence.

8- www.rafaelsantandreu.es

It is the blog of Rafael Santandreu, one of the best known psychologists in Spain.

I have read The glasses of happiness and it seems to me a book that can help anyone and at any stage of their life.

Featured article: Reflections of July.

9- www.psyciencia.com

Blog founded by David Aparicio, Alejandra Alonso, María Fernanda Alonso and Sebastián Miranda Payacán.

It deals with various topics related to Psychology.

Featured article: Why Do Children Stick Their Tongues When They Are Concentrated?

10- www.enriquepallares.wordpress.com

Blog of Enrique Pallarés, psychologist and author of books such as How to feel better with the help of anecdotes and pictures.

11- www.jaimeburque.com

It is a very original blog, since it focuses almost exclusively on film therapy.

If you like movies and psychology, you will be interested for sure.

Featured article: Travel as therapy.

12- www.talentoemocional.blogspot.com.es

It is the blog of Laura Chica, psychologist and author of Who are you?

It deals with topics related to Psychology and personal development.

Featured article: The fear of losing.

13- www.saralaso.com

Sara Laso's blog focused on clinical psychology, educational, occupational and psychosocial psychology.

Featured article: Falling in love has the same effect as drugs.

14- www.marisasalanova.blogspot.com.es/

Maria Salanova's blog focused on Positive Psychology.

I especially like it because it is based on scientific research, no speculation.

Featured article: Caring for relationships with others.

15- www.recursosdeautoayuda.com

Another of the classics of psychology and self-improvement.

Featured article: 8 Tips To Get Out Of A Bad Mood.

16- www.lamenteesmaravillosa.com

Like the previous one, others of the classics of the network. It deals with many topics related to psychology.

Featured article: When education hurts: toxic mothers.

17- www.elpradopsicologos.es/blog/

Blog of the clinic "El Prado Psychologists", whose director is Rosario Linares.

The topics are broad, all related to Psychology.

Featured article: Emotional wounds: How to heal the past to fully live the present.

18- www.psiqueviva.com

It is another of the popular blogs of Psychology in Spain.

The topics are broad: research, disorders, health, everything related to psychology ...

Featured article: Pain to grow, suffering to stagnate.

19- www.psicologia Positivemalaga.blogspot.com.es/

It is the blog of David Salinas, a Malaga psychologist whom I have known for about a year.

He specializes in Positive Psychology, personal wellness management and stress management.

Featured article: 10 keys to positive sleep.

20- www.victoriacadarso.com

Blog of psychologist Victoria Cadarso, author of Hug your inner child.

It is a particularly particular blog because it touches on topics that are not covered often: enneagrams, family constellations, energy psychology ...

Featured article: The will to change. What prevents you?

21- www.eduardpunset.es

Eduardo Punset is probably the best known scientific popularizer in Spain.

Featured article: It takes five compliments to make up for an insult.

22- www.infocop.es

The website of the Official College of Psychologists is essential for any psychologist to stay informed.

Featured article: Myths and realities about the biomedical model in mental health.

23- www.blog.itiee.org

Blog of the Institute of Energy Therapies, founded by Victoria and Mercedes Cadarso.

Featured article: Food alters emotions.

24- www.mejoraemocional.com

Merlina Meiler's blog, coach and specialist in NLP, group dynamics, Ericksonian therapies, neurosemantic ...

It has been the winner of some awards and is one of the most followed Psychology websites in Argentina.

Featured article: He is younger than her.

25- www.rinconpsicologia.com

It could not be missed, it is one of the best known and most experienced Psychology websites.

Its founder is Jennifer Delgado, psychologist and author of several books.

Featured article: Chronic victimhood: people who function in "complaint mode".

27- www.patriciaramirezloeffler.com

Patricia Ramirez Loeffler is a sports psychologist and author of books such as Self Help.

28- www.psicologiagranollers.blogspot.com.es

Blog of the Jaume Guinot Psychology Center - Granollers Psychology.

Featured article: What is the perfect body like? Men and women do not agree.

29- www.psicotecablog.wordpress.com

This blog has very interesting articles, based on scientific research and is edited by Helena Matute and Fernando Blanco.

