These biblical questions are some of the most repetitive questions from people who approach The Bible as a spiritual guide book.
The Bible is one of the oldest and most recognized books in the world. To be more exact, the Bible is not a book as such, it really is a set of books where the relationship between God and humanity is related. It is considered a work of Divine Inspiration for Judaism and Christianity.
The books that are part of this set of works are considered canonical and from Christianity they are considered to be 73 the sacred books and are distributed in: Old and New Testaments, this division is given by the arrival of Jesus, who begins the New Testament.
We know that this topic is exciting and brings us many questions, so we want to share some of the questionsmost important biblical.
Here is a compendium of biblical questions with answers for people of all ages.
According to the Bible, the wisest man is King Solomon, who was also the richest man that ever lived..
The angel that appeared in "The Annunciation" was the Archangel Gabriel.
The apostle who denied Jesus was Peter.
God sent Noah to build an Ark.
According to Genesis, the first thing God created was the heavens and the earth.
According to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus preached in the Temple in Jerusalem when he was 12 years old..
The shortest book in the Bible is considered to be the Second Letter of John.
The plagues of Egypt were seven, namely: Transformation of water into blood, proliferation of frogs, death of livestock, Hail, invasion of locusts and the death of the firstborn.
The apostles who accompanied Jesus were: Peter, James the greatest, John, Bartholomew, Philip, Andrew, James the less, Judas Iscariot, Judas Thaddeus, Thomas, Matthias, Matthew and Simon Zealot.
The author who contributed the most was Moses, who wrote the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch, the primordial basis of the Holy Scriptures.
The Bible is considered as a text of divine inspiration, because although it was written by more than 40 different authors, it is said that these were written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
According to what is found in Exodus. On one occasion God guided Moses to the Red Sea, told him to extend his staff over the sea, and in this act God sent his divine breath and divided the waters.
According to the Bible, the strongest man who ever lived was Samson, who according to the biblical account helped save the Israelites from the Philistines.
This is one of the most shocking stories within the biblical questions. It is said that John was beheaded by order of King Herod who wanted to please the daughter of Herodias, who asked for John's head when feeling displaced by him.
The longest or longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119 which has 176 verses.
Because he wants human beings to develop their conscience and act according to God's law from their own discernment and will..
The oldest book in the Bible is considered by many experts to be the book of Job.
Ancient language experts agree that the Bible was written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Classical Greek..
According to biblical stories, the men who did not die were Elijah and Enoch. Elijah was taken to heaven by chariots of fire according to the book of Kings, and Enoch walked with God and one day decided to take him to heaven, as narrated in Genesis.
The best-selling book in all of history is The Bible, and even today it is still the best-selling book worldwide.
The Bible was first printed in 1454 by none other than Johannes Gutemberg. Taking into account that Gutemberg was the father of printing, you should know that another of the curiosities is that The Bible was the first book printed in what we know as the printing press..
According to what is postulated in the Bible, the shield that God offers to Christians is faith, the helmet is the salvation that protects their head and the sword is the Word of God..
We hope that these biblical questions have given you interesting new information on this topic that lends itself to the best reflections in all cultures..
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