14 Properties of Luisa Herb for Health

Egbert Haynes

The properties of lemon verbena for health they are broad: reducing stress, losing weight, reducing cholesterol, antiseptic ... Later I will explain the most important ones. The use of green herbs are recurrent to naturally solve different physical and psychological problems.

The lemon verbena may not be the most popular, but it is a plant with great aromatic and medicinal properties that make it possible to use it in various areas of daily life.

Lemon verbena

Cedrón, verbena, yerbaluisa, maría luisa or lemon verbena, there are several ways to name this shrub of the Verbenáceas family and that responds to the scientific name of Aloysia citrodora or Aloysia triphylla.

It is a deciduous plant that grows especially in South America in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru or Ecuador. In these areas it grows wild. However, at present it is already cultivated in almost the whole world, especially in Europe.

The most suitable climate for its conservation is temperate and humid. It requires a basic and constant irrigation in which the water is not abused to avoid its stagnation. Nor should it be allowed to dry out excessively. However, it is able to withstand times of drought well.

Its appearance is that of a bush between 1.20 meters and 3 meters high, although some can reach 6 meters. They have lanceolate leaves of around 7 cm in length, and a characteristic citrus smell reminiscent of lemon..

The stems are woody in their upper area and at the end of them it has small white flowers on the outside and lilac on the inside arranged in a cluster. These are born in the summer season and precisely that is the best time to collect it, since it contains a higher oil level.

If this is not going to be used at the moment, it is advisable to keep the leaves in an airtight and dark place. The fruit of the lemon verbena is a drupe that does not always mature if it is not in a particularly warm environment that is prone to this..

Article index

  • 1 Main benefits of lemon verbena
  • 2 History
  • 3 Components
  • 4 How to prepare an infusion of lemon verbena?
  • 5 How to extract the essential oil of this herb?
  • 6 Contraindications of lemon verbena

Main benefits of lemon verbena

Antioxidant properties

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If you practice sports frequently, write down the name of this plant, as it is one of the only ones capable of protecting your muscles..

According to a study carried out by researchers from the Sports Research Center and the Bioengineering, Molecular and Cellular Biology Institutes of the Miguel Hernández de Elche University (UMH), its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties reduce muscle damage caused especially by physical exercise..

Supplementation with lemon verbena extract protects neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) against oxidative damage so that muscle damage caused by prolonged sports practice decreases.

It also improves joint mobility, something especially useful if you suffer from arthritis problems. This annoying pain that is difficult to reverse can be alleviated by the use of lemon verbena. It also accelerates recovery from mobility-related injuries.

Reduces oxidative stress

Precisely these antioxidant qualities make lemon verbena a plant that reduces the levels of oxidative stress caused by the oxidation process in which humans are involved when they breathe and that causes tissue damage.

This produces a better general health of the body, due to an increase of white blood cells in the blood, a cornerstone of the immune system

Decreases menstrual cramps

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For many women, the arrival of menstruation is synonymous with severe stomach pain that is often difficult to cope with. The anti-inflammatory properties of lemon verbena make it a great relief for those cramps and general discomfort.

Improve digestion

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To treat digestive system problems such as indigestion or heartburn, gas or flatulence, it is convenient to go to lemon verbena.

In addition, it has carminative and antispasmodic properties thanks to which it is a very favorable product to end flatulence and accumulated gases that cause discomfort and bloating. Therefore, lemon verbena infusions are recommended to end aerophagia.

Useful for losing weight and fighting obesity problems

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By improving digestion and activating metabolism, lemon verbena infusions are good companions to diets as they help the body to accelerate the burning of fat. In addition, as they hardly contain calories, they are a good option to add to a daily, healthy and balanced diet..

In addition, according to a study published in the journal of phytotherapy and pharmacology Phytomedicine It is a great ally to fight obesity since the polyphenols in lemon verbena reduce the accumulation of triglycerides in fat cells and the production of free radicals that cause oxidation.

Reduce the cholesterol

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Thanks to the fact that lemon verbena prevents the accumulation of triglycerides and fats in the arteries, it is a great weapon to fight against cholesterol, as it is capable of eliminating bad cholesterol from the body.

It also achieves an improvement in blood flow that can prevent heart disorders such as hypertension or cardio-respiratory arrest..

Toning for the skin

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In a society increasingly concerned with taking care of its image, lemon verbena has the necessary elements to find a place in most homes. Thanks to it you can get toned skin.

