15 nickname ideas for my boyfriend, affectionate and funny

Sherman Hoover
15 nickname ideas for my boyfriend, affectionate and funny

I have always searched nicknames for my boyfriend that are loving, funny and make you smile. The way we name people makes their mood change, so when someone addresses us with love, our self-esteem rises, we feel valued, loved and everything becomes more loving..

If, like I try to be creative with nicknames for my boyfriend, you also want to find the perfect nickname for your partner, I will give you some ideas that can serve you and make that boy feel like a happy prince who helps you to have a beautiful heart beating.

Nicknames for my boyfriend The most affectionate!

These are some of the nickname ideas for my boyfriend that have filled his heart with happiness. I put a little explanation of what this nickname can mean and how you can react to it.

Sweetness: With this we are telling you that it is that dose that fills our life with sweetness, that it is the dessert in the middle of so much salt.

Darling: To say heaven to love is to compare it with the high, with the place where we fly and where our stars light up.

Sun: When we say sun to our partner, we are saying that it is that high dose of light for our life. If you are a little more romantic, you can add reinforcers such as "summer sun" or "sun of my sunrise"

Little cat: Small animals always inspire tenderness. Kitten is just an example, you can choose between unimagined amounts of animals, you can even choose your favorite animal, for example: Bear, bird, little fish ... Anyway! At this point, you can see which one suits his personality the most and surprise him..

Affectionate nicknames for my girlfriend

If you are a man, and by chance you got here, we will tell you some nickname ideas that melt women. All the previous ones work if you use them in feminine, and here you have additional ones.

Moon: What woman will not want to be compared to the moon, which is undoubtedly the one that steals all eyes and lights up the darkness.

Goddess: The goddesses of the different mythologies were symbols par excellence of feminine beauty. Also all women want to be treated like goddesses. 

Queen: Similar to the previous point, we love that they make us feel like queens, so with this you have a resounding goal.

Flowers: Most of us women rave about the beauty of flowers, so look for your favorite flower and use this name to designate your loved one: My rose, Lily, Violet, Sunflower ... The number of flowers to choose from is multiple and she will love the result.

Funny nicknames related to your physique

The idea of ​​nicknames that are related to the body is that they are beautiful and reinforce your self-esteem, not that they make you feel insecure about your body. 

My ideas for body related nicknames are:

Lips: The lips are a super sensual area that connects us with the person we love, so praising their lips with your favorite flavor can be a resounding hit. Some examples are: Strawberry Lips, Honey Lips, Chocolate Lips ... Anyway, you will choose the one you like the most and will surely want to give you lots of kisses!!

Eyes: The eyes are the door to the soul and what most connects us with our lovers. So paying homage to their eyes is divine. For example: Eyes of the moon, Eyes of the sky, Little eyes, Playful eyes, Creative eyes ... Anyway, think about what their eyes make you remember and give it your personal touch.

Skin: The skin is our favorite part, with it we can be caress. As in the previous case, let your creativity flow. Moon Skin, Silk Skin, Sky skin, Sea skin, Night skin... Bring out your most poetic side and you will drive him crazy with love.

Hands: The hands allow us to come into contact with the other and that is why accentuating their importance in relationships can be very enjoyable. For example: Angel hands, Wind hands, Fire hands ... You choose!

Romantic nicknames about your personality

When it comes to nickname ideas, my favorites are the romantic ones that have to do with personality. It does not mean that the others are not beautiful, simply that anything personalized also tells us that the other listens to us and knows what we like the most. In addition to the nicknames that we share below, we also have a list of thoughts of love for your partner that they will surely love.

Favorite characters: Regardless of whether your tastes are in books or movies or series, having someone call us as our favorite characters will always enchant us. Suppose your boyfriend loves the Dragon Ball series, if you tell him that he is your "Super Sayayín" he will love it. Similarly, if you are a fan of pirates, saying "My Pirate" will drive you crazy..

According to your skills: We all love that people value our talents and efforts and much more if it is our partner. In this case you can look at what the talents of the loved one are and use them to create a unique nickname.

For example, if your boyfriend is excellent in the kitchen you can say "My favorite chef" or "my love chef", if he loves to write and writes you beautiful things, you can say "My poet" It all depends on how much know and detect those things that make him feel proud.

According to your tastes: This tip is super important, because with this act he can feel that we value his tastes and that we love him with everything that he brings. For example, if your partner loves astrology, you can call him by his zodiac sign, something like: "My favorite Piscean" or "My star Sagittarius", if he plays soccer you can use something like "My goalscorer"

I hope you liked the paths that I have chosen when it comes to finding nickname ideas for my boyfriend, and that starting from this you can create your own nicknames full of creativity and romanticism. 

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