285 rare words and their meaning

Basil Manning

I leave you with a list of weird words with its meaning, a series of unusual terms, technicalities, colloquialisms that most are in disuse and that perhaps you did not even know existed.

I hope this extensive list will surprise you, help you learn more about the great linguistic variety that the Spanish language has and, why not, help you expand your vocabulary.

Source: pixabay.com

-Unfading: that cannot be withered.

-Vate: fortune teller, poet.

-Penseque: error born of lightness, carelessness or lack of meditation.

-Mesticia: grief, grief, sadness.

-Mazorral: rude, rude, coarse.

-Mandanga: phlegm, indolence, delay. It is also used to refer to nonsense or stories.

-Death: death of a person.

-Aurora: soft pink light that appears before the sun rises.

-Columbrar: spotting, seeing something from afar without distinguishing it well.

-Rauco: hoarse, hoarse.

-Quiescent: that is inactive, still, without movement.

-Night owl: kindred person who is usually more active at night.

-Weak: rotten or corrupted.

-Acuity: subtlety, sharpness, liveliness.

-Yerto: stiff, stiff, rough.

-Frenzy: raging delusion.

-Old: extremely old, outdated.

-Obyx: obstacle, hindrance, impediment.

-Ósculo: kiss of respect or affection.

-Anger: aversion, ill will.

-Horrity: scum, vile and despicable thing; garbage.

-Popar: despise or despise someone.

-Argayo: landslide and stones on the side of a mountain.

-Burning: pure, without blemish or blemish.

-Jámparo: boat, boat, canoe.

-Arachid: peanut, peanut.

-Bahorrina: dirt; disgusting things mixed in dirty water. Also used to refer to a group of mean people.

-Sketching: arranging or executing something with more or less skill.

-Bagual: lacking in civility or culture, rude.

-Tabarra: annoyance caused by something heavy and insistent.

-Enteralgia: medical term for acute intestinal pain.

-Tarambana: crazy person, of little judgment

-Socolor: pretext and appearance to conceal and cover up the motive or purpose of an action.

-Stinging: sensation similar to that caused by burning.

-Ethereal: something alien to this world.

-Bureo: entertainment, fun.

-Serendipity: unexpected and lucky find derived from looking for something different.

-Piruja: young woman, free and outspoken. It is also used as a synonym for prostitute or easy.

-Berraco: great person, strong, out of the ordinary, bold, enterprising and motivated.

-Hinge: animal resulting from the cross between a horse and a donkey.

-Padrejón: hysteria in men.

-Vituper: disgrace, offense, insult, slander.

-Proceloso: stormy, stormy, stormy.

-Capigorrón: idle and vagabond.

-Preterir: to ignore a person or thing.

-Circumspect: prudent, serious, decent and measured person in the face of circumstances.

-Fúcar: very rich man and farmer.

-Ephemeral: temporary or short-lived.

-Mellifluous: excessively soft, sweet or delicate sound.

-Caler: something that is necessary, something necessary.

-Immeasurable: something so big and / or that it is not possible to measure it.

-Barbián: outgoing, dashing, daring person.

-Agibílibus: skillful, resourceful and mischievous person to get on in life.

-Bahúno: rude or mean person.

-Harassing: mistreating, annoying, persecuting someone, harming him or making him suffer.

-Geek: quirky, weird, eccentric person.

-Verberar: whipping, whipping, punishing with spanking.

-Zaragutear: to confuse, to entangle, to do things with inexperience and run over.

-Acmé: climax, peak or maximum.

-Oíslo: husband; dear and esteemed person.

-Phillies: skill, grace and delicacy in doing or saying things.

-Lycurgus: clever, cunning, skilled.

-Lepar: taking away someone's property with deception or violence.

-Pastrano: what is crude or poorly done.

-Arrecido: numb from cold.

-Obreption: False narration of a fact, which is made to the superior to obtain or obtain from him a rescript, employment or dignity to hide the impediment to its achievement.

-Brush: vegetable waste.

-Drilled: that his mental faculties are disturbed.

-Advocate: defend an idea or thing that is considered useful or adequate.

-Expedite: person who is prompt or quick to act.

-Corito: naked or in leathers.

-Plepa: person or animal with many physical or moral defects; annoying or annoying thing.

-Panties: man who is easily dominated or persuaded, especially by his wife.

-Handle: ambidextrous, using both hands.

-Figón: menial house, where food is cooked and sold.

-Impender: spend money, spend it, invest it.

-Caletre: skill, discernment, ability.

-Noctívago: person who likes to go out or wander at night.

-Femo: manure.

-Tocio / stump: dwarf or short.

-Hominicaco: cowardly man with bad character.

-Basca: craving, wanting to vomit.

-Repoy: reject, repudiate.

-Abuhado: swollen, groggy or pale, having a bad color.

-Nesciencia: ignorance, foolishness, lack of science.

-Mandilón: man of little spirit and coward.

-Inenarrable: something difficult to describe.

-Dissertation: who speaks with ease and abundance of arguments.

