+211 Wise Phrases of Life [Short and with Images]

Egbert Haynes

We leave you the best list of wise phrases of life to think and reflectwho have inspired the world and have shown the wisdom of influential figures such as Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Voltaire or William Shakespeare.

They are beautiful words, sayings, messages, thoughts and famous proverbs that will help you think and reflect on real life, sometimes hard. You can also share them with the images on facebook, instagram, google +, twitter, pinterest, tumblr or whatsapp. You may also be interested in these phrases to think and reflect or are motivational.

The best wise quotes about life

-Do not waste your time, because from that matter life is formed.-Benjamin Franklin.

-The destiny of men is not made of happy moments, all life has them, but of happy times.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.-John Lenon.

-Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-Life is nice. Death is peaceful. It is the transition that is problematic.-Isaac Asimov.

-Just as courage endangers life, fear protects it.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-Sometimes we can go years without living at all, and suddenly our whole life is concentrated in a single instant.-Oscar Wilde.

-The real question is not whether life exists before death. The real question is if you are alive before death.-Osho.

-Freedom is in being masters of our own life.-Plato.

-Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.-Stephen Hawking.

-Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.-Soren Kierkegaard.

-Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.-Confucius.

-We do not remember days, we remember moments.-Cesare Pavese.

-In the end, the years of your life do not count. Count life in your years.-Abraham Lincoln.

-You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.-Mae West.

-Reflection is the way to immortality; the lack of reflection, the way to death.-Buddha.

-The most important thing in life is to enjoy it, to be happy, is all that matters.-Audrey Hepburn.

-The purpose of our life is to be happy.-Dalai Lama.

-The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.-Bertrand Russell.

-Health is the greatest gift, the satisfaction of the greatest wealth, the fidelity of the best relationship.-Buddha.

-Life is inherently risky. There is only one greater risk that you should avoid, and that is the risk of doing nothing.-Denis Waitley.

-The biggest day of our life is when we take full responsibility for our attitudes. It is the day we really grow up.-John C. Maxwell.

-Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.-Lou Holtz.

-The only disability in life is a bad attitude.-Scott Hamilton.

-There is more to life than increasing your speed.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-There are three constants in life ... change, options and principles.-Stephen Covey.

-All life is an experiment. The more experiments you do, the better.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-The greatest adventure you can have is living the life of your dreams.-Oprah Winfrey.

-Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.-Helen Keller.

-You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry, don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.-Walter Hagen.

-To achieve peace, courage is needed, much more than to make war.-Pope Francis.

-Being loved deeply by someone gives you strength, while loving someone gives you value.-Lao Tzu.

-Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy.- Barack Obama.

-Life is a succession of lessons that must be lived to be understood.- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Living has to be more than solving problems. There has to be another motivation that inspires us.-Elon Musk.

-Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not by tears.-John Lennon.

-It takes a long time to become young.-Pablo Picasso.

-Life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself.-GeorgeBernard Shaw.

-Strength does not come from physical ability. It comes from an indomitable will.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-A man who dares to waste an hour of his time has not discovered the value of life.-Charles Darwin.

-If life were predictable it would cease to be life and would be tasteless.-Eleanor Roosevelt.

-Life is like riding a bicycle. To maintain balance you must keep going.-Albert Einstein.

-Every minute you are pissed off you lose sixty seconds of happiness.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-All of life is peaks and valleys. Don't let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.-John Wooden.

-My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with passion, compassion, humor, and style.-Maya Angelou.

-As difficult as life may seem, there is always something you can do and be successful.-Stephen Hawking.

-The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.-Oprah Winfrey.

-I always like to look at the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.-Walt Disney.

-Don't judge every day by what you harvest, but by the seeds you plant - Robert Louis Stevenson.

-I have discovered that if you love life, life will love you back - Arthur Rubinstein.

-Uncertainty is the only certainty that exists, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security - John Allen Paulos.

-Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance - Oscar Wilde.

