19 Good Foods for Diarrhea (Natural)

Philip Kelley

There are good foods for diarrhea With which you can follow a diet both to prevent it and to treat it and improve or reverse its symptoms. In this article we leave you a list of the 19 best.

The most common cause of diarrhea is a viral or bacterial infection that contaminates the digestive tract through ingested food or water; But luckily, it can be prevented by following a few simple preventive methods. Some basic precautions include avoiding eating fast food or food prepared on the street and always washing your hands properly before eating..

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, causes of diarrhea include bacteria, viruses, parasites, antibiotics, and diseases that affect the stomach or small intestine..

Diarrhea is nothing more than a manifestation of a malfunction of the digestive system. It usually occurs when there is excess fluid in the intestine, which affects bowel movements, leading to different types of diarrhea that vary from person to person..

It takes about 3-4 days for the diarrhea to be cured, depending on the intensity of the impact caused by the illness or infection. Duration and severity may also depend on personal history.

During episodes of diarrhea, it is advisable to follow a diet with foods that promote hydration, the recovery of the intestinal mucosa and help normalize bowel movements..

List of good foods for diarrhea

The following is a list of foods that, according to their nutritional properties, favor these functions.

1- Coconut / Barley / Rice Water

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These are liquids rich in starch and quite thick that help reduce excess water in the intestine. This starch forms a viscous substance similar to gelatin that fixes excess water avoiding osmotic diarrhea, that is, one that occurs due to high passage of water from the bloodstream into the intestines.

Coconut water, barley and rice also have a calming effect on the gastric mucosa. The intake of these fluids should be every 5 hours or 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the diarrhea.

2- Yogurt

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The beneficial bacteria that reside in the gut constantly fight off harmful disease-causing germs and bacteria. Diarrhea often occurs when disease-causing bacteria begin to multiply and prevail over beneficial bacteria..

To restore the proper bacterial balance in the intestine and stop diarrhea, it is necessary to provide the intestinal tract with more friendly bacteria. A totally natural way to do it is through fermented foods and probiotics..

In particular, yogurt has been used for centuries to treat diarrhea. A study conducted at a New York hospital confirmed that 1/3 to 1/2 cup of yogurt stopped severe infant diarrhea twice as fast as the standard antidiarrheal drug neomycin. 

However, the type of yogurt you eat can make a big difference. The label of the yogurt to be consumed must say that it has "active cultures." Some companies pasteurize the product after it has been done, and this kills any remaining beneficial bacteria, therefore, without exerting its effect..

Other cultured foods that benefit the digestive tract by providing beneficial bacteria include buttermilk, cottage cheese, or buttermilk.

3- Homemade sauerkraut

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Another healthy fermented food for intestinal health is homemade sauerkraut. Provides one of the widest varieties of beneficial bacteria that are known to protect against all types of intestinal problems, such as diarrhea.

Only if you do not have fermented foods or foods with probiotics, such as yogurt or sauerkraut, it is possible to use a probiotic supplement to restore healthy intestinal flora.

Yogurt is always the easiest vehicle to consume along with other foods that can complement the proper diet for cases of diarrhea. It can be mixed with fruits like a banana to make it taste better.

4- Fenugreek seeds

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The main reason why these seeds are an excellent food for diarrhea is that they are high in mucilage. Mucilages are plant compounds that attract water molecules and prevent their passage through the intestinal mucosa, making them excellent for cases of diarrhea..

Another property that mucilages have is that they do not irritate the intestine or cause constipation..

Fenugreek seeds must be ground. This is done in order for the mucilage to come into contact with the water and exert its effect. It is also recommended to mix with yogurt before eating. Add some cumin seeds as well to help improve its overall flavor.

These seeds can be consumed up to 3 times per day to see a result.

5- Chamomile tea

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Chamomile tea is very useful to control spastic pain frequently associated with diarrhea. Chamomile has soothing and astringent properties and helps to repair and reduce inflammation of the intestinal lining..

In order to make the chamomile tea taste better, you can add some fresh lemon juice.

Alternatively, only warm water with lemon juice can be used to calm spasms, especially on an empty stomach..

6- apple cider vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar can be used to help cure diarrhea. The main mechanism of action is its powerful antibacterial and antifungal action. By reducing the PH of the digestive tract, the environment becomes very unfavorable for bacterial growth.

To consume it, it is recommended to dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water or drink it alone and then take yogurt to avoid the aftertaste in the mouth. It is possible to do this twice a day until such time as the diarrhea has improved..

