13 Types of cereals and their characteristics

Robert Johnston

The types of cereals main are rice, corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, sorghum, quinoa, flax seeds, farro, buckwheat, spelled and millet. Cereals are one of the essential food groups for the body and therefore one of the most important in the human diet. These belong to the plants of the grass family, which are grown for their grain and food is made from these seeds.

The cereal has a structure with several elements. One of them is the germ, which is found in the nucleus of the seed and is what allows the development of a new plant.

Another is the endosperm, which is a mealy or starchy structure that surrounds the germ. The testa which is the outer layer that covers the grain of the cereal and the husk, which is another much harder layer that protects the testa.

Cereals contain components that are basic in the human diet such as starch, lipids, cellulose and other proteins. The starch is in its interior and its layers are high in proteins, minerals and fibers. These foods are also rich in water and carbohydrates.

Article index

  • 1 Classification according to its processing
    • 1.1 Refined
    • 1.2 Integrals
    • 1.3 Enriched
  • 2 Types of cereals according to their varieties
    • 2.1 Rice
    • 2.2 Corn
    • 2.3 Wheat
    • 2.4 Rye
    • 2.5 Oats
    • 2.6 Barley
    • 2.7 Sorghum
    • 2.8 Quinoa
    • 2.9 Farro
    • 2.10 Flax seeds
    • 2.11 Buckwheat
    • 2.12 Spelled
    • 2.13 Millet

Classification according to its processing

There are different types of cereals, but these can be initially classified into three types according to its processing:


This is the type of cereal from which the bran and the germ that compose it have been extracted. Due to this process, its texture is finer and its shelf life is much longer. The problem is that this process removes a large amount of nutrients, especially fiber..


This is the type of cereal that preserves its crust, that is, it does not remove the bran or the germ in the grinding process. For this reason, they maintain their nutritional properties such as fiber, potassium, selenium and magnesium..


It is a refined cereal to which the nutrients that were eliminated are added artificially. However, they are not better than whole grains because although some nutrients are added, the lost fiber cannot be recovered..

Types of cereals according to their varieties


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This is one of the best known cereals in the world and one of the most consumed. It grows in soils with pools of water that must be well irrigated or be in the delta of a river.

It is a very versatile food that has several varieties. Depending on its shape, it can be classified as long, medium or short grain. Depending on its color, aroma and touch, it can be glutinous, aromatic or pigmented. And depending on its industrial treatment, it can be steamed or pre-cooked. It can also be comprehensive or refined.

Rice is the cereal that contains the most starch. It also contains carbohydrates, as well as small amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. The vast majority of rice dishes originate from the Asian continent and are used in multiple ways: as a garnish, in stews, salads and even to produce oils and wines..


Source: Xilotl May [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

Corn, also known as corn, corn or millet, is the most widely produced cereal in the world. Its plant is usually very tall and the ears can be of different colors: from dark purple to yellow (the most common). Most of the production of this food occurs in America.

It is a very versatile cereal that allows the creation of various foods. It is highly nutritious, as it is rich in vitamins A and B, magnesium, phosphorus, antioxidants and carbohydrates.

It is also beneficial for the body by helping to regulate the intestinal flora and prevent diseases such as diabetes and heart problems, it can also be consumed by people with celiac disease, since it does not contain gluten.


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This is another of the most cultivated cereals in the world, especially since it is used for a wide variety of products. With wheat, refined and whole wheat flour, semolina, bran or beer are produced, among others. There are different varieties of this cereal depending on its hardness, color and even the season in which it is grown..

Wheat is one of the most caloric cereals, since it provides 339 calories per 100 grams. Contains carbohydrates and fats of the saturated, unsaturated and monounsaturated types.

But it also includes protein, vitamins, and minerals. Good for diseases like Alzheimer's, dementia, and female infertility.


Source: Agronom [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

Originally from Iran, rye is part of the wheat family. The spike of this cereal is long and thin. It is commonly used for the production of alcoholic beverages such as vodka, whiskey or brandy, as well as for the manufacture of flours.

This cereal can be cooked into flakes or ground into flour. It is a food that has antioxidants, fiber and phenolic acids and is associated with the proper functioning of the digestive system. It is used to sauté vegetables, with rice, to prepare stews and for different types of breads. '


Source: H. Zell [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

This is one of the best known foods. It is rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, trace elements, amino acids, vitamins (B1, B2 and vitamin E, among others) and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc).

It is a great ally to fight diseases such as diabetes, provides energy and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. It also contributes to the control of high cholesterol and works as a natural diuretic..

Oatmeal is a cereal that is perfectly adapted to cold and temperate climates. Its colors can be black, gray, beige or yellow, depending on whether it is refined or integral. It can be found in the whole market, in flakes or in muesli.


