185 questions of what do you prefer for boyfriends and friends

Charles McCarthy
185 questions of what do you prefer for boyfriends and friends

I leave you with the better questions of what do you prefer, ideal to do to your boyfriend or girlfriend, your friends, or to meet someone new. They can be funny, everyday or spicy questions.

These questions give us the facility to make the person talk about situations that they would not usually accept. Also, if they have not happened to him, you can observe how he would decide in a certain situation or dilemma.

Sign with directions (analogy with making a decision). Source: pixabay.com

Article index

  • 1 Questions of what you prefer for boyfriends and girlfriends
  • 2 Questions of what you prefer to know someone
  • 3 Questions about what do you prefer funny
  • 4 Questions about what you prefer spicy
  • 5 Topics of interest

Questions of what you prefer for boyfriends and girlfriends

-What do you prefer: snuggling near the fireplace or by the window?

-What do you prefer: to be caught being unfaithful, or to catch your partner being unfaithful?

-If your partner is not good in bed, would you rather continue with him / her or end the relationship?

-Would you rather be happy and satisfied but not achieve many things, or never be satisfied, but achieve many things?

-What do you prefer: weave a web of lies to your boyfriend / girlfriend, or tell him the whole truth?

-Would you rather find true love or be a millionaire?

-Would you rather have a high-cachet wedding or a simple wedding?

-Would you rather meet your partner's best friends or their parents first??

-What do you prefer, wait for marriage or enjoy while you can?

-If your partner was diagnosed with a terminal illness, would you rather continue your relationship or end it?

-What do you prefer: have a boyfriend / girlfriend who looks at you all the time or someone who likes to have your attention all the time?

-Would you rather spend $ 5,000 on a trip or on a physical good like a television?

-Would you rather have a partner who always looks good or who always smells good?

-When planning a date with your partner, do you prefer to stay at home or go out?

-What do you prefer: see your partner every day or only on weekends?

-If they make you choose between going to an amusement park and a family reunion, which one would you choose??

-Would you rather buy a car or a house?

-Would you rather help cook the food or just eat the food that was already cooked?

-If you could only pick one, true love or ten million dollars, which would you pick??

-What do you prefer: stay in a bad relationship for the rest of your life or have no relationship for the rest of your life?

-If you had to choose between a couple who are always late and a couple who arrive early, which one would you choose??

-If you were made to choose between marrying a complete stranger or forced to be intimate with him / her, what would your decision be??

-Would you rather spend your life with just one person, or have several partners throughout your life?

-What would you rather: give your partner a bad gift or no gift at all?

-If you had to choose between staying in a relationship with someone who never argues or someone who never hugs, who would you choose??

-If you had to choose between only being able to have intimate relationships in the bedroom or only being able to have them in the living room, but while watching a movie, which would you prefer??

-Would you rather be intimate with your boyfriend / girlfriend or get paid $ 100,000 for never being intimate?

-Would you rather get up early and spend time with your partner, or wake up late and enjoy your day alone?.

-Would you rather kiss your partner in private or in public?

-If you had to choose between an attractive, rich and silly couple, and a couple of average, poor and loving physique, which would you choose?

-Would you rather go out with a confident partner, or with someone shy?

-Would you rather have a partner who snores heavily when asleep or one who only breathes deeply?

-Would you rather have a partner with an excellent physique or a partner with a very good personality?

-What do you prefer to do with your partner, go for a run or go to the gym?

-Would you rather give your partner a gift with your own hands or buy something from a store?

-Which do you prefer: talk to me about a fantasy you have, or secretly fantasize about it?

-What do you prefer: dating a great lover, or someone who knows how to kiss well?

-Would you rather have a very fun partner or a very ambitious partner?

-Would you rather have sex with your partner on the first date, or wait for at least a few dates before performing the act?

-If you had to marry someone more attractive than you, or someone less attractive than you, which would you prefer??

-What do you prefer: give up your favorite food for three months or not see your partner for three months?

-What do you prefer, an ugly but faithful partner, or an attractive but unfaithful partner?

-If you had to choose between saving yourself or saving your partner, which would you choose??

-What do you prefer: being forced to dance every time music plays, or being forced to sing every song you hear?

-Would you rather have an amazing job in a mediocre city, or a mediocre job in a great city?

-If you had no other choice, would you prefer your partner to be taller or shorter than you consider ideal?

-If you had to choose between watching a horror movie alone or watching a porn movie with your partner, which would you prefer??

-Would you rather have just one partner or multiple partners?

-Who would you choose to marry, a couple who adores your family, or a couple who adores your friends?

-Would you rather marry a person much older than you, or a person much less younger than you?

-If you had to choose between giving up your love life or ending your work life, which would you choose??

Questions of what you prefer to know someone

-Which do you prefer: get up early or stay up late?

-Would you rather have the car of your dreams or have infinite knowledge?

