The natural anxiolytics They can be a great ally when nervousness and anxiety increase. Its effectiveness allows people who need to calm down to reduce their arousal state.
Currently there are different interventions to achieve these objectives. However, studies show that the most chosen option worldwide is the intake of anxiolytic elements.
In fact, the data provided by the Ministry of Health on the consumption of drugs with anxiolytic properties show that more than 11% of the general population uses them.
These medications are beneficial and even necessary in many cases. However, there are also a number of risks and negative consequences. For this reason, anxiolytic drugs are not always the best option, so it is often advisable to look for alternatives.
In this sense, alternative medicine has gained strength in recent years. More and more studies are analyzing the efficacy of different natural anxiolytics.
These elements, in addition, are very beneficial solutions for a large number of cases. In general, it is argued that natural anxiolytics are especially effective in treating mild anxiety disorders, stress states and temporary nervous situations..
Below we will discuss the 12 natural anxiolytics that have shown greater efficacy and are used today as tranquilizers..
Valerian is a perennial herbaceous, belonging to the valerianoidea family. It is found in Europe as well as in Asia and North America, and is one of the main plants used for anxiolytic purposes.
The widespread use that is made today of valerian as an anxiolytic element, is justified by its effectiveness. In fact, its calming effect has been proven in multiple studies..
In this way, valerian constitutes one of the natural anxiolytics with the greatest evidence about its effectiveness. Especially, it is a very good option to achieve a state of relaxation and promote sleep in individuals suffering from insomnia..
The sedative effects of valerian are attributed to its essential oils, since they associate with GABA receptors and allow the inhibition of neurotransmitter reuptake.
Studies show that its intake produces a mild sedation on the central nervous system. Likewise, it has been shown to be effective in treating generalized nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, and states of anxiety and tension..
Other research has looked at its effects in treating more severe anxiety disorders. However, in these cases, conclusive results have not been obtained..
Finally, it has been shown that valerian has antispasmodic activity in smooth muscles, which is why it is also administered in cases of gastrointestinal pain of nervous origin..
The Eschoscholzia californica, popularly known as California poppy is a species of papaverácea, belonging to the subfamily Eschascholzioidea, native to California.
It stands out for its appearance and is used as an ornamental since during the summer it offers numerous bright orange flowers. Likewise, its consumption produces relaxing effects.
Specifically, the California Poppy has hypnotic-relaxing elements, which is why it is a very effective herb to combat insomnia in children and the elderly.
Its ingestion produces a mild and persistent sedative action on the central nervous system. And it is also used to reduce mild anxiety, control excessive nervousness, and combat irritability and stress states..
The cerebral effects are produced on the neurotransmitter GABA, dopamine and monoamines. However, research on this plant is somewhat scarcer..
In fact, there is only one controlled study that examined its effects. The results showed that the California Poppy produced a slight decrease in anxiety symptoms.
Finally, it is also used to soothe sore throats, relieve headaches and muscle cramps, and is considered a good support to reduce hypertension.
Linden is another of the substances that are most popularly used to combat states of nervousness. It consists of an infusion that is made from the fruit of some of the species of the genus tilla.
Linden stands out for its antispasmodic, somniferous and anxiolytic properties, since it has alpha-pinene, limonene, nerol and cefic acid in its composition..
This natural anxiolytic helps to relax nervous tension and acts as a muscle relaxant, thus having a generalized anxiolytic effect.
In addition, its effects do not only act on the central nervous system, but also affect the liver. Specifically, linden is responsible for increasing its detoxifying function, an aspect that is essential to obtain muscular and nervous relaxation.
Studies on its effectiveness have shown that linden is a suitable element to intervene states of anguish, anxiety and excitement.
Passionflower is one of the genera of the Passifloraceae family, a plant distributed in tropical America, Asia, Australia and Oceania. This plant is popularly known as the passion flower, and its consumption produces a wide relaxing effect.
The anxiolytic potential of passionflower is high, to the point that certain studies have even compared its effects with those of valium.
In general terms, this plant is useful to reduce anxiety, increase tranquility and intervene insomnia, palpitations and nervous disorders.
Its moderate activity makes it an anxiolytic especially beneficial for children. However, its administration is contraindicated in children under two years of age and in pregnant or lactating women..
Roman chamomile or common chamomile is a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family. It is found mainly in Europe and is consumed, mostly, through infusions.
Its anxiolytic effects correspond to the active component of chamomile, a flavoid known as apigenin.
This substance performs mild calming actions, provides an antispasmodic effect and allows relaxation of abdominal pain.
It stands out, mainly, for being one of the few plants that can be administered to a baby. Specifically, it is used frequently and with good results to relieve the newborn of infant colic and digestive disorders of nervous origin..
Likewise, chamomile also performs other therapeutic effects such as: digestive effects, carmative effects, tonic effects and vasodilator effects.
The Hawthorn or hawthorn is a flowering plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. It is a deciduous tree, it is planted as a hedge and is used especially for agricultural use.
Likewise, in its composition it presents tranquilizing components. In fact, it appears to have greater anxiolytic potential than linden and valerane..
In its consumption it is usually combined with valerian itself or pastiflora to enhance its effects. These combinations are mainly used to combat stress, anxiety and nervous disorders.
In addition, Commission E of the German Ministry of Health has approved its use in the treatment of heart failure, coronary heart failure and bradycardia. However, the effect on the circulatory system is slow, so its use is recommended in acute attacks..
Finally, it is also used as a cardiotonic and diuretic element, in the treatment of arterial hypertension, as a muscle relaxant and as an element to intervene insomnia.
The Humulus lupulus, better known as hops, it is one of the three species of the plant of the genus Humulu, of the cannabaceae family. And it is popularly known for its involvement in brewing.
This plant also has calming elements. Especially, its use is indicated for the treatment of nervous disorders related to menopause. However, due to its incidence in estrogens, it is important to consult a doctor before using hops as a natural anxiolytic..
Hops produce a hypnotic-sedative and depressant action on the nervous system, which is why it is also effective in the treatment of hyperexcitability, restlessness and insomnia.
Yellow calderona It is a hardy perennial plant that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries..
They are credited with anti-aging and aphrodisiac properties, and contain antioxidant alkaloids. Likewise, recent studies have shown that its consumption also provides calming effects.
Specifically, a recent clinical trial showed that a hydroalcholic extract with a content of 50.3 mg / g of galfimine B, presented an anxiolytic effect superior to lorazepam.
Likewise, in the research, the yellow calderone extract proved to be well tolerated by the subjects, and without producing side effects..
Thus, although further study is required, this plant shows promising results and could be a powerful natural anxiolytic.
Gotu kola is a small herbaceous annual plant in the Apicae family. It is found mainly in Asia, and is often also known by the names of Kola, Antanan and Pegaga.
This plant is frequently used as a medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicine and in traditional Chinese medicine. It is usually consumed in salad or through similar food preparations.
The main properties attributed to it are: healing, antiulcer, psychoneurological, contraceptive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, angiogenic, antiprofilerative, antimicrobial and antimutagenic.
Due to its extensive properties, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has reported multiple medicinal uses of gotu kola. Mainly, it is used in the treatment of:
Likewise, tranquilizing properties have also been attributed to it. Research on its calming effects has shown its effectiveness in combating anxiety, however it has only been studied in mice.
Cherimoya is the edible fruit of the tree Annona cherimola, a plant belonging to the annonaceae family.
It is a food rich in potassium and vitamin C, and its consumption provides a high amount of carbohydrates, among which glucose and fructose predominate..
Its consumption favors the absorption of iron from food, resistance to infections and fulfills an important antioxidant function.
In its medicinal use it is used for the treatment of anemia, arthritis, cholesterol, stomach contractions, growth, body weakness, organic weakness, diabetes, dyspepsia, stomach spasms, hypertension, cardiovascular problems , osteoporosis, rheumatism and intestinal regulation.
In addition, clinical trials in rodents have shown that different active principles of custard apple are related to the GABAergic systems of the brain, and their calming effects.
The Rollinia mucosa it is a species belonging to the Annonaceae family. It is a tree native to the Amazon between 6 and 10 meters high, with elongated branches, leaves and hermaphrodite flowers.
The pulp of the fruit of the tree constitutes a juicy food with a sweet taste that contains many seeds. It is consumed fresh and fermented to obtain wine.
The medicinal uses of this plant are little investigated. Some studies suggest that the ingestion of the fruit generates analeptic and antiscorbutic effects.
Likewise, a recent study carried out in Mexico showed that the fruit interferes with the functioning of the neurotransmitter GABA and produces tranquilizing effects..
The study was carried out on a total of 55 mice, using a light / dark test. The results showed that rollinia mucosa was effective in reducing the anxiety levels of rodents when exposed to stressful situations.
Kanna is a plant native to South Africa that has interesting pharmacological properties and few side effects.
It is ingested orally, intranasally and sublingually, and is composed of serotonin reuptake inhibitor alkaloids, which is why it has a high psychopharmacological potential.
The inhibition produced by the consumption of this substance on the reception of serotonin, motivates an increase of this substance in the brain.
In this way, Kanna acts in a similar way to many psychotropic drugs, and constitutes a very promising substance for the treatment of mood disorders, anxiety, nervousness and stress.
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