-Be happy while you are living, because you are long dead - Scottish Proverb.

-We must let go of the life we ​​had planned to have the life that awaits us - Joseph Campbell.

-Each thing has its beauty, but not everyone can see it.-Confucius.

-Where there is education there is no class distinction.-Confucius.

-Study the past if you want to predict the future.-Confucius.

-The man who has made a mistake and does not correct it makes another greater mistake.-Confucius.

-No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.-Eleanor Roosevelt.

-Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds argue with people.-Eleanor Roosevelt.

-Self-confidence is the first secret of success.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Burn this in your heart: every day is the best of the year.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Every man is sincere alone; As soon as a second person appears, hypocrisy begins.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-A friend is a person with whom you can think aloud.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-The years teach many things that the days never get to know.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Friendship doubles joys and divides anguish in half.-Francis Bacon.

-By taking revenge, you equate yourself to your enemy; By forgiving him, he shows himself superior to him.-Francis Bacon.

-When man does not find himself, he finds nothing.-Goethe.

-There is a way to know if a man is honest; ask him. If he says yes, you will know that he is a scoundrel.-Groucho Marx.

-Apart from the dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog is too dark to read.-Groucho Marx.

-Failure is simply a new opportunity to start over, this time smarter.-Henry Ford.

-There is no man alive who cannot do more than he thinks he can do.-Henry Ford.

-Obstacles are the horrible things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.-Henry Ford.

-Thinking is the hardest job there is, perhaps that is why so few dedicate themselves to it.-Henry Ford.

-There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will.-Albert Einstein.

-Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.-John Lenon.

-One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.-Krishnamurti.

-The measure of health is not being adapted to a deeply ill society.-Krishnamurti.

-The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.-Krishnamurti.

-Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are.-José Ortega y Gasset.

-I committed the worst sin one can commit. I have not been happy.-Jorge Luis Borges.

-You have to be careful when choosing your enemies because you end up looking like them.-Jorge Luis Borges.

-Doubt is one of the names of intelligence.-Jorge Luis Borges.

-There are defeats that have more dignity than victory.-Jorge Luis Borges.

-You are not what you are because of what you write, but because of what you have read.-Jorge Luis Borges.

-First you have to learn the rules of the game, and then play better than anyone.-Albert Einstein.

-The weak can never forget. Forgetting is an attribute of the strong.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-No one can harm me without my permission.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-Happiness is when what you think, say and do are in harmony.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.-Isaac Asimov.

-The first step of ignorance is to boast of knowing.-Baltasar Gracián.

-Luck favors only the prepared mind.-Isaac Asimov.

-Never let your sense of morality get in the way of doing what is right.-Isaac Asimov.

-Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-The greatest disappointments that man suffers are due to his own opinions.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-You cannot have greater control than over yourself.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-The most powerful spell to be loved is to love.-Baltasar Gracián.

-Everyone thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing himself.-Leo Tolstoy.

-If you speak to a man in a language he understands, you will get to his head. If you speak to him in his language, it will reach his heart.-Nelson Mandela.

-It always seems impossible until it is done.-Nelson Mandela.

-A good head and a good heart are always formidable combinations.-Nelson Mandela.

-The best revenge is to be different from the one who caused the damage.-Marco Aurelio.

-You have power in your mind, not outside. Be aware of it and you will find strength.-Marco Aurelio.

-When you find yourself next to the majority, it is time to stop and reflect.-Mark Twain.

-Nobody does badly for a long time without his own fault.-Michel de Montaigne.

-He who is not sure of his memory should refrain from lying.-Michel de Montaigne.

-The most certain sign of wisdom is constant serenity.-Michel de Montaigne.

-The wise man is not wise in all things.-Michel de Montaigne.

-There is nothing of which I am as afraid as the same fear.-Michel de Montaigne.

-The path of virtue is very narrow and the path of vice, wide and spacious.-Miguel de Cervantes.

-He who reads a lot and walks a lot, sees a lot and knows a lot.-Miguel de Cervantes.

