17 Duties of Children to Parents

Robert Johnston

Some of the children's duties to parents The most important are to trust, respect, help, pay attention, do not judge, take care of them, do not exclude them, spend time with them and others that we will mention below.

We all know what are the duties and obligations that parents have to fulfill with their children, but are we aware of those that they have to fulfill with their parents? We as children are we fulfilling them?

These kinds of actions are essential to building a child-parent relationship; and not only for that, but for children to learn the necessary skills to have adequate personal relationships with other people.

Duties of children to parents

1- Allow them to be our friends

Since we are little our parents are with us sharing our experiences, thoughts and feelings. However, when we reach the rebellious stage of adolescence, this changes abruptly, placing our parents in the background and not allowing or letting them exercise this role..

When we grow up and reach adulthood, this role played by our parents comes back to stay because we as children allow it..

However, one of our duties as a child is to accept and let our parents come closer and help us, because they have lived longer than we have and that experience can be fruitful for both of us..

2- Trust them

On many occasions we tend to trust our friends or people around us more than our parents. But have you ever wondered why we don't go to our parents? Who better than them to give us advice?.

They will always be there to support us and advise us on everything we need. Therefore, if we have a problem, we are obliged to seek their advice since it is our parents and it will be them and not someone else who will truly choose the best option for us. We should not worry that they will judge us in our decisions or in our activities.

3- Pay attention to them

As we have pointed out previously, we must listen to their advice and what they have to tell us about a problem we have or simply about what may happen to us in life..

They have more experience and although we do not want to see it in complicated stages such as adolescence, in the end they are always right. Therefore, even if they grow up and think that they have no idea of ​​anything that happens to us and that they are not right, we have to listen to what they have to say patiently.

4- Do not judge them

As we grow, we change the way we look at our parents. When we are little we see them as our heroes and heroines, however, this changes when we reach adolescence, a stage in which we see them as old-fashioned people unable to understand what happens to us..

As if this were not enough, when we reach adulthood, we continue to see them in a negative way, which translates into a burden or an aged person who is once again unable to understand what is happening around him, which is why in the majority sometimes we leave them in a residence.

Obviously not all of us see our parents when we reach adulthood as a burden or as aged people, there are other people who see them as the main support in their lives and we also have to take them into account.

5- Have respect for them

Our parents respect us since we are born and even in all our stages of development, some being more complicated than others. Therefore, our duty as children is to respect them and treat them as they treat us..

6- Pay attention to them

As children we have to obey and abide by what our parents tell us. We do it since we are little because they always want the best for us even if sometimes we think that it is not.

In stages such as adolescence, we tend to think that they punish us or that they do not let us go out later because they do not want us to have fun or go out.

Yet it is precisely because they love us that they do that kind of thing. Sometimes we don't understand this until it is our turn to be parents..

7- Study

As we all know, our parents since we are little are working for many hours a day because we have the right to be something in life. That is, to study.

Therefore, we have the obligation to do so because once again they want the best for us and they are giving us the opportunity to give the best of ourselves and although we may not believe it, not everyone is lucky enough to be able to access a decent and quality education..

8- Help at home

Our parents carry out many activities throughout the day and there are even times when they cannot rest because they are overwhelmed with work. Our duty as a child is to help them in all the tasks that are possible, such as household chores..

Between all of us it is much easier to have everything in order if we are aware of the situation and do our part. It costs us nothing to help them and thus we will have more free time to enjoy their company.

9- take care of them

Our parents also get sick when they reach old age and often need us to take care of them. They didn't think twice when we first fell off a bike and scraped our knees or when we broke an arm playing basketball..

Therefore, as children we have to take care of them whenever possible or make sure they have the best help so that they can live peacefully and without problems..

On the other hand, we have to be very aware of the first symptoms, of what is happening to them, to find and put into practice the remedies that help them eliminate or reduce these deficiencies.

10- Do not exclude them

As children we are acquiring more responsibilities as we grow at all levels of our life: professional, social, family and academic. However, our parents have already reached their fullness and have usually already achieved everything they had fought for when they were young..

This means that every time we have less time to visit them or to be with them, leaving them in a third, fourth or even fifth plane of our life something that they undoubtedly do not deserve..

For this reason, our obligation is not to put them aside and always include them in our life, even if we don't spend as much time as before because we are busier if we want we can give them their rightful place in our lives.

11- Teach them as they taught us

Due to age, sometimes most parents forget to do things that they knew how to do before or simply do not find the energy that they had years ago. Therefore, our duty is to help them with this type of activity with patience and tranquility..

12- Do activities with them

Although we are very busy with our adult life, they were also busy in their day and still took time from where they did not have it to be with us and do free time activities.

For this reason, we also have to do it, whether it is accompanying them to go shopping, or to walk to the park or even go to dinner one day a week. They are perfect activities that will make your parents feel happier and more useful..

13- Understand them

Something that anyone does not handle very well is getting older because society sees older people as a burden or even as a hindrance. Our duty as children is to understand our parents and show them that they are not any kind of burden they simply no longer fulfill as many roles in our lives as they used to..

However, since life is not over, they can change and exercise others that only they can fulfill, being grandparents and pampering their grandchildren like no one else can..

14- Make them learn new things

On many occasions our parents when they reach a certain age feel especially empty since they have nothing better to do than to be at home and watch television or go for walks. This is something that can be frustrating and that in many cases ends up negatively affecting them..

Therefore, another of our duties as children is to motivate them to do other types of dance such as dancing, learning to use new technologies in case they do not know it or even helping them to do a new sport. Thanks to these activities, they will feel useful and will have goals to get up every day.

15- love them

There is only one father and mother in life and our duty as children is to love them and love them with all of our being just as they do to us..

That is why we must demonstrate it day by day in everything we do and one of the best ways is by taking into account one by one all the obligations that we are presenting in this article..

16- Do not argue with them

Although they are not always right and we can have discussions with them, we have to try not to discuss and calmly resolve the altercations that may arise with our parents, especially in stages such as adolescence..

It is normal for us to argue even the best families do, but to stop talking to your father and mother for that reason can be a big mistake since like everything in life, they will not be around forever..

17- be grateful

Everything we have and are is thanks to them and the effort they have made since we were born. Our obligation as children is to thank them for all this constant struggle that they have and will have while they are still alive..


As we have seen during this article, there are many obligations and duties that we have as children towards our parents..

They have dedicated most of the time of their lives to taking care of us, educating us and covering all our needs for this reason, we have to return all these actions to them in spades and in the best way that we can and know how..


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