11 health benefits of chickpeas

Anthony Golden

The benefits of chickpeas for health they are multiple: they regulate the blood, strengthen the bones, prevent breast cancer, reduce cholesterol and anemia, protect the digestive system and others that I will explain below.

Chickpea is a type of legume that is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. For something, it is considered one of the "superfoods" that is consumed by man. It contains dietary fiber, protein, iron or zinc among other components. Some even argue that it produces serotonin, the happiness hormone.

While in the West it is a common food, in the Middle East and part of Asia, especially in India, it is a typical meal, with a variety of preparations, such as the famous "hummus". But beyond being one of the oldest legumes cultivated by man (consumed for more than 7,500 years), it is a rich source of nutrients that provide health benefits.

Not everyone knows that chickpeaCicer arietinum) is a herbaceous plant. It is about 50 cm tall, with white or purple flowers, from which two or three seeds of the species sprout, commercialized throughout the world..

It is a valid alternative for vegetarians given its great contribution in proteins (18-25%) of high biological value, which can proportionally replace the consumption of meat, in people between 10 and 80 years of age.

According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), legumes are rich in proteins, micronutrients, amino acids and vitamins, while they do not contain gluten and help fight anemia and control weight and cholesterol.

The FAO recommends eating chickpeas at least once a week, incorporating them into the regular diet of people who want a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Health properties of chickpeas

1- Regulates the blood

This legume is a carbohydrate and as such, the body digests it and uses its energy slowly. Within its composition it contains starch, which causes glucose to be consumed slowly by the body, reducing blood sugar.

On the other hand, type 1 and type 2 diabetics, who consume diets high in fiber - a component of chickpea - have lower blood glucose levels and can better regulate lipid and insulin levels..

In addition, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the consumption of 21-25 grams of fiber per day for women and 30-38 grams per day for men is suggested, this food being the appropriate one for this purpose..

2- Strengthens the bones

It is surprising that this yellow grain has: iron, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and vitamin K, contents that contribute to the construction and maintenance of bone structure, in addition to body strength.

For the formation of the bone matrix, the body requires the minerals manganese, iron and zinc, which play a crucial role in the production and maturation of collagen. This element constitutes around 30% of the protein in the human body, considering that protein is equivalent to 20% of the body's mass..

3- It is a vegetable source of iron

It is known that children, adolescents and vegetarians tend to consume less iron in their diets, which is a nutrient embezzlement for the body.

Iron helps make red blood cells and some hormones, and is important for normal growth and cell function. A cup of chickpeas meets more than 25% of a woman's daily iron needs and more than 50% of a man's needs.

However, the iron in chickpeas is non-heme, meaning it is not as easily absorbed as heme iron (found in meat). However, absorption can be improved by combining chickpeas with tomato or red pepper soup..

4- Prevents breast cancer

Specialists suggest that chickpeas contain phytoestrogens, which would be a version of the estrogen plant.

There is evidence that these can modulate the production of this hormone, which could decrease the risk of breast cancer, prevent osteoporosis and reduce complications in post-menopausal women.

5- Reduce cholesterol

Other contributions of the inclusion of chickpeas in the diet is that it reduces the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood, which provides better circulation throughout the body, and thus prevents diseases cardiovascular.

6- Protector of the healthy digestive system

Another of the properties of chickpea is that, due to its high fiber content, they help prevent constipation and promote the regularity of a healthy digestive system.

7- Ally in weight control and satiety

Feeling full is one of the keys to weight control and chickpeas allow that. In addition, dietary fibers also serve in weight management and loss by functioning as "bulking agents" in the digestive system. These compounds increase satiety and reduce appetite.

Increased consumption of plant-based foods such as chickpeas lowers the risk of obesity and overall mortality, promotes healthy skin and hair, increases body energy, and loses weight.

8- Improves inflammation

On the other hand, choline is a nutrient present in chickpeas that contributes to better sleep, better muscle mobility, greater learning and better memory..

Choline, in turn, also helps to maintain the structure of cell membranes, the transmission of nerve impulses, the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation of lumbar injuries or of another kind, it is also associated with vitamins of the B Group.

9- Helps to treat leukoderma

This legume contributes to the treatment of leukoderma. The following food can be prepared:

-Soak a cup of chickpea with eight grams of triphala churan and water.

-Keep it aside for 24 hours.

-Consume when you see it sprout.

-Repeat this regularly for a few months to reduce white spots due to Leucoderma.

10- Reduce anemia

People who suffer from anemia can consume chickpeas to increase their iron and thus not suffer from falls or have symptoms of lack of sleep or prolonged fatigue.

Therefore, it is also recommended for those who practice a lot of sports and have a great wear of this mineral due to physical activity. On the other hand, they are a great source of potassium, so they serve to improve circulation, regulate blood pressure and is recommended for those who suffer from hypertension..

11- It has innumerable nutrients

This legume has a series of nutrients that help the correct functioning of health.

The chickpea presents an innumerable list of nutrients, being called, for that reason, a superfood. Just one cup of this legume is equivalent to:

  • 268 calories
  • 12.5 grams of dietary fiber
  • 14.5 grams of protein
  • 4.2 grams of fat
  • 84% manganese
  • 71% folate (vitamin B)
  • 29% copper
  • 28% phosphorus
  • 26% iron
  • 17% zinc

After soybeans and beans, it is the most consumed legume in the world. It is available in stores in whole grains, either raw or cooked, or as processed flour.


Here are some recipes with chickpeas, taken from the website www.mejorsalud.com:


Add to a bowl a cup of cooked chickpeas, two minced garlic cloves, cumin, olive oil, chopped parsley, salt and the juice of one lemon. Add a little water and blend. When a paste is formed it is ready. To serve, add more olive oil and paprika. It is eaten with pitta (or Arabic) bread and is a delicious starter.

Chickpea balls (falafel)

Place a cup of chickpeas in a container and leave them overnight. Cook until it boils. Separately mix an onion, two cloves of garlic, coriander, pepper, cumin and paprika. Pour in the chickpeas and blend with the mixer. Leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Take a quantity and form balls, which are fried in vegetable spray.

Chickpea and polenta burgers

Cook the chickpeas and make a puree. Boil water and salt and prepare the polenta. When it's almost done, add the chickpea puree. Add a grated carrot and onion. Let cool and place on a tray for 1 hour. Unmold in the shape of a hamburger and then cook them with a little vegetable oil or in the oven.

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