15 Incredible Health Benefits of Kalanchoe

Robert Johnston

Between the kalanchoe benefits (Diagremontania) we can highlight that it has a series of healthy properties for the body, such as protecting oral health, fighting cancer or treating ulcers, among others.

The kalanchoe is a succulent perennial plant, which is often called aranto or devil's backbone. It is an endemic vegetable to Madagascar. It is classified botanically with two main Latin names, which refer to the same plant: Bryophyllum pinnatum and pinnatum kalanchoe.

This last species is found in countries of South America. However, another two hundred types are found in African nations and China.. 

In the United States they are grown as ornamental tropical plants. In Brazil, it is called saiao or coirama and in Peru it is called air leaf.

Kalanchoe can be consumed as an infusion of tea, from extracts of its leaves, drunk as juice, take supplementary capsules or apply its hot leaves on the skin to treat certain illnesses, which we will review in the next article.

15 medicinal properties of kalanchoe that protect our health

1- Protects oral health

Kalanchoe juice is used to treat gingivitis and oral inflammation caused by periodontal disease (stomatitis II-III). It is recommended that the juice with this plant should be made with boiled water to later cool and drink as tea..

To treat stomatitis, 3 to 4 glasses should be consumed as applications after the preliminary treatment centers, before heating the juice in a water bath at body temperature.

2- Treat rhinitis

Kalanchoe herbal juice is commercially available in capsule form, but it can also be cooked at home. For this, grind crushed fresh leaves of the plant, squeeze and filter to extract juice extract and serve it as tea.

This serves for the treatment of mucous rhinitis. It should be consumed two to three times a day as an infusion for effects to be seen in one or two weeks.

3- Fight ulcers

The juice of this plant is also used to treat trophic ulcers in the veins, stomach and post-traumatic ulcers if an injury occurs, as suggested by the ezinearticles.com portal, dedicated to medicinal herbs. You can also prepare layers of kalanchoe leaves and apply to the affected area, if it is an external wound..

4- It is used to treat cancer

The kalanchoe is a genus of plants that is used, mainly, for the treatment of cancer, according to a study.

It should be noted that its leaves contain an organic compound also existing in the secretions of the toad, which manages to stop the proliferation, self-renewal and spread of cancer cells.

Kalanchoe is added to contain different chemicals, including: flavonoids, fatty acids, and triterpenoid bufadienolides, organic compounds in plants, which have cytotoxic activity against various cancer cell lines..

5- Protects the female reproductive system

The juice or tea of ​​this plant helps fight urinary infections or complications in the cervix..

Also, if kalanchoe ointment is applied in the vaginal area for 15 days, every eight hours, it helps to disinfect and protect from bacteria that may be in that area, according to the Curative Herb blog.

6- Fight back pain

Hot leaves of this plant can be placed in areas of the back, where a person feels pain. Generally, discomfort occurs in the dorsal and lumbar part of the spine.

Well, this measure is an effective way to combat back pain. If it is possible to place a heating pad or a hot water bottle on the sheet, while it is on the back, so much the better, since in this way the heat increases and that helps to release the properties of the kalanchoe.

It is also used for wounds, sores, or allergies that are present in the same area of ​​the back, applying these hot leaves, once a day, until the pain is gone.

7- It is a good pain reliever

If you suffer from headaches or migraine, a solution to this condition is to apply kalanchoe leaves.

Remove one, two or three leaves of this plant, heat them in the microwave or in a kitchen oven for a few minutes and wait until it is hot..

Once this is verified, place the leaves on the forehead as quickly as possible before they get cold. Then reheat them and repeat the process several times during, at intervals of at least ten minutes. The sheets are removed once the person is relieved.

8- Eliminate styes in the eyes

As for headaches, kalanchoe leaves should be heated in a microwave and home oven. Then it is placed in the eye affected by a stye, for a minute or two, three to six times a day..

This alternative can be alternated with a boric washing solution on the affected area. However, keeping the blade on the eye reduces the size and redness of the stye..

9- Take care of the health of the feet

The kalanchoe leaves also serve to take care of the health of our feet. If you suffer from fungus, irritation, calluses or other problems in the area, this plant may be the solution.

In hot water, the feet should be immersed for half an hour with the leaves of the vegetable in the liquid; peppermint, eucalyptus oil and other herbs can be added, if deemed convenient.

After that foot wash, take another two sheets, warm them and put them under your feet in a comfortable pair of socks and wear them all night long. The idea is to let your magic work while you sleep.

10- It is a good treatment for sunburn

The hot leaves can be applied -as mentioned in the paragraphs above-, also on the skin in those areas where there was sunburn, or of another nature.

The leaves can be ground into a kind of paste and placed in the affected part. This solution should be done at least once a day, for 5 to 6 days, while the skin little by little recovers its natural tone or denotes a darker look, but the relief is greater and faster if the kalanchoe is used..

11- Heal warts

Kalanchoe is also effective in fighting skin warts, which are skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus..