-Friendships that are true, no one can disturb them.-Miguel de Cervantes.

-Where one door closes, another opens.-Miguel de Cervantes.

-Let your sleep be moderate; that he who does not get up early with the sun, does not enjoy the day.-Miguel de Cervantes.

-Envy is a declaration of inferiority.-Napoleon.

-The wise are those who search for wisdom; fools think they have found it.-Napoleon.

-Courage cannot be simulated: it is a virtue that escapes hypocrisy.-Napoleon.

-If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way.-Napoleon Hill.

-Think twice before speaking, because your words and influence will plant the seed of success or failure in the mind of the other.-Napoleon Hill.

-The man who does more than he is paid will soon be paid more than he does.-Napoleon Hill.

-To err is human, but it is even more so to blame others for it.-Baltasar Gracián.

-The only advantage of playing with fire is that you learn not to burn yourself.-Oscar Wilde.

-That they talk about one is dreadful. But there is something worse: that they do not speak.-Oscar Wilde.

-Questions are never indiscreet. The answers, sometimes yes.-Oscar Wilde.

-He who entrusts his secrets to another man becomes his slave.-Baltasar Gracián.

-Youth has no age.-Pablo Picasso.

-He who thinks he can, can. He who thinks he cannot, cannot. That is an inexorable and indisputable law.-Pablo Picasso.

-The greatest declaration of love is the one that is not made; The man who feels a lot, speaks little.-Plato.

-Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.-Benjamin Franklin.

-Looking for the good of our fellow men, we find ours.-Plato.

-He who has patience, will get what he wants.-Benjamin Franklin.

-Patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.-Rousseau.

-Youth is the time to study wisdom; old age, to practice it.-Rousseau.

-If reason makes man, feeling leads him.-Rousseau.

-It is always more valuable to have respect than the admiration of people.-Rousseau.

-No one can be happy if he does not appreciate himself.-Rousseau.

-What you think of yourself matters much more than what others think of you.-Seneca.

-If you want your secret to be kept, keep it yourself.-Seneca.

-He who has little is not poor, but he who desires much.-Seneca.

-The language of truth must be, without a doubt, simple and without artifice.-Seneca.

-The reward of a good deed is in having done it.-Seneca.

-Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.-Stephen Hawking.

-We do not act correctly because we have virtue or excellence, but we have them because we have acted correctly.-Aristotle.

-A hero can be the one who triumphs and the one who succumbs, but never the one who abandons the combat.-Thomas Carlyle. 

-To dispel a doubt, whatever it may be, action is needed.-Thomas Carlyle.

-There is always a place on the heights for the brave and striving man.-Thomas Carlyle.

-Speaking that does not end in action, better suppressed.-Thomas Carlyle.

-Only in a world of sincere men is union possible.-Thomas Carlyle.

-If we did the things that we are capable of, we would literally surprise ourselves.-Thomas Alva Edison.

-Forty is the ripe old age of youth; the fifties the youth of middle age.-Victor Hugo.

-Melancholy is the happiness of being sad.-Victor Hugo.

-Dare: progress is only achieved this way.-Victor Hugo.

-Nobody lacks strength; What many lack is will.-Victor Hugo.

-Suffering deserves respect, submitting is despicable.-Victor Hugo.

-Those that drive and drag the world are not machines, but ideas.-Victor Hugo.

-Only he who knows how to limit his desires is immensely rich.-Voltaire.

-The true value consists in knowing how to suffer.-Voltaire.

-To be good only to oneself is to be good for nothing.-Voltaire.

-Those who believe that money does everything, end up doing everything for money.-Voltaire.

-We say a foolish thing and by dint of repeating it we end up believing it.-Voltaire.

-The more you like yourself, the less you look like others, which makes you unique.-Walt Disney.

-The way to start is to stop talking and start doing.-Walt Disney.

-There are more treasures in the books than in all the pirate loot on Treasure Island.-Walt Disney.

