20 Consequences of Drugs at the Physical and Mental Level

Abraham McLaughlin
20 Consequences of Drugs at the Physical and Mental Level

There are many problems that decompose and crack a society; Over the decades, there is a primary issue that has become the scourge of millions of young people around the world; the drugs.

Drugs have very harmful social and psychological effects. They destroy the lives of consumers, friends and family, most of them very young with a life ahead of them.

Surely you know first-hand people or relatives who have suffered or are currently suffering the consequences of drug use, whether they are young or old, or you are simply interested in knowing the harsh effects of entering this sinister world.

The Ministry of Health and Consumption, the General Secretariat of Health and the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs published a circulation of 4 million copies of the celebrated Guide on drugs, which lists the different types of drugs that exist: tobacco, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, cannabis and synthetic drugs, perfectly describing as well as their characteristics and dangers that their consumption entails.

Main consequences of drug use

Whether we are talking about causal or habitual users, the consequences of drug addiction are just as serious. The most commons are:


It is the main disorder that causes drugs, in fact it is the engine that moves the habit of consumption, according to the study "Drugs and the Brain: Implications for Preventing and Treating Addiction" by Drs N. Volkow and H. Schelbert, addiction It is defined as a disease, as it affects the normal functioning of the body.

Addiction is considered a disease of the brain, as its structure and functioning are greatly affected by drugs. In addition, one of the main characteristics of addiction is its ability to modify people's habits and behaviors, turning them into authentic automatons in favor of their consumption..

Abstinence syndrome

The frequent consumption of drugs, carries with it the withdrawal syndrome, these are the physical and psychological reactions that the non-intake of these substances entails.

It cannot be defined as a disease but a serious agent that alters the state of health; Depending on the type of drug used, withdrawal symptoms vary: depression, depression, reluctance or episodes of nervousness, anxiety and a progressive loss of control of emotions.

Central nervous system impairment

The central nervous system directs the functions of all tissue in the body; receives thousands of sensory responses transmitted to the brain via the spinal cord.

Any chemical stimulation can produce a wide variety of effects on the activity and function of the central nervous system. In serious cases, drug addiction can become irreversible: problems in coordination, sensory perceptions, language, etc. can be seriously damaged..

Loss of self-esteem and feelings of guilt

A dependent user, with the passage of time is aware of the deplorable situation that he lives, his attitude dominated by it reaffirms a feeling of guilt and the loss of self-esteem, becoming a true slave of the drug to be consumed. Any inner feeling of self-love and hope disappears.

Increases the probability of acquiring serious diseases

Vascular disorders, cirrhosis, Hepatitis are the most frequent diseases in habitual drug users; the drug gradually destroys important functional agents in our body, causing problems in the main organs.

According to a study by the "National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases" alcohol is the main responsible for cases of liver cirrhosis, its effect is devastating for the body.


There is a direct relationship between loneliness or isolation and drugs; Although initially these are the causes of falling into drugs, as the drug user progresses in his addiction he isolates himself from his closest environment, family, personal, professional, etc. The junkie lives by and for his dose of dope, nothing else matters to him.

Paranoid tendencies

The brain is one of the victims of drug intake, the loss of neurotransmitters and the partial functionality of different profiles of the brain, producing parallel sensations and paranoias linked to schizophrenia.

Economic consequences

The drug has a price, regularly consuming a drug is expensive; one-time spending directed at addiction has repercussions on the family and personal finances.

Asking for money, stealing, etc. are actions that become very common in these cases, when the necessary funds to obtain the drug do not appear.

Weakens the immune system

It directly attacks the immune system, weakening its functionality and activity in our body. With this, the drug user becomes increasingly defenseless against infections or diseases.

Sexual dysfunction

Drugs can also cause sexual dysfunctions such as impotence or lack of sexual desire.


Anxiety is one of the most common psychological disorders produced by drugs. The addict tends to anticipate the future more and to feel more uneasy about it.


Schizophrenia is a syndrome that can affect the affected person's thinking, perception, speech and movement. If drugs are used in adolescence, they can increase the chances of developing this disorder.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (SWK) is a neurological disease. Specifically, it is divided into two clinical entities: Wernicke's encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome, considered as the acute and chronic phase respectively of the same disease (Family Caregiver Alliance, 2015).

Labor problems

Clearly, drinking alcohol can lead to job problems, decreased performance, and possible dismissal.


Although it seems like a less important consequence, insomnia affects rest. A person who does not rest properly has reduced abilities: he is sadder, irritable, pessimistic and stressed. Emotions that multiply in drug addicts, corrupting their personality and social skills.

As you can see, drugs completely destroy the affected person, as it derives its negative effects in all aspects of life: physical, emotional, social, etc..

Humor changes

The use of alcohol or other drugs and their addiction can lead to constant mood swings. When the addict cannot use, they feel moody and need to use to feel better. This leads to problems with family, friends or partner.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

It refers to physical, mental and growth problems that can occur in a baby when the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy.


Drug overuse can lead to cardiac arrest and death.

Heart problems

Frequent drug use can lead to cardiovascular problems, including heart attack, in both young people and adults..

Other illnesses caused by alcohol

The most common alcohol-related diseases are liver disease, cancer, infections, anemia, gout, alcoholic neuropathy, pancreatitis, cardiovascular disease, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, cerebellar degeneration, fetal alcohol spectrum syndrome, dementia, and depression..

Why do people use drugs?

Finally, I would like to focus on a no less interesting topic, what leads a person to take drugs? The reasons are very varied from a dangerous curiosity to know what they are, to a solution to get away from reality.

Many people take drugs as a ridiculous life saver to fit in a particular environment or to iron out their insecurity; Oddly enough, the most widely used reason is the false idea that they are not so harmful to health: designer drugs, cocaine, glass, etc. have a dangerous reputation for being less harmful than other drugs.

Ultimately, drugs can kill, and until they achieve that goal, they destroy every part of the life of addicts, they become a great disease that progressively traps the will and lives of individuals. For this reason, you must be categorical and clear on this issue, with a loud and clear No to drugs!

And do you have any experience to tell? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!

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