110 Day of the Dead Phrases to Share

Charles McCarthy

I leave you a nice list of Day of the Dead phrases, festival that is celebrated on November 2 in Mexico and is also known in other Latin American countries as the Day of the Dead or All Saints Day.

You may also be interested in these phrases about death or these about life.

-Living in the hearts we leave behind is not dying.-Thomas Campbell.

-The life of the dead is in the memory of the living.-Marco Aurelio.

-Just as a well-spent day brings good sleep, a well-spent life brings a happy death.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-Death ends a life, not a relationship.-Mitch Albom.

-Dying is nothing. The terrible thing is not living.-Victor Hugo.

-Only the forgotten are really dead.-Tess Gerritsen.

-Death is nothing more than a turning of time towards eternity.-William Penn.

-Of the one who has died, we must treasure his memory, in a more present way than a person who lives.-Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

-Death is nothing more than passing from one room to another.-Hellen Keller.

-People who live deeply are not afraid of death.-Anaïs Nin.

-Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.-Haruki Murakami.

-Against death there is no law, kill the pope, kill the king.

-Who hurries for everything, his death hastens.

-Until death, strong foot.

-Death is as certain as the uncertain hour.

-Only the dead have seen the end of the war.-Plato.

-The day we fear as our last day, is nothing but the birth of eternity.-Seneca.

-Death should be the greatest of all human blessings.-Socrates.

-There is nothing certain in the life of a person except this: that he must lose it.-Aeschylus.

-Death is a charming hiding place for weary men.-Herodotus.

-Death is not the greatest loss of life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live.-Norman Cousins.

-Death is a debt that we all must pay.-Euripides.

-Death smiles at all of us, the only thing a man can do is return the smile.-Marco Aurelio.

-When you learn how to die, you learn how to live.-Morrie Schwartz.

-Every person in life ends the same way. It is only the details of how they lived and how they died that distinguishes one from the other.-Ernest Hemingway.

-Death is beautiful when it is seen as a law and not as an accident. It is as common as life.-Henry David Thoreau.

-Death, like a bird, is a secret of nature.-Marco Aurelio.

-Death is not the last dream, it is the last awakening.-Walter Scott.

-Death never takes the wise man by surprise. He is always ready to leave.-Jean de La Fontaine.

-May life be as beautiful as the flowers of summer and death as beautiful as the leaves of autumn.-Rabindranath Tagore.

-Life is nice. Death is peaceful. Transitions are problematic.-Isaac Asimov.

-The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is the duty of the living to do it for them.-Lois McMaster Bujold.

-For a well-organized mind, death is nothing more than the next great adventure.-J.K. Rowling.

-Every man dies. Not every man lives.-William Ross Wallace.

-Nobody knows if death is really the greatest blessing that a person can have, but everyone fears that it is the greatest curse, as if they knew it well.-Plato.

-Death is the end of one story and the beginning of another.-Philip Moeller.

-The fear of death stems from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any moment.-Mark Twain.

-When you are born, you cry and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice and the world cries.-Buddhist proverb.

-He spoke well who said that graves are the footprints of angels.-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

-Some people are so afraid of dying that they forget to live.-Henry Van Dyke.

-Death is a law, not a punishment.-Jean Dubos.

-While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.-Leonardo Da Vinci.

-The phoenix must burn to emerge.-Janet Fitch.

-Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.-Andrew Sachs.

-A human life is a story told by God.-Hans Christian Andersen.

-Death does not wait to see if things are over.-Kularnava.

-When the game ends, the king and the pawn go to the same box.-Italian proverb.

-Life is a big surprise. I do not see why death should not be even greater.-Vladimir Nabokov.

-Every night when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-No man can confidently say that he will continue to live tomorrow.-Euripides.

-Many people die at 25 and are not buried until they are 75.-Benjamin Franklin.

-After your death you will be what you were before your birth.-Arthur Schopenhauer.

-Life is not the worst thing that can happen to me.-Plato.

-He who does not fear death dies only once.-Giovanni Falcone.

-It is better to burn out than to go out slowly.-Neil Young.

-Death is the safest calculation that can be made.-Ludwig Büchner.

-The goal of life is death.-Sigmund Freud.

-It does not matter how a man dies, but how he lives.-Mello Death Note.

-The question is not if we are going to die, but how we are going to live.-Joan Borysenko.

-Life is too short when you think about the length of death.-Sean Mangan.

-A single death is a tragedy. One million deaths is a statistic.-Joseph Stalin.

-People leave strange memories of themselves when they die.-Haruki Murakami.

-There is no poor birth and no rich death.

-Chicken broth, the dead resurrect.

-He who loves danger perishes in it.

-From anguish, death; of the beasts, the women.

-The dead to the hole and the alive to the bun.

-The lowing of an ox pulling the cart, heralds the death of a neighbor.

-Horse mosqueao, first dead than tired.

-The dead man and the guest, after three days stink.

-Love and death, nothing stronger.

-Let's eat and drink that tomorrow we will die.

-A dead beard, covered obligation.

-Who wants to kill, eat cabbages for San Juan.

-Already lost hope, what is left to lose in this life?

-Vice by nature, until death lasts.

-Work, only with death can end.

-If you don't want to kill me, why do you hurt me?.

-By his counted steps, the thief goes to the gallows, and we all go to death.

-Blessed is death when it comes after good living.

-The agony is long but death is certain.

-There are dead who do not make noise and their sorrows are greater.

-From donkey goring, I did not see any die.

-You make yourself like the mother of the dead, you make you cry so as not to give coffee.

-Sleep and death, next relatives.

-Death the same eats lamb as ram.

-Death does not walk on stilts.

-There are three things to ponder: life, death, and eternity.

-He who dies to death by his own taste knows him.

-Neither wedding without song, nor death without crying.

-He who hastens his life, hastens his death.

-What the hereafter hides, after death will be known.

-Death neither fear nor seek it, we must wait for it.

-Death and gambling do not respect privileges.

-Good love and good death, no better luck.

-Until death, everything is life.

-Death has cold legs.

-Corner house, or death or ruin.

-Where the dead man complains, is that there is the gold.

-Death is as certain as the uncertain hour.

-The partridge sang at dawn, it would be better for him to die.

-One proposes, God disposes, death arrives and everything decomposes.

-Go hunting with a dead ferret, it is wrong.

-Better that they say that here he ran, that here he died.

-The living one lacks everything and the dead one has plenty.

-The dead to the well and the alive to the joy.

-A coward at home is worth more than a brave man in the cemetery.

-Seal of wolves, death of sheep.

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