11 Benefits of White Wine for Health

Simon Doyle

The benefits of white wine They are numerous: it fights aging, improves cardiovascular health, reduces cholesterol levels, prevents cancer, reduces the risk of depression, improves lung health and others that I will explain below..

Wine has become one of the most demanded beverages over time. Both red and white, in addition to being a good social stimulant, are characterized by being one of the most beneficial alcoholic beverages in the world for our health. 

White wine is a variety that ranges from straw yellow, greenish yellow or golden yellow tones. Its grapes - usually white ones - are especially widespread throughout the globe, something that leads to a massive production of this wine throughout the planet..

The most widely produced varieties of white grapes are those of Chardonnay, Sauvignon and Riesling. As for the black ones, those of pinot noir stand out.

Among the white wines, the best known is dry wine. It derives from the fermentation without interruption of the must and has an aromatic and acid character. If it were interrupted, we would be talking about sweet wine, since the sugars are cut off before being completely converted into alcohol.

As for its consumption, it should be noted that it is normal to drink it as an aperitif just before meals or combining it with white meat, cheeses, fish or shellfish. In addition, it is also used as a cooking ingredient to enhance the flavor of food.

Article index

  • 1 History of white wine
  • 2 12 healing properties of white wine

History of white wine

Wine has a long history. It is estimated that the first production dates from 5000 BC. C. in Iran. It is thought that in the Middle East it was already a liquid that was used in a common way, but it was not until Ancient Greece that it began to have official evidence of its use.

Called as white vinous wine or white wine, Hippocrates described it in his writings as a concoction that was used for various medicinal methods. Its consolidation came in Ancient Rome, when viticulture was definitely established. At that time, a kind of sweet white wine was produced that was similar to today's Madeira wine..

Already entered the Middle Ages, at the time of the Emperor Charlemagne, it contributed to the growth of white wine in the areas of Germany and Austria, where the vineyards of central Europe reached 100,000 hectares.

In the seventeenth century the famous cognac appeared, coming from the banks of the Charente (France). In this way, the wine gained strength within the Gallic country. Without going any further, cheap dry wine became fashionable in 18th century Paris, the same century in which champagne was created..

This fashion, which was already common to see in many countries, experienced its peak in the 20th century. Its cultivation reached the United States. Since then, its cultivation has become widespread and the different techniques to produce this type of wine have been improved, highlighting the areas of France, Spain, Germany, Italy or California (United States).

12 healing properties of white wine

1- Fight aging

Magazine Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry compared the antioxidant effects of both red and white wine. The result was that the characteristics of the latter are as powerful as those of the red.

Dipak K. Das, professor at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, stated that "White wines are rich in a type of antioxidant composition that is also present in olive oil."

This effect occurs especially in typical wines from France and Italy, as they are rich in hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, the components that promote antioxidation..

Resveratrol is also another compound that plays an important role in antioxidation. This will help to age in a much healthier and natural way.

During the Middle Ages, many monks already claimed the anti-aging benefits of wine, but current scientists such as David Sinclair, a researcher who has published his studies in the journal Cell Metabolism Offer, They have ended up confirming it.

2- It is good for the heart

Again, Professor Dipak K. Das states that "In general, it is safe to say that some white wines from Europe are as good as red wine when it comes to health and heart problems".

Several researchers from Ben-Gurion University, the Negev-Soroka Medical Center and the Negev Nuclear Research Center in Israel claimed that "The moderate and controlled intake of white wine among diabetics is safe and modestly reduces the cadiometabolic risk".

As this research indicates, white wine is ideal for preventing heart attacks by decreasing the chances of blood clotting. Get it to flow in a much more natural way, avoiding obstructions.

In addition, wine performs an endothelial function, something that notably helps to enhance our heart function and vascular performance, according to a recent study carried out by the University of Reading in the United Kingdom..

3- Improves cholesterol levels

If you have high cholesterol, feel free to drink wine in the recommended amounts. It is scientifically proven that it will help you regulate it.

In a study called In Vino Veritas (in the truth wine), they worked with 146 subjects, where half were drinking Pinot Noir and the other Chardonnay - Pinot blanco for more than a year. The result was reported to the European Society of Cardiology: both groups managed to significantly improve their cholesterol levels.

A second study, published by the Annals of Internal Medicine, investigated 224 volunteers with type 2 diabetes who controlled wine at dinner for two years. The conclusion was that their cholesterol levels improved remarkably, in addition to enhancing glycemic control.

4- Weight loss

Several researchers from the University of Barcelona discovered that white wine is closely linked to weight loss.

If you decide to drink the drink properly while combining it with sports and a healthy diet - such as the Mediterranean for example -, you will see how you will lose weight much faster than you normally would..

Another study conducted at the University of Hohenheim in Germany in 2004, concluded that patients seeking to lose weight did so more quickly while drinking white wine..

5- Sleep enhancer

If you have trouble sleeping, don't forget to have a glass of wine with your dinner to quickly fall into Morpheus's arms.. 

This benefit was verified with the aforementioned study by the University of Barcelona, ​​since in addition to the reduction in weight, it was also observed that the quality of sleep was considerably improved. Hours of deep sleep increased, in addition to eliminating interruptions.

6- Prevents cancer

Thanks to its composition, which contains high doses of flavonoids and antioxidants, we can prevent the appearance of various types of cancer, especially breast and colon.

Regarding the latter, it should be noted that scientists from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom stated that the "Wine consumption can reduce the rate of intestinal tumors by approximately fifty percent".

Another study conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin revealed that white wine protects our cells, preventing the advance of cancer.

7- Improves brain health

Thanks to white wine, degenerative diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer's can be avoided. This is due to the compound found in black grapes called phenolic acid..

The effects are especially enhanced in people who have been drinking for forty years in moderation.

8- Decrease in the effects of cigarettes

Wine is used to regulate the damage that tobacco does to health in the different blood vessels.

The explanation is given thanks to the positive effect it has on the endothelium, the layer of cells that reduce friction between lymphatic and blood vessels.

9- Reduce hangover

White wine is great for a hangover. You will not be able to find another drink that helps you more to calm that discomfort.

By having a low chemical concentration, it reduces the nausea, discomfort and irritability that we feel after having spent the previous day with the drink.

10- Provides nutrients and is low in calories

As far as it goes, white wine is one of the healthiest alcoholic beverages in the world. Contains high levels of different nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, or even fluoride.

In addition, it is one of the drinks that will make us less fat. Without going any further, a glass contains the amount of 100 calories, well below other alcoholic beverages. It is also important to keep in mind that sweet wines are much more caloric than dry ones..

11- Reduce the risk of depression

A team belonging to several universities in Spain published in the magazine BMC Medicine that drinking white wine can reduce the risk of depression.

This research was carried out by gathering the data of more than 5,000 people, aged between fifty and eighty during a period of seven years in which they had to fill out a questionnaire about their alcoholic consumption and their state of mental health..

The results showed that people who drank two to seven glasses a week were less likely to be diagnosed with depression.

12- Improves lung health

If you suffer from lung problems, you should know that unlike red wine, a glass of white wine can help you improve these ailments. 

This has been shown by several studies, in which it has been stated that drinking white wine in moderation helps keep lung tissues healthy.

Dr. Holger Schunemann has explained that "White wine is more likely to contain antioxidants that prevent the creation of harmful molecules called free radicals, which have the ability to cause various problems and havoc on lung tissues".

The resveratrol doses that have been discovered in epidemiological studies appear to be the key to this benefit..

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