Source: Gerstenkörner, Quelle: http://www.plantimag.de/index.html, siehe Link Copyright Auszug

It is a wheat-like cereal that is also used to make bread. Barley can be cooked as a cereal or ground into flour. It is distinguished from other foods by its sweet and almond flavor.

Its cultivation is very versatile since it is suitable for any type of climate and can be of different colors: brown, light brown or purple.

The most popular use of this cereal is as a main ingredient in the preparation of beer and other alcoholic beverages. But it is also used to prepare various dishes.

It contains more protein than wheat but less gluten than this. On the other hand, it is one of the grains richest in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals..


Source: Ll1324 [CC0]

This is a cereal that is not only intended for human consumption but also for animal consumption. It has its origin in America, Asia and Europe, and thanks to its resistance to drought and heat, it can be cultivated in arid regions.

Sorghum is highly used in the production of alcoholic beverages and thanks to the fact that it is gluten-free, it is special to be consumed by celiacs.

This cereal is usually prepared steamed or as a complement to soups. Sorghum has a wide variety, but by differentiating them by color it is possible to classify them as white and red sorghum grains.

On the other hand, it has high quality sugars, slow absorption and low fat content. The proteins they contain are not of high quality, but when combined with milk or legumes, proteins of high biological value for the body can be obtained..


Source: User: Ben_pcc. [Public domain]

Quinoa is not properly a cereal, but it is consumed as such. It is a seed that is known as a pseudocereal. Compared with most cereals, this food contains a greater amount of proteins, fibers and fats, especially unsaturated. In addition, it stands out for its content of Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids and contains less carbohydrates.

In terms of micronutrients, quinoa contains calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as B vitamins and vitamin E.

It has a low glycemic index and helps control cholesterol levels. It is usually consumed as rice, in salads, hamburgers, cakes, etc..


Source: Image: Usdaemmer1.jpg by en: User: Marknesbitt,

The appearance of this plant is similar to that of wheat. Contains high amounts of bran, but this is lost when the grains are processed.

Farro has a rubbery texture, which makes it perfect for preparing polenta and breads. It is a cereal whose water composition is approximately 10%.

Like other cereals, farro is rich in vitamins such as A, B, C and E, as well as mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, and insoluble fiber.

Thanks to its properties, it fulfills a restorative and antianemic function, contributes to the prevention of constipation, diabetes and other diseases such as hypercholesterolemia and colon cancer.

Flax seeds

Source: Sanjay Acharya [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

Flax seeds, like quinoa, are not properly a cereal but are used as such. They are seeds rich in dietary fiber, weak estrogens, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. They also contain digestive enzymes that not only facilitate digestion but also promote intestinal transit.

This superfood is highly recommended in weight loss diets, as well as to reduce cholesterol and prevent constipation problems.

To be consumed, the seeds are usually crushed to incorporate them into homemade breads, cakes or buns. They can also be mixed in fruit juices, yogurt, salads, sauces, soups, etc..


Source: Mariluna [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

This food also falls into the category of pseudo-cereals. It is recommended as a healthy substitute for conventional wheat, as it does not contain gluten and is richer in protein, minerals and antioxidants than other cereals. It is usually used in the form of grain, whether soaked or boiled, flakes, sprouts, flour, among others.

Thanks to its important fiber content, it helps control blood sugar levels. It also helps improve heart health, is good for circulation, and reduces the risk of colon cancer..

On the other hand, although it is gluten-free, it is necessary to ensure that there is no risk of cross contamination from the place where it is processed so that it can be consumed by celiacs.


Source: Ziko [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

It is a variety of wheat widely used in ancient times. Its origin is located in Iran, Egypt and even in China, where it was used to make alcoholic beverages similar to beer.

Little by little its use spread to Europe and it was used in making bread for the wealthiest classes. However, its consumption has resurfaced today, especially due to the nutritional benefits it offers.

Spelled is one of the best sources of protein of vegetable origin and if consumed in an amount and with an appropriate combination, it could replace red meat. The proteins in these whole grains are high in fiber and low in fat. They also do not contain cholesterol and provide vitamins and minerals.


Source: Kurt Stüber [1] [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)]

This is one of the oldest cereals. It is an alkalizing food, which is also remineralizing. It is usually eaten regularly in the East and is a grain capable of withstanding sudden changes in temperature. It grows quickly, requires little water and is highly resistant to pests.

Millet is an easily digestible food and suitable for people with celiac disease thanks to the fact that it does not contain gluten. It is rich in fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, fatty acids, iron and vitamins of group B.

Thanks to all these properties, it is ideal for those who suffer from digestive problems such as constipation, heartburn, ulcers, gas, diarrhea, etc. Its consumption is also recommended in cases of diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, stages of stress, exhaustion, pregnancy and lactation.

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