130 Objects with the letter O in Spanish

Alexander Pearson

I leave you more than 130 objects with the letter o, such as obelisk, wafer, shutter, office, warhead, olive tree, gold, offering, Olympus, navel, killer whale, oratory, orangutan, nettle, caterpillar, stye, daring, among others.

The letter o is the fourth vowel, and the sixteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet. It is an open vowel, along with a and e, unlike the closed i and u.

Here is a list of objects that begin with the letter O. Before you can read some definitions of these same words.

Definitions of objects starting with O

- Orza: high deposit of mud, which does not have handles or handles. Usually used to preserve food.

- Pomace: this is the name given to the residue of the grape in the wine process and the residue of the olive in the oil milling.

- Oron: oversized round candle.

- Oronja: mushroom or fungus typical of southern Europe. It is characterized by its orange color above and whitish below. It does not have scales or sheets.

- Orlo: musical wind instrument used mainly in the Alpine region. It consists of a wide mouth that produces a penetrating and pesky sound.

- Ormesí: pressed fabric made from silk.

- Organ: classical musical instrument, from the wind family. It is made up of several metal tubes, of varying heights, that produce sound when an internal bellows sends air to them. Its execution is similar to that of a piano, using keys of different musical heights.

- Opium: Narcotic typical of the Asian continent. It is a product of the dried juice that is extracted from green poppies.

- Onoquiles: common plant of Spain, of the Borage family. Its foliage is annual.

- Omega: Last letter of the Greek alphabet.

- Shoulder blade - a broad, flat, triangle-like bone found in the upper back in humans.

- Elm: tree of the ulmáceas family. It usually reaches 20 meters high, losing its foliage in the fall. Its flowers and fruits begin to appear in late winter and its leaves in early spring..

- Pot: round tank of variable diameter and depth used for cooking food.

- Olive: tree of the oleaceae family, whose fruit is the olive. It is typical of Mediterranean climates.

- Oil pipeline: a large pipe used to transport fossil fuels over long distances.

- Oleaceous: shrubby plant, the fruit of which is a berry. Similar to olive and ash.

- Okapi: ruminant mammal, of the jiráfidos family. It usually reaches one and a half meters in length and weighs 230 kilograms. Its coat is short and hard, light brownish

- Eye: organ that allows vision in humans and animals.

- Warhead: this is called the "head" or upper part of a missile. Usually the warhead has the explosive charge.

- Ear: organ that allows hearing in humans and animals.

- Odre: container that serves to contain liquids, made with the leather of goats or sheep.

- Ocume: tree used in cabinetmaking, typical of Guinea and Equatorial Guinea.

- Ocher: yellowish mineral product of the oxidation of iron mixed with clay. It is usually used in painting.

- Ocelot: mammal of the feline group, typical of the American continent. Its fur is ocher with black stripes and spots all over the body. It usually reaches a length of one and a half meters.

- Ochavo: copper coin from Spain minted in the 19th century.

- Ocozol: tree typical of North America, about fifteen meters high, with a smooth trunk and greenish flowers.

- Ocean: large water surface, which covers most of the surface of the planet earth.

- Oca: type of white goose.

- Ocarina: Wind instrument with an ovoid and elongated shape, of variable size. It usually has eight holes that are covered and uncovered during its execution.

- Obtuse: in geometry an angle is called obtuse when it is greater than 130 ° and less than 180 °.

- Shutter: in photography, a mechanical device inside the photographic camera is called a shutter, whose function is to expose light on the photographic film, for a predetermined time.

- Obsidian: volcanic rock of a very dark green color, almost black. It consists mainly of silica. Traditionally it was used to make cutting weapons and arrows.

List of objects started with A

1- Obelisk
2- Obenque
3- Bishop
4- Object
5- Wafer
6- Oblite
7- Oboe
8- Work
9- Works
10- Worker
11- Worker
12- Gift
13- Observatory
14- Obsidian
15- Obstacle
16- Obstetrician
17- Obstruction
18- Shutter
19- obtuse
20- Goose
21- Ocarina
22- Sunset
23- West
24- Ocean
25- Ocelo
26- Ocelot
27- Ochavo
28- Ocozol
29- Ocher
30- Octane
31- Octant
32- Octet
33- Octagon
34- Octopod
35- October
36- Ocume
37- Ocumo
38- Ode
39- Odalisque
40- Odeon
41- Odometer
42- Odre
43- Office
44- Ofiura
45- Offering
46- Ear
47- Ojaranzo
48- Eyeshadow
49- Warhead
50- Eye
51- Flip Flop
52- Okapi
53- Wave
54- Oleander
55- Pipeline
56- Oliera
57- Olifant
58- Oligisto
59- Olympiad
60- Olympus
61- Olingo
62- Olio
63- Olive
64- Olive
65- Pot
66- Elm
67- Omalanto
68- Omaso
69- Navel
70- Ombú
71- Omega
72- Shoulder blade
73- Evening Primrose
74- Onagro
75- elective
76- Wave
77- Ondina
78- Onerary
79- Onfacino
80- Oniquine
81- Onocrate it
82- Onoquiles
83- Ontology
84- Oolito
85- Oosphere
86- Opal
87- Opiate
88- Opium
89- Oracle
90- Orangutan
91- Oratory
92- Orb
93- Orbidity
94- Orca
95- Orc
96- Oregano
97- Ear
98- Orpheus
99- Organ
100- Oricteropo
105- Urine
Hear it
110- Platypus
115- Oropendola
120- Nettle
125- Oryx
130- Oyster

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