-When you are curious, you find many interesting things to do.-Walt Disney.

-The risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.-Warren Buffet.

-Only buy things that you would be happy with if the market closed for 10 years.-Warren Buffet.

-If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.-Wayne Dyer.

-If you do not remember the slightest madness into which love made you fall, you have not loved.-William Shakespeare.

-A man who does not feed on his dreams grows old soon.-William Shakespeare.

-Fate is the one that shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who play.-William Shakespeare.

-Do not try to guide the one who pretends to choose his own path for himself.-William Shakespeare.

-It is better to be a king of your silence than a slave of your words.-William Shakespeare.

-A joke is a very serious thing.-Winston Churchill.

-Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.-Winston Churchill.

-The price of greatness is responsibility.-Winston Churchill.

-Whatever you do, good or bad, people will always have something to say.

-The time comes when we must realize that some people can stay in our hearts, but not in our lives..

-Do it now. Sometimes "after" becomes "never".

-Too much ego will kill your talent.

-Do not exchange health for wealth, nor freedom for power.-Benjamin Franklin.

-Even peace can be bought at too high a price.-Benjamin Franklin.

-It is okay to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.-Bill Gates.

-Success is a bad teacher. Seduce smart people to think that they cannot lose.-Bill Gates.

-Every man has the right to decide his own destiny.-Bob Marley.

-Do not worry about one thing, focus on making the little things go well.-Bob Marley.

-No one except ourselves can free our mind.-Bob Marley.

-If you feel depressed every day, you are saying prayers to the devil.-Bob Marley.

-A madman is known for his actions, a sage as well.-Buddha.

-Take care of the exterior as much as the interior; because everything is one.-Buddha.

-Do not insist on the past, do not dream about the future, concentrate your mind on the present moment.-Buddha.

-The truth is corrupted both by lies and by silence.-Cicero.

-Men are like wines: age sour the bad and improves the good.-Cicero.

-The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.-Cicero.

-Even though I am older, I continue to learn from my disciples.-Cicero.

-My conscience has more weight on me than the opinion of the whole world.-Cicero.

-Demand a lot from yourself and expect little from others. This way you will save yourself troubles.-Confucius.

-Life is short: break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, truly love, laugh uncontrollably, never regret something that made you smile.

-Enjoy your life today; yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come back.

-Difficult roads often lead to beautiful places.

-You can't move on to the next chapter in your life if you keep rereading the last one..

-Your best teacher is your latest failure.

-Life is like photographs. We develop from the negative.

-Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

-Life is short. There is no time not to do the important things.

-Life is not easy for those who dream.

-Love is life and if you lose love you lose life.

-The greatest gift you can give yourself in life is living in the present.

-The occasion must be created, not wait for it to arrive.-Francis Bacon.

-A man is willing to believe what he would like to be true.-Francis Bacon.

-What worries me is not that you have lied to me, but that from now on I will no longer be able to believe in you.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-The maturity of man is to have rediscovered the seriousness with which he played when he was a child.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-We are all very ignorant. What happens is that we do not all ignore the same things.-Albert Einstein.

-Being independent is a matter of a small minority, it is the privilege of the strong.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-What does not kill me, makes me stronger.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-The greatest mystery in the world is that it is understandable.-Albert Einstein.

-Give man health and goals to achieve and he will not stop to think about whether or not he is happy.-George Bernard Shaw.

-Fear can take men to any extreme.-George Bernard Shaw.

-The worst thing that can happen to a man is to think badly of himself.-Goethe.

-Knowing is not enough, we must apply. It is not enough to want, it must also be done.-Goethe.

-Love and desire are the wings of the spirit of great deeds.-Goethe.

-Many men are never wrong because they do not propose anything reasonable.-Goethe.

-Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.-Thomas Jefferson.

-Nothing can prevent man from achieving his goal when he has a correct mental attitude; Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.-Thomas Jefferson.

-I like the dreams of the future more than the history of the past.-Thomas Jefferson.

