18 Effective Natural Antidepressants And Their Properties

Charles McCarthy

Some of the natural antidepressants more effective are sports, social relationships, kiwi, nuts, hypericum, borage, basil, kiwis, cuttlefish and squid, fresh vegetables and others that I will explain below..

Depression is a psychopathology that is characterized mainly by the presence of feelings of sadness, loss of interest in things and inability to enjoy and experience pleasure.

Likewise, symptoms such as decreased (or increased) appetite, insomnia, fatigue and high tiredness, nervousness or anxiety, feelings of guilt or hopelessness, and decreased ability to concentrate often appear frequently..

At present, as a result of the discovery of the main brain regions that modulate the mood and mood of people, this pathology can be treated more or less effectively (depending on each case) through the famous antidepressants.

Antidepressants are drugs that are specially designed to act specifically on the structures of the brain that modulate mood, restore normal function and reduce depression.

However, not only antidepressant drugs can cause mood-enhancing effects, since there are also natural elements that can act in a certain way in the brain regions of depression and modulate the pathology.

It should be borne in mind that, in general, the antidepressant capacity of natural products is somewhat lower than that of antidepressants, since these substances are not specifically designed to combat this disease.

However, they can be more than valid options in various cases and produce satisfactory effects in those people who feel slightly down.

List of natural antidepressants that can be highly effective

1- St. John's wort

St. John's wort is a plant popularly known by the name of St. John's wort. It has traditionally been used as an anti-inflammatory element in cases of bruises, spasms and muscle cramps.

Additionally, it has lately established itself as one of the most effective natural antidepressants. The effect of this plant is similar to that produced by sunlight, favoring the functioning of many brain regions linked to mood..

For this reason, it is considered an especially effective element for seasonal affective disorders, that is, those depressions that appear with the change of season.

Seasonal depressions are much more frequent than it may seem and are, in part, mediated by the decrease in sunlight captured by the body, which is why they usually appear when the days start to get shorter and the nights longer.

In those cases, a good way to make up for the lack of light and combat depression is St. John's wort..

2- Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is probably the plant with the greatest therapeutic effects on the brain that exists today. Multiple beneficial effects of this plant have been described, and its antidepressant power is increasingly widespread.

The extract of this tree has been shown to increase serotonin levels (one of the main brain substances related to mood) by up to 33%.

Most antidepressant drugs act on this neurotransmitter, serotonin, trying to increase its presence in the brain.

In this way, Ginkgo biloba has been shown not only to be effective in fighting depression on its own, but also to increase the effects of antidepressant medications..

3- Borage

Borage is a plant that grows wild in the Mediterranean and is cultivated in different parts of Europe. There are multiple beneficial substances in this plant, such as essential fatty acids, potassium, zinc, vitamins B and C, and beta carotene..

Calming qualities have been described and it is used primarily to treat nervous conditions. Likewise, it is a good ally to combat depression and mood swings related to menopause and menstrual cycles and, above all, to treat nervous depressions..

4- Basil

Basil is an herb popularly used in the Mediterranean diet. Its essential oil is used in baths to combat depression, nervous exhaustion, fatigue, tiredness and melancholy.

It is an element especially used in aromatherapy, where basil oil is used to perform stimulating and antidepressant massages..

5- Kiwis and citrus

These foods are the main sources of vitamin C, one of the most important elements for the development of the body. Its antidepressant effects are somewhat more indirect than those of the substances discussed so far.

However, deficiencies of this vitamin can often lead to depressive states and mood swings..

In general, foods rich in vitamin C avoid the feeling of fatigue and the feeling of sadness, so they can be suitable products to combat part of the depressive symptoms.

6- Dairy products

Milk, yogurt and cheeses, among other dairy products, have the main characteristic of incorporating high amounts of calcium.

Calcium is considered an essential element for mental balance, which is why depressions can often be accompanied by a destabilization of this substance in the body.

Calcium deficiency can cause feelings of fatigue and excitability, so consuming dairy products can combat these types of symptoms.

The minimum daily dose set by many nutrition experts is 900 milligrams of dairy products.

7- Cuttlefish and squid

Cuttlefish and squid are the other two foods highly rich in calcium. In this way, the aforementioned about dairy products also applies to these two foods..

Incorporating cuttlefish and squid in the diet can be a good formula to guarantee adequate levels of calcium and avoid the possible negative effects of their deficiency in the body.

8- Fresh vegetables

Fresh vegetables such as peas, lima beans or beans are foods that contain high amounts of iron. As with calcium and other important substances, iron plays an important role in the brain function of people.

