Topics of social relevance are those topics that arouse the interest of the general public. These are usually current affairs, in which most people are immersed..
These topics usually appear on the radio, newspapers, web pages and social networks because they are important for the economy, health and future of societies and inhabitants of countries around the world and because they arouse the interest of people.
Here is a list of the 20 topics of social relevance:
Climate change is an issue that has been discussed for a long time. It has to do, basically, with the variation in the average temperature of the planet, a product of deforestation and pollution generated by humans, among others..
Pollution is another of the most socially relevant issues, which has been discussed for a long time..
It is about the massive generation of substances harmful to man, or any type of living being, which are introduced into the air, water or land, generating an environment that is not conducive to life..
COVID-19 is the topic that has taken the greatest social relevance worldwide since the beginning of 2020.
It is a type of coronavirus that affects each person differently, ranging from a mild flu, to being able to cause the death of the infected.
Given its easy transmission and, sometimes, the few precautions taken by people, the virus spread around the world very quickly, generating a global pandemic.
Immigration is a phenomenon that occurs when people who were born in one country move and settle in another. This phenomenon occurs for many reasons such as the search for better job opportunities, or because the country of origin of the immigrants is at war, among others..
Abortion is a topic that generates many controversies around the world, since it is about the forced termination of a pregnancy. Being such a sensitive subject, opinions around the world are very varied.
Currently, in very few countries it is illegal to perform abortions. In others, it is allowed only in cases where the life of the mother is in danger, or for other reasons. And there are also a lot of countries where abortion is legal..
Assisted death is a term used when the death of a person who is in a terminal situation is accelerated or facilitated. One of the main reasons why this practice is carried out is that the person who has no possibility of improving their living condition does not continue to suffer.
Gender equality refers to the equal rights and obligations that both men and women have before the law. This implies, for example, that a woman can have the same salary as a man when doing the same job, among others..
Gender violence refers to any type of act of violence, whether physical, psychological or sexual, among others, produced by a man, against a woman.
The legalization of cannabis is a controversial issue, which has been discussed in many countries for years. Currently, there are countries where the use of cannabis is legal, others where its medicinal use is legal, and others where its use is prohibited..
A topic of great relevance is that of social networks and their use. There are many studies that indicate that social networks can be harmful to health, causing, for example, stress, anxiety or depression.
Due to the mandatory confinement generated by the pandemic caused by COVID-19, education had to adapt to a virtual modality.
Although, virtual education was already carried out, on a smaller scale, the fact that it has been compulsory migrated to this type of education raises questions about its effectiveness and whether it should continue in that modality.
Another topic of social relevance is that of artificial intelligence. Although, for a long time, machines have been used to carry out certain types of work, the fact that they are increasingly intelligent and capable of processing more information raises certain questions in people.
The genetic modification carried out on both plants and animals is another issue that has become very relevant in recent decades..
Although, in principle, genetic modification is carried out in order to improve the quality and quantity of food, there are studies that say that its effects are devastating for both the environment and health, among others..
Bullying, or school bullying, is a problem that affects children and adolescents to a greater extent, and generally occurs in schools. It is a type of psychological or physical abuse exerted by one or more children on another, causing them emotional or health problems, among others..
Sustainable consumption is one of the tools that are being used to combat climate change and environmental degradation, among others..
It is about the generation of new forms of consumption, which have less environmental impact than the current ones. For example, turning off the tap while not in use or unplugging electronic devices.
The recent entry of water to the stock market has generated a lot of controversy around the world.
Equal adoption refers to same-sex couples being able to adopt a child.
Child labor is a phenomenon that occurs mostly in developing countries. This consists of employing children to carry out any type of work.
The indiscriminate felling of trees in the Amazon, caused by the timber or livestock industry, among others, is causing the disappearance of many species of flora and fauna in the region, as well as having a very large environmental impact at the local level. and global.
Globalization and its effects is a subject of great social relevance, since thanks to it, people are more connected. Although, this connectivity generates the loss of many cultural traditions, among other effects.
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