-Never spend money before earning it. -Thomas Jefferson.

-When you do something act like the whole world is looking at you.-Thomas Jefferson.

-It is always better to have no ideas than to have false ideas; to believe in nothing, than to believe in what is wrong.-Thomas Jefferson.

-Who knows more, knows how little he knows. -Thomas Jefferson.

-Don't talk about what you did or what you are going to do. -Thomas Jefferson.

-When you are upset, count to ten before speaking. If you are very upset, count to a hundred.-Thomas Jefferson

-Almost all men can endure adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.-Abraham Lincoln

-You cannot escape the responsibilities of tomorrow by avoiding them today.-Abraham Lincoln.

-Make sure you put your foot in the right place, then stand your ground.-Abraham Lincoln

-The most effective way to do it is to do it.-Amelia Earhart.

-For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.-H-L. Mencken.

-Love is like war: easy to start but very difficult to finish. H-L. Mencken.

- Wherever you go, go with all your heart.-Confucius.

-When it is obvious that the goals cannot be achieved, do not adjust the goals, adjust the steps.-Confucius.

-Only wise men and stupid men never change.-Confucius.

-A superior man is modest in his speech, but excels in his actions.- Confucius.

-We are what we think we are.-C.S. Lewis.

-Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life.-Omar Khayyam.

-Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.-Carol Burnett.

-Very little is needed to be happy in life; It is all within you, in your way of thinking.-Marco Aurelio.

-Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievement.-Jim Rohn.

-The journey of thousands begins with one step.-Lao Tzu.

-He embraces the philosophy of nature: his secret is patience.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Small things make great things happen.-John Wooden.

-Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.-Immanuel Kant.

-You always have two options: your commitment against your fear.-Sammy Davis, Jr.

-The best answer of true wisdom is silence.-Euripides.

-Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens.-Jimi Hendrix.

-It is better to be a lion for a day than to be a sheep for a lifetime.-Elizabeth Kenny.

-Commitment is an action, not a word.-Jean-Paul Sartre.

-Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake-Napoleon Bonaparte.

-Always be the best version of yourself, instead of being someone else's second version.-Judy Garland.

-Turn your wounds into wisdom.-Oprah Winfrey.

-If you do not know where you are going, any path will take you there.-Lewis Carroll.

-Silence is the dream that feeds wisdom.-Francis Bacon.

-Patience is the companion of wisdom.-Saint Augustine.

-There is only one happiness in this life; love and be loved.-George Sand.

-Choose a job that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.-Confucius.

-All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.-Mark Twain.

-Change is the law of life. And those who look only at the past or the present will certainly miss the future.-John F. Kennedy.

-The purpose of human life is to serve, show compassion and a willingness to help others.-Albert Schweitzer.

-Without music, life would be a mistake.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-Confidence is the glue of life. It is the main ingredient in effective communication. It is the fundamental principle that sustains all relationships.-Stephen Covey.

-Do what you need to do and enjoy life as it happens.-John Scalzi.

-Life begins where your comfort zone ends.-Neale Donald Walsch.

-Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vindictive and malicious.-Phillips Brooks.

-Open your eyes, look inside. Are you satisfied with the life you are living? -Bob Marley.

-If the only prayer you say in your life is thank you, that will be enough.-Meister Eckhart.

-Even a happy life cannot exist without a measure of darkness.-Carl Jung.

-Life is too short not to celebrate the good times.-Jurgen Klopp.

-Without pressure there would be no diamonds.-Mary Case.

-My destiny is lucidity.-Antonio Escohotado.

-The truth is not the truth.-Rudolph Giuliani

-Hopefully we can have the courage to be alone, and the courage to risk being together.-Eduardo Galeano.

-The illiterate of this century will not be those who do not know how to write and read, but those who do not know how to learn, unlearn and relearn.-Alvin Toffler.

-Free are those who create, not those who copy; and free are those who think, not those who obey.-Eduardo Galeano.

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