25 motivational graduation phrases

Simon Doyle
25 motivational graduation phrases

The graduation phrases They have a high emotional component because they come at a time when we are saying goodbye to an important stage in our life, and that is why they have to be forceful, sensitive and inspiring.

Choosing the perfect graduation phrases is often a challenge, because those who deliver them or write closing speeches, they have to unleash their full potential to reach the hearts of those who listen to them. Thinking about this today we want to share some ideas about graduation phrases that you will love.

Graduation phrases that you will not be able to forget

1. That we manage to transmit to our children this grace of being simply men and women “all terrain”, citizens of the world.

Transmitting who we are, the essence of humanity, goes beyond simply charting a professional course. When we move as human beings we awaken our most experiential part.

two. People talk about getting lucky in their careers. I am proof that the lucky break theory is simply wrong. You get your own luck. The world is run by those who make themselves known, not by those who wait to be asked about them.

Teaching people to build their own destiny is vital to their success. Remind them that dreams are useless without action, it is the beginning of the creation of a full life.

3. You have an education. Your certification is your title. You may think of it as a ticket to a good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as a ticket to change the world

Encouraging the new generations to find vocations that do not serve only for personal development, but to positively impact the collective, is the first step to create a more empathetic and humane society.

4. Although no one has been able to go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start over now and make a new ending..

We all have the opportunity to create a different world, if we can transcend the barriers of attachment to the known and dare to conceive a different world.

5. Use the talents you have in life: the forest would be very quiet if only the birds that sing the best sang.

We are all different, we have multiple intelligences, diverse talents and each one is important in the world. Don't try to fit in, develop your own talents and transform the world with them.

6. We have fought a lot to study and graduate, but the irony of all this is that ... today the real fight begins.

Reaching a graduation is a goal, however, that does not mean that it is the end, it is only one step in a chain of triumphs. At the time of graduation, one stage ends to start another.

7. Formal education has its lights and its shadows. Our effort, beyond the fact that today we are graduates, can serve to energize the lights and make the shadows disappear.

The main objective of education is to train conscious human beings capable of generating a change in the world. It is useless to perpetuate educational systems that distance us from humanity, the idea is to look for all that there is light in education to help the world shine.

8. We can make market forces work better for the poor if we develop more creative capitalism, if we stretch the reach of those forces so that more people profit from them, or at least make a living, if we serve the people who they suffer the worst injustices. You have more than we had, you must start earlier and continue longer.

Our society is giving a change towards more empathetic mentalities, capable of dreaming a world in which we all have the opportunity to live in a dignified way. Good professionals are those who fulfill their mission in a way that positively develops themselves and the world in which they live..

9. Educating is having faith in the person being educated. The most sincere compliment you can give your child is to show him that you trust him, giving him freedom.

The most important gifts a father can give his child are education and trust. It is useless to give the best education to a human being, if then we seek to restrict their freedom.

10. For a long time, the experts, the people who are supposed to be able to tell you what to do, will tell you that you are not capable of doing something even when you know that you are. And many times it will be your own friends ... the ones who tell you that you can do it.

Great ideas almost always have opponents, those who are not capable of generating change, are opposed to others taking their own paths. Never give up, you will see that those who love you will always trust you, no matter how far-fetched your idea may seem..

eleven. It doesn't matter how far you can go. At some point you are destined to stumble. If you are constantly pushing yourself higher, the law of averages, not to mention the myth of Icarus, predicts that you will fall at some point. And when you do, you must remember one thing: there is nothing like failure. Failure is simply life trying to move us in another direction.

Failure teaches us even more than success. If you have a positive mind, you will know that you never fail and that life is a kaleidoscope with millions of opportunities to explore..

12. We are facing a very volatile work environment. Learn every day to reinvent yourself, be creative, never let short-termism turn off your great ideas.

The world of work is wide and diverse, as everything is constantly changing, people opt for ideas that give them short-term profits and forget about processes. Always remember that great ideas require patience and great efforts.

Short graduation phrases

13. Do not go where the path leads. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trace.

This is one of the graduation phrases that encourages us to fight for our dreams, to connect with our passions, no matter how absurd they may seem, to choose the path of the heart.

14. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream

Life would be very different if we were taught to love our dreams, rather than conditioning us to live lives aimed simply at getting money..

fifteen. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

We are the creators of our own destiny, it depends on us to be proactive with what we dream of, invent new ways of living life and achieve our wishes.

16. A wise man will build more opportunities than he finds.

Do not settle for the paths traced by others, dare to create your own paths, to see a new opportunity at every moment.

17. If you believe in what you say, if you believe in what you do, you will be more effective, more passionate and more authentic in everything you do..

Be passionate about what you are and what you dream of, whoever believes in himself is destined to live a great life according to his wishes.

18. Education is the best provision for old age.

He who educates himself is the one who best prepares himself for old age. There is no greater treasure than education.

19. What counts is not the number of hours we dedicate to work, but the quality of the work we perform in those hours.

A job that is done to be done is useless. The true work is that which is done with the soul, that in which we put all our heart.

twenty. The one who always triumphs is not great, but the one who is never discouraged.

Success is part of life and failure is also part of life, you have to learn to live with this reality and make every difficulty an opportunity to do better and move forward.

twenty-one. Just remember, you can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets..

No matter what your concept of success is, you will only come to it through action. The triumph comes to the one who has built it.

22. Education is the key to open the world, it is your passport to freedom.

Education has the ability to open our minds and with it a world of possibilities. If we want to be free, we must first be able to break the chains imposed and that can only be achieved through education.

2. 3. When you start your way, the first thing you do is throw away the map you bought in the store and start drawing your own..

You can only aspire to a full life, if you dare to create your own path, to build a life at the height of your dreams. Leave the legacy scripts now and dare to write your own story.

24. The one who does not know is like the one who does not see

Knowledge opens our eyes, helps us to look at the world in different ways, to see life from different shades.

25. Wherever you go, go with all your heart

No one will be happy living a life alien to their own heart. What you always feel is the compass, that's the only way to find success.

We hope that these graduation phrases and their reflections have given you an idea to build a great speech, create posters or give a unique gift to those people who are culminating such an important part of their lives. Remember that a phrase can be a unique gift because it can fill the heart with motivation.

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