-Splín: melancholy, boredom and deep boredom of life.

-Mucus: mold, grime, mucus.

-Belitre: rogue, rogue, rascal.

-Commendation: High Praise.

-Jayán: person of great stature, robust and of many forces.

-Ochavo: lacking in value, also used to refer to the eighth of an integer.

-Buido: sharp.

-Ampo: resplendent whiteness.

-Lenguaraz: that dominates two or more languages.

-Synergy: action of two or more causes whose effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects.

-Luminescence: property that allows an object to emit a dim but perceptible light in the dark.

-Mengua: poverty, need and scarcity of something.

-Dowser: insightful and scrutinizing person, who easily discovers or guesses what other people think or feel.

-Panoli: simple and easy to fool.

-Stupid: stupid, stupid, foolish.

-Philphobia: fear of falling in love

-Canker: cancerous or malignant tumor.

-Wart: Stingy man, miser, usurer.

-Uxoricide: death caused to the woman by her husband.

-Memez: simplicity, mindlessness.

-Abarse: get out of the way or clear the way.

-Alveo: mother of a river or stream.

-Pacho: indolent.

-Inquiries: sharpness, insight.

-Adir: expressly accepting an inheritance.

-Vilification: contempt, lack of esteem, denigration of someone or something.

-Elation: haughtiness, presumption, arrogance.

-Esguín: salmon farming that has not yet left the rivers to the sea.

-Napia: a person's nose, especially when it is disproportionate.

-Lena: vigor.

-Ambrosia: something divine, a delicacy, a delight.

-Shabby: stingy, miserable, sloppy, dirty.

-Rose hip: wild rose.

-Canchal: crag, site of large stones.

-Author: person who favors and helps another.

-Crapulous: scoundrel.

-Recancamusa: trick or device to cover up a deception.

-Aciberar: pulverize, grind.

-Alijarar: distribute land for cultivation.

-Catatar: enchant, fascinate.

-Tiliche: trinket, gadget, candy.

-Cancan: wander, wander or wander aimlessly.

-Sucker: person who, without providing effective services, receives one or more salaries.

-Añascar: gradually gather small things of little value.

-Dysosmia: a condition that makes it difficult to perceive odors.

-Palliate: cover up, disguise, co-honor, justify something.

-Fusco: dark; pistol or handgun.

-Iridescence: optical phenomenon that causes the light to vary, resembling the rainbow or generating said tonalities.

-Floreo: vain and superfluous saying or conversation.

-Chontal: rustic and uneducated person.

-Dubio: that which is questionable.

-Filfa: lie, deception, fake news.

-Guedeja: long hair.

-Lezne: easily disintegrated or disintegrated.

-Speed ​​bump: depression or channel that is made in a road to give way to a short flow of water.

-Ribaldo: rogue, mischievous

-Testera: front or main facade of something. It is also used to refer to the head.

-Den: Beast Den.

-Carmacal: old and ailing person.

-Breading: when on the moon, groggy. He who does not find out anything.

-Zamujo: it is said like this to a person who is embarrassed, withdrawn or not very talkative.

-Manducar: eat food.

-Zaborro: chubby man or boy.

-Vilordo: lazy, slow.

-Fragor: thunderous noise.

-Golden: similar to gold or golden.

-Mollear: Doing a thing, yielding or bending by force or pressure.

-Culamen: ass, buttocks, butt.

-Feint: gesture of threat that is made with the intention of deceiving someone.

-Usgo: disgust, disgust.

-Limitation: involuntary state of romantic attraction to a person, with the desire to be reciprocated in the same way.

-Grandevo: very old person or old man.

-Side: dilated, extended.

-Baldon: insult, affront, injury.

-Abracadabrante: very surprising and puzzling.

-Carraña: anger, anger.

-Exult: Show joy, joy, satisfaction.

-Rolling up your sleeves: lifting the sleeves of clothing or energetically resolving something.

-Dryness: bland, annoying.

-Verbigracia: fact or said that is mentioned to exemplify.

-Pistar: crush, squeeze something or extract the juice.

-Vulpino: that referring to or resembling foxes.

-Aporrar: being left without an answer or speechless.

-Ineffable: something so incredible that it cannot be explained in words.

-Hardiness: strength, fortitude or vigor.

-Sloop: hideous scream, scream or voice.

-Carpanta: violent hunger.

-Epulón: man who eats and gives himself a lot.

-Confute: convincingly contest the contrary opinion.

-Asnear: to speak or act foolishly.

-Nubile: person of marriageable age.

-Syndéresis: discretion, natural ability to judge fairly.

-Packing: Catch, catch, catch.

-Paguro: hermit.

-Occlusion: obstruction of a canal.

-Nefelibata: used to refer to a dreamy person who seems to be oblivious to reality.

-Cócora: impertinent and annoying person in excess.

-Mandria: timid, useless and of little or no value.

-Harpo: scratching or tearing with fingernails; make strips or pieces something.

-Pescudar: find out, ask.

-Baruca: entanglement or artifice to prevent the effect of something.