Featured article: We do not want to have benefactors around.

30- www.elpsicoasesor.com

Psychology blog founded by Ulises Tomas, dedicated to training and counseling in psychometric tests, staff training, therapies and psychological guidance.

Featured article: Go to the psychologist? Nor that he was crazy!

31- www.elefectogalatea.com

Blog of the psychologist Asier Arriaga, focused on novel, controversial and popular science issues.

Featured article: Tolerance for uncertainty, or need for cognitive closure.

32- www.despiertaterapias.com

It is the blog of Morgana Vitutia Ciurana, a psychologist specialized in clinical and social intervention.

Featured article: Enneagram (personality types): Enneatype seven, gluttony.

33- www.elmundodelperro.net

This blog has seemed especially interesting to me because it is focused on the Psychology of dogs.

Featured article: Positive training, a fad?

34- www.psicovivir.com

Blog of the Venezuelan psychologist Alberto Barradas, focused on his personal vision of issues related to Psychology.

Featured article: I don't believe in pessimists.

35- www.psicoseando.blogspot.com.es

Blog of the clinical psychologist Gustavo Pérez Dominguez that touches on some topics that are not usually written about, such as what the author calls "psychoboberias" or psychoeconomics..

Featured article: Haste is the best way to waste time.

36- www.psicomemorias.com

Blog in which some former colleagues from the University of Seville write, focused on scientific psychology.

Featured article: When reality does not surpass fiction.

37- www.psicologiaudima.com

It is the blog of the Distance University of Madrid.

Featured article: Easy-to-pronounce names create favorable impressions.

38- www.psicologia-estrategica.com

Blog of the psychologist Paola Graziano Rivas, trained in systemic therapy, human resources, coaching, strategic brief therapy ...

Featured article: Do not eat the head! Tips to keep worries at bay.

39- www.tupsicologia.com

Blog of the psychologist Patricia Córdoba, specialist in anxiety and depression, Master in Human Sexuality and Sexology, Expert in Brief Psychotherapy ...

Featured article: Grudge: Poison for health.

40- www.psi-onlife.es

Blog of Marta de la Torre, psychologist and Official Master of Clinical and Health Psychology.

Featured article: In Pursuit of Happiness: The Perfect Equation?

41- www.siquia.com

Featured article: 11 reactions of the psychologist in animated gifs - humor.

42- www.psicologiapositivouruguay.com

Blog of the Uruguayan psychologist Mariana Alvarez Guerra, focused on positive psychology.

Featured article: The importance of being selfish.

43- www.davidllopis.blogspot.com.es

Blog of the psychologist and professor at the University of Valencia David Llopis Goig. It is focused on sports coaching.

Featured article: The role of parents in sports initiation.

45- www.psicologiaeneldeporte.blogspot.com.es

If sports psychology is your thing, visit this blog.

Featured article: Psychology and injuries.

46- www.psicologiaenfemenino.com

Blog with a gender perspective specialized in care for women.

Featured article: What can I do if things go wrong?

47- www.cineypsicologia.com

Blog of Jaume Cardona, psychotherapist and film lover. Recommended for anyone who likes cinema and psychology.

Featured article: HACIA WILD ROUTES (Into the wild - Sean Penn, 2007 -): On discord and discomfort of being.

48- www.dreig.eu

Blog of the psychologist Dolors Reig, lecturer, consultant and professor at various universities.

Featured article: Two ways to optimize the way our brains adapt to the internet age.

49- www.psicologos-malaga.com

Blog of the Malaga PsicoAbreu center.

Featured article: The patterns of self-destructive thinking.

50- www.psicologiayconsciencia.com

Blog of the psychologist Virginia de la Iglesia, whose perspective is holistic and her cognitive-behavioral orientation.

Featured article: Releasing negative emotions: 3 examples of how you can use writing as therapy.

51- www.psicologiaespiritualidad.blogspot.com.es

Blog of the psychologist José Antonio Delgado González, focused on analytical psychology.

