Main foods rich in sulfur they are eggs, red meat, chicken, fish, milk and their derivatives. Vegans satisfy their sulfur intake through the consumption of soybeans, seeds, grains, and nuts. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the human body, in percentage terms, in relation to total body weight.
Sulfur is the sixth mineral present in breast milk in terms of quantity. In addition, it is directly involved in the body's energy metabolism. The liver uses it for the elimination of alcohol and its detoxification of other chemicals, toxins and heavy metals.
Sulfur maintains connective tissues, muscle function and the nervous system and is an essential element for life. There is no recommended daily intake value for sulfur and no toxicity or effects caused by a deficiency of this element have been reported..
However, it has been suggested that an intake of 0.2 to 1.5 grams of sulfur per day should be sufficient to obtain all the benefits of this mineral and, at the same time, ensure that it is being consumed responsibly and without falling into The excesses.
The main source of sulfur in the diet are the amino acids cysteine and methionine, which are part of some proteins. Another sulfur chemical ingested with some foods is methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), also known as methyl or dimethyl sulfone..
This is an organic form of sulfur and a very effective antioxidant that can be found naturally in crucifers and alliaceae, fruits, and raw milk. However, in the case of plant foods, the MSM content may vary depending on the sulfur composition of the soil where they were produced..
A third sulfurous source is foods that provide two of the B complex vitamins: thiamine or vitamin B1 and biotin or vitamin H or B7. Sulfur is responsible for the characteristic aroma of garlic, the substances that stimulate the tear glands when cutting an onion, the smell of urine when eating asparagus and the smell of rotten eggs.
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, asparagus, turnips, and Brussels sprouts are rich sources of sulfur substances known as glucosinolates, which have a pungent aroma and a mildly bitter taste..
During preparation, chewing and digestion, glucosinolates are broken down into compounds known as isothiocyanates and indoles, which are studied for their possible anticancer properties..
Sulfuran, an organosulfur compound found in broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, inhibits mitochondrial permeability and reduces oxidative stress.
In a rural community in China with high levels of environmental pollution and a high incidence rate of liver cancer, the ingestion of a drink made with broccoli rich in sulforans increased the urinary excretion of the particles of air pollution.
Consuming broccoli sprouts reduced oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes in a double-blind trial, using a placebo with the control group. Organosulfur compounds in all types of crucifers have the potential to reduce or counteract carcinogens derived from high-temperature cooking..
Summary of Sulfur-Rich Vegetables:
Protein-rich foods, such as fish, chicken, and pork and beef, are not only essential for building and maintaining healthy skin, nails, and hair, but they are also a good source of sulfur. Cysteine and methionine are two sulfur amino acids present in meat foods and serve as a source of sulfur for cells.
Depending on the cut, meats provide between 166 and 395 mg of sulfur per 100 g of edible portion.
Lamb and game meats are also good sources of sulfur. Sulfur amino acids are not only part of proteins, they also serve as enzymatic cofactors that help carry out certain chemical reactions.
Summary of Sulfur-Rich Meats:
Most fish and seafood are good sources of methionine and cysteine. Fish provide between 171 and 270 mg of sulfur per 100 g of edible portion. In 100 g of shellfish there are between 265 and 401 mg of sulfur.
In addition to being a rich source of protein, it is also a source of sulfur, with egg white having the highest proportion. In a cooked egg there are approximately 190 mg of methionine and 135 mg of cysteine. 100 g of egg white provide about 182.5 mg of sulfur, and 100 g of yolk provide 164.5 mg.
The yolk contains cholesterol, the intake of which is associated with an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Dairy is a good source of sulfur amino acids. Dairy products include different types of cheese, which provide between 186 and 321 mg of sulfur per 100 g.
Milk also provides sulfur but in less quantity. For example, in a cup of skim milk there are approximately 200 mg of methionine and 50 mg of cysteine..
However, it should be noted that MSM is quickly lost during heating, so, for example, pasteurized milk is not a good contributor..
Summary of dairy products with sulfur:
Garlic, onion, leeks, and green onion or chives contain organosulfur compounds that have shown promising anticancer properties in in vitro studies. Sulfur compounds in garlic protect mice (study subjects) from peroxidative damage and increase glutathione activity in the liver.
Glutathione is the largest antioxidant in the body. If the meat marinated in garlic and onion is prepared prior to cooking, the formation of heterocyclic amines, which are carcinogenic compounds, is reduced..
Sulfur compounds derived from onion improve glucose tolerance in diabetic rats, which compounds derived from garlic do not. On the other hand, mustard provides 1280 mg of sulfur per 100 g.
Summary of alliaceae with sulfur:
A half-cup serving of spirulina, a seaweed, contains 650 mg of methionine and 370 mg of cysteine. A one-cup serving of soybeans has 1000 mg of methionine and 1200 mg of cysteine. In addition, tea is a great sulfur contributor, providing about 177 mg per 100 g.
Many types of nuts provide those nutrients, including Brazil nuts, which have 65 mg of methionine and 245 mg of cysteine in half a cup..
Some fruits like raspberries contain significant amounts of sulfur. However, dried fruits have a greater quantity and are the ones that contribute the most.
These provide organic sulfur, which acts as an aid in reducing allergies.
Some Fruits with sulfur:
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