Iron deficiency can alter mood and increase depression, so it is recommended to consume between 10 and 18 milliliters of these foods each day.

9- Nuts

Nuts, apart from also containing high levels of iron (similar to those of fresh vegetables), are characterized by having a great variety of essential amino acids.

Among them, tryptophan stands out, an amino acid that is responsible for the production of serotonin and that, therefore, partly determines the mood and mood of people.

Serotonin is a brain substance that has been linked to multiple physical and psychological functions, including activities such as mood regulation, anxiety control, establishment of the sleep-wake cycle, and appetite modulation.

Being rich in tryptophan, nuts are important foods for the production of serotonin and the functioning of this type of psychological activities.

10- Pumpkin

Pumpkin is another of the foods richest in tryptophan, so consuming this food also increases the presence of this essential amino acid in the body and can increase the production of serotonin..

Apart from combating the typical symptoms of depression and controlling processes such as hunger and sleep, serotonin also stimulates physical and mental activity, and reduces fatigue..

11- Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds contain both tryptophan and phenylamine, so they are also products that can be effective in combating certain symptoms of depression.

It must be borne in mind that without the presence of tryptophan in the body, the brain cannot produce serotonin, so the lack of this amino acid can easily induce dysregulation of this neurotransmitter and alterations in mood..

12- Bananas

Bananas contain high amounts of nutrients and fiber, and are low in fat. Likewise, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and provide the body with a fast and efficient supply of energy..

Bananas are another of the main sources of tryptophan, so they are also products that help the production of serotonin and regulate mood.

They have a calming effect on the central nervous system, promote positive thinking and increase optimistic mood.

13- Blue fish

Fish such as anchovy, eel, tuna, bonito, salmon, sardine or mackerel, are very rich and beneficial foods for the human body. They have low levels of fat and high nutritional elements such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially those of the omega 3 type.

Apart from the physical benefits it provides such as regulation of blood pressure, increased functioning of the circulatory system or prevention of arthritis, its consumption is also beneficial for the psychological state.

This food constitutes an important source of tryptophan, so like the previously mentioned foods, it allows to regulate the production of serotonin and the mood..

Likewise, a publication of the British Medical Journal in 2002 demonstrated how the consumption of this type of food can have a protective effect against dementias, especially for Alzheimer's disease..

14- Chocolate

Chocolate is probably the food that has been most associated with depressive and nervous states. Many people when they feel nervous or depressed choose to eat this food in abundance.

The truth is that five actions of chocolate have been connoted that can be effective in combating depression.

Sugar and cocoa butter, two of the main elements in chocolate, make the body receptive to absorbing tryptophan and, therefore, increase its levels and the production of serotonin in the brain.

On the other hand, the cocoa content has caffeine and provides a stimulating effect that can be helpful in slightly depressed people..

Phenylethylamine is another of the main substances in chocolate that provides an exciting and stimulating effect.

Another advantage of this food is that the milk protein in chocolate provides exorphin in the body, a natural pain reliever, and theobromine, a substance similar to caffeine..

15- Pineapple

Pineapple is the fruit that most stimulates physical well-being and prevents frustration. Contains high amounts of minerals, vitamins and active compounds that stimulate serotonin production.

At the same time, it also has tranquilizing components that manage to calm the anxiety and agitation that usually accompany depressive states..

16- Pepper

The beneficial effects of bell pepper to combat depression fall on two main substances: capsaicin and tryptophan. Tryptophan enables the synthesis and regulation of serotonin in the brain.

Capsaicin is a substance that helps you fight frustration, anger, and feelings of sadness. This component is found in chili peppers, and is the cause of the burning sensation on the tongue that this food produces..

When ingested, the brain perceives the spicy heat as pain, so in its presence it responds by releasing endorphins that enhance feelings of well-being.

17- Soy

Soy is a food rich in tryptophan and vitamin B1 (or thiamine). Thiamine plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, so its consumption provides high doses of energy to the body.

The lack of vitamin B1 can cause feelings of irritability, nervousness, lack of concentration and memory, and can contribute to the appearance of depressive states.

18- Eggs

Finally, eggs are the last food rich in tryptophan, so their consumption also favors the production of serotonin. Likewise, they have high levels of vitamin B12, one of the most important substances for the functioning of the nervous system..

The deficiency of this vitamin can cause both neurological disorders and sensory neuropathies, feelings of irritability and depression.

And what other natural and effective depressants do you know??

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