To suppress this discomfort, fresh and crushed leaves should be applied to the areas where the warts are. It is necessary to do it twice a day.

If you do not get results within a week, you should continue the treatment or consult a doctor..

12- Treat wounds and heal pain

A wound or sore is also fought with this plant. It should be moistened with kalanchoe extracts on the affected part, with the help of a small diameter syringe.

Subsequently, the surface of the injured area is covered with 4 or 5 layers of gauze larger than the wound and moistened with extract of kalanchoe leaves. Of course, before performing this treatment, iodine and alcohol should be applied to the atrophied area..

These gauzes are changed daily and the treatment should last between 25 and 30 days, depending on the evolution of the wounds and how they are healing.

What kalanchoe does is quickly stimulate the wound healing process. This method allows to shorten the period of medical treatment and a faster recovery.

13- Combat diseases of the ear, nose and throat

According to otorhinoragingologists, it is advisable to inject kalanchoe drops through the nose, with the help of a syringe, as a preventive remedy for high periods of flu when the chest becomes inflamed or sinusitis appears, especially in winter..

On the other hand, this drug helps fight chronic diseases such as tonsillitis, which is the inflammatory process of the middle ear..

To treat tonsillitis, the extract is injected into moistened gauze tampons and gently inserted into the ear so as not to damage the eardrum or cause infection. It is left for half an hour, and then removed. This is done daily for the duration of the illness..

Another option is to gargle with the mentioned solution to suppress tonsillitis, which is inflammation of the throat area according to News-medical, in addition to tonsillitis and laryngitis.

14- Fight against wrinkles

Although there are still studies to be done, experts suggest that kalanchoe can rejuvenate the skin and, in this way, eliminate wrinkles that appear with age.

It is recommended to prepare a juice or thick tea from this plant, and mix it with a tablespoon of honey..

The idea is to apply this solution to the face, cleansing it to reduce wrinkles on the face. After the shower it is a good option to apply this method, for an hour or a little more.

It should be noted that this mixture nourishes and moisturizes the skin. In addition, it helps to maintain the flexibility and elasticity of the skin.

15- Relax the muscles

According to the Rain-tree portal, the kalanchoe has several properties that it lists. One of them is that this plant acts as a muscle relaxant, which is applied to the area of ​​discomfort once physical exercise has been carried out on the body..

As for other skin ailments mentioned, the hot leaves of this vegetable are used to relieve muscle aches, derived from the practice of a sport and an important physical demand. Then, these leaves are placed in muscle, or if you prefer with gauze with kalanchoe extract, in those sore parts.

This treatment should be done once a day or two, while the pains last.

Traditional preparation of kalanchoe

In the Amazon, a cup of an infusion of these leaves, twice a day, is used mainly for infections of the upper respiratory tract, cough and fever.

The kalanchoe leaf is juicy and succulent, which is crushed into the juice, which is placed directly on cuts, wounds, scrapes, boils and other conditions of the infected skin.

On the other hand, drops are placed in the ear or eyes for ear pain and eye infections.


1. The plant should not be used in pregnancy. However, this idea has not yet been fully studied, as clinical research, since it has traditionally been used during childbirth and can stimulate the uterus. Better, consult your doctor first, if you want to try these leaves.

2. Kalanchoe has immune modulating actions and should not be used chronically for long periods of time or by people with a weakened immune system..

3. For those who have heart problems, it is not advisable to consume this plant without first consulting with your doctor..

4. It is stated that kalanchoe in too high doses is dangerous for people. On the other hand, it should not be consumed by some domestic animals such as cats and dogs..

Drug interactions

  1. May enhance barbiturates.
  2. May enhance cardiac glycosides such as digoxin and digitoxin.
  3. May boost immunosuppressive medications.
  4. May enhance CNS depressant medications.


  1. "Antitumoral promotion of bufadienolides activity from Kalanchoe pinnata and K. daigremontiana x tubiflora" (2001). Supratman T., Fujita T., Akiyama K., Hayashi H., Murakami A., Sakai H., Koshimizu K., Ohigashi H. Division of Applied Biological Chemistry, College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai , Japan.
  2. "Witch's grass: Kalanchoe pinnata" (2014). Leidy Barajas Villamizar. Nancy Herreño Mosquera, Antonio Luis Mejía Piñeros, Paola Borrego Muñoz. Luis Miguel Pombo Ospina, Researchers at the Department of Basic Sciences, Juan N. Corpas University Foundation, School of Medicine, Bogotá, D.C.
  3. "Simulation of CAM Photosynthesis in Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Transferring to Nitrogen-Deficient Conditions" (1987). Koichi Ota. Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, Japan.
  4. "Micro and Macro composition of elements of Kalanchoe integra Leaves: an adjunctive treatment for Hypertension in Ghana" (2015). S. Frimpong-Manso, IJ-Asiedu Gyekye, JP Naadu, GT-Magnus Aryitey. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UGSOP, Legon, Ghana.

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