Featured article: REVIEW OF THE BOOK “CINE AND SPIRITUALITY. The hero's journey in Avatar and other science fiction films. "

52- www.psicologiaparaempresas.blogspot.com.es

Blog of Gabriel Schwartz, psychologist and Human Resources professional.

Featured article: Training vs Experience?

53- www.neurocienciaparapsicologos.com

Neuroscience focused blog.

Featured article: Do new technologies affect the functioning of our brain?

54- www.jesusalcoba.com

Blog of the psychologist Jesús Alcoba, author of Shackleton's compass or Conquer your success. Featured article: How to save willpower.

55- www.psicologiaycrianza.com

Mónica Serrano's blog, focused on Child Psychology.

Featured article: Five actions to avoid when faced with a conflict between siblings.

56- www.soniapsico.obolog.es/

Blog of the psychologist Sonia Esquinas.

 57- www.psicologiaparticipativa.com

Blog of the psychologist Jose Luis Arias.

Featured article: What would we do if we weren't afraid?

58- www.terapiadepsicologia.com

Fermín Toro Herrera's blog.

Featured article: Positions to sleep as a couple and what they say about our relationship.

59- www.barreiropsicologia.com

Blog of the psychologist Javier Barreiro.

60- www.baojpsicologos.es

Blog of the Baoj Psychologists center.

Featured article: Socrates triple filter test.

61- www.psicologacristinadelrio.com

Blog of the psychologist Cristina del Rio.

Featured article: What will you regret?

62- www.psicologiabilbao.es

Delta Psychology Center Blog.

Featured article: I'm so pissed off!

64- www.ramirocaso.com

Blog of the psychologist Ramiro Casó.

Featured article: The True Happiness of Martin Seligman.

65- www.psicologialowcost.com

Consciousness blog, psychological center directed by Adriana Mireles. Featured article: What is it to be a man?

67- www.contratransferencia.com

Blog of the Venezuelan psychologist Rosario Vásquez. Featured article: How to discipline children (I).

68- www.eldesvandelapsicologia.com

Blog of the psychologist Ainoha Orenes Rodríguez. Featured article: The importance of motivating: “with your support, it will be easier for me.

69- www.www.psiconet.es/blog

It is the blog of the Center of Psychology PSICONET.

Featured article: Effect of music on the brain. Mozart effect.

70- www.vivessana.com

Featured article: If you want to be respected by others, it is best to respect yourself.

71- www.psicologiaceibe.blogspot.com.es

Featured article: Apology for difference: I no longer want to like.

72- www.saludabilidadpsicologia.es

Featured article: Choose smart optimism.

73- www.psicologiaymarketing.com

Featured article: Big Data and behavior prediction: 5 uses that are already a reality.

74- www.locosporlapsicologia.blogspot.com.es

Featured article: The manipulator and the manipulable.

75- www.psicologiayautoayuda.com

Featured article: Fear of reaching a dream.

76- www.psicologicamentehablando.com

Featured article: The value of dignity.

77- www.psicologiaenmadrid.es

Featured article: Heavy music to combat anger, it works!

78- www.cociepsi.blogspot.com.es

Featured article: Is it really bad to suppress anger?

79- www.gabinetedepsicologia.com

Featured article: What if you couldn't be sad or anxious?

80- www.blogpsicologia.com

Featured article: Baby development. Expected behaviors.

81- www.escritosdepsicologia.com

82- www.elpsicologodemrhyde.com

Featured article: Work-life balance begins before you drop the pen.

83- www.saludypsicologia.com

Featured article: Beyond the Pleasure Principle.

84- www.juliademiguel.blogspot.com.es/

Featured article: Do you live with your critic or with your inner guide?

85- www.blog.fatimabril.es/

Featured article: Realize Your Dreams: 10 Steps to Success.

85- www.yosuperelaansimonio.blogspot.com.es

The author is Rafa López, specialist in Personal Development and Mindfulness from the University of Almería and personal coach.

Featured article: Accept anxiety.

86- www.cuartodecontadores.es

Authors: Eva, Laura, Cristina and Daniela, all professionals related to health.

Featured articleMindfulness to calm negative thoughts.