7- White rice

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Some people avoid eating white rice. However, it is an excellent cereal, especially the Carolina or Double variety. These rice grains contain starch granules with a component called amylose that is easier to digest by the enzymes of the digestive tract, which makes it a suitable food to be consumed in situations of diarrhea..

On the other hand, well-cooked rice is an excellent food with astringent power. As all the fiber has been removed, the starch comes into contact with the water, forms a gel and, in this way, prevents accelerated intestinal transit.

When rice is boiled, the cooking water can be removed and used between meals to be drunk to increase the effect..

8- Bananas or bananas

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One of the fruits with the highest potassium content is bananas. Due to the loss of electrolytes, including potassium, the replacement of this mineral is one of the main objectives when treating diarrhea..

Potassium regulates the amount of water inside the cells and, for this reason, it must be replaced as the first measure in a diet for diarrhea.

It is recommended to consume ripe bananas and with a teaspoon of honey.

9- Lassi

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It is a mixture with probiotics prepared with ½ cup of fresh natural yogurt (ideally homemade), ½ cup of water, and ⅛ teaspoon of grated fresh ginger. Let it rest and drink.

This probiotic drink is easy to digest and has effects similar to yogurt, but enhancing its properties with those of ginger.

10- Green tea

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Green tea is available in different flavors and can be consumed regularly by everyone, without the fear of adverse side effects..

In general, drinking green tea daily is recommended as it can soothe stomach aches and reduce the severity and duration of diarrhea..

Tannins are chemical substances found in some foods and have astringent capacity, that is, the ability to bind to water and remove it from tissues.

They adhere to the protein layer of inflamed mucous membranes (i.e. irritated intestine in the case of diarrhea) and cause it to thicken, slowing the absorption of toxins and making secretion difficult, helping the body retain fluids.

Tannins are contained in agrimony, blackberry leaves or raspberry leaf tea and green tea. These teas also replenish lost fluids, which is important to prevent dehydration that can result from prolonged diarrhea..

11- Carrots

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Carrots contain so-called pectins, a type of soluble fiber that adds bulk to the stool and soothes the digestive tract. Pectate is an over-the-counter antidiarrheal medicine that contains pectin.

Pectins are not digested and reach the intestinal tract forming salts with toxic substances, which is why they are of great help in bacterial infections.

12- Apples

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Both the skin and the pulp of the apple are rich in pectin, the main reason why apples and applesauce are one of the best foods for diarrhea..

The pectin in apples also helps fight constipation, as it acts as a mild laxative..

12- Blueberries

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Berries work well against diarrhea as they are rich in tannins and pectin. In addition, thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties, blueberries are also excellent to prevent the development of colon cancer.

13- Carob

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According to a 1989 study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 41 infants with bacterial or viral diarrhea were given 1.5 g. (Per kilogram of body weight) of carob powder, which resulted in the cessation of diarrhea in just 2 days.

The normalization of stools, body temperature and weight, as well as the cessation of vomiting, occurred more quickly with the addition of carob to the diet.

14- Psyllium seeds

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Psyllium seeds are a rich source of mucilage and are easy to drink when dissolved in water or juice. If you have allergies or asthma, it is advisable to use this herb with caution.

Psyllium seeds are suitable for both diarrhea and constipation management.

15- Garlic, onions and leeks

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Consuming foods known to contain prebiotics (indigestible compounds that stimulate the growth of "good" bacteria in the digestive tract) may be helpful in preventing diarrhea..

Natural sources of prebiotics include garlic, onions, and leeks (which are also antiseptics).

Eating adequate portions of these foods can boost the immune system and prevent colonization by bacteria that cause diarrhea..

16- Granada

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The seeds of the pomegranate contain a powerful astringent and sweet juice that helps bind the cells of the intestines and prevents the passage of water into the intestinal lumen..

17- Steamed or boiled chicken

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Boiled or steamed chicken meat is an excellent source of proteins of high biological value that are denatured by heat. This allows the intestinal mucosa to be restored. In addition, being denatured, these proteins are easier to digest avoiding the excessive secretion of digestive juices..

18- Pumpkin

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Like potatoes, squash contains starch, but in a form that is more easily assimilated by the body. In addition, the insoluble fiber content is relatively low, so it will not cause mechanical irritation of the intestine..

19- Canned fruit

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Canned fruits are a good option, since they are always cooked, without skin and without seeds. In this way, they are an excellent source to regulate bowel movements without causing constipation..

Avoid fruits that can promote bowel movements, such as plums and apricots.

And what other beneficial foods for diarrhea do you know??

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