-Which would you rather: be rich and famous, or just rich?

-Would you rather have a bad job but be able to retire comfortably in 10 years, or have your dream job but have to work until the day you die??

-Would you rather live in a busy neighborhood with a great view, or live deep in the woods with complete privacy?

-Would you rather the general public think you are a terrible person, but your family is very proud of you or vice versa?

-Would you rather work in an office doing paperwork, or work outdoors? (Assuming the salary is the same).

-What would you rather: see a horror movie or a satire?

-What do you prefer: commit to a long-term relationship, or be flirtatious with everyone?

-If you had to choose between a dog and a cat, which would you prefer??

-Would you rather have to shower once a day, or not shower for a week?

-What do you prefer: eat a donut or a cookie?

-Would you rather meet someone online or on a blind date?

-Would you rather lose the ability to listen or the ability to walk?

-Would you rather go out with me or just be friends?

-Would you rather have a terrible short-term memory, or a very bad long-term memory?

-Would you rather have a high-end job with no family, or an average job with a family?

-Would you rather spend the whole day with your family or with your friends?

-Would you rather give up music or television for a month?

-Would you rather go out for a walk or spend the day at home?

-Would you rather live a life of a thousand years, or live ten lives each lasting one hundred years?

-If you had to choose between going to an elegant and expensive restaurant or to a cheaper restaurant with a relaxed atmosphere, where the food is just as good, which one would you choose??

-If you could choose between watching a comedy and a horror movie, which would you choose??

-If you could choose between seeing the future and changing the past, what would you choose?

-Would you rather sacrifice your ethics to earn more money, or sacrifice the money you can earn in exchange for your ethics?

-Having no other option, would you prefer that all the information contained in your phone be published to anyone who looks up your name on the internet or never use a phone again in your life?

-Would you rather live a long life without knowing love, or a short life having experienced passionate love?

-If you had to choose between buying something you don't need or having money for food, what would you choose??

-What do you prefer: have a morally questionable job which leaves you a lot of money, or have a straight job but which does not leave you much money?

-Would you rather spend a lot of money on transportation or buy your own car?

-Would you rather ask for help or figure things out on your own?

-If you had to choose between falling in love at first sight or first knowing and understanding the person with whom you are going to fall in love, what would you prefer?

-If you had to choose between being humiliated by your friends in a public place or being humiliated by your friends in front of your family, what would you choose?

-If you had to choose between spending a week on the beach vacation or making your vacation an adventure, which would you choose??

-What do you prefer: have a full cake or a full ice cream drum?

-What do you prefer: save some money or spend all the money you earn?

Questions of what do you prefer funny

-What do you prefer: not bathing or not being able to use the internet for a month?

-What do you prefer: rule the world or live in a world with absolutely no problems?

-If you had to choose between being constantly tired, no matter how much you sleep, or being constantly hungry, no matter how much you eat, which would you choose??

-Would you rather eat poop that tastes like chocolate, or eat chocolate that tastes like poop??

-What do you prefer: lose your non-dominant hand or your dominant foot?

-Would you rather eat only pizza for 1 year, or not be able to eat pizza for 1 year?

-Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?

-Would you rather be the subject of gossip, or never be talked about at all?

-If you were forced to make a decision, would you stop using touchscreens or keyboards and mice for the rest of your life??

-What do you prefer: have a flying carpet or a car that can be driven underwater?

-Would you rather lose half your hair or half your hearing?

-If you had to choose between wearing a snowsuit in the desert or being naked in Antarctica, which would you choose??

-Would you rather get away with it every time you lie, or always know when someone is lying to you?

-What do you prefer: lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

-Would you rather have your diary leaked or a video of the most embarrassing moment of your life come to light??

-Would you rather live in space, or under the sea?

-Would you rather never get stuck in traffic again, or never have a cold again??

-What do you prefer: that dogs or birds attack you when they see you?

-Would you rather be able to reverse or cancel a decision you make a day, or be able to stop time 10 seconds every day?

-What do you prefer: look like a fish, or smell like fish?

-Would you rather spend a year in jail or lose a year of life?

-If you had to choose between never eating meat again or never eating vegetables again, which would you choose??

-What do you prefer, marry someone extremely attractive, or be someone extremely attractive?

-Would you rather have to say every word you read out loud, or sing everything you say out loud?

-Would you rather lose your keys or forget your cell phone at home?

-Would you rather have super strength or super speed?

-Would you rather be physically intimate or have true love?

-Would you rather be poor and good-looking or look wealthy but ugly??

-What do you prefer: be hairless or be completely hairy?

-Would you rather measure 1.30 cm or 2.30 cm?

-If you had to choose between wearing a wedding dress / suit every day, or wearing a bathing suit, what would you choose?

-What do you prefer: have an unlimited battery for your cell phone, or have unlimited fuel for your car?

-Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your emotions, or tattoos that appear on your body relating what you did the day before?

-Would you rather be a genius that no one believes, or an idiot that everyone believes?

-If you had to choose between not brushing your teeth for ten days, or not bathing for ten days, which would you choose??

-If you had the option of being completely invisible, or being able to fly for a day, which skill would you choose??

-If you had to choose between working hard at the job you love, or slacking off at a boring job, which would you choose??

-Would you rather randomly time travel in a range of up to 20 years before or after the moment you're in, or teleport to a different place each time you sneeze??

-Would you rather be a millionaire by winning the lottery or by working 100 hours a week?

What do you prefer: to be short and have a good figure, or to be tall and fat?

-Which would you rather: have no taste buds or be color blind?

-If you had to choose between having the ability to read minds or accurately predict the future, which would you choose??

-Would you rather take $ 100,000 safe, or flip a coin for the probability of winning $ 1,000,000?

-Would you rather appear weak but actually be strong, or appear to be strong and actually be weak??

-What do you prefer: see yourself 10 years older from the neck up or from the neck down?

-Would you rather have an iPod tucked into your mind and listen to whatever music you like at any time, or watch your dreams come to life on a television??

-What do you prefer: win $ 50,000 dollars, or let your friend win $ 500,000?

-Would you rather live on the beach, or in a cabin in the woods?

-Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or be able to read minds?

-If you could be in control of one element, what would you rather control, fire or water??

-Would you rather have free food or free internet for the rest of your life?

Questions about what do you prefer spicy?

-Would you prefer that I do it with my best friend, or with your best friend?

-What do you prefer in the sea or in the pool?

-Would you rather fart while you do it or burp while you are passionately kissing?

-What do you prefer a partner who pretends but is good or someone who is bad but does not pretend?

-What do you prefer in the bedroom or in the kitchen?

-Would you rather dress as a teacher or a ballerina?

-What do you prefer, to be blindfolded while having sex, or to be handcuffed and unable to touch?

-Would you rather your spouse sleep with your best friend or your arch enemy?

-Would you rather be active or passive?

-Would you rather be up or down?

-Would you rather have intimacy as a couple on the beach or in the bathtub?

-Do you prefer fast and explosive or slow and passionate?

-Would you rather have a photograph of you naked become a meme on the internet, or have you recorded naked on a live news broadcast??

-Would you rather do it with a known person or with a person you do not know?

-If you had to choose between doing it with someone or watching someone do it, what would you choose?

-Would you rather eat before or eat after?

-Would you rather sleep with your boss to get a promotion or just pass up the opportunity?

-Would you rather try romantic things or kinky things?

-Would you rather they make you or you give someone a striptease?

-What do you prefer: see a boy / girl from the front or from the back?

-When practicing it casually, do you prefer to sleep with the same person each time or sleep with different people?

-Would you rather sleep with the first stranger you see or sleep with someone you've always loved but whose spouse works far from home?

-If you had to choose between sending nude photos by mistake to your boss or your mother / father, who would you choose??

-If you had no choice, would you always prefer to have to last more than six hours on the spot or less than seven minutes?

-Would you prefer that all your partners fulfill your fantasies or fulfill all the fantasies of all your partners?

-What do you prefer: make it impressive that lasts for 47 seconds, or make it average that lasts ten minutes?

-What do you prefer: see your partner in underwear, or see her completely naked?

-If you always had to choose between doing it alone in the privacy of your room or doing it in public places, which would you choose??

-(For men) Would you rather have a small penis, but one that can ejaculate, or a large penis that can't even sustain an erection properly?

-What would you rather: bring someone else to bed with us, or cheat on me?

-What do you prefer: see something erotic with me, or read erotic content while you touch me?

-If you were invisible, would you rather squeeze the back or the front of a boy or girl?

-What do you prefer: do it while you are drunk or do it while you have a hangover?

-What do you prefer: watching a comedy movie or a porn movie?

-If you could only choose between having insignificant one-night stands or monogamous relationships with a person who cannot commit for more than a year, what would you choose??

-Would you rather have the lights on or off while having privacy?

-What do you prefer: do it in the morning or at night?

-Between doing it on a boat or on a plane, which one would you choose?

-If you had to choose, would you rather record it or be seen doing it??

-If they paid you a million dollars what is the weirdest thing you would do?

-What do you prefer to get to know us slowly or quickly and enjoy before?

-Would you rather we go from here to my house or go somewhere else?

-Would you rather me start or you start?

-Do you prefer in a hotel or in a house?

Themes of interest

Games for whatsapp.

Challenges for facebook.

Questions for conversation.

Truth or dare questions.

Love questions.

Interesting questions for men and women.

Uncomfortable questions.

Fun questions.

Questions to meet someone.

Yes or no questions.

Questions of me never.

Leading questions.

Stupid questions to laugh at.

Hot and daring questions.

Conversation topics.

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