In addition, the application of this herb or its oil in the bath or in massages reduces one of the great nightmares of many people: cellulite.

Helps clear acne

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Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in society, which especially affects adolescents and young people, although adults are not exempt. This causes not only an unsightly face in cases of greater affection but pain and stinging in the areas most affected by pimples.

A study carried out by a researcher from the Salesian Polytechnic University of Quito indicates that lemon verbena oil has properties that can repair acne. This also improves the texture of the skin.

Eliminate halitosis

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Halitosis or bad breath is an oral health problem suffered by one in two people today. The lemon verbena, together with proper oral hygiene, helps to end it.

Helps cure colds

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Lemon verbena can be used to improve cold symptoms. This plant is useful to fight coughs and other respiratory system conditions and helps to expel mucus.

Lower the fever

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The lemon verbena has antipyretic properties so it is capable of reducing fever. Therefore, it is advisable to consume at least two infusions of this plant a day..

To enhance its flavor, it can be sweetened with honey, an element that is also very interesting in cases of flu and colds, since it helps to calm coughs and reduces throat irritations..

Release stress

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Although the most popular way to combat nerves and stress is to go to valerian or linden, the truth is that lemon verbena has great relaxing properties.

Its sedative effect makes it a perfect natural painkiller to fight insomnia and avoid those long nights of tossing and turning in bed. For this reason, it is advisable to consume it a little before going to sleep..

This virtue of lemon verbena also reads in the study prepared by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. In it, the researchers carried out a clinical trial with 28 athletes who were distributed lemon verbena over a period of three weeks..

The study proved that these athletes slept 20 minutes more on average a day and had a much more pleasant sleep since the interruptions disappeared by 30 percent.

Thanks to the relaxing effect of this herb, its use is advisable for migraines.

Useful for depression

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The relief of stress and the appearance of a more relaxed situation from this herb sometimes leads to beginning to experience positive feelings. Therefore, it can be of great help for those who are somewhat depressed.

Works as an antiseptic

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The lemon verbena has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties that keep parasites away from animals and from areas of the house where flies can be frequent, such as the kitchen. In cosmetic products it prevents the growth of microorganisms.


The lemon verbena, like many other products originating in South America, was introduced in Europe thanks to the discovery of the Spanish explorers who during the 17th century, attracted by its aromatic oil, decided to take it to the old continent..

Since then it has had different uses. In the 19th century, for example, pillows were used to be stuffed with it to facilitate sleep and get a better rest thanks to the smell they gave off..

The name of lemon verbena is received from Queen María Luisa de Parma, wife of Charles IV to whom the plant is dedicated..

Components (edit)

The main components of lemon verbena are phenylpropanoids, among which verbascoside stands out. In addition, its branches and leaves contain essential oil rich in more than a hundred substances, among which citral stands out, thanks to which it acquires its peculiar smell. It also has limonene, caryophyllene, linalol and cineole among others..

How to prepare an infusion of lemon verbena?

The first thing is to heat the water until it reaches around 90 ° - it is important that you do not let it boil. Once the fire is off, place the lemon verbena in the teapot or glass with the water, cover it, let it rest for several minutes before eating it and that's it!!

This type of infusions can be much tastier if honey or some type of sweetener is added. If you want to achieve a more citrus flavor effect, you can include a little lemon juice. Another more refreshing option is to add spearmint or mint.

How to extract the essential oil from this herb?

The most common way to obtain lemon verbena essential oil is by steam distillation of the plant. It is advisable that this be done shortly after it has been collected so that the medicinal properties are not lost..

If executed correctly, a pale yellowish oil will be obtained with a characteristic citric smell and with antispasmodic, antiseptic, detoxifying, digestive, carminative, stomachic, sedative and fever-reducing properties, among others..

Contraindications of lemon verbena

The ingestion of high doses of lemon verbena can cause irritation in the stomach.

It is advisable to perform tests to diagnose allergies before coming into contact with the herb. Dermatitis is possible as a mild allergic response.

Finally, if you suffer from a long-term or chronic disease such as kidney disease, the consumption of lemon verbena could make your situation worse. For this reason, it is advisable to visit a doctor before consuming or using lemon verbena for any of the applications that have been developed in this article. The same is true if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is possible that new applications of this versatile plant will appear soon and it is even more than likely that there are many more uses that have not been named.

What other benefits of lemon verbena do you know?

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