-Barzón: lazy and idle person, who does not like to work.

-Gándara: low land, uncultivated and full of weeds.

-Pelanas: worthless and despicable person.

-Sandio: foolish or simple

-Gurdo: foolish, simple, foolish.

-Sidereal: sidereal, belonging to the stars.

-Pesete: kind of oath or curse.

-Epistaxis: nosebleed.

-Cáfila: group or multitude of people, animals or things, especially those that are in motion and go one after another.

-Parné: money, property, wealth, goods of any kind.

-Venustez: perfect or very graceful beauty.

-Taciturn: person who is generally quiet or silent.

-Fistol: cunning and shrewd man, particularly in the game.

-Bresca: honeycomb.

-Pravo: wicked, evil and of damaged customs.

-Contumacia: tenacity and toughness in maintaining a mistake.

-Sicofanta: impostor, slanderer.

-Endino: bad, unworthy, perverse.

-Protervo: perverse, stubborn in evil.

-Vagamundo: an itinerant person, who goes from one place to another in the world, wandering and without a fixed address.

-Amover: destroy, lay down something of your job or destiny.

-Adarvar: stun, stun.

-Bienquisto: of good reputation and generally esteemed.

-Pigre: slow, negligent, lazy.

-Trolero: liar, liar.

-Everlasting: something of indefinite duration, perpetual.

-Parpar: duck squawk.

-Nantar: increase, increase, multiply.

-Epiphany: moment of a surprising revelation.

-Ataraxia: conscious and deep tranquility, serenity, absence of disturbances.

-Bull: Strong, robust and muscular.

-Parvific: scarce, short and miserable in spending.

-Avezar: acquire a habit or habit.

-Erasing: writing without a specific subject or objective, scribbling.

-Andrómina: lie, entanglement.

-Hoot: scream or yell.

-Flagrant: something that burns or glows like fire.

-Jindama: fear, cowardice.

-Mythomania: addiction to lying.

-Estrus: stimulus, ardor, inspiration. It is also used to refer to heat in mammals.

-Zolocho: simple, goofy, stunned or not expeditious.

-Achares: jealousy, restlessness.

-Demerged: downcast, sunken.

-Petricor: name given to the smell of rain when it falls on dry soils.

-Papahuevos: bobalicón or pazguato.

-Acharar: cause embarrassment, reddening, annoying, disturbing.

-Tern: rude and rascal person.

-Ajotar: harass, incite, incite.

-Alacrity: joy and readiness of mind to do something.

-Alalo: mute, deprived of speech.

-Isagoge: introduction or preamble.

-Uncouth: it is said like this to a person who is rude or rough in their manners, or lacking in tact in their behavior.

-Cause: high and temporary fever without serious consequences.

-Arrebol: acquisition of the reddish tone of the clouds when illuminated by sunlight.

-Kindness: simplicity, goodness and honesty of character and behavior.

-Ignominy: infamy, affront, folly.

-Pamphilus: candid, silly, slow to act.

-Tuitivo: that guards, protects and defends.

-Miriñaque: jewel of little value that is used for decoration or entertainment.

-Perennial: something that does not cease, that is not interrupted.

-Abstruse: difficult to understand.

-Maulón: tricky or lazy person.

-Dicaz: who speaks with ease and grace, sharp and humorously biting.

-Apapachar: caress the soul, embrace.

-Suspect: fear, distrust or suspect.

-Ambedo: melancholic trance in which only attention is paid to raindrops, wind or heat that touches the hands.

-Ablation: removal of any organ or part of the body.

-Pursue: investigate, search for something carefully and diligently.

-Salacious: very inclined to lust.

-Badomy: said or fact devoid of meaning; a nonsense.

-Retrouvailles: joy of meeting someone again after a long time.

-Stentor: man with a powerful voice.

-Jinx: person who has or brings bad luck.

-Deprecar: beg, request, plead effectively or instance.

-Ambigú: buffet. Table with set of hors d'oeuvres and saucers.

-Lung: soaked with water, damp.

-Profitable: profitable, advantageous, favorable.

-Hoot: cry, lament, howl.

-Cucar: wink the eye. It is also used to refer to teasing or teasing.

-Picio: how to say to an extremely ugly person.

-Acarpus: that does not bear fruit.

-Camota: head in a humorous sense.

-Befar: teasing or taunting someone.

-Storehouse: barn, salt store.

-Dreamlike: what is it about dreams.

-Jipiar: sing with a voice similar to a moan.

-Cerracatín: stingy and miserable person.

-Superfluous: left over or not necessary.

-Mimbrar: overwhelm, annoy, humiliate.

-Coluvie: sheaf of rogues or lost people.

-Orate: person who lacks or has lost his mind. Also used synonymously with crazy.

-Vulturno: discomfort or suffocation produced by something that offends, annoys or embarrasses.

-Heñir: knead the bread dough with your fists.

-Dischange: undo a trade or exchange.

-Modrego: Clumsy subject, dirty, talkative and without skill or grace at all.

-Recejar: retreat, retreat.

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