87- www.blog.ataquedeansiety.com

The author is Vanessa Rodriguez de Trujillo, a naturopath with a psycho-physical specialty, and with a Master's degree in life coaching and emotional psycho-education.

Featured article: Letter of anxiety for you.

88- www.nascia.com

Nascia franchise blog.

Featured article: The stress mini-test.

89- www.reducciondelestres.blogspot.com.es

Psychiatrist Ariel Alarcon's blog.

Featured article: See how stress affects the hippocampus.

90- www.elblogdecontroldelestres.blogspot.com.es

Blog of the Cuatro Caminos Yoga Association of Madrid.

Featured article: Leave out everything before this moment.

91- www.programadestres.com

Blog of the yoga teacher Victoria Ambrós.

Featured article: Stress creates addiction and brain changes.

93- www.elrincondelaesquizofrenia.blogspot.com.es

Featured article: Always go forward.

94- www.trastornolimite.com

Featured article: The borderline dilemma.

95- www.lafelicidadestadelante.com

Featured article: Being happy is a matter of attitude. 7 keys to achieve it.

96- www.centromarenostrum.org

Marenostrum addiction detox center blog.

Featured article: Beer triggers the release of dopamine in the brain.

97- www.programavictoria.blogspot.com.es

Blog of the clinical psychologist Bernardo Ruiz Victoria.

Featured article: I have a friend who drinks and I am worried about him.

98- www.psicologiaeducativayfamiliarblog.blogspot.com.es

Blog of Mireia Navarro, Graduate in Psychology and Postgraduate "Psychology and family management".

Featured article: A teenager at home. Guide to solving conflicts with adolescents.

99- www.soybipolar.com

Featured article: Myths and Truths of Bipolar Disorder.

List extension

101- www.psicologia-rm.blogspot.com.es/

Although I have just added it and have read little, I liked that the author dares to relate psychology to very distant topics, even with quantum physics in an article.

I don't know her, although Rocío Medina must really like to read. The design of the blog is one of the most striking and attractive that I have seen.

Featured article: The effect of putting labels on others.

102- www.prakash.es

This is possibly one of the first psychology blogs on the net. Has articles from 2006.

Featured article: The 3 flowers of love that must be watered daily.

103- www.rizaldos.com

Blog of the psychologist Miguel Angel Rizaldos.

The article "Free Psychology Materials" also adds much value.

Featured article: 8 Things You Shouldn't Do When Someone Is Depressed.

104- www.ispeval.wordpress.com

Blog of the psychologist Noelia Isardo.

It is recent and has very curated articles like the one that I highlight.

Featured article: Why are we angry?

105- www.psicoenvena.wordpress.com

If I'm not mistaken, José Antonio's is the blog whose owner is the youngest.

Featured article: Intelligence: one or several?

106- www.ursulaperona.com

Úrsula Perona's blog has many articles and has been since 2011.

He is specialized in child and adolescent clinical psychology.

Featured article: Does not want to eat what do I do?

107- www.biblioterapeuta.wordpress.com

Great blog, with articles that will make you think and learn.

Featured article: Haggling over the universe.

108- www.tecnopsicologo.wordpress.com

Vicente Femenia's blog is very original; talks about new technologies from psychology.

110- www.taispd.com

Tais Pérez is one of the most followed psychologists on twitter.

Their articles are of quality, they generate a lot of engagement and their website has a very modern appearance.

Featured article: 10 signs that your child is spoiled.

111- www.psicosaludtenerife.com

It is the blog of Psico Salud, a mental health clinic in Tenerife. 

They write from various areas of psychology: education, work, children, clinical ...

Featured article: The best gift we can give and receive.

112- www.psicoemocionat.com

Blog of the team of psychologists Psicoemocionat.

Its main categories are: emotions, self-esteem, gestalt, learning and therapy.

Featured Article: 10 Myths About Emotions.

113- www.kreadis.blogspot.com.es

Kreadis is made up of a team of psychologists from Madrid and Malaga with varied training, including an Olympic medalist.

Featured article: Fairy Tales and their Benefits in Emotional Education.

114- www.terapiaymas.com

It is the blog of Terapia y Más, a Health Center of Psychology and Sexology founded in 2003.

Featured article: 10 applications of psychology that maybe you did not know.

115- www.pharodelogos.wordpress.com

Rosa Ruiz Salmerón's blog, a psychologist who has been publishing articles since April 2013.

Featured article: To return or not to return? It's up to you. The power of anchoring.

116- www.haztua.com/blog-haztua-psicologia

Blog of the Haztúa clinic positive psychology.

Featured article: Friendship, like happiness, involves effort (updated mammoth hunt).

117- www.a4ilusionespsicologia.blogspot.com.es

Blog of the Graduate in Journalism and Psychology Angeles Alvarez Huerta.

Featured article: Emotional anatomy. Whay happen inside of us when we are mad?

118- www.mipsicomama.com

Blog that deals with issues of child and adolescent psychology, family, couples and parenting.

Featured article: 10 tips to travel without stress with children.

119- www.estheredolosi.com

Blog of Esther Redolosi, Graduate in Clinical Psychology and expert in Psychopathology and Health.

Featured article: How to Defend Against Verbal Attacks.


Blog of the psychologist specialized in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy José Martínez-Romero Gandos

Featured article: REASONING FROM AN ASTEROID. About the terms used in existential language.


Blog of the psychologist Juan Illán.

It is one of the most original blogs on the list, since it combines drawing with psychology in a fun way.

Featured article: Psychological treatment of hypertension.

123- www.saberpsicologia.com

Blog of Rosa María Miguel García, graduate in psychology, and Javier Miguel García, computer engineer.

Featured article: Who of you like surprises?

124- www.somterapia.es

Blog of psychologists and master's degree in Clinical Psychology Alberto Arévalo and Lidón Arnau.

Featured article: Antidepressants and their huge flaws.

125- www.cienciaconconcienciaplena.wordpress.com

Blogs of the psychologist Pilar Roy, Master in Human Resources Management and Direction at the University of Almería.

Featured article: Is curiosity as important as intelligence?

126- www.blog.rtve.es/vueltayvuelta/

Natalia Martín Cantero's blog, journalist and teacher.

Natalia is not a teacher, she is a journalist. However, from my own experience I would say that to heal people it is not enough to study psychology.

In the blog he talks about psychology, emotions, happiness, curiosities ...

Featured article: What is resilience, in three minutes.

127- www.calmapsicologia.es

Blog of Paula Perdomo and Rosa Nogueroles, graduates in psychology, master's degree in clinic and whose clinic focuses on the treatment of anxiety.

Featured article: Social fears: I'm not unfriendly, I'm just nervous.

128- www.ascensionbelart.wordpress.com/

Blog of Ascensión Belart, therapist psychologist, specialized in individual and couples therapy, and author of the book A journey to the heart.

Featured article: The Wild Woman's Companion.

129- www.psicologiasmr.com/

SMR psychology center blog.

Featured article: The decision to go to the psychologist.

130- www.psicoadapta.es/

Blog of the psycho-adaptive psychology center.

Featured article: Hikikomori syndrome or closed door syndrome.

131- www.desmontandoanewton.wordpress.com/

Blog of the psychologist Alejandra Sierra.

Featured article: Sadness is necessary and useful.

132- www.deemocionesymas.com/blog/

Blog of the psychologist Andrea del Pozo, focused on personal and couple growth.

Featured article: Find someone who makes you happy, definitely!

133- www.ansimonio-social.com/

Blog specialized in social phobia.

Featured article: Difference between normal and pathological anxiety.

134- www.juanmoisesdelaserna.es/

Blog of the Doctor of Psychology Juan Moisés de la Serna.

Featured article: Types of Alzheimer's.

If I have not included yours, write me in the comments and if it meets the criteria that I comment I will add it.

As for the authors, there are some in which I have not included them because I have not found them or because they do not show them. If you are one of them and you want me to put your name, let me know in the comments and I will be delighted.

On the other hand, I will be attentive to the articles or information that I read in order to add blogs or websites that can add value.

Do you know any other psychology blog that deserves to be on the list?

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