12 Human Body Games for Children and Youth

Jonah Lester
12 Human Body Games for Children and Youth

The list of human body games What I will show you will help you teach the most important knowledge about this subject in a fun way at school, if you are a teacher, or at home, if you are a parent.

The human body is a very complex apparatus and difficult to explain to children. This can be a difficult task for education professionals at times. However, there are many tools and exercises that can reduce the complexity of this task..

Fun games about the human body

1- Draw your partner

I usually like this activity a lot, since children enjoy drawing the silhouette of their classmates and once they finish they are very surprised to see the outline of the body on the paper.

The contents that are usually worked with this activity are the following:

  • Identification of the main parts of the body.
  • Knowledge of the parts of the body.
  • Body reconstruction.

I always use the same procedure. I suggest that the children stand in pairs, being theirs the one who draws the silhouette of their partner while the other is the one who lies on top of the paper. Once they have finished making the silhouettes, they continue to complete the parts of the face, thus drawing the eyes, the mouth, the ears ...

Normally, there is always a child who forgets to complete the silhouette of his partner, so do not be surprised. What I do on these occasions is that I ask them so that they realize that they have missed some part.

For example: What part of your body do you usually scratch your head with? In case you forgot to draw your hands, another example would be where are you wearing your shoes??.

When everyone has finished drawing the outline of their companions, we cut out the silhouettes and divide them into pieces. Each pair has to rotate and try to form the silhouettes of their companions next door.

I like this activity because you don't need very expensive materials: paper, pencil and scissors.

2- What do I look like?

Children really enjoy this type of exercise, since they want to make their drawings very reliably and even ask their classmates to pose and not move.

The contents that are worked on are:

  • Parts of the face.
  • The place to put those parts.
  • The diversity of the human body.

The procedure for this exercise is as follows: Once they have finished drawing the silhouettes, they have to complete it by drawing hair, eyes, ears, nails ...

Given that they continue in pairs and that in the previous activity one of them has drawn, this activity will continue to be carried out by the partner who previously could not draw taking into account the characteristics of the other.

Next, we have to propose that they color it by looking once more at the color of their eyes, hair, face, etc., of their partner.

I always place this activity in second place since they already have the silhouettes made and thus it is not necessary to move them. The necessary materials are: colored pencils, pencil and the paper used in the previous activity.

3- Discovering the senses: What part of the body is?

Here I am going to present you some of the activities that I do to work on the senses. So the general content of all activities will be that they know them and know how to identify where they come from..

I personally like to start with touch, as it is one of the easiest to explain. The procedure I follow is as follows: first we will place the children individually one in front of the other.

One of them has to point out the parts of the body of the partner in front of him, while the other has to know how to identify, through touch, which part of the body his partner has pointed out and name it.

For this activity you will not need any material.

4- What object is?

Another activity that could be carried out to work on the sense of touch is to blindfold the children and give them objects that they have to guess from their shape. I usually use the objects that there are by class such as colors, chairs, eraser ... The important thing is that they have fun guessing them and without cheating, although that is impossible.

For this activity you will need the material that you want them to play to guess them.

5- Discovering the Senses: Where are the materials?

To work on the sense of sight, I always try to make the games more dynamic so they don't get bored. We can hide objects around the classroom so that the children divided into groups have to find them, each one those objects that correspond to the color that has previously been given to the group..

If you do this as is, you can run the risk of the class turning into chaos. What I do is that I put a song on them and I control the search for the objects.

For example, if the groups are 10, I put five songs so that, for each song, two students are in charge of looking for the object while the others are giving them clues as to where they may be..

6- Discovering the Senses: What sound is it??

This activity is ideal to do with musical instruments. Normally in the classroom we do not have them, but we can always ask for some or use some music or toy piano that makes good imitations.

The exercise that I usually do has the following procedure: I divide the class into two groups. One group has to be blindfolded while the other is equipped with different instruments. The companions who are blindfolded have to guess the instrument they are playing. When they have done so, the roles are switched.

In the event that you do not have instruments, you can use everyday items such as a bell, a recorder, shoes ... The important thing is that they know how to internalize that they are using their ears and that each object has its own sound..

The materials needed to carry out this activity will depend on the ones you want to use to develop it..

7- Discovering the Senses: What smells exist?

Children tend to get a lot of attention from this exercise, since they discover that each thing has a particular smell. The procedure is as follows: first I give each child a scented candle (some are repeated). Based on the smell of the different candles, they have to find the companions who have the same one that has the same smell.

Once they have succeeded, they have to tell me in groups exactly what the smell is. I always try to make them candles with an everyday smell like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, coconut ... But you can also use other materials such as hand cream or cologne..

So, as in the previous activities, the material will depend on what you want to choose.

8- Discovering the Senses: What am I testing?

By far, this is the activity that children usually like the most, since I always try to bring foods that they like such as chocolate, cookies, orange juice, cakes ...

The procedure to carry out this activity is very simple: blindfolded or covered children have to try the different foods that are given to them. When everyone has done it, we ask: What does it taste like? What have you eaten? What does it remind you of??.

I have tried other exercises to work my sense of taste and I think this is the one that has worked best for me and the one with which they have had the most fun. You do not need to carry many things, the important thing is that they realize that each meal has a characteristic flavor and that they are able to appreciate it.

9- Puzzles about the human body

Another activity that is usually very fun is doing puzzles of the human body. There are actually two ways to do this activity, using the puzzles that are in the classroom or coloring and cutting out your own doll to later fit the pieces.

It is one more way for them to internalize the parts of the body, since while you are placing them, they can all name them together and with the help of the teacher..

10- Guess the riddle

The classic guessing game can also be used to teach the parts of the human body and is a way to regain the attention of our students on the topic we are working on. I usually ask it in the form of questions with the intention that they tell me the parts of the body.

A good way is to help yourself with your clothes. Where can I put a hat on my body? Why there and not in the hands? Why there and not at the feet?.

It is true that at first it can be difficult for children to pay attention, so if you can take the objects with which you are going to do the riddles and have them participate in groups by placing those elements they will have more fun.

11- do we sing?

Other possible activities that we can use to teach the parts of the body is through songs. We can use both songs in English and Spanish, the important thing is that they know how to identify the different parts that make up our body.

I usually use the song of the boogie boogie, accompanied by gestures to make it more fun and make everyone dance at the same time.

12- Video of questions

If you want to use technology and something interactive for children to learn, you can watch this video of questions about the human body:


We can use many games to teach the human body to our students while having fun. Here I have shown you 11 examples that I usually use in class. 

The best thing is to try what dynamics and games you can use in your classroom, since each one is different. If your students are very active there will be games that I have exposed previously that you will have to modify or devise again.

My advice is that the more interesting and dynamic we do these activities, the better the children will have fun and the more they can learn..